THE MICHIGAhN DAILY TT Ste our niatty linre of Do you~ Know the Game? _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ 'lhec ";oic loetacs "ane is a veiv easy oiie to leart, aini everyN E C K W E A R luaut caist eel Mi it-ifirhe plays it pu~lt. )rop ito)oour store. + _________________________________________________ WC11 I toll iyoii altl ab1ot it--put you aet x, as it were: get iou o00 Received this week. Alt the late novelties of the itiicle-o a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Sit. lTiat's all there, the se'asou are uow oiiliiisjitav aiit sale. is toit exscepit tie list s -smll tbutg 10look for, lig thiin to fod. 4 LUTZ, the Clothier,, 217 So. Main St. 4 MACK & COMPANY. !4.4. hf 4 1p'~4 .5'' ++r~ lf ff iii ..M ney Loanediia u W. J. LOURIM. .+ * <)'ktI i). Ii Iii 1:17) w Busiess StrictyCnfideatial. "+, Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes hT.'tt"it I i y "i. FINEL IJNVCiisIN t CoNNLC-TIONv 5.~-f))') . B. I.I'i w 308t S. Slatc St., R. E. JOLLY oWhy under tesun ;i 1'llll) Ma o\%als tii Ii o)l cr ith lif ittilip clothles Ill 0 III(.15)11ire ccci canll 01ii li 4 1i. 'tol ouill- chapscallge t all dra t the tail))) will p:ccIv(ou, ill CoDege Br-arid -t1.e s withiout pjillup falt 1a It the .tailori wanis. '1 gllitli tliiffc i ct from iller t 0/ce~ I 1111 15soits or strIetceda C tall pce Sack i;is asisoar a coal *as ever 11tiii' oil a IItiIIP 01511l' l ack. lile cloth', ale "iffercelnt. * Staebler eX Wxzerth. I y C I~ Y 1 a% O, ti LUETr, PEABODY & CO., Hot Lunch Copyightd, dAt Tuttle's. 338 S. State Ii -l Iat ire:.oiSENIOR RECEPTION NOTICE. arl%-a I nJ 'n hIt III andtlirlr-sc'ven1of Reading notices, except to Univer- till, IUKIi .if anI sc.51 7 111w illi csity organizations, one cent a word 1k _ e h(' ( ni(,i c ( l c c 115 I elti E)I -.I'r - per i.sue, payable strictly in advance j 1,, t 11 rc(1i)11i lete inar- to the Boiness Manager only.. Uni- your'el v%-tii-'w(d ad vers ity organizations allowed one no- C0 'I 0Rcti.i'''liIis tice free. tf. 11(ticol'i'i of- ~ s ifi(,ca ricI 5 comliites o li 1 51 I'lilIll ladcoral ti? iiGen ine Pultto G TT L;LliE'I' tE wcr. 1111'senior(Icplay''act). larrington, Speciat Lit., till SA.ETgY RAZ 1 1 ))nli1 III, 11hegirls' finanll'c clri- E.Cathecrine. eodtft N i c) 1111111ii ,u hini n Illllll'' 11 e. Ttie fotlis ati home wtoult tapptreciate Pot- cha lllirmll ofIII* tic seio 1r pltiIay .clilgaleic 15n. $1.00 cacti at AU IiA R R I liilliiiic11 , his ia.itialet ili stiwas IWatirs. tfI 1)11tte1 are Airiisiitar) Iriseorli, Steami and French dry cleaning cod Aliis 51)11nalBaileyl, 1and1.cis Elizai- retpairing at Fulaler & O'Connor'c, 6t9 Bo_ iiti Stiafford .IE. ViilliamiiSt. For the fIin iiainc'e coiiiitlce'c 'were chcN~i R ls-c tHiss EIlReedi tchiairin, i Facemssagc and steaming aa pe SC UV11F)ACIG')is w li igg-""ills Aliss ICcit cialtlr. St. Trojy's. 2211 1.