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October 30, 1904 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-30

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+{oags Home Supply Str{
Corner Main and Washington Streets
Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks,4
Purses aud Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pidfures, Ash
Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and
Pipe Racks at popular prices. This is the place.
x E. G. HOAG. }
4 A'
L O O r
a 1-
Fall Fashions are Ripe
Suits = Top Coats = Rain Coats
F9 rmthe wihoiesale tailorin'hauseof
Rochester, N. Y.
Illustrating the latest improved
designs, are now ready. Ve
have oxcliaii c cale of L. A. I3.
.&,. to. clothingilchis locality.
Men who are oetth ian ordin-
arily particular about the styic
tand fit of theircalothes are ea-
pecially invited to inspect thcoc
products of tochesteresot tp-
to-date clothing manufactory.
Wadhams, Ryan & Reule
wicenneia-s .vine .1aiiozing
'grade Guarantees...
You the must skillful and artistic service to he had anywhere.
We always carry a large and complete line of seasonable wool-
ens. We have the agency for Beaeih & Newel's Custom Shirts,
and ean show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt-
ings-ttperfect fitting.
Blurchfield's line Tailoring Trade, 106 [. Huron
Money .Loaned
os Watches, D.iomohds o
itot pesol cproperty of vloe. -
~Offce at residietnc,331 F. Liberty St.
At~to 0and. ;ti a, p.tir.tAlbuiness
conidetial.i~ c
Joseph C. Watts
Spaulding's Offictial Intercollegiate
Used by Alt Leading Colleges
Foot Bait Pasts-Lace frotit,
hits antdtikteestpaddecdwitth
lute curled tate, and thighs
sitcane strtips.
New York Chicago Denver
ipaldiar's Oficial Football Guide
For 1904
Edited by Walter Campi. lrice toc.
Clement Holderman, 1905, and can-
diditate for congress in the Eleventh
Indiana district, is gaining all limits
of laurels. The Intdianapotis Sentinel
came out yesterday with art account
of 'Hig Meeting at Home of Clement
Holderman." William Jennings Bryan
was the principal speakeltr and otiened
his speech with a short eulogy of
Sergeant Holdermans services in the
Spanish-American war.
The Harmonic Orchestra, managed
3 by L. D. Hates has won a place among
..+ he first-class orchestras of the city
Two engagements at St. Thomas'
chirreb-fair, one at Light Guard ar-
mory, Ypsilanti, and the opening of
the Huron clurb were their .engage-
;, ments for last weehk high-class dance
~"tousle being their specialty. A share
of the public patronage is tarnestly
' asettotOndesWnToe solicited. Hirect all commnunications
ret"IlV tiCittiettentim tie itio atiti samte- to the manager, L. H. Hates, 808 So.
ot11f "tya(tyi-ritdes"'ith thtieir utivaryinig Fottrth avenue. Phones-Hell, l1066J.
'sbtai0 irt lo bo i the ti titi-gave ltibtriod Newy phone, 289 Red.
i, st. -lapelsprcisety the right letpi
trer Widt N i rt c antui,"ot tsit insat .LOST.
t1, I tot tt aith'cie,'t ta iior tcsubtle-__
CI A AIt 5EN SI1ANDl-T AI LBU It FtID Ring hearing inscription "G. C.
0par thetisttet'rcpoet cioicerof lie Hlumer, H. Ag." on inside. Finder
etit -mi ti, ba siiderte. please leave at 535 S. Fifth avenue
$10 and $15 and receive liberat rewartd.
ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER Next Wednesday afternoon the an-
nural reception to the students of the
Main Street University School of Music will be
given by the faculty in Frieze He-
moriat hatl.
