The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., .THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1904. No. 3 [I[RCE PRACTIC 'Varsity and Reserves Struggle for Fifty Minutes-Graham's Work Pleases Spectators-Another Scrimmage Today. It, 1is0v1'ylevidentIthal(Coach Yos has no in lenI 1101f snding an 1unt1ried leven oup gainol ('ase in Salturday's gatme. as lhe put he men11 hrough a scrimnmage yesterd'(ay whlich latedi nearly 'fityminulles,. wihly (one01 shortbhrathing 01111ell ring lhis dltle. The usual lpreliminary 01111110 (f signl - pract ice, fbullkinlg 111(1charginlg na- ciille, 1and1tcklig 11he ldummly are gonle throughlfl, and thion followed'lta scrinmmlage' pracice ihat. wao fierce enoullgh to salis1y 1111'10o01.exu~cilg fall althe fhld. 'The coachl comoplicated till'p'lolem as o Inwhlowill fill he vacanlfbiark positiionl by putting 11111he Pee 1an1d Suart onth111e01o1d1111even11uandl0s111- in~g in Harry Hammntdillfof lal yearsTANRF Al-Fresth teatmoa100Citain lteton 11111R 0I ctlltng mtel. Haiondl stl01ill 11r1ther comtpllicatedi he silllalioul by putinglflCAP NIGIHT" iii a star gamne. Hle omadeloe lo ntO----- r'un1 arounld the left endi. esides sev Rouing Bonfire Meeting at Ferry cr111goio gains 0n0line bucks, antin1( Field Saturday Night for the addition lnoihis oher acconmplishmntns Benefit of the Freshmen. te (call bothie ailsioe. Thle'con-)- test hetweentoHnmnond, iDe Prelan~d 1Freosmonowsill receve thir fist i- Stuartlpronmise's 11obe a nmerryone.(ll'sgltiol1Vn 1tiersiyliffe'next fSalur- So close is t111rcr te1oenlthse duylnightl, 5w11en1the lupple'clusnnmen thee flot Cotacho Yost osaid last ngtl 1111endl10 give a rolsing recepton to1II that heitadi tot yet Idecidedowhchl 1h11f111t1 yar nn. Allwhooorenocen- 1O1ewouldl occupy the place in Satur- her (lollsccesflin lgig nee'ig da's game. of last0sprig swll lbe glad to knoowo HalWees',oone of last year'sosub-1hat the111'cotlnilI eheaded 1by Don il. stitute lolfhacks, repored for pracice No(risso-hico had cargenof thse for t111frt ime andi was pliaced ol etns'n', lhaoconseted 10 lake the second eleve'ln. As son as ill'bl,- charge of till freshmnan rcetin. coimes a liltec Imore' seasonedhll s nendedlthaot tis nmeeig is promises to make a srong illd1111r1111'tso111'110e'first(of01 sies forthell'pulr- team. 1)ose o1 arosig andl maitaiig ''Ocpus" Glrhan,fle rerlit from M'hig11allsorl, a010.1ii los bI Chicago Nortloh.iisioon highl school thougti,11wise ib give up te first moee- mooade('0111'cided lit sihl1111set-lin lg to a geeral welcomle t o e new'0I tors. 11 is safe to say thut 111 5 tiis mn lot a more ernest player inl 1111 Pre sient Angell, whleno inerieweti siquadt huanthe hnge feshmnawo0o111po1n10the Sbjet exressdl linsel ihros'lis 2211 poundlts 11111o l'every-as binelg s rngly 'ill faor of slci u play woih laudale zeal. G1rahano nt'toig Fo' some time it has ben (tice went. throughl Ihe 'Vrsts 11111'eletl Ihaou 1110freshmnndid not for for a yarud or two. and lis were aosultstim ne getIsld if Michigan tra- 1h o ny'gainsthe Reserves wtre ale dloions 1toOahe. ie alsot node a brillan Mliih ime will be spntolill singing tackle of Capi n Hetono wheno thus andtin learning new sngs, ad lil facetinosgenleman seemedl on lte rhelaing lte 'Varsi y yells. A 111111 pointt of departing forthoesReserses eroftplrloientuppelr clssbmen hlase goal line wih the pigiskin Ituckdlilt-11sgnifiedtheineton0( '11110of beg lres- de 'rhis arm. scll,.111d1wsll sleail, 'he Re.servskichked offt10thot'Beltc'ust' othlo'danlger of ire, antI 'Varsity toop011n10the scrinomage ad oseur ores1bt0I011, bushaseeItde- ongluns ill'I lesto, furlis and c011111to 110111the nmeetings lis yeat' I-arc Hhanmnond took tleball to te 1111Ferry Field, wheor' a rousigfr goal lints f It' secondtlteanmowherteecanl Itt'uill antI sohere(lhe lbleahers I-arch' went Ioer onoa bulckl ju1t1 011-001111111foutd nooe conforlable han sideethe right tackle, stnding. Thoe 'Varsit y ten ickedoiff tlith1e10 Stfar s possile it is rged thaI Reoerves, anti