(11 11111 11 1J il)Ii1111 l z((L, 1 ____________f___________ad______LosWilon,_ II, ci.14. a vc 1) w s1 1 1 t I Ilt1)it iiili111 Sis Try come of Cashing's IFine Choco- iiilliciHut A1css Silia nd itAliss Eliza ______________ grsAcademyc, Phine, 246ic Isti 'iaa nail. Twvo new mandolins tor cale.In inil te omites ier lectedquire at 331llPackard street. 1-tf. ATeirBs (lancedjunables o clckhiut IieIlls et your Gym cuppliec at Cashing's. BEID'S BILLIARD PARLORS flele Ii I iii)boke 'ptiss 1i11 C, I ' ili SmthiwistdticIIciihlotfher Bewitching picturec at Foster's Art iga CIand Tobaccos. IRoams. tf. correc (/ozArlffen WVomen have great influence as to a mian's fashionable character. -Lard G/iealtield to his-son. You'll please your mother, sister, wife, daughter, sweet- heart, or friend, if you wear the clothes hearing this lahel A Ifred IBenjamin~c (MAKERS i NEW YORK 41 Equal to fine custom-muade mnall hut price. 41 Thernakers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. 41 We are Exclusive Agents in this city. CUTTING, REYER CO.n ~AiC{i ~WISCONSIN REPORTS 'theNiagara Fall. ouet" at'Picki 11 c howling, alleys.Itc cry- THE 5SHORT LILNE 1holy11.11it Iltichar tic'rertesfto ofcharge. 7I' 17)17N.7 tiiic'c'isiiy all'. CHICAGO S. olcl'iswlin. 29 ANNr ARBOR to 'BUFFALO BOSTON LOST t NEW YORK St. Lout s Kantsas Ctll1SI. Palana'p 111''' et, ave late tle tSrcs'.. For iiinfrmnation and i t 5'' l'Inii l oose c c' htanige' andi i jingle rooni too rentilelphocne, ~ 0.1 T elctiric light, balthiroom Boll alt con -____________________ venlienices. 9I08IMonroestreet. t REPORTS OF WISCONSIN GAME;~ Save the Walk Down Town W~ilt ll'ereceivedl it Reid's Blliard it When yo11) iwant)ally Hlaltlaocer spec'ial w -c i'e of ostat 'Icsl graplli Cl.Opecrator itiltlticstatiiiione 300K BINDING. hecreceivedl tirccty aifte it'eyare ttI 111i IliooisI l'II))i'ce ili. Old mag- nialto. ~ s i 4 Iound il ne)alyanidciEat a reasonahle S.x os. iN\'(;ii-urii 0ou0 wrk Tand the= 1W ~ ~ ~ ' I Ets~a~takasy ArPt Americans Shoe for American Gen- fl men. Cros citt Platorm - Honest miser ai, n" u :ed intto form by ex- ; . .": v:" pert wsorkmoanstxip. Crossett Admin- Uztra ion -A re.,ime of absolute corn- /- frt for the feet asy LlEWS A. titOSSETI. NEW ROUTE TO KALAMAZOO + telephene 3101. ._ tr~i7E Tp NSJ. F. SCIILIIID[, 340 5. Slate Street M TRACTION t'44444+444+4+ TRAINS EVERY HOUR THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE CREEK, TIME TABL.E-Taking effect Sept 25, 1904 KALAMAZOO, and Paints East and West as is On 0. T. RY. at BATTLE CREEK Is 'yo.Itip ; 20a.. Lv. No.Ic-- 11:00a. LOW RATES FAST TIME 44S15 p eec Le. " ii' 4c5ipm. 10!" 6:41psi. '' '101§-- l 9:0 aa. /WA HE'tWNAW and Toledo +ThSlinda ineo ssyecp L1IHTAND POW[R CO.,ad . tol i'.]F'e ce a as onNos. 1and 4. 200 E. WASHINGTON ST. It. J. Il 1115G. PI'A., Ans Arcsr, M~i. s Il WISCONSIN RIEPORTS"h *« xl'STIRN UNION SPECIAL 1 di Stimpson &Stimfrson E t 334 S. State St. +*t i.4. g t44 44444 i '7"^ e k «+hH*il4" '«*i*««+4:I4 Il44l4444.44 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODY'EAR'S DRUG STORE