The Mihigan Di0
Woverines Batter Down the Sturd9yIladgers-- D oebts
Ilad Only. One Clumnce to Score---Capt. Ileston, Nor-
cross, and lomn Hammond the 'tars- -Wisconsin
Could Not Gain Against Stone-Wall Defense.
BY C. L. DEW Longmsan smashed through the line sie and landed on the gan's35-yard line. Jons tried o
In winning trom Wisconsin yesler fns nod gains, carrying the allt triar. raasonlos satesi but the at. a place krick ut st~it d, sait Curtis
day to slit tune of 28 to 0, Michigan tht 55yard line. Longman and Ha- wseaico Carte and Michian pinst, ickes tt oatiVanderboos o atnwas
vaniqu~ihed her toreimost rival in the iioiid made fierce ucks, ht an osi- iaa icO yar- f or lodia' (O tse',downed tiniis tracks. Vassierhooss
race tor the wester0 champioship. imisely Miinblt gave Wisconsins the acoss attempt, Oamnona got the aiidtSyder gainied our yards, and
The "gise was oiic ot the iercest altisis icligan's 50-yard line. Wra- an t seliito the enser oP tht cu Snbiyier iiiited to SMicigan's 2-yard
ichi aii lisaeverr played, and XVis et, anidtVanderhoorsn each tore ott va aeerhoons hit helhu e 10inc linhe.
tonsiu foight idoggeidly toreveery inch fous surd, andi Clark nade oise yards, Wrasrz-ialeua to hio Jones Willie Makes Another Score.
01 the field. The Wolverine~ won orei. Michigan held Wisconsin for putsted o the ten-yard line tis
Ihesgsherdic r e-3g h assit wiigh. dwsoil tiresnext three plays, and gal etuesed it 2 yards ut the at. Hammnosd and Longman go1 13
Wlhen tieAMichigani hassni arehed Buoshi punitedt 40 yards to Norcross. sas recalled to the cenrsothtei.-yards, randI Norky added five. Bton,
Is Ianilalt Field at 1:50 the bloucheisTIs Wiscosnsin ensildsownesd him n iihld. Michigass was tinslisel iv Irelisg that- the gane was grwng
Were laielswsits10,000 licheesrlng thle eipot Hestons made oise yards, aras and the alt was ien t 1 smsonotonseis, againi stirreethtings uts
roters aidstwhensithr rival teams and H-amnmond dug up the sod toe stx. cousisn on tre 45-yard line Xrwe a little by a second 65-yardi ens and
apearesd ates t sinises laierspan Wilise adsed teniimore oss the' nex siard socraseten yard,assisCtiarketochldowni. 1-lamiososd isissed goal.
deoniiiibroselooser and the in o tly, ansd Longnman plowed through to got a yard miore. fiar altwnt or'
eheerisigsas ear-sptlising. Treltutle te 50-yarid line. Wisconsin toolk a 055 tir third dlown asd, afties to, Hammond Starred Carter Scord.
squad of Michigan spplorers diii strong hrace, and Michigan wse d55wgise by Longmsan ansi teston Ptniii Jones kiries sto Sichigai's 15-yad
the irt nosbitly ansI retsrnesd cheer Isis dswns. modsisssi cked to Clark on ele 42 sue S line, and TomPaintmnmond did a petty
for cheer to tir retcrowdt o1 Car Hammond Missed Goal From Field. ln- Pnatis5r-Epesierdiistsdasmsi'puith t"a.neur
dinar sipatizeres. The great bultXWills tihslin the Cardilsa eatetAeEpniv.srrle amn'
theli Wolvterinie swass noticeable at Psise'sion, Vudeets~srm was throwns Michig-an waaenalize-I five yardsise flopipesot oothe alt on the
Ocr as tsey rottesd to the gridiron tckto yards-s. Ater mnetfettual Bertke, oi a tackle akrla mssation Bager';8-yarsi ine. Byhad steady
TheYseee O raise nshl heavier than the isases by Clark and Wrabetz, Mihl- miade there yards. Clark jumed ifi' islayisg, Michigan sokest hr way
Baduger asggre'gation.i, Wa~' heirstfoe downs ansi the at uine Poe twoomore. Jonesapuntestto do'wssi tiheistd nitfinally st Car-
The slsy as warns and fitedI oe !Ceet over. Hleston, Grahanm, and Nrcoss on .ih: ana ten-yard luine ecr er rnotter fle poiss. No
ahng ibit oottal. Befoe the ' osgmuan chargrut the Badgers ack Norcoss and Heston west throughs goat
end Of StIhsfet half hboth tenserertos he 35-yard line, shere Tom Mas- tackle toe five yards apiece; Lngman 1.eiisr psttJur 1Ws
suffeig intenely from the heat. msonid triesd toe a place Let. e got oisemore in the same spot, ant csns,i , auspSureentJn e Hfrry
nuises th got ad Jnesgot the Wili Heston broke around nghtHasuois, Khmtdkcriof
Michigan Wins Toss hat on the fie-yard ine, The Car- end or ten, Ater a couple of ferceimod uhmtdkce f
Captai s5 -rton swon the toss for shals were unable to gan at alt Ccks by Longman andi estn, behindil-Micigan's goal line Cras
position. Hr chose the rusgua, and against the Wolverino ine, ansi final- Michig'asssas forced ti kick, andi haketoi thur center oP the field, and
Michig-instoils the tkick-off. The first y kicked to Nocross on Mc'a' icni o h alo e w icni a ed frdws
touhdon ameaftr weny in-15-ar lie.45-yard ine,XWrabezanasd Xaner- Mchigani tounsded away heavily os
te 5Of the hardest kind 01ftlay, and On a quarter-bsack run Norka slots'boom were throswn ack by t'urti'XXWisconsi'alinhusin Carter, Hum-
the fiv5eshoin t as greetesd with I5 yards, -and Tom Hanmond sneakeit suldXeeks, andi Wisconsisn kicked to mind and surttsits' in acke back
frantie, Michiganu cheersanitwaving is 12 more. Findlay oP Wis consin Midstias's 45-yarid line, Ismis us i CliirI wesnt ii at fll fr
Of banners. Alt throuigh the fist half, sass ait out ansI Parry took histpace Just here Yost's anity got tir Loisgmn nd nmade good ganss
howevar,- Wisconsin played a moe' at left ei. best of his, and Michigan was peist-l thruh cistes, and insde oit tea
ggoise game, anud itwas no' on- izest 2ityarud serrceiving caching 5 usinuies Mihiehganu se'silWisco-
twell tossardtheb close of the gamr The First Touchdown. Pfoon tu' iselines.jsiiagtisutoafihuidlt
that rooters elt certain osIPfiiwas Michigan's ball onlXW.-con Waut ui suihso at in gold ]f iesor kifcthedoast
victory sins's 3-yard lhue 'TouisHanumoaid snui ltateddwihtehl
andLot ma mae ain an th haf nde wih te bll Storehe-ihuigan)2; Xisconsisn, 0.
Bo0th 5tesswre sononhat wone. audLugoasmd goad gainsi and in Wiscons in's pssession on iehi- Thur gamie endued sosn afier- the
deotne, bu ihga sal stotped phiiied the oval onl the 12-yardi ine. gag's''4-yard ine,acstt'sil hrbt nHeia'
the i ti 05an suallyh hren -ieton hbuckrd tutu against a stone likol ihtebl nMcia'
'sre, Micstgan ha d msuch the better wl n aldt gain, Lonugnan SECOND HALF. Posstess5 io n o Xisconsin's 20-yardl
of hire adversary, Nothing the Bad- made our yards and Heston dusete Hestons Great Run. ine.
Oes coushtld i a.semed to stop Loner through oe three, Longman crashed The scond hal was cated at 3:3. THE LINE-UP:
mnand H-ammnnuud. "Willie" Hes- through centr to the tour-yard line. Bush kickerd to Norky, who returneds Wisconsn Michigan.
ian, with his little 6-yard sprints Nocoss wnt over for the firs. thur bath ten yards. Longman, Ies-FidatesnainoftedyWestucow amd arptigchrsonndNcosdsedrudte1.....r..,HHmod
1laye an exceptioaly strong sifen- fromu the Wolverine rotersa and ends far 20 yarss, and Longmtan r. c., Sunat
srO gm.EeymnintetemHmodkce tgal ritppedt iff five more. Tm Hammsuond Bece tI. t - r. t., Graham
un otewr witha spirit ssets Score-Michigan, 6 Wsconsn ot ive suit thens Willie Hrton to-itsBuoney, 1. t.
as only Michigan nen tosess. Consistent Gains t iti in Iis eth nit streakerd it Donovan, 1. g,....- r. g., Carter
Kicking a Feature. Jones kicked to ichigan's flye-aousndut her ght ensdtfor 65 yards and Fleishe, 1. g.
lothteam~sns reliedt upon pnting a yard ine, and PHarry Hammuond wthatouhow.TnHmsodiicrdlusd--tStt
tir ' iseo rrnigusg excellent interference, carried the goalI Steonuuita.r. g -1.. ... B'Sg. Shute
thief meaianyads Mohf agwsrosandor-Mghgani1; nc,,n OtBrien, r.
