The Michig A.k VoL.. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WE'LDNESI)AY, NOVEMBER 2?, 1904. No. 89 A5 OTfHERSSEE us ADDnArbor's New Thetre 1kNOb An Account of the Recent West ManagerE Virginia Game From Their o h Pint of I I 'it- View. Through the kindness of Coach 0111troll Yost, lhe Daily is able to reproduce a coe the following grapthic account of the !ft~ -ie Vest Virginia gatoe from the Daily OWDominion, published at Morgan i> a~ ttt, W. Va., where te university is oi.i loatd can it-i'1 "'llTefootball leant reachedi heret l.icod Sniaday iorsing. anti several f the -tit-fib_______ tiiemsti. of tteteato have been in- o ° -- r- v 7 L ta.1ii 1. toit'5 libot th le affair - Motof theistdeclare that they=-_____ _______ m i Itl sid nott siee anytesant representig r* ,ti~L~ticol *f Miiiatwhile imost of themo te~ clare ~ that liiere ias a teatisanuitha s[issy li~ several timises it stoppled long enough for t-heiir to distissguishthsitfeatures hei of te sopposisig layers At other tn___ i:. ilisohey stheyher has5 s.iii rsrn osi sif the arwas be tu'rrg < slit by heavy rushing bodies5ini hu5thissonhtasedasasndth down hlati beensintade. 5S05'C' asinitticd hissan the.touc At tinies heavy shocs wre ex- to h lerienc.5 anditi he layers were L tjt in throsti to te grosundi byythe force of tE n the ittilace ands they suit for a too- hcr w liten[ giattiformsiswvhich sessed to ____ acted as no football ilayers ever seen -_______--_____ lie ladsiniifoistball togs, but whichi it i Weast Virgitia. i. 1 irii It is declaredl that every tplayer -nPssta egse h osadI ii'.. i ft otsta tiisegttn n lans hate atreastylben dirawn i fNiti \w t-ilt. Altiiall,.itchill hl i'tat, - ias0an avirags' sed of 96 i sles ter forst'nit sies'fiat' usdiili. iswhichia itie .r if hichi illAntiAnt ivima hour''T icy ate sal to breashe forth wtill btiereicesdon thle ittiiihm in Tot c fl1tie v iipreoudltiilsI ; It,, i thu asid usis and to be of supler- ent' across fros thtei trati blcik ioniaie iellII tsi..i it anitari coniidenitsis sil5siesgthlindiuncnsing. One Sits Mainisstreet.ThlIii tililitoig a ken ier ivce-st dividend iionstheini player sys lie' sas plucked ipl in silsa-' sstsae ftits li iiii'- uu liv iii ets tiI te air asnsi throwntoover the head of astwilbrasr tairiiii"tii-ilisi li ut nte lli't t'iit creatusie whets sas at least 10the etranice to tSiete li'iio'ssiIsihei liis itis seoirgesiJ.1.H1taber & fit ttt highi and hail eight pairs of gitotiIsii. i sa ii vlse y ' gttitl 1ii' artias, The mostsser had a huge s-llh Iis sdSlt hi s-l lt i -isi citonitn li Uth adorned with teeth siltsfeet numserosssexits. 'T'osavolls'si t id ci iii i nom i'eissctwill litadmi long, hist sid nt seeni to e hungry,5tio, thle aisles silthi' wisher i heii i w ofth ienure titge, tseiun l gttaloseshshtsesqssyftrear tian i intefrontl. Til' sae ,ocits poinst insii120it teeriiinte [laa lulithutlisd sevouringthtm. sill e of te samte diesionsis its r oithelt htlight. thds till stl At noontitoday a telegrans watsre- ttSoftelleesi l icositiinils iu li''it-tiv lt eiiidiili tcisgeel fisit tirtelegracosg.a 5t1 sill accommodiisae anyt shosw suttsise (ftie iding.tittiain[ is t' tamsion its stccess in hring II ii11 Mcliigasi oer te goal line.ttisil Ali explasatiosi of the rapid tne WISCONSIN D[BAE[ ; [1IGH1 PRACIC[ furieachis i "'ad(-'ity the teani in comnig hotoe -- eeto i ha s that they retmaned in the al- Annual Contest Soon To Bt' Held +Sill Hld at Ferry Field-Gatesiicean< loont after thiey westnit, and caine With Wisconsin-Debate Closd-Longman Bach in tiii I ' ((ex Koins illit This Year Wilt Be te Game-Drahe Game- 1"55w sid it happen?" was asked at Madison. Saturday. BIG MI oe of te victims of te Michigan Pofsie'rslssslhis ofr- li Viii 5' stinasiit II I ''Well,' 'hit e elieud, 'they hash a 5enc last Saturda'tts adlistisowithi ('ii tliilii tll llightesrat-Iie yisit'' i .it of lonig tontiof smeat atid botie andthsie hProesors hraiinbiirgtr adayo ls. 