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November 01, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-01

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VO h e XV.ch AN ROMC.USaYnOVME ,10.N.
No. 31
'Varsity Indulges in Light Practice-
Tickets for Chicago Game To Be
ut on Sale Monday-Mass
Meetings Proposed.
Rl irhigan, noftit hstauiing the fact
that Saturday's game was te hari-
sitfar tiis sason, caetttethrough
it without injury. Logutaan 111( Tomt
Hlitmottt aone sowse nars of the
foults 0 1)ot1h teing. icovteiencei
byt bttuits-es whiich mas keth lemoout
of thitscrlttimmae tfltarcoule of
daysTtier Fitptarcklstted thfat,
tf netcssaryte tcoul intte ui
lTte pratrilte ast eeing wtas
scrt-1 Whether 111Citeaminsiwill on-
tieto ract teeindtttcloed gates
cannttttb e as crtine111 unItilh ei-'
t . lit f 11o1citYosta whotstppeid off
at Clitcaiotoiterview Stgg,stit
referencet to Itheoficias n te Ci-
cago gamite. ITe wotr last nigtt sas
"17rY igt, cosisintg in kickiig, rut-
nitig art tunts aitigoig trugh
fast: signtal pratce. Alt te men
weeotexcept Lonigmt~attindbitt
1101. 9,wh were gient a extra
AssistatCoachI fttCowho wit
ura, tits -greals ttimpreset. He
said Chicago twas not sti weki as
the-tio1)I secore at first idiciate.
9aintC, ntld lothe steeks wouliltsee
teim sttiter taiteser. lHe sid
tat li'htrsatt wststiwsondter at rn-
niltgtbatci tunts as stll as at the kiclk-
it gils. Illiois got te jumpttIlil
ih ii in te begining of the
game, wtilthe lttter lha smitesuttb-
stittes in andt after the regtlaru
Wer ti itinIlinios al beenme too
cofint of v 1 ictort' to e stppiled.
HC Iresitirediatferre gane a ueels
front Satuirdtat.
iel tickts for the Chiago-Mihi-
g gait siittl a pitt ittstle net
Moda ornintg as t 8 tiloc at
dtt'tr'4ott'ssiLandi, antIprmitise to
gsi fast. Matniager Batirdl los inutt-
urtta n es s' tom~t. le it sein~i~g
cuit aplictions15fortickirets to al ue
ahisliti in Micheligan, wh~ili are to e
fllledl itanti ret urnedbitt hoise elo
re going to attendthtie Chiagt
A lportiont of the blearhers jsit
Vesi t f tt' grandlistandl bas een
retsertedIfor tie Cicatgotcontintget.
"othoste s-Io idiiot1m1 ketahe ilstrill
to Mllldison tt'he ICes tatte 'ol-
\c'ieruphilteldth lei end of te game
wieniracare t etoting is gool
lews The rtiieis whlo eft here
'riday night "helped omte" at Ran-
41011 Fietd Satitrua. W'here till he
two mass meetings this wart antI
twonext intpr'patratio1n1for Ithe tig
gante a teetk fron Satrat. 'fie
Contestsswith Ciago lpromises lto
civla It' Thatnksgiving gane witt
innetitsota totiyears ago, andl Min-
111011 wats to pretare for sysenatai
Greetedt by Ibtthite stdettoty
abdtt'nspople. Cattaitestn anti
tII~ rttttttlpitneant ittgidiiron stars
returied hIoiteStuay night.
Michigani Cential deot at 9: 4,
abottf eight thotsandt cheering entut-
Blats tere asemledt to meet the
hapons1011otf te uwet.
A Iretentios Idisla of firesors
was madlie supo the arrival of the
tri eriigt e eleen. The team
str ds of willing stuints antt
rttgel off ttwsardl the campus.
