.._ THE MICHIGAN DAIL' E WOULD HAVE IWYOU TO KNOWt That we are doing business at OUR NEW STORE 311I South State Street 1 That our New Woolens for , the coiaing fall trade are That we make superb gar- into for gentlemien. ZThat we appreciate yonr trade 1 and respectfully solicit a coiitinuncie of the same. t G. H. WILD CO. 311 South State Street. f OEToeof or noeds wouhlveur notlbeen ouripatos weoi olcr- dia dilly nvite to come NOW. FOUNTAIN PENS from $1 up All guaranteed. [HE f1lCH'(iAN DAL. 1ableIthat oher tuoplc it ill gre iteIh.re . -l 'ill lit (lullt Fotiredas I ' -," 17 i tit rlite nn 1P11l Olac H l tiat 111 ite llr ill11111n Moa Ao dt ort -1.iA LY, ALY li to" th Iioflit til ea11traner1111Wisc tnsi ttttis - - --(aty(ln~y c.\t -nc (I .ri 11 1111111 si tid fn-, trout angti tsite o~il OlltttCyer , t. 1. . .asnn tilrtt .,Y e,. iio ,il id ito til w b uslnlt. . .11r ide c acIda n iott 111etlti ttt u tr ot o h iiit~i~t~t. T.5F-l tilt trcWe hof e7 thicgai ;ifyti carecla Maagn Ed.tori . S TiNLEY BALEY.ri th ecr lied nd gretatfistitnti, 1. Oaie too ~r 1pc okt t othdetrwiouti e fa t, c KD10 A si IT XCIItand'. ytug 1111 t kiott wi. lftetreslt. 11Ik tac Newiy ....t_-----__ -t A OgatrC. ,orn tit av lp dtif or keoi iege oarsywit wo.eii......t.i.eycr .. tissrIda 1. BMtltee untippe c-t t t heygaeconday thooe laiversAytif-Mthittn;if youire gla EDI.F. Ttt RIAe LuS TFtFt: y tadb tnolldof thi r e tat drewi t he A.MavWter tl HuatrryH.Adrewls t ilStt tet ilfl iefl ASSO IAT'S hstoygeSt out Atnight a le eol Geo . dOisbon. WESTI nw bu i. i yuer ot bc Rsoelst LA . .TElPPSO,:lrait to anMichian, 28;yoWiconsincorse0. t AH.tmaag r 31P SkdneSO . itter pr401. (ide gitu itill iitgld o me ayto6. v Huindianan5;i0. S. 1ano0. Sunday Octobr 30, 904. owa, ;Ame4. - -- - - ------ -EASTER N.'S (G M Edfice oday-SDNEY:30MILER.1:30usyannia611;0-tarvrd:30 Addrss:CLADEA.HOIIPSNBuines Mcha, 14; Coisconbia , 5. I'laage, 3 1 Pakar St, ''elehon 46. rCicgo, 6 ltliornell6. -_..._... MGneorgtow, 1; Holyr Crons14. Nor.l-iicnr Watereun ectre N oSwrthmestrc, 49;DAnnauoli,0. In.iL., A.O.eS.r.,c0 bans t'atratrmneyna 12;iitti rinne ull, d Ile0ll Editor _Today-SIDNEY_ R._ MILLER. (li Frs- Failli.1 liteHarardic 0. or~ Ann Arbor, ytisg and nid leta 34;it ot u m iaeiittts0 f11. leni anl twnspopl, wll trn ot ttrinctoniiii1i; Corlnelnlr, lli 6 iri us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ereon ii17;t wl-ct hmhtooly, irt -.CossIituif4 ii Nlo rra-Hgnritc tt rfo'sleciturino SwaNriti rel-. napls,0 ig um.fiiAilsimall.crowdti s watte- he Iflli Novii18.-lit lat iiiOrsitra-ist a Irtshirllit ll aid cthe Ofi4is pl i t tc num er fStora U ionseies.'t agit ut heNtiti l file sterdita lfmo -rn ii iiiiniFertall-ielr.-Theifirstiitouchdown iAtntiArborIliyiucl giianit- od,-ti tu- amitt is ot i tfilie urminuesAufreshy. dents handtownspie-orI-- willturn ut lto GYMbut CLASSoe ws so eiiiai set t o il weicome i hit meilihite am xiii hlc s alfxaintieson of lfthe re thint rives aiii ti9;3itis vening.1 Loosma n htr ay and e ngineeringh stll- frieceip iluti ve al ibe mchdiln- thett Blotsh taesnowmbeendcompleted and externded tthe team I oue, I()4thtillha s o 0100er peclsses willff-beinlaiyx eve been~tt knownlil thett histoirioftich-tili T hed y psClancs aen held everyoday liiil fo alintg ist. n w r the hinvcharge of Dr. Whn tiiitra in pulsintou thelil lull me. andthe csso wl onytinue lishey lioniiit wilsicel boardeation wilolieigtven w-i willc rt ith f et ue, th"us."I befelntheSal If S e s tecons halfi-hnr The barid will t ien lead ithecsin tend tamdionathaldays tstynli.