for fifteen or tooety 1111 illt year lmen woearioe call of minultsihe later srougglehd aainstltellclass antideprimletsAleay be heavy 'Varsity line, and at th enth lis louat event bs beeto dubed of 9th i me the secondlteanowas "call night," ''andlliis ropose Itha perarer thleir owon goal line than whloen aer Salurdy evnlig 1111 edictl(f ley ibegaln, seeral lims being '"Fresh" cpls fot heInewconers e thlrion ack fr large loses ptito110effec. "".ohnny" (larres once tackled1thote_____________ canner for a loss of over five yards COLE WORKING WITH ALL-FRESH Sturt finlly punnted, antI agin the SQUAD. firt teano narched'l tdtwn t(lesfild,___ Curtis, Heston, atoolHrry IHammndot As1istnt (och ''Bill'' ('11' oa geting away for lontg runs, shleomls Tttobilalytlhe Iusiest malln il Atol Hammotndiand on itgmtanl made stoo'At11r1 yes erayatertoont yngt fierce line ibcks 'rhe loitoot of he solItt 1a (letto frmt lis All-resh touichdown fell to Crts, atodl practce uc 11atl itnmo lueft wsoer for the oday The cacl x- buSadywhAlpu gae, intissha eot woressedhimstntelf as fairly wash saisfiedl Ilatr"11111"lionsamel''lietl skid'- wtoo oteaflrtoot'opractice, An- fore lhimt, as t111footall eperietce other scrimmoage is on te menot forottnsofoocuoddesbsl''O lis afternttoon.The'o line-up follows: rather limtlido, adtothle coaco is First 'foam. SecontTeamobollighi to ins rct'thIem n th11'futda- Tom Hanmond..l- . r. e. - DePree-Leswis ttttllrtliols(fIIegtottd' Sm ll .., t. ...i,,,,Purickthesecondtottiflos it sill lot, difficultto Scholtz........I,. g ..........Clark dvleoeb touch teanm worklog Salturay. Teod -amomond.. -. c .. H.eechler 'Te mtajoriy of the tcatdials are Crtisl .......I. tg........G ryceham otrigo, lbt, Ineverhelelss, Cole CurlC ,,,,,,, I.I .....G aha ihopes to toako ea ioodtlsowing gaits arrels .....,... 1 e .......Rtmney los Mtodoist, b .. H..eckr_________ Harry Hamomond r. h. .. . ..... Stuoart THE ACADEMY ORCHESTRA. Heston......1.lh. b. WVeeksDe Prees The acodemy orcesra is comosed Lngnan,,,,,,, f. bh.....Rheinoclild of eighteent horoughomosicias. A comination of frono to too Iigtfeen RECEPTION TO DR. BROOKS. can be bookedl fy addressig the The young ladies of thse S. C. A. mtanager. In ipresetntinth(lis orchtes- will tenider a pleasant itformal recepi- tru I ano contfidletthoat it is the fittest (ion to Dr. Broohs, the newc iirector irchtestra in ite slate, All of the very' of hBarbouor gymnnasihum, at Newberry latest noltesll in contce'rt anod dance Hl-ali this afternoott from 4 to$ o'clock. iniusic will be01used, antI satisfa ctiion This will give the Utniversity girls a gtuarantteedi. Ro's Granger, Grcanger's fine opotutnity to meet Dr. Brooks, Academy, Ann Arbor, Micho. TZ PAT RIC K. NEIW CORSS Commerce and Industry Subjects Re- arranged - Marine Engineering Course Strengthened By Testing Tank. This year the Universily of Michi- gaoo toos 1-two bonevcorss10ooer, so-hichloue attrac'ledola large num~- ie f suldents to AtotoAror this (all. Th'ey aro the corse of narite enineering010 adtolh(e inpot~atotcorls oil commtlerce iandlidusltsr.These sotb- jts have b' Iennouco ito demasnd for the lst fewso -ears iandt.altogo someoo of the sbjects Iae belen ott tecurriculumlnumbtotolet of 'ears Ihe be re0 ow 1000ioso51lated ito a mo0111 150ective0manner. Tesudnts 00110cooe here to stlldy 11(0no will hell o 10swe'lllt' a- '0-ti our of tho tuiiorsiy pastb1 4slll oark. Vuihobe compotletibobn of (le new en- ginoeering buldoitg, manoty aditionl advautages a rs offeredolin that d- partmenlt. Chief atonto hem (osnis Ioe tanok toole usoilit he wrkottnava arceliclure. 