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October 29, 1904 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-29

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ii, e a
7oL" X.V.
No. 29
MiohIgan Has Only An Even Chance
to Win-Wisconsin Cachen
Reported To Be Con-
michlignii Wisonsi.
Wheeks, 1 e..171;.... ..e 711rs
CUis . i, 28... 1, it. IS, ianqais
tair r g2;; 2, Dno
llahnimm~idr lvSS.l~~19, iii Ck
H lto , Il.,1S I..ft .I ,:;,5 t t. ibian
1-ngniau,1. 15 .....1,1 (f IatSi
At 2 orflork his aflirt lith
rePre s whstl wil Blw- t R nialI
iiefif tw-ioilh rn~t i~c c s
the Iwst)hs vi senwil om
togeherandat ill(, liiio
put lioi teraefoihe) ~ t
wll his s li hn taitat
lih o iinllf -frj
fatm hiltebtill) osie ro d
Crlsion 'as li-isri-ua)wifts nhelps
a le' i at-'. m(}in; tat de
th tt i i a <ti s n t i ii-t -
Tiers arc - aca -olVthe e
Whlo ca~n hp l5- uon1o clss
Offifa0) taftittifi butfit iis I Sililnli-
brillfiati lon ut s aai n ~fls)0a liiam iof
Wtiscoin'ssflu rat il fhest
niay onceioriss i in lit game h
shfare i wti ili t. tif certain
that hi- has s vua iitil)))ii iifrtil
Oroself mehis1Ils, ear'sform
and Yolist imsel a' htN yi
tsod a1)1 sifity fuartrfack 1weve
ht t irl iga fitefnsehashee
offong alls asn 11if if telin fts ca
Wtlhstandiia-iassauts fff he Ilad-
sary o illso ongas om l-
nurnd iis il t -intsGme i ll' iS f its ityl
to booti t hi o11 ) sass te °1r11 55
foal fposs.
hy Keene 5Ffilfs~trls-fiisn,-il
it fthe fitpyfil -1 iilifi Callnod
hene llS-igas n dal f tliat
saris ofipla is I1 \Visesillsin sat
mighli t if Is l-a -i-if bytheflIl) hei
elf 505-that l re iff wii.
Assstat C I oc o-l 'ilielila is lMoter
"1 id inotIii) liif V55)aire 5liG ito
he-'in'the-1 ma-ss h ciiitig ii
iaifsc111 fautI foiowwa )re-.Eeri-
roan1 loi lheialmis a al~te ,adif h
wihflli ostratei ti.Saturdaf~y 1i~s
haoe ot a ta-ofuiividlsf bu5 fts
one that plystogthersiisl a il~
falu iri- is Iharmony ISof fceiofi
hifif uiiofllorifpurpose05 amoig-thi
1is esti-atedal iOht iesn hIs
an leple owill wv-hole-l lsgaetisa
The folluwing lporamtriswill 10e
gives0by1-h Adlhi So firdo, Ot.
29, at 7:10) olock:1 -
Tali . . ..Dahl
Tae off theties ........ Slnt
5-inoy- - - - Sotl
DelliesollsidlThai Alifiart
fDfiff SoldtiBifItr1d1uced fIisnto1
ftfe fUn i r sit (f Sfliciglff
Alt'ratveLofftf Ii 1111J-TI. Ir-
Negiveciniz, Mrin.
Alu mnae,
fits-li t at ii
vaisig. a
W left
eai) is li
Faculty Ladies and New Members Elected-Active Year's
fioes to Watch Pro- Work Laid Oat foe the-
cendings From the Club-Executive
Gallery.- Committee.
Mnit fit-e Michliugan Muc in fi~te siseing 11r111edin l
liot hsifdecfiidedto saw lheGodi vrnetlli 1 nilislt ctif111111nd
the univeity1 ismilll to berm, li e ar's 115ffi5wor~li has lienflanniled-i.