- d.- ttrstret to.Soiih Iirittuirvemwaentoftleencitoemfen apter-si .l- :a111 teici ti elyll-e 1a ile-timac fr heA l-reh iiipu. Nlit-YiM CLhASSES ii irt get~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~I has beent tlefac ttidlt thet lilul nun eoras wo hv o ilrriditoigether enjoyahleu(I tthasdie de noh ae n r eentdcopseendb r eve benptill.Th gan mfnae naemesi cl amsesHw ichobein next5 on he amps i a laz ofret ire, i a teworeewilatbeon c. g o r rocket[ Ind[PU1hIN[ Cin. BPANY I SWEATERS and j ERSEYS Spoalding Make A lColors A lPrices Sizes Jerseyjs (line wcool) ------ $2.00 -Sweaters frest) ------5.00 SWeaters (swith buttons)-- 5.50 Hleadquarters for OGmnasium Goods, Football Supldies,] Spsal- ding Athletic Goods. [VIRYTflING [OR 111 STIJD[NT WAIR'1S BOOKSTORES UNIDVERSITY HEADQUARTERS 103-105 N. Main 51. 316 S. Scale St. o SPECIAL SHOWING of Fine Fall Woolens in the Fashionable New BROW NS cTut browns. Cato browns, w ood hrowns, s e lp i a Hbrowns, Van Dtyke browns and chocolate hrowns. Drown's the Hdomitnant f a ll color- or'e the domninant as- sortment. G OO D SPEED'S H Tailors--I110 E. Washington. PIATHEPIlATICAL DRAWING MNSTRUPIENTS ATHLETIC GOODS Comelioto ouir prices. 1 SHEEHAN & Co. 120 i. State St. ! Your Eyes Won't Tire i they are fitted with thle pro- per glasses. Stutdying is matde as ileasure if you swear A isoli's gtasses. Hisi spccialty is eyes aid eye gtasses-his hilliness, to itt the onto to the other. Emil H. Arnold, Optlcli _ it Vmt to. Arntotlit,College ,iewelie Face Value is what you value yotur face a t. If you value it as you should, you use WILLIAMS' SHAVINK BEST LONG DISTANCE IeStudents' Lecture AssociationI 1004 fiftvoirst Zceon = 1005 BEST LOCAL SERVICE COFFELX-... Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting Golden Rio, per tb. - - 15Sc Mariacaba, per lb. - -I18c Pedang Java, per lb - - 28c Arabian Mocha, tier lb. 28c ~ Dean & Co.'s HIend, perlb.,20c 214 South JAlain to5. DEAN1V &d CO. tt u~ o ?: V-t y y . a -V-t..+.. -r, 5 . -0t Russell N. Conwellt Hency Watterson John T. McCutcheon SOUSA'S.,HAND GJov. LaFollette. { * Edward Bok Hlenry Van Dyke Leland T. Powers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest Open Number 0+s-.s t ~ l I ~ ~ - 011 tl -ll*SIl51 it i Season- Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra . - Single Admission $1.00. You ea-ecue ticketa fram.. tudent sellers or at Wahr's State treet book store Next-Lecture: Henry Watterson, Nov. let. - You can find a fnll line of 4Ckirs, Tobaccos, and Cigarettes Atnd alto a fine assortment of [fRENC"l BRIAR PIPES at the VARSITY CIGAR STOR[ 61 BILLIARD 11004 * We invite you to come in and inspect onr linre, ; PWW WW WU WWW U@ @@ @@@ @@@---------------- -a..SE.1 22 1 252 DelRIES' ART STORE., Artistic iFraming, 217 S. Fourth Avea