1 a nifelostiattfeftrK txt c i 'odic °ftyr4clstrtyrtt dot c. xteiaelo~
__________1+____ +_ . . +.I * tio..Mi t . IhM rl*ot ' .to s.t*i.t... .t 4
+Save the Walk Down Town GE cORESiCHOFF 4
svictiytti itui ary 3 FLORIST Choice CttFlowers asd
I Whn yo wat an hapl in t.,ietweteniItuonitSt,-rid
S BOOK BINDING. Mut i lii ittPhone89
We bind books from '?5c;..5up..01d 4og.
oot..1ega ante uceor. 0 Parker Fountain Pen
Telephone 350. _________________
J. F. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. State Street + a
+ t Mann's Drug Store
-1 '' " I w I 4 -.o.5g..5..ttt.~~t.oIF- . " . j*. . ". "13 So6. Ba-S.~t
NOTICE. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Reading notices, except to Univer- Reptirted bcy expert workman
oily organizations, one cent a word tat reasontiafle pricoes. All work
per issue, payable strictly in advance gutarainteed.-
to the Business Manager only..- Uni- .J. B. EIBLER, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty.
versity organizations allowed one no. i-_re.___,DALK___LTAX..
The folks at home would aptireciate Ilichigan Pillows, Pennants
a Michiganensian. $1.00 each at ' and Room Decorations.
Wahr's. tf
..226 Sooth Stare Street
Steam and French dry cteaning and _____________
repairing at Futler & O'Connor's, 619* Yo~ u wan gt . j
H. William St.H t Lu c
Face mtassage and steaming a spe-"H o L o c
cialty. St. Trojy's. 22t At TxWooe's. 338 S. Sstt
Try some of Cushing's Fins Chuco-
lates. tf. Ihav-eljustreceivedithetrtetandtiniilest
Two new mandolins fur sale. In- Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes
quire at 331 Packard street. 1-tf. Ci ci' I rttt gut tothti city.
Got your Gym pupplies at Cuohing's. t-.c -Lytlict.Nat tndiclea
Acitc for 1it . It. It'tit-ts.
308 S. Slate So., B. E. JOLLY
Hewitching pictures at Footer's Art____
Hooms. tf- R AN G ER'S
Sirigle room for rent; telephone, SCHlOOL OF DANCINGi
electric light, both room and asitoncurt - -ott ii ci i t reet. Xii I itock
«ticc of stte stool-c Stoatic' itetc
rveniences. 908 Itonroe street. f Floir. Sit' havtt!cocouide a -( tt'ctcy-
Rooms, one-halt bloctk from earn- tano Aaen. Poe4
pus; tao sutites, one single rott. All____________________
conveniences. Terms cheap, 214 S. N w Bunwc T be
Tae.29-30 N6W rllWik ave
Vol. tL, Tiffany on Rest Property, at Fise Ciears asd Tobtaccos.
Callaghan's. f .ts. Rt.Ridt. 1row.,il31:. S.State Stret
Every article new and this seasoi
ton will always find the right thing at the right time at the
New Clothing and Haberdashery Stores of
n's styles.4
- - - - ..., . ._...
.,. s
AICIIA AN UENTPAL .r. sCUnuit, Sanitary Plumbing,. Rowe's Laundry THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
1Electric construction and soppioa 055ND06TAIiSHinlCuLIS.
"Thle Malgara Falls Rotute.' Gas and Electric Portables,. Gas and Thomas Rowe9 Proietor. --
THE SHORT LIRE Electric fixtnres, steam and hot 326 N. IfIfth Ave. fTIME TABLE-Taking effect Sept 25, t904
water heating. New Rhone 4551 Hell Phone 457-L -tuan
CIAO207 1L Washington St. Lv. Na. Ui t' :21ou-ti-Le. Nw o.O9:0a.
j ( U F L '2t lltc t. Ar." - 121: m
SAR~BOR to' UFLO _4+__---- -h~- 1it wi. L-. t"l3-it4:5a-.
~NEW YORK PHOTOGRAPHS 0. 14. Ma rtin Fnrl -.- Oat,-41 p. . .<'10r_ c:05p.m.
With dit cnetin tChicago for atdTecdo.or c.1 routansudaily exet
conBis KneasCiStonat lndCall at Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Sunday. aSuday ourly ietw elt Lakheland
tnd TolKansas Cityai St.sIL Pant1 and4
Wboest. For information and SYORSSUI, Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 3 ad4T.iedo I Te char cnAosAftn.,
ud th till 'iTUDO.T.nWIrloS, Mch.
WVt CAH tcketsnal on or write toW JI. KIRBY. G. P.cAoArorHch
CSAgent, Ann Arbor. 316 Boat DMas St. I Ambulance on call. Toledo, Bhhit.

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