'lii' worlcositisistsily is thng movedssl withs atnaverage seoc- ienefclystntt' fst i"nist-oi riioi atshs sri itp of abosuteight yardis a second. te ctiusch aui eemiteths of i erit (if i i. thre i is st giglutot - (liti When it collisdes with West Virginia,baecmiteoth Unvriyo ispnig ndetngowy1 Iatii Wtit.tVirgiia scatteresd asndhthe \Wisconsin5. Arraigemntits iwsr'made -ildtiosans. 'tThees' s-nosut a ar sigwent on. Wihy, I hplayed Str anianinusal contest iswitWiscoitha'dii'atlik s Saturdanil ut r noss fteap her aanta tian that weighed 245 lu.Thei'deateithis t'eatsill tbe iisIirutse' h'''ry oui uullt Istii i~the l ewsfstrSaiheld at tMaisns on lt'elas Fridauy tias.inieve't'p'a't' nditty atisi t't's'nt Shestes5(.mantosn stsour teamu. Once he carriedl (le ball two yardssacross in Mavel. 'h'ecquetstin for this yeas'weis to rugih wit li slut aut u-Ititi ugth lie goal lint' fot' a tuchidowi'tiwith sillhe tproposedl by Siteconsins andi ot ithere. witsito scrumtitetor tiiini;t' O 55555 Of otr is'nuhanging outhis legs.till he sent hter'ithsitetsiethu Of 1i.t isi stirod sisi t uuluss slum tuisu5 1 Sh atuabout 25 yards s ' unssacross this motuuh. Heeater theuestsioni tt li iithe uig itiuliin hdst- si re" hitldlotnce ito catch H-eson. lie will bItsbmited .b t -tuntu of iihric sn i v.(55 15 hbadiat least 5s yardls to ruststo es- October each al. p t is [lsh lmtsitewas it its iitlsedtinll t it, i - cape ite'. Whn 1gotteere he sas usoinedifficult has bet-si encsouteed gatsind usiii wiiit'tipoalyicotu1(it' verv5ntoii gtine n its nsusg arratngients andslthisUniltthi e 'C i toig "t on ght tiilihe ' (sit Ii l"stY hash t-sinmen in te ituer-bhutsthlut couulhi'esdoneut'st o htutu r iwill u50sithero sr Yst ihe Ip teretie.evtery tisse. the other tasthi'qutuestiss seectedsbyithe ths' Soui it g ( h hetosiy ofilfutsall.(r it il'i hal this ball. We- teser couslsee (eth, ltie's' 5tere'nsill conutinueru gh li ieIi i . JI li whItohas helstball. A bunclhof five 'is-u'methodul uf' chuoosing debauts'sIllitnetiev iiut'ks nd us i adalorsit' ii o.till osix hplayes suwoulstart os-n the s entirely'difterentsfromsurtuus. 'thle - i i viost iiiwildl s'sninitg cas-Ius ni Msu.Aas-uitt ansi hLlsotiwsoultd sitse ni-st tre not chosen hby cmttion ii lt iii ie;.Ihe gu5 (tut t((ut inoit ansi get to or t(bees ten, oltesbetbtaceete-yte -rynl h atiiae t h bit thit'anisthhthis all wouslkeels socetes, ansi whi-eneetedi beginto bli it hsioo RadllieFuldlwas itiithit' astiii h on goitig. All se cousl io stas o slusy he subject.Ih uritcavse- set- t i ti-niteriday stith helexcep't'i((( 'msuit.t i Ittn iluthusst-sithe field andshwalt un- eual mntshs ate neessary ot'preinui- iiit on h iiut Ha uh.nd . Longmanwa Iclsu(i ~ in ti it' ueubuchscamne alontg. Somue- ias' coness. thusis- debahters still back: i isol po1st(ilit is InjiuurisI'"ov ! r tunies we stouldutget thes, anti stunt slce Stryo hs w (tu ntu]moinutt tg isuo badias wst tted.'jol - tues ts'e' wouln't-msostly would't. atunt tunill te twenie sthto sumtS 'Iii' restvu othes I team set-ittittrl. iie e,.s '"'hue signtals were given for the (he' suestion.asluy-goodsuconduihtuii, senutsiwsistaulmslor netS (say steti(tie tpreceditng one 'fhe onliy change in hut. Mihigan evstntIhitg itucoisils'u'tsioisiu.pi sarte. -Stueies sste tulawas off sceoulue willle' o ushi forwsardl '(hei luuuineill) tas at the hetvisSp bef'e 'egist linedttu. Elsom twitwes-s-tst'sieet re'iminiuaies,'innguiof tthus' .\aisoii igasuus.wsthilirooo ueliesh tffSi)tards beyonsd Michi- swhichi tille helit just hsi-fortte the e('n-i i tuitt f Iamhutuut us. fGruhamsietlu ba' foal. hssteadh of making it holidays tutnh Detembter 2 atd2. 