T149t MIC141GAN DAILY o .o 4 "#4* THE M1ICHIGAN DAILY. COMMUNICATION I IE E \OUL HA E F n- 5In.c 5 0 ~,The Daily Assumes No Responsibility W til- s tl- for the Opinions Expressed VIYOU TO KNOW ___in This Communi- (tr * is t t.Sie5- srto e 'isins ;- it r (let. 29, Si9. That we ore doing business at Ed~sitort MichiganlDaity:- __________________ * Managing Editor, J. 5STANLEY sALLY. TheIltherIts'day a junior medic ashed B tusiness Manager, CLAUDEl A. TIHOMPSON. ine' what the Stearn'smusical collIc OUR. NEW STOR.E I ion really ws a Ind wen I looke * 311 South State Street t ltllttli5 tsrpri'seditoldtha Itt lie had neces ____________-_.__--_----------______ t ine .I. itess 'est the colilect ion. W hen hl i s 1: 1i -rs. . ......h n-oins. Isi r e tred college ltesswas 5veiiy husy ler atnCa -- tie s-i 5. hts ii thtle irst seesterc c, and isincesliest That our New Woolensfor50 '1t 5.0"tadl iteens unsablto lit 5adimittsancets * the coningfal trade 'ire f*r1. - 0 ll-ti-t5Haty 1. Andrel s- (litet'collectin. no read. e(sfel thtstit is a itessliar slate iii ± owrad..15tt5 LI 11.5 firtis, iandtiotti if sismpa tywith 4 9891,9 iti eor~e A. ssottt :titt- Vi..,i llsM. 55tearn'sintssenio stsialtIthe tti- Thlat we make siuperb gasr- MA 1. ltet o -c sdlicy. Itst 1I lesttionsthouisili e clostedi to te stih ilit s-is I . s-ttfosis-i lit-so it sg atiinsethsial 'a studesnt cass risents for geintlemsen. 'a . tn. ,\ts rt L is 15 cl my t-ss'aititceol lisiisist- *Cla Tltweapeiaegti rd i J t.sc r to enli 't's'ndslavetisstolist'esswithot see-~i tillsll !cdu1 t and respectfuslly solicit thtls'casstn i s-n -it ersetinssoss'esf he lotgues-teentsfar-feceds. Obveiousily, 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~Office Housnt12:301to 1:301 oust6:30 to 7:30Il shteisse'inctlt Ieca 4.4t4p. in. daily. losgusesin theISi- or 211mnhssslin sli *r =TI Addrss:atCLAUDE A.1'1-l01'tPSON,Buionunests ave passedsincee te collet ioinwas ± G. H. \W1ILD CO. 'tanager, 331 Ptackar-d St., Telephone 461. Cosesid. I venitusrs'lt say thtsitsor"- TAILORS - t=hseeliitsitiig on te csitsion 311 South State Street. licorsse mont55hs. * ~ cit leass, is is ltlie hoeds that the NtiTE-Thossesof sourSri enslwhtlsthise aut ssihoissis'sstill, beforse lung.e-la 4 dially isvile e t ceNOWtt. sienst oilsanths Ile putbli.t'.05herwsise, Saturday, October 29, 5904. 5wes miyt3fsigeltsisallie St-cns's msi- cal collestisnints. ~l Editor Today-HUGH ALLEN. A SENIOR- I HALLOWE'EN PARTY OLLEGE TEXTBOOKS CALENDAR.__ ALLj~ PA ( ENc\T Agosossicrowdsiliidit's he parslosotf ULST l Octoher 29.-Fotball;'e'Wisconssintvn. Nt-itberry halllasit'eveinig 50o sli AL EATYINS - iYhi an at Madison. jnst ice to the goodlthings proidedktby S.L A. course. spenit, appiles, chsetnuts, cracker-eat- Noemherf15.-Michigtan Cloh Hossen,"55coetsts .55andifortssne t'llingoheisig FOUNTAIN PENS hantiuet at Weateriman gymna- importseants feture if lt'etoccasions. f rom $ 1 up Nut. 15.-lilisssig Orchlesra-First 106 LITS numbissee01' Chosral 1'7in series. All membsees of thle 'Oil Lit fooihali All- quardleed. - tsans seitat st'egymnstas 5t 15 - '~~lans is'eissnlers-tiefur a rusng Motsind is toiecide tonscasts andilswells- iseieitratiot inhotnor osf lt'e seamisessg iswlteisit arrels-sislics'frinseMaiiisn551GG, Manager. {- ~ lT IEtfriATICA[ Sundayitse-ei-ing. T'inisBirid ins biseess RA IGaske t' aki e ssch iare'of te gi-Isral BILLIARD MATCH asrrangemnitils. 'T'he' Ieasm is txjttcliii Geo. Hins.,clsansjistiilliasri Iplay- INcTRlr[TcS tosilsiie onithel9:310sgIaiss Sunday-ter- cosiMichigan, still iplay -a msatch sigl, IuisItIis is sit sef-initlys et.cl gasin(- sti l aplayesi iie t h lis s'st's- is I and an in ssouncst'een ti-ill lit-insgast1£ o'clcck. Stinisoss &iiS~isni- sitaidei i t-e Dtiliy sstomorrows'noritsg, son.29 ATHlLTIC 60OooS ui a 'fterl. Birdsi sbseens's sherd suns. Y' All studen'sts act'retue stdto isurssesFREE REPO RTS SWEATERS and JERSEYS Spaalding flake A"Colors Prices Sizes I Jerseys (finettoss'.__ ISweaters(s c't)___ SWeaters (wtlh busttonis $2.00 _5.00 5.50 fleadquarfters for Gyjmnasiumi oods, F'ootball Supplimes,' Spsal- ding AthleticGonods. [VI RYTfING [OR Tilt'SIUDI NT WAHIRS BOOKSTORES UNIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS 103-1000N. Mini St. 316 S. Slate St. JUNIOR LAWS ARE "CON'IJ" I Come in gotor'prices. SHEIIEAt{ & CO. 120 S. Stats' St. TOOTH BRUSHES 25 cents wili hissonett isi WAI\MttN5'E5, andi is as goodi as yea souldsavs itecto pay 5 y 1cents for eswhers'. at BROWN'S DRUG STORE oils at liii'dshot tieplile'si to giset'hite_____ biso-'s a sis-s-isc' is- s isuch cs itsmihasReisedi-ivisr-cspecial s-ire at, Sisi- s's- civer' i' tbecfore.' Theii' tleitets-site &: Ssissisost's.In adiiossisolthue Lsio upontislike' si's-asiossi if oresc Wisconisins ganse,srepots o sfall east:- yeatrs htat's-lasciesd le'tdership and or 'andiwsternssgansowsililibe re- pursei, slatltoghtev-tioce-st'hats ibeens s'iveiiOpea-ass'iusroom.s - 29 stillinigtetnoughtoitsslithis shtare' tttard a ci'rlied i'uuciabe indrosings rcption. hsh- Homsse-msade caki' andilrolls as Miss 'Ts' plan th5sis ye as'iiis beingscaefuithe Isiel's, 132 5. Stat' (secondslooiisr). wokdotilli esery deitsllitbessis- 29 stiltlt'es si-lst sill cs's totthirs'in- divtidul dulit it's pt'sonallyhe ndathecre ee'sri-i' rtsisftall itday's gamnes is sits tiassitnti tivysmetinsg this y-sas'rce'siv'ediasthReid's ibilliardsihatll. Slut- c-annosi ts'estillsediso'fflthatall tiill lie' situwi'lls'nutustperaltor slat ionsedsinI Irudts parl tiiate iniandh make alt'suitosi. 295 ii sets;tutuccits-ts. W'tichsts'eIDails-' Itomorrows 'tic 'sll sitissansethen Roomiisiss, osse-hsalf hltck fsrisscams- tiltrit itito tusananth enjoythelst'fuss, lis;two su5iteilis, one1' isgle' roomi. All i-isnvesntiie's. 'terms chetap, 211 S. LOST RING Tihiayer. 29-30tt Goliitia tltd'ingts.thismonossgramssJUNIOR LAWS M. I lea5ts tsis tos"7215 5. Stat' Vol. I., 'Tiffany on Steal Propserty, at and iscete liiea es wartds s . 29-30ti (aliagisans. tf f O~t T[[[PHON[ COMPANY Freqetnstlyisiots-beause they dis no' ,study hard esisitgih ut hecasise theY dis hutotstudyin- lthlii'righttwas'. I stuidy-1 ingte'ves-i'mporisstantsusbjectf1 Cn'orpoatitos, foitsnistancte, it itsalanO't -lidispsesabtle fits'the studenst tou1)0i"' se's' a gotid text'hbook on thit siubjct, to beued in icollatseral readinig. fro suggest a sosik tht w souldsibe justt the ohs' to fill tis sstant wtulsd b hie One v'oliumieit-k ekiitedits' Missi's. t'iark & Marslshl. 'lii's esork, sh ichs is 11"' tenuded ptarticutlarlys--ftor the, use of sto' dens, cl e rsyt t ei ll lbe ussetitogethi'S with 'rof. Wilgus' f'asts, as it us ill h notieced in e'aiinig this text-boo0k thai teethors hatejpratitcally citeil till of thin cate's initese ulection of Prof- Wilgucsitsed ii inte [-iesity of MiCh igan. 'STe funsdamental pinipijles Of ecooations ate emphiasized Sty helne otated in lack letherlpar'agrs', DO'net huowever', exactly rieembling the HorOn took series. IP'oii. Wilgus secooc" mends the bsook very ighsly tend think i it adeistihle for law students tot posses"1 acasy. 'Te soot: is hbsund its shccP and lusttip veri'-neatly-. It can he eli taint-flatteasseeial iriselfrom Mr.C -Sttite str-eet, AsoAlintArorMliii. Investments in face comfort, briml big re' turns. There's big face cov1' fort in the fanmous WILLI AMS' T'C9 BEST LONG DISTANCE IlTie Students' Lecture Association 1904 ff ffttohf first seaeon 10 Russell N. Conwell l'knry Watterson John' T: M6Cutcheon SOUSA'S BAND Gov. LaFollette Edward Roik Henry Van Dyke Leland T. Powers Champ }Clark Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest Open Number B E S T L O C A L S E R VI C E 0 IThree Days Collar Button Sale Friday, Saturday, Monday, Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 24 The Crown Collar Button factory, in order ho inttroducze their Pries Th slecomSmen~ces Friday. Now is thue tinse to Reckuponuolarcb uttons2lf -2rcent ec Regular 5c Button, 25- cents each ISX5.RRY BUTTON WARRANTE4:D Wagner & Co., 303-305 5. State St. SEE SINI)OW DISu'LAx5, WE RAVE NODOWN 'TOWN STlOREi. Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra Single Admission $1.00. You-usucu re-tickesufrum student ueles-s or at Wahr's State itreet book store Next Lecture: Henry Watterson, Nov. let. - mm m mom m STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING LINDENSCHMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS.