ThyIiiC11g cnDal VOL. Xv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1904. No. 34 HARD) PRACTICEZ Yost Makes Men Work Hard for Two Hours and a Half-End Position Still Open-Regular Backfield Oat of Scrimmage. Yesterdlayte football squladi hadl One Of thr halrdest, practiceofth seaslii orto houarnd1a hall h 111a1icaed1 1On the oharging nia- c1hi00 andlin111101 sp111e1,1 ran1r1 las riced roll 111111 0rind1 goal1kin :; l enoiing with signal placice noad Sod Longmian11Nv1111 1101in the0ir 110s1- er 11111espeia-lly O 111 nin ii (in tard biiliki-against1 tleiscrubs. Ther 01i11st0l1a1pr1tty-race for thr tWO en'oili111o101s, (Clark1andSIuart; thli0 11theirs1111111 1 oh 11111 011011111g1is11he liiieof he in'ar- 0lak1. t. uris 1 ;, edlian - I" h, Pa rik;11 1 . Ii I i 1; f., 1000s i i i " i I s E c G 19117 LITS DEFEATED h'1'11 190 Lits0weredefeated0. 10 kLaws by1 a s)1 reof 117 to110.11 lii01- Lets k11ed1o11to1t1eLaws, ho car-11 sh110 11 ahililtI to 1c11r1 the Iball, b1t11 bot 1wre ea ol01 fns.'finh Li10 11held 1f 111111w 10 01l 111110 0110 Y' ien11a11h'l endcnol t he'11liirs half, l' leaig 111e1s110e1' to0 I. llarlow madail spect001acuilar' pIay1 by 01011110 1111'balloni a 111111111'11111r1111 01110 10011y yards for 11louchd~owin. 'Pile Law ine11-t11p 1a0: 1.., Ba1101 0110; 1. t.,oe, llrmiann 1i'. r'orpo;c Madison; r. g., I-oct ci 111111; 1 1., f.,B Los ; 1. h.,1101111 0100il1. t,.0 1111110; . g., t Dlon~ 1. (0111oa111)., 1' o1101 ;11, gi Cur ch;g, ro 1t111111.d- \'; r.l e. 100o,01-tr1.0 S~htiraesbWll;0r0 Ike inli Majority.rd in1110 e 1010.'Ito le 'Refree(i 1111 Knight. Head linesan-110eagile.i~O Meal O Willlkom o'01 COlnast Thefro Ballo0111100,e1011Illiois.tofil Man noaj ority.11. ookni elect0o(hay111-1proaychesadanyo of tl tun tsn're pIta'ning;000to0g1 rhe1polldence from st111111101,d11ou0111 c11t--l'on1-0100 10111p0111111'frooiii th loly1111nesteYork. tictsi l-n 0 Ohio. n 10ahr . 011 111ioi0.aoiii if t11he lesso otiirs 1wic h w110 10111seeal1(11limoe1101-noliha1111000 f0 lorlareIol stateI 00cenltrl com1mial te1s so 011111ey 10y01avililsineIIIll th 1101101s1her1zi 00the 11101(11s0t110n 11-a]ol the resenout 11 lok, it1se111 ii setdoubtf011'loo 1(0i 1il Alitlclubs 1here1111hav01e teow011 100funisthilfree 11tr nortain01(11) 11101 membriilo (matterl where they001 li- '01011 ub a in liaili' haved nol 10st deagottefofm1s11te01o1 coint n t oilspondence. Pnilol ha ae of o (hifar, lusi25lnts111 tei llecurd hont10010 niiiirali tinglaline50wilt roal gohom ra CRI7ICE [REGEKNS - INTEIR-S~OChIY DEBlAE REGRTI FRICTION Modical Soceties Raise Uft-Osussed 001111 Ill af Contests to te Mici- Chicago Letter Depreciates Ie Ps- Qucstion of IFree Hospital gan-Northwestern Debate- siblity of Break-Up of Alketic I realm nt Ior "Rich and 'bang Teams in Relations Between Michi- Pamr Alike"the Fiel.i ga and Chicago. Thea 11111o1 te1 oad1o1rgets I Ls vein1th1frs1o1th1ite-hicago 111., No. 101, 194. ofoourvril In111-0 1-11 ig fe ot-vd~a laig 11 011u11 lp t11theli 11is 1de101d110l1yiunflotunae that