Iath gllefrytof lie -Off) IllThe 1memb1iershipfihas flenh flmited to
lietim o lsh i tfli ant. twe-tyit-fourfe udatsif and 111 fs-ve orsix
hei goafliry t-,her iii ft ,sotio honorlary- facuit-yffemblers. 0111y fi
dieio lfetolf1111 of(lr-sx fmemberfshlip floes rolalin
cls.If thitre are are till
isfi-itthif aifllumn.1antI if ise rgilof-meetiintg hld llaft
hae}be- t accoimmodatli ediiii igh111.t-efolloinfg 11151 swere voted
y-b Isoldff itft-eni-Is of11 slf ino iemerhlip:Cole, Melt I-,ore
flse.11epil o 110 frss lancly, lFrsfiedmanSanordsl
io be twen-live-fnts, a
of 1i adif)lssfion fe.ad - llfof, lanhard, \\Slf Pa 1,1 0111
Iwo!)(fli ttll4( xbr) n o i 1i 1aisite f.
Will Be Heard in University Hall
This Afternoon-Doors
W i ll Be Open at
Toays lug gontra areo afolllows:
ilili-anivsa. \Wiascolainl,oftiMadison.
ChIicagoavs. Ilflinosis, ft OChicago.
innsotia vs. Neheosko, at Min-
Nortfwseren va. hepauw, at Roan
Inianavsa. O. S. I)., of Colufmfbs.
Pefri-fceto s. Cornell, oft10110ca.
floes.arI ss. Pennsylvania, at Cam-
idge. i
Sa~ev. - Cotlumia, a0 Now Haven.
IaiffnnArboratoayotflers is only
il(_ topic of conversatiosn-the iVia-
resally In1ti-f-- sitI ite ibjit iof lie a ffaoing, f-si-sll oi elllii j 5a~i11gamie, and it has been ar-
bazgte.Tikes o tes gler te t~s appints 1:Iiii A. Imo. ChubbofiA. rangi-dlthaitthestay-at-lhomes"a-ill
Sanqiii - Te-fitis fu he--a .IPouanditJ.IA. i ills,(ifasliJaobiDi-ror the Illloasalnostf as anon as
5)5) i ilf i-frsi iifh i sIl II.510011)11 I lt-ysoccur. A long-distabnce tele-
dail, fr f 1itotig7lior ifi te liiitii Cin 11.5oif pheofone Iwtiiif ilalssirestaretchifig from Randall
bit. fsift 1 is12.1f frlls51511)eiheild iiilshe l ithiird fhusilda el ieiildinilMtadison to lUflfersity halt
hers ii- the MiciSganu I-sfo comit-i 1)1 i ihir i lt-etf f if h 15011Ynloosef oC
fee11111fices Ioft1e1ubirefig erdevtiedaif e gousieyto cels
A LLFRESH SATURDAY Vices Pers-IarryEet Coiughln. aluaiotarobotesat h omte. A telephlone
- See f-las.Winsisead.1111oth1 will bas placi-dlin the pros
Big Game hWith Strong Ypsilanti staindt liihe colieantI os fast as tem
Normal Team-Ypsi Girls ROUSING SEND-OFF Iolasoo Ills-he opieator vill -call
Will Came in a fthetm off to thismn iitUniversity
Body. Lastnight at I9:301 shillstwosbunim hall, andl they-,- gill flien ho road to
if-1 0a111fiftye-root erstolllaols-i)tog)) hsetossdtt in ~e hall.
Thei tufit)unate -ss woowsill not seeoiltheliii-.-gt-dlffoeratfto iiscsin.~l hss-a n ss si ooti e
Ih ea t Mad15l1111isn soill lhavesa0Tl i Thilisistomuwt- usedffo5obta-ifues
The tudet bdy sems o rali tinots of the Minnesota game -,lane
i-haitces, neverteless, oilseingitt -hat;lthe ganmothis afternoonitlisul libe--
-sad lji-s liot.of fiiotbalflishIll-th1011one1of tl it- Oreesl 1that.Sitchig.atnhas isaroiand woo fiouind o eevery effi-
5ff--f i-nh linieis itl)igainlst SYpsilaiti'ever plafedlif ndfthatlthuiteIam n-eds115 detl TPusecheeiitgof- theeroler:
Noil IIitoty. Ysilanti 1as-silifod lifiifs ofpporoff l linder-ill fle- tall etoitldllos distinctly hearid
a--r(-_,lut anli his teair.A fci to- w1es gr-aduaute. ST-et-rowd sshiclef fo r ftsat tl ii nneap~tuolisfoend of the line.