andt Wisconsin's ends diii rspir-bherd41 yards.forchoidin win thelne 'corea Mickhdtog am,12nusonsou in, B0d. yr i -"uri
Chilly tgaveiwork in ricd15yrdusnhldninghelne lakkdon'sHamndol h GidPh"r .,I t uri
tOngdie.TesalcagdhnsLnmn rse hog.cne o"tnyr ie n ocosgtaa uny .t
frequdtly eveThra imsc hancehns LgaasutCrsdthrughdntin. soren acouleiso un liat itvos e auu, r. e. "-"-"_ - 1 . ek
In genrl, hoevr, tus by mletan, armod btputisalkoutt gan foassSnyer o rlantd v-larBoatons,q. ....... . e .,XNoms
fant Sam howa areot' asaeceanhI-lasimndutin tand -Car linP.Wi d s.nsyderrapicfdull.ta ite oss'a. Meltznerq.,Ncos
sn cleare across the field as the Vanderboons made seven yards in two Hanmmosd, Losgnan asd Hestonandaestrboosm, I. i...r.i., T. asosond
deeee calltedi timi' as thue cose oft-erce isseuks ansi anue Ithe bal oetruhBde ak 5yrs .hMgfi
the-dsi5h is the center of the field. Clarki ssie troughBadge rank.S.y.ut. . . si .,uHaso n
faiedi to gain, and Vandeebos . Mihgnhuno omX was ClXXrk~, . .Is -1. . C. , Hon toan
ShortecnafGains at First. thrownnback. The Micigahn tslineheld aid Bush Iisccig5an ri c n ortedtth lrs - - - og
Curtius ice'd tff at 2:19 to Wi- likes a tone wat, and Wisconsin was next play, ans, after a tow short Sydr, f- - - --........f, Clark
cnin's hiy.uttnasVadr forced to punt Norkay gobbled u gaus, Hammond rtusrned the honor, Rt.efroDrby, o Grinnell.
b0 huisoc-ygrdtis ebach n bl nMchgns2yr uebooting thur alt welt into Wi.on- Unpiriei-WX're'n, uf Harvard.
Wrabrt2suit Carts failedl to gain. luttht Badgeends sdownedt hum insin territory. Wiconsin, unable to -trs iuousu--eletofWn
ari BuCsh ass orced to punt. Nun- his tracks. Hanmmond and Longnuan gain, punted 10 Michigan, The IPsuis.--
rss was donnedi in his tracks, and together advanced the ball eeen kickin'sissltwnt sn, but the next -T'cuhowns-Nrcrss 1, Hstn
it 'was Mechiganu',sait on her own 30- yards. Heston failed ito gasn, ut play Xisonsin blockled Hammond's 2L, 1, tHamumo.d 1.
mtrdlin. hleson, Hanunond and Tom Hammond ripped u15 the lef tIsist pansi felt on the ball on Mich- Tine so havs-35 minussies.
DEM~'OCRATIC CLUB I5 todents in the university, both lie- THE[ GLAD TIDINGS EVERYBODY COME--OUT.
publican and Democrat, are in do-___
president Nichols Appoints His Coin- mand. The Democratic candidate for How They Were Received by Twi The team will arrive tonight aat
itees for the Year-Arrange- governor in Indiana, Hon. John W. Thousand Enthusiasts
ments Made. ton End of I Kern, is a mrduate of the univeroity- in University 19:30. Everyone come out and ,'parti-
Campaign. wihbtib class of '69. Hail. cipate in the reception.
_____ Executive cosmmittee - Chas. E
Pesident Janmes H. Nichols is now1 I G~oettman chairman, H. J. White, Don Every studsent cosuld net go to BIRD, Chairman of Qom.
'Wnrking burst to secnre transporta- G . McVean, Raymond. Kerr, Clarence Madhson with the tram; bust all were.-
tI5l home H h eortcsu . Rusoell, D. H. Crowley, Clark A. vitally interested in the groat quies- FIRE AT PI BETA PHI HOUSE
fortheH meraic tn-McMilan, XWm. A. Lucking, Lee A.-
dents who ive in closely contested McCracken. lists of viciory or defeat. By 2:30 __
districts, Indicntions are good that- Reception committee-Sidney R. yesterdiay afternoon two thousand of 'Iit'SesIhirrsus'oseath
t'any Michigan students with ho sent Miller chairman, Verne C. Amnorsos, the faithful had gathered in Univor- cosrn eerof Puakardl ad Marduuisonssireets,
ho0,adiIninweetre Martin Royston. sity bath. Telephone wires connect- ticasa clssuseru'utbtif -c lass evenhig. A
meandin ndinawhee tere Banquet commitee-W. J. iNasty od the halt with the press sa nd at curtains c.asght fire fenu a lamsp, bsut
$etsto be a very close fight over chairman, Edwin H. Strauss, E- J. Randall Field, gave the anxious root- sh luttaze scuds extinguisheshbetore the
a0 governorship, the votes of the Meyers. (Continued on page 4.) firee sep.rtnusst arrived.