to 11(1 fn ra to11i1 h and 1loot 1(1l1- a .ti ptaIll 1 111(11111 1, c1ni loiiili C(00111(11lli l cbv e ile amgell sits,11 h~dc!tr o 111111n111 n( Wa0n l ] '111( 110' 0 11 1111 , iill he, the i a l v rs11(1 ,Xshoulildnow1-110 afoc o u10011thie .; iii Iecooi,'Tile 01 eso0 lut iotemsofte 1(11 ad efs-i-1111101ic(1relat111110w1111111 have MOiciga~n 11(1111. by11 li mediclb s,1(1 (15' g o f tal l( soiie1111 which11.111 i chi se1n)1y1 nd10111iinin11001 n ifurlia rsoli he ths 10 I ii pr1es -(anilt(tisi-i 1. Ii t1(latwk' ontiii II Satu1r10y01 thre1e1n1iuion0(111ave010continu01111is actio 11001111 ilc eiii 100111nithelli'gro 11(101- 1(11 1-10 1011 ('11111111p'h01Niti his10(0e11f(1peace10and 00arm1nycolog lii oiit l 1t: 11 a 111111 attackoil he 101 il' 0liideba11. The11innersill of 1101 01111111001111uch1111lations1wouldSO te p.o,11111 l adif1nani1 l 111111 s i of ths(5coliests i l com0111e(e111oh o geuyinju11011 to ea strnOi college - - - - - - -dclied to 'i M c 'a.n (('111m 1111ir i11111 11101 0 1111(20st(1d1nos fel that the it- h .sdeqete ria yic~ ti ll' 0e11e1n011111n1is1deplora1b110ani hop 11100it not belocioedbyltei Dalii lst . c ii0-vestinig, (s 111,1re 010 0 cant iinter 111fee oitegames 1110111 ll-hi 0110111111111 erPn'iii's--liadyoscheduled 111r this season, so i uabeto11obtain111'111offiil haersou.' Te 1 i'rsniaii te((0111an.d 111111'o he01011 wil be canceled. l(owig 0pii 111,11(11 ne(1 1111111 1 il(,Ieam;Flether 'andlis;1r100101acle.i Thi sone0000a ats- licl papers:1Blanchard, who le.ich ulign (t111 1a0(t1r1'agrenift is reahe,te .T is is i ly a r 11111loi ll'11o1111 againstlXWionin las(to year.' TIelit't11111 ois] 1(111whichhsb hehieod 0 llolo OmO 1011011 00((('ocity Iwill iho representediiiFlom lteChiago 1101111 if view, .1 iii 1111stand11in. reltinii cuin p 1,11--' -'' ast - 0rear;I-Eato,(Iln' 101011havebeh ut-prsi'n'g. So crush- i-I i'i is Iha i- ~ tfoc Th a ct 111-01-Ieditors of Xiii M icigani 1 1 mg it de'fhoeualoh Wiscnslini 0as 1100 is they hit opit1 i~i~ ioni 1111'patter. I Ili-osul 11111Ahertionmalofto h expe1ted,1101 o srong a stowing IT'h I"w go, erning ith u oltlis wmoorin- cip do(ate tecm "o - u- hy Illiois.o Miciligan has idemon abihnon.'. lie lony ooiion im11 - ola hils o-lat yarliornhe Itf-l'al ol:Novemberhor12. Chicago (h 011sed 11 1 i -tht ohe o''a.,nshl b -lha Ne 1cet i 'he larry, I 0 011111-111 haetnotdispiraeod of that prrnko i he r1'nceoftheo'hi ,eioarity 1bte '. ao, Ihdfeat. uthem tf'eeig is genral class -andalu ti r 1-1' 11 tlmiei h h ddlt,,1 11-winn11in11' XW1eb 1-ste1r 1011ip t 110the 10a1est id o oil':b011 he l laose tnora 11 f thir wrkI' iswal' lI ea o lsterani ,% K. team11110 I 1a1n1d s '111111 to' srnlgst ipossile sp- ii 011'iiIii00 ' l lino up se o h opili 0 1(11 (r1,.port hitliii studnts mu11(101be, 0011 15 (1111s i i uarre ill 11111010ay iii 1 rsof heOratic1111101 100 1) lnAit ifthe1 g11111'is to his 0101. Con1- dr iori a no tro (ule Ii wlll ihe1I itlcl 111illlhl m tet reb ii, 2n(1 0I'iilail l', 1 alg o dy11(1f' i rooters10 created 