'Thlis itootsatintlgiso anple-roti o forc exueritetal wor, andthl lis sbjct sill now receie as muchottentihonll 01s15any bratch of en- gineertg at Michigant. Thecourolse itt- ulle l nder t'he 1105 h~eadingof Itclomer'ce (a1(11iutlllry inluelslsubpects of -ilatitereo-st o: (lhe'futu re tmect'oosor buosioess mtn.o hioolesale otnotreaitradsoe are stodie toeher w iho t' inpoorabto lemstto'o oIf the1 hay sucehoas proulcion atbol is trilbutiuo.Atn A. It.,lodegreeosis give: after ory11'aors ot sorkc. INCREASED ENROLLMENT. Never lbeore ithIishisory of th ttniversiy hbusthIeoo prosecs otta psptsroubs sehoolo1yslr loen so brighot. In topen tig 50'(isste ail puboliseld aitOdile concring tioe large noumobIl'eorIof tetts consantl poritg int\oonnArboor, (n11 protohest- in a aner yar (b te scooo. Sitco thlalimeoth(1' enro llmsenttof suetos with tohos s-cirtarshlsintcroase ootat extreme((oly grifyib-ng degre. 'flossen r ollmt of ilItesmenonis espseciall lamoegtenohoodtoolbri- n totg a tod-o I'rate estimte-l' itot lst eein the ng'insering' hdepartnent sas i hoe l11d 00woh oato oonrollmetofttbe tsoeeno s'itood seetohondred firs yea oa et los teliterry anodlla dep bartmetsoilloowotg closely (boo'd thergsratio othle eto tire oeogeeroog telarmnetotreadh stoevonohundrdlas is etpecelhy thlose n chage oftholattdeplatmnot, (tsepriobabliti es arc that te antici patedtloal eorolmnt ofo four thoil sandolsOutetsswill be groaly ovet re'acheod, atoll01icigano will te able t boast of (lhe largest atedoance eve recordled. Antohsr graifying coort come front Watrmntgymntasium, and is to obe effect ottoer sovtohonre gymnasitunt locers have been solo sitncss Monday, atd that hey ar stil going rapidly. This aouldl indicate that considet able itollrestuill le taken this yea along (lhe line of general athletics attd that Iisideprtment of coleg lfe will receive the paronag de ilb CHORAL UNION Examination This Week-May Festi- vat Program-Bach's C Minor Mass To Be Given Two Years Hence I't'otlloig a-ocksowiltlos' givott at b too-set pla bF'eslivl bIto-(be ChiooraliUiono: W'aiger'rs Flying Du1111hmnt, andool asso'tb s St. lPaul. 'ibis auilncemnt habsnel. wiho Ills highoest apprt'oval fro-tno Illtmusic' loers, anoolis reeivedls uto itoica- Lion11ofthe(oo winnoitg o of ewolaurels loy he- chosros. Prot Sanleyt- bas deocidelon(Ilanlil inntovation in tboo'traitning of 1l1t' chorutos, whlichl oill interetll 011My Fest ival goers. Iis plull is tosgil torkl aton(lce on te IB 'Minoor M'bass ott Bach, which aill be sunoololshyears hence, in the Festival ot 190.Tho.''is Mss is cntsideredlth(boo's01.1cl-l bratedl piece of sacreod nousic coer written; itwo years' taititg uoniti oill make iso renditiontoneottf the nost momnentouls evenths in the history of the Choral tUnion. Never efore has tle Choral Union bath a brigher otlook. or a greater Iporunity. The itst nmeeingof thoe (Choros is eagerly awoaiteod by-tmoaty whotopeluto oibecomeonoo'nonbrs, T'he examntionot of apploicatos for oidmois- -siono to thDe Chortts sill li e lds by Prof. Statoley tle latter art of te -woeek It is annoooucedlottnoo tnid- - ainter cotcert will e givet; so thoat earnest worko on fle May Festival numtobers sill hogin at otce. The School of Mosic is tpromoised a noost prosperouls hear if a grsaly in- -ceased enrollment tmay be thuls coo- strued. Many Univ'ersity studtetos are sottotlemetting their college coorse - bty worb in obe Schbool of Misic; Iis is lllbeoing a gener'tal bpractic attootg U niversity students, atd is nade pbos- -sile bythte chose relations maintainedi b etwe ietihe tuiersity andoltho e hool of Mosic 1A GREAT IMPROVEMENT. ight new- showerosrhshaos bue ien 0addoeod to this west bulb room ithetou 1hasesntt ofutWaterman gynnasium ntot ' accommoateihe 111icreasedonubnler otf persotstsitg the gynnasitott. 11' 11h It''i"t .g .+Ind1 Subscriltions to I THE SMICHIGAN . DAILY 'Will he received at the Daily e Table in University Hal, from 4 s 8 a. n. to 5 p . tosy. Sub- or scriptions by telethone and by t mail nay be sent to the HBsi- y ness Mbaager 33t PackardSo.,, t- 'Phone 46. ;t SUBSCRIPTION * $2.50 Ier year 0ro r-( A' the Unversty Daily, Th r portant Faclty and Ctndergrad- nate notices, the accounts of a games, intotrcolegiate telegraphb- d all interesting facts regarding d Michigani and other universities. 11 It will also trove to e a vaoa- O- rated hy occasional halftotte sI cults, To Michigan students the Daily is indispensable.