The flushinghoith~e more eth-
uitir inatt y sreceditthe lbs, and
the men roeeediton foo. Drig
Ill yeemeunt thlat flosweu,the
II ter err stt traksof. and all
eff rs to loate them 1roved tun-
tvailingHis Stae street, . rokets
wre sent till anit ret fire was butrned
it hoor of te tem that nsver
Crn.The 15'stiide'its swanei a word
frn or ,01'it -least a glise of the
eleven menii tho adtedt so mnuch to
1II_ iyo \tri.nS trasi
fb~lt r ofMcia-audy u
t great majority were not graiited
is riiltege
Contains Interesting Contributions- Lectures Tonight in University Hat1all R ootuing Cnec By Michigan at
Prof. Weley on Probable Ef -Scond Number on S. L. A. Ndsn Munit of the Credit
-fet of Oxford Life on Coure-Many More Curs-s P t raier Keene
Rhodes Scholars. Ii ckets Sold. j izpatrick.
all especiiial- readalle numibter of te Isui l eengeitiletititi ie'nry \''taltttr-i;m fonMaisionyest'r'iay,'and
titteersit \ magatzine. l'rotessoiiRI. -sou, still it-es-it its aainltoigh.ss li'iismnoy
aliti!list NessPol-'tion,111 'slt ieettitrihietill slitakiupontiisIt- ha -f 511Olle-ililtit55 litthit
to is:(,infliux oh Ameictait sinnier otil 11111 , "'he Lit-,lDeath, a -ntl - n-si t-tnoiiitiamn sthit mae the
Rhodeuisscstholairsihi ls Ie ngis hsliCar-er sit Arhamnco tlniti wi0 tti p ihas lit-n isadtoInexress any-
Uivsersity, is stile Ctobwide spr e radul git hss w ler' re Iit lt'ltin tt i iieeesitplasre hat
andi discusst.(].lit his clearmitntition
lsi' sthaleiPoh'WeInetidrass lts C oltndI\tt'rsttn is tilt oi te{ eiireettthis geIatest i-
iedutitioniiis, sarin-g; the eduicatinal v- sv ets It isills I ct n riii(.111 nitill1iott of recent yIesaass
sytemsil5oil neithertlhe 1111itdSitts iourtutivters5i t ter alt itIyiit, I' li thit ll irotttersotdidlththem-
ior IEngland. h-hi'believstheA- liii peseharripittiterut set t iadiso. Itisite of their
erictan tiiudnts ilslsbeIs-gre-ills-enti- i'i s-se- itgioc-rsion. ths liut,tttouuinloi, aey stmal iitumbie, they
fliclit Iy teir'expeieniuIce illt Fis"it-ptil iticalanti jiiii ialisi itcilcleis miaIetsi pC'es'enc'feli all ltrtgh
landi, litotvitseitthetstlthinsswilhthIle o, theyt'Bstthi anduhitsb s l x eit- it th gitamet' and iswlen 'ilieHii:estoi
stunit oh thie social cneent ions ot I '-tleturer and Itri--i-i-tr cttined ge-' loos-afo is twoulbriliatidashis
this Entglishi nationtswhint finud ini 'sOx- ii iiwitha cu itance ustu tliit-al -t Sit is iis it goal lill, thisvolumi~le
fordthesisir fultst exemlificatin - 10.iii -; sitt tala nitses tutniteIs ofisunthalt iat0-ie55ould hasC beei
As short artie ott ''hleVauei' itta it Atn-icta-st C lt sitetu'ri'.'s ceibuietthaiticoneICf110111hrite
tivsersityt ohf'Michigian tniot" is thisj hi i leiri- heit's-itphrtiably Its'en- ttitestis'tiiut it
storkt ofiL. P Iarker etaCrty ohtI amedt 1)3t ite.-others-rib ali.1 \th isco't'nsi'si'roing wu sas deaening