11ilIiii'ss il fols-s i choose,, 11111001admisin 1willhit'charlgd w iacmipny thie 10a01to Ann toi Ilikel'a 'inomilai(1(11ou111ofiia1 11(1k all ohes.Abor.1 bil:- -- Ilinois hasloa0strong tam. Pinly ____________FALCULTY CONCERT fghg piri011011a heavy, owell-rained GYM IMPROVEMENTS lineiiid the(iia111011iidiviiua work i'0"'Throramoh last iight 's fa-of 1w ho t was0respn~ib~lle for the Thoiusi' 11111a111-111 thenor trai c 1k 11111 011111c1r10plnedgealy thei 0111-i1 ofISturdac. 1t io ot ithought me1110 thiso w inr 1ill appreciate theii- cci Iwhuch filo i ' 110','temriailiere thatI l liniiiiocailfigre'in to 1111' doub1leiidooris, 1recen1(ly 01(1 kall. Mr. Howld 1111n ihunds0 of clicoiion shill 10111, b1(10theswinier lb 11111 Trout theigym iiorinto th0 10 plause b 10(1s11111uioof (lii'o01th' Minosota-llinois game will mai110halilway(). Formiirly'(th(15'01111 Sinig1V-'iiOingcy goo 019; i t01ir'ing hundoubtedy111put11i10a claim as 0 0- narw hal 0-onecting thei recur' 1 (ltl 111,111ade (intauienceioahal I-ici (m is1'.a decidedly iuncrtaini ofic ih the front. doiiut' 1' Everybloy ito 1 1iiiiiihiIh'e0num er i-Ia 1quantity. was(0 .111'tdini l, 1-siiiprusn ii an much11 i - 1 101 iwas ioi id(ispa yte a1ion1l- A. G.Splinlg aoiprsnte the 1(is (01 ii (Ill .1111nd ,tly 11edgedout aps01(1s (ieDaiso 10 1111 1(1. XX 1seI Iniihtrcogiae' Coss-Con- 11 Ili(,' icheriend ore1 orless bt- Ch int111r11t1(of te '0ev 1nig 01110t(ynasocition(sa cit 0 a (beautifulh los- tu-ru-b nd li (ail '101 ii' ' (The-1 view do:' .ree n M . 1111 5 iuoriginalii 01111- lng rap 'his u 0(111 10 h o mpete11111d ov1-" 00011 --oil i-ugan as, remar11 lli skill; }osSiriie110n 100de i0'va ihretitos111 succession11will ire- p s g o hip itrout and ide Ir ' h i11i(10applauded101(1 gaciouslly01r10- (r1aini pirmanently. en tamslOwill 11011015.'ylisimoeans 11itisl pilte in the fhst raeno 10 hetit ((tcil 1that. theiu biiin mu he mu1-j 1AnImpromtu ofl 101Slhober15w(0 Mr. Ii C0hiicgo 0111110moinllg of tid iii abolluu halt' Iliiw n' orimerly ' Ijs-h-1(111 bod' irsO itiihmerun d 11wa Thanksgving 110. Michigan. W is- tostui'i b fiilowed111b(u i 011111 ssihittShierzo, cousin11Nobrask, Iowa, Perue,It- .A11 11111(111 111 oh ihs iil=-o been ill fulwhihi--nt1tchlnial iniuy 'as diii 11 1 lnaun Illioi, Lae For- ext have'help cui , One o either::o- ihnsed he ioiu ence thatii t. i1n1-0(i unow'tere. Jolmes. Ligittod, 01111o01.he i'ug 'door i lho cnter.u isted1 'upi on and ined'uuiall 01encwoe. apta111of (1115Chiago tem spres10- liii s c billdo alway' bithth cow Flwigi s rlthe I .program111 :I1101111 denutuloif (le asocition antI tre D- whlicihi usuallyhbloks upllthe mtianttS n t iii u(a buhhi'.. 'lartini l111y01 iNirthweten is caiman of hlandb hi-ips badth ose behitdI. -lu- i-h' 0;thisra. onl luls.'whuihii veulorsuflienil thute li0(1A great lmas meein1g foloei by liii 11111- tif Irtuampul (((t'0s andibtt inle: a usboni.,''lg enotigt o b(1rn lp tired'ihcart 1now ove tmch is11en i lu'ui thit' univerosty,"Ii' s lo tannedila. a 1111(1 1(1 lhhh was1111a0l nedeI - X'uu ns-n V1imo aeittlb hohit -.Silinhig si-ofif-tifon toteam efore Oey Dohleos muay Ilill tunhumtthis tluo 11h wa1110(1111tX ielt ii_.. B itt leg ais fortoeMichigaigooe. 