1I ut's d nght tau-ilet - cISfs'und us harrt.d.on a liutubach they pithiesthe bath The nti-s-soet debitsuwiil u-stes'Hammondi iuitIht' eits, uandshchtuurht -u--hu iikt anthcarried-uithe60oyardh sonthe the first weikt after te thistmaiss Hlt' ( ' 1is its--' fIish ODue-tset- kiced off0ssto ushoidayts. the uste-uht'lssni-sth- (It l's -is lreatint _au ro55 museds-hin i Iti'l,1 'sId gus hesht-ball before se diud and lutssill(tu-e (acthie lasst-s-l ini thue 'uuu uc tuumin sewts ih Drtli next( Ic madaihto ucsuhdowsn before' we'eser Janutary, when lt-evarsit udebataing Satuay.1 rtehs c5 1wnnn IScihunv got osur bans son the pigskins. tease will he seleted. Thut'Ferrymtherutameusuo (uri Iowa lusts's idit y,'t- I",u.:ushllt' "'hey hash a fue hunch of rotoers testimtounials sill b hue u-sauuusasitstandii utiProvm 5 is ( ut u5tutua alleIs[e-vt iii Is- After this first toutchdotwn they be- tear, tne huunrei anthfifty doluslrs igLsuhtl . Lusitiarte (isDhrtke saueI, 'u .g ga5ltYell, 'W~e wstsh50' WShen they heing equally udisidedhamongus stthe swasue it'l(,tus sasihi ((hs'sualcucshhuu '1.; got it they yelled,"'ye want a bo- I three muen st-Io reprsens t, itsi hu ei-stiland.luihu1sri-st assay leh-itins05 hnte o htthydht.-t i i05 eiIii tnAbu. I en. ~t Yethtd ' Make it bigger than theThe Drakes cosnuest.stillt he elast tu1e. Vn aln score.' They did (hat, to. Diiuceoutof Henry Watlerson's O~i uumniuuuitn higu suiletswtill " -s-u y Wbh5eeer West Virginia did any- late arrival is Atn Arbor lash; night, 1lutis ti''m thu Chicago amt5'so i tli thug worthy, the Michigan rooters the accounit of his lectitre has 1usd to practi-e concerted rouotinsg at Fuerry Ms'ti' try aiways appauded." he postponed unt tomorrow's issue. (Continued on page two.) Enuugitueers. vs NOlHING 0of 1 Bai Has Heard Nothing Trceatened Chicag By- -t Oet ntsteinmathe Chicags Game. Ithus'lreet' cttuf Ci- s thut suattuutg rut' iichat s'ty ithfluegui il, after tutu I tuts thtt ti lai - ' i, '-a l a d \i i-.' I tular t of tim-tic-its'. sll usli - :i ut'' of .-t/., v il' a;I 17 Itt i' u isat t.,ont, auud tutu is f ied, und luigu hans alltie iii hut' alit huno~lt-i- hal ritiesut cusosofthei'threatenuedu (101 it-ni 1st. Mtaager tht hettutu hearduv noh- siubjc from I (I Chicaugo Str a~ sts-sson iotrovsersytat said tuisiird'' ut I I - iet nthtng, of'the at Icatist's tutual mont hs.'' t~s it-sitMihiga's 5-u.. ii in ihe fftai, adth estu 'te I thu-t his'htush e(uad to hiaoaothe af- in thisstotuuies," sal Mr. io ' ca"' j st lefo e- 1hr ilev is l srs h ing bothis tithi i 'Tlust aewhc lain eIetvinterestni tt e'con- e,, amc Anexcrsionu lmiststifromsuChuietaguo uing- usl ii al utitIfromtithee. cisae htthus sae of Ile, lmit-du'uosix tikes isutulmt. Iitle'past.ash x~ us- boonumad utuo iths rule ssbuthisi tsar hosi ceti'e(i stktill e' tmaude. ICHIGAN BANQUET y'ui niroeipst ta1pro- le anua tl I'ilt's(vt of 'hl i iutu hedislhhliiNest icter 25elas- tthA se 11V taboutut.I1 us iii I 'sieb-l who lustl taths- (us-easv, sits it'' I hut's-ath I il ons the i Mize5t Robert ii I. SWltosuitlast ic' ri i ofIth o h i lyiti'.in a us.. tutam (tites:. ''Fle a 's '(:ce . T ire sltut aielingtut i fthethevstn ingwvs iv Si. -u- t.. uIli. 'hits'cl iui. t-"grct tn- hns ai n its chub. I , Sitt het'Senor Las'wsere Ii: dlof - us T hll illi t '. its Iei mlwdN*i t b, fii, th ,iPis deided.til' back'u- sityas vrstyr tl s ill fte ta s flo s -n - iuuil' Seu 4u-it, ur. isis-u . .:it.Jonttes, - -og e . (-.; SCWicox. 1. IH ttu-lu.c.; Smiith, r. g.; r - r. .. Cat. Reynotld'iits, 'tns. Maytnardu'u, s.; 'C. tutuTolBi, 1. lt.; Pluim- 1 ,,;is'of (h s eriesu- with Tuonighi sthien (hue '0)5 conclusions ivith the '05