thisexctivei CcomitteeilCC otin therirss stietall, of illinformal idea n;tietfist Hall, ut as te score
uionii~. banuetibheig tutu in his hlist.titit' . ; n tlill i tht seole
Amnthe otheril-i'inerestintg coil I ntves-ui-tit-hi-ll, ssiiirtistsso stelilPeiodtu Iaifun'tirl sie fltoet'
uttis 'aii astortylby hf Caretledlitheuu-lighttIts's-.Sr.fotutet-l's thewits of t itCardtaladh
O'Brnieni, "lrthetrii Witiliiaiii IRaiumun ture,-still riiablilsblit crowded'uto uui- -ia'''It'huitass had te cheer-
'hune' .al arti ceoil IPle lgiuiiitgiiight, sincei'themaattg-ment urepot. igur tothmslvsit C It har ay
of tile ioli,"byhisIt.IScheli, n ati gr-,eaiut icri--st- i lit'10 taieof colls iie flititf, W rt iscninpolettwtrett ieiiily
thiree ipoeCsn - "Ctos-,s C tity," i -it.Siio t-uei bltis' sastils tuitt hatshtingsuturaout the~i trda
''Ltie,'' andl"A Song of hetsWases''"-reminii.butu r.'gling rapidlt l utand toouteIl ofst'iii gametis-somie-
'Te latter Ito at-e rutthi:etienof siiuiubItsrs-s--il ttflrthuileveun-- uhngthaiitt ittieumtterie, toiisay te
HasrryI. Truisler, st-ile '"F. Ml. L. iug's it-eiiire liy- tll desirinig godutlt'ts, -r tilev er a gtmelotltf oot-
ti3,' standls's thin autthiorof ''tross si-sts fr thit'couirse. 'Tikt's or'r- bl lust yer~tsevt-r got utogter, it stas
Counttry,'' thich is idescripives(:of these srvedst-ti s cat lie' oiltainedthulis Ithu-esaute Ituiigsrs.
gr'sat etrss cotntity Coursewshichi is aft ro ehtweet-n-it-hantit i6uio'clkIjTo iiucuhi tanntubte sid in lraise
travetrssedhlit'thisqsutadueveryetight at 'ivuitis, oStt Sli t'i'i, tr at till-ol t'cortouis tre 'satmnstt acorei
duritig tall anid sipring. bhox thie-befos'tts'he Itct ur, iithevsits frout Michiignllby the
\aiin yo-uuilk.i TIis'\Woleriedeleltga-
tioiwills'atthetraiti hit-a huge
" ''r""''"" "" " " '®cr, Ill ialt wsating the arinlti,st-Io
000dh 5t6 tutui arutsig IU.-oitt\1.yell. he
C ~ ~s h it~isconisi band; staslprsntCandi ed
s %i het- procteissioniito this Parkhohte, fol-
lowedby th t',of dL. taninl th
~~ ~ 'iS i euitsiisentusiass were natur-
ggtt tegea eg thfsts
vantage of the Ojut Rate This rule will e tritly eforced. thaii thi lighter oponhieilts. It sas
_______ - --- Mail_____ remittanc---- e--s ___to_ -that-----u'teli-ansiegreaoftetran-
_________ uttnsi'iis tamituthu started the
H-esre is ss-hat thes:Cardnial roters Ih- hit'tciagutpapesh'rptublishedtun saletinsittod i, on (ithelother hand,
stere sinigbteore'thle gamse: art iclet st wti:tol 1 te' effectuthatithit it t'ii i tun aptearedt cohohaa-
this' ianagemtiu tnSt. Louis wssae I lind tthis sthieioity
Iline-''Acht Iuolittler Augtstine' tintg to get a ttiieigan idiuuuesott 1 in Slieisat cntuli inti; due the act
Rubtit in lto ,Miciga-dihilti- gme. to b10 l pateud in tie tusadiumit li 'ilt I tils a15ettoh ileulp
dteigan;th ll et sr art of Noembier. ''TiheIt- sch Ir,. cre.
Rbitintutu Micigan-dMihiga-i tetr a icstites this geerl oitnion 5atnanewstssomteswhat fi-
gas. hesrs' this imorinlg inisaying: i 0 itlti't il''til t- mitishoin~lg only
Yes si--,can-sienaanu--onto yolu Iu-eyfhit's s sin~iil- afe eesissenirth Iosadi-a hots-
.Michigan. - ands- it--at" - tislliea tutu atenusedssthtets'i'ison-
Rtubt it into tinigan-tMichigan- proiltutthis tti learluls hui hi titeisillgmui: ent-relast ear.
gan stasont aithallreotus Thur ti CUP FOR CROSS COUNTRY
g ame lassityear stas uinsatiisartory,
'lTie-"I'm 'Treudof Litic" Alone."an lie rootoers larsehes-usilting all
W'd uhrather lists Staggie than Yst seasonsotinthes-rspeCcive mantaes nA.ic. Slit. the mh' iansswhiiiple-
Wite're going to do hott-it's no toI ge' tgter, forgselite il-l ings'ii senseid this Wetern Iitecllegiate
bioast. -e"getniereduhlat OctobeurantI arran'e-Atthllt-Iiassoiasu tii with a confer-
Atidhrsh. illhiams, toil, tiCe 5'ill ancit:ti siThusrn is o .goodu reastois tCi '1s1itiItas hutS ciume forward
wialopi itfelt'.wii tIhitwsinteamts sluhould 11111gt iwitilu it -nerctl. 'This ness-cnlis will
AnIdtn talse a trill to the coast ,ngthesi aa leh-ititeialt -ameiso ool- elii'tsrothyht'thu he cmpsheedh fir y the
autl'i-h i acepttheis sue, ishalsever Wetistrniilulrlleitgiaie Cross Con-
Ar-''Reubienu,Retiben.'titIty bl ithitoiiu ut u troing.turle-asscitionl. Lie the former ull.
I's a rearingt earnigivondr Alsuasons 'innteisosta iha 'Ishownl i ili tuni Ihit'tutssessitn.o Clan
And ul iu-thati's no ream rat en st-in1gness- -haiat c~higanl to tamuwst-isnotit t's-se ears Liiisuc-
It's a swosnesr yes byt'thulndr tarratnge'for it'e fat.Itsnituatisguar eso-
Sii seecheer tiur lBadger tiatmt tes teres a el snl-foiudedtbeliefh 'het:fist rcs siill hut'run in Chi-
that iirhi,, sutehurlIs t asodthit ngiu ait collurse troughi 'Sashing'
'hTne-'"Sailing, Sailing"issues' Evsi-nlMichli, igan a suuni i sontaditacksonparkss aththe Mid-
Saili, .sailing, see ow thurthillthn(Chicago hare acusedl tt'eipresnttst-ayonth mtonsing oliTh'ianksgiv-
ine, Anti Arbor mlaagemenr~t of fear of ainug tielt- 'h urltswill he seven
Andt evsery taillwe get the al ul i iug wtlliD r. Witillamis auul his ut110."
A totuchdlowtn ct-eyyhne- gants." AittriltsilI. Neraska, Purde,
Saling, sailing, isn't it simply finet CoachrtSagg thfinks Michigan could IowasIndt'ian auu isiaw, Lae Forest,
Wie downt our foe, asway we' go. stitt oer tMinlesota beause of this Cicitgso, anduNrtrhesern are to
'iitlltt?-Across the Miichilgant line. orner's greati weigt. IeIsaitd:l havlutistasilso-ntesting.
Whatare hey ingi, nset "dMichigan's wight is little short SENIOR L-ITS VS. SENIOR LAWS
Whatarethe siningnow ofappalinitg. I is enoughi t frighten_
-- alit team." lass tramtshostiitits wiltle re-
ft order to create and encourage sntedltils aitternotot sith the Senior
interest iin oratory at the Unersty Solue of the young lates at ttirntf-' Les tutu Snior Laws as the attrac-
oh- Iowa, a yearly prize of twielve sern rut uasnxiousluo hotrin a n-ed lust. As this is a contestilrbeteen
dlollars has beenl offered for the test hosp1ita corps to mini-fer to thuedeantes as w-C-tia ca ses,.- a
Freshman oration delivered at a cn' wants of disaledigiiron eroet lututly cotesteud gane, sihi-some
test to be held during the second Thur liueslisti arose, would te teamoftere rouinuig, can e exeted
semester. ren'st thue temptation to play pitststum tuuuiuu- rtalled at 4915.
henry Wa**erson s) Tonight at 8 o'clock

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