01yu 1 w1111 btaOhed('nlw(yp'fi110 toe in-t XX War tiu P- - -....Shing JOHN S. WRIHRT. door 11' s last year1'bucausenof ii liii ' ,s' I i .... ... .. Sindibng poor itiaccommodatbiio. ILiht Mli hi Iihtl..... .Sindinilg SIGNS DISAPPEARED XXNSGVNGGMEWliamotIowlaitiWheX thio 'indents came across the THANSGIVNG GM B tmiiI(11p111op.0 No. .... Shotrt nciipus i 111'uesdauyiioniinig, all the 1(11'litioot 11(--1 11(1 thot scheruzaiiLI ttuor, Op.11..,,... si s chilthi hauleen paiitd on the it s nw amos a .rlint.tht n~dlsoti campiuswalks byntnerpising fresh- Mihiai il av.olhaigiig arpraeon 111 1 itihintatis XV1- 1110n1thit-da' beforo ail hustn eased con.t11(.oheb a huititlof stseral oh tool O, . Strus-Shutte Ianthet-waks101r01'cleani anineat. e111 11101(111utitus. I lnhuding Brlown, Anieiot andil blts nouuPu, It-ieIs'oaihut Io bitrig'abu(tacntesto be heldt h btn Ni-IsYoirk,.btl it has allthe it1e1 lebticuaao-uoun to endbth-1eason tn Nov'smber-n 2.,tuniless a Tli (tih- giving;gamei--cotuldhibe1arraned 01wit oie otf Ili(,ieasteirn huniersities0 ofheut firnst-class. 'lTeeisr ospe01 ct11-11('o(f otmchi 11o0111sot, so itis11m11111t11an likeill'tha tte lugga011111wi0h tChi- cago il1111closte Michigan'i olotball INFORMAL MUSICALE Atii X i hl l ul 1 t inextSa -tiuday ngt1 1 ('0' 11ill hue 011011 iiiinformal tiutsirahi'.starlt1110at Po'c-lock. Lothi rtenderei't. .011 a1'eIcordhilly1' inoitetd to attentd anI aiil in the singing of college songs, AlbetoiLockwoodt (bl-('iiosotlShans Pl'ulo'o.11. Ern (c) -Su't'u'teiu .....u.... I.L Eon - Ilt-i Ern-i AX XWui Sonig,C(lit. l.No. 1....... l -hsi~iRgar XX...illiaom I-bc-hvlauilarEl XA'i-otmtait-X1 ls II mir :1. Davis SINGING MEETING Tis tfteornoini at 5 o'clockh a sing- ittg 111-h hug woill be htield in hUniver- silo- ball. Its purposoii0 is to slit' tp - 'tulisin otufornthei' Chicago gamel. P-fussounStly w~il1libethere and tebd lii' studtiuuis isncollgeogs'501. Tliii-yplltuashtorsill also lie inievi- d 11-0, alldoevery effot w cillhoeimaide fto a inbug m11t-1.The ucciness ofthat beiforne lthe Xisconsinigame angles a likos attendiance at today's "song-lost,," XWhe'n intervioewedthiiiregard 10 Ito cningit-o~f toe walkus, Stiperiotendent 10eev00 sail that the worku had no00 beiotn111111'by aoy of the camipus forceo. fOn Monday night, President An- gell invitetd the man who heads the tickt. advrotis'eudho call aod see him, i and11 teri'lii' 0as aidviseto itsee that (hr walks werie cle.aieid. The hint: 01(0Itakeno, antI sonetim11110later a bunchol of freshimen appeared on thie campus11with hiuckets and trooms and buigatucumork. Sonme w''eeIdetailed ao swatencairriers, anid others used the binusheus. After somie strenulous work, l astingto I21:3(10a. im., the -signs 100re CLASS GAME TODAY Tisoafternoon at 4:15 the Senior Lits will play the Junior Medics at Ferry Field.