Ig listwonomu -An ArborlutHigh 1 aoifiseuconsiderb lroff ugi-nufthan Oils lossofUtiviersity hall will
:sc illlo I uniiof 07 t 0-nd lherprnaionlof futhe itafinals at Ie fi - a 2o'loce. A large snap
s li-uthenitheyuavesdevlopdcoef-ff if he01 ain'11s re last f(o. f iri-a-football field isill he placed on
iiiaby eufThIl e tmis iot heiasy a Sonfitieloifoore flue trait il lfitsheith al 11fo11,asid tse snovements of
rt ve-t faust atndf5snappyfauofatd re 'I falSIl. ottid, after layoing a 0 w isis ii l e followed as- it
prepaed aogieIsfilealittsiten-agoodaolgeii-sfie-es, arcaied(fossnIitoo lut.nhe Is
hard ussl- , Michgan Cntra staion.The 1001v (.I anddowthegridir-on. An
lilt frishmenhav en otiuhl itu te iu. o-i-fifiadml a5iiusot ussion ouf issenty-five cents will
Thlb hauls is repeented at Miadi-
51151toutay StySMonaginug Rditor haley,
Butsinuess 'ofanager Thompson, and
T o D ol cor C sh 1tate i thlsei EitorDew. A fall detailedl
~ I 15 ian~i fIS PhS'l1 SlffltOSNaccioust oilfluhe great coolest will ap
ON Y:AIIYSUBCRIPi'I\S O TE MIHIGN Dlos- par fin tosnorroivs issuse.
Expires Nov. 1s1t.
111 is If miot paid before this date, $2.50
flail rift)ittatcesto iitickeets- ores old. Thisis ionot Ithe case.
I'hoela1. i an A .. TfifsflaoN. Si-.11331Packeliot. , *There ore a (as left, and those who
lie-sire ticies mnay procure them
" .°°'._'.' . " ' ,"' " .. + + e !of thisfolowsing: D. B. D. Blamne,
-- -- - - - I-Sedif Is unssioke "till" Baey,
car~stassly adiave111-msluchthes fit yisnusea-siig cs-wdos-ftf sudetst oe"Siis -Hasry Jateas, Wlliam
terofitin cgi Tee r l an'.;o!lwhich fit-st. guoesai uitedi o f MI"ituissilli "BiiiParkes, Richard Kirk,
fIdt mlis i tine evr.ivilandthleia rousfisug loceomotise.- ilil iSh laws afalusmni soom, Usfs-er-
the chif diflif) v hbing thu-tI the SlMichigan haslulls otnusuatallyftoog sity i hl. Semesa-of te faculty
ionIilay1 ft1111high. ICuochi 5 ii s hasI fiisowisugin tChieagiuoafdueissini Ishouufl purchlas etickets from Mr.
beenifp111ffnf1 1 uemti hr ughit-aisoifaiii-wha oill at tendthfle gosme, iandlthus Shaowo Aboutstesventy-fve mesmhers
info-f vy it)tbutlots si) ln oll anrest oasssirelhitii aill b foe thCe 1faeulty hase putrchased up15to
fcei that theflits ary t ,n-vtifl preaoru-idlamiontgfrens.ate.hol entu-iy setssapplied the
Sinori tetonost.- ___________ fisat olayforiithe lprivilege of serving
Iiuuu~orrii 05s 11111imust oflthoe NATIONAL PRESI DENT H ERE at hseoininer. As 1010 will he en-
asi-is wllhegiena ihaitoei !gagedhthese are thirey vacancies
sho lothelin abilfity, ndtheul leen I uitayof teroeso t:3 o'cluock isolwh~i soill he iledl in the order of
men p1 icedtifrottlis cest 1woillIS ItMcillanihioltherestiff he a nmeet- ospslicat ion. Those who desire to a-
robfahfy lhaves lpermaneniut piiion uls !ii fiferessedlbStDIS leigh Colviioftyandh tuoasis-io hose already ap-
11 ifh- teamtheflt-remtainideasoilfilhe afotial pre-sidlentot fIthie Intiecot-fpliedibStthave nob received receipts
Isn. leite Pruohibition Asociations. Molly andh coouons, shotuldf call io the sac-
Thue