SHE MICHIGAN DAILY I IW E WOULD U HAriVE? ~t~ci r ", !E lcA ir qr i', t _ __t. YOU TO KNOWi l' ti-h let r i yt l'5 it sk t '' i st~ittttt l * ' s si i-tsti .1- ' That we are doing bsusinesis at j aing Elditor-, J.ST1ANLEYLEY ~i. Buiesso Miiaeoagere CLAt DE A. [THOMOPSON. OUR NEW STORE ,I 311 South State Street thttr __~~n:L Il That our New Wooles fot .OTo,.I.'TI the coming fall trade areI.\ 14 now ready. I7S S'I.TV-t That we make sup enb gar itI ltl \ilt, ttt mnents for gentleen . f e ;. slrt mi,;Ii"~t That we appreciate your trade ttt; Sand respectfully solicit a continuance of the samue.* Off ie ors:12:0)to 130 and i6:30to 7:30 * p. .daiy. Z Addnes lAt litA.T100. PSON. Buiesset G. H. TILD CO. faae, 331 Packard St., Tel-ephone 451. 311 South State Street.. ' dotybenourtr'oni.s ld(-f-- Wednesday, Novembetr 2, 1904. Editor Tcday-C. W. AMBROSE. 2p 6CALENDAR. COLLEGE TEXT-BOOKS Nv:--die, ies.Anei t. banqu_ s e ut at Nkateriit gymina- LIGHT PRACTICE i. lt'here is notquest itnt hat Wit will ner "'ood irot tng as ivo it-i ih It.,i is lii iiito ii'ti ill)dt o tur GOSSIP OF OTHER COLLEGES Tliii' it'it ttI'coutse t , tit l t' I tt -- sit ioft tidtianta tias opteneds last and S JERSEYS Sjsalding Flake A lColors A lPrices Sizes FUTIN PENS from $1 up All guaranteed. o DRAWING INSTRU"E1NTS Comue illt-get ttutt-tices. SHEEHAN & CO.g 20 5S. StateSt-.1 Your Eyes Won't Tire If they irisfitted twithithe r- glses lis sieciatt is e n aitt eye glasses-thnistbtinsto i fit tile otile to the othtiit. Emil H. Arnold, Bop oelst Not. 15.-ittsiturtg it'r'htst- Flest tinsB lt ci i t hut' 1 h1tinti isls's Ai Iliv ttl' -il it'-arcilt llttt l I ti ititi eii hi tht lit ;i it'. geniiili ii i'r alt ati- nual til tol et weenittt t he o t oritsi of th il )ilistts tit ttIio s Ibi s ieild iof educai i i till itdittorilt'r hldtb js asiilit ititlasthat offot all.'l lii teilliltit of bithi sch11111 to l~tit t i' - s sourcei titf "IIii~tol ialit l are iii liii' theitw (Iti t i i ;co tnu d Theitoieitrlt t l li b ittt Loist Ilit tit o Mihig n. Proitsr iirl -e ithiti es ua e oh IM ssbtl agr 110:.The PI- BEhl s LONG iSTyvanhanCE a zib it heii gist'at-is-i ongaenis t oit iss Jerseys {titlt - it _- -- 2.00 wourld. Sweaters t' 5.00 Sweaters (it itilbuttonls)__ 5.50 Sai 1til Siytouteai' lie 'loss ofi'19014,at _____ Ithites schasiip iiatitst ye-ar, was re- IHcaedquarers forOGymnasium -isIllen1111ic 111111 St. Johnil's tel- Gooes, [ootball Supplies,') Sjwl- tug-, Oxford, toswhicithithetadapliedi ding AthIlic (Goods. fori admliissiont btcatus lit' i-ias no1 --0- at imetiber ii of thetChurch of iEigland. I VtRI TfING rOR TflLUSTUD[N1 liii '1015 lii ifMinnesuta e lu its irst ptessctuu sell FidayiOem- Rlii iti i 28.Iac Idnet'll the 1r 901(510 R ES t iti evening. A 11111khfinc-i UNIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS igI lIa'- t is. a lilri sin1111'fl-il au1l1 103-lit5N. Mlain St. 316 S. Slate St. This stuedenttbhidy of the Universitiy PCA H WN iiif NioitFotrkiis greatly eagittdovrt PEIAiSOWN a Iet'lllit i elrhifrom liei'fscutlty liii I lIt hetld on ee islibrary t e-it11 il-ttr chapetll. It hi eienftecu-ittom ftonr2 Fone Fall Woolens Ieettings tines limbe eteltCleeit istirs, fotthlii-purpo-icoatig nl-i tiin the aeed arnoutsing genital col-ige spirit. Fashionable New It1 iibelitvedtt t het' fautiyit l it bil wuill m l y t limit: ties tti1lit i-I tiniminutes litwetn'hourst B R O0 W N S flee fotllin;eg 5 o1me1tof01the o- l hg-i e testttees of irot-tuu n itiei Sti: I-Seniores alitei- ohall lit alli~tui WVitnkle AMetioriai(ats. \Z it lhhti I. 1 S115- t'i a 2 Nit silt tat: shahlitt soinbyin t b r It'. n--s, tnie l It ie uner-Igradutet is511lihe jttior week1 brwtli, aetti luoestils of his cs-t. brftowns. Ile-itit is til-e 4 ,Nto frsehmanshall seoewottn i dtiiiat aI t t Ite Io- tlt'e ca s.11+6v10\"'i t - ilt thtttt~n at i i - 4-No freshmani shali weata s traw t v ei G-No uteiscolassianshall is al- 11111 tIto iieartirepisratory schoi n-l~ sum tesl t ils -i O3 D DSPEED'S leitty ihtll 00 ties mtiddlecms.ie1it9t Tailors hit E. Wasiingion. is-Nito frtetsanshallealk IIp01. j towtothe lu-sthitside of Celleg-tree unl1 it i la-is wints fromite e i l- morei t-eieeeual iet erclass bise- t t _thilt it llok.tenle receti tiont' '115 I"C Sipl ie'liiest Scolo tsit-iwill lit-situ eiby te I tl Tjto your face and your face wxill riezeIMeltil a ll.tail be fall' and shaving a pleasuxBe Sinlerom, elphne, 1111ce Always use sa;al oveines .> 'ckllW ILLIA kM S T G ION[ Ca~pANY BEST LOCAL SERV/ICE I M The Students' Lecture Association C F E 1004 fift1 aifrot season = 10053 iednbt ~ r 1 > Uode Itop 10l. - - *:"c leeang laal, per I10 Russell N. Conwell Henry Van Dyke Henry Watterson Leland T. Powers21 otIMi t John T. McCutcheon ChampiClarks24 3 hMkt t SO ISA'S BAND Hamilton W. Mabie j 5si-s e-- Govt.La olle.tte Ora torical Contest tsh-ur On Rostin x I..rC'C ilneI-iCatsxii tle, Itt-'YC xn^'Clit. 'C 18n' ~i " c'C a 28c e'leileeM~eflt, en 1 28 'is.N Itt-jti. ienlit. 20 DEAN & C Edward Bok c Open Number { -b~iiStl 0tl "f Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra Single Admission $1.00. You can soeure tickets from, student osellersorto-at WabrnsStale street book store Next Lecture: Henry Watterson, Nov. let. ' 'i ; pj 1 i ' You canxindd a full lte of Cigars, Tobaiccos and Cigarettes ndasafieissortmuenttuo f [RENCI1 BRIAR Ant alo fiiePIPES it the VARSITY CIGiAR STORE is BILLIARD ROOMr Wee itvite youio t conie in axud ixnspect ful linle, tt.++t.+.t.t.++.(*.e.I~e..t.u1.S.n~e.S+4.E+ S44+*~.tSt tt : STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING LINDENSCIIIYIDT & APFEL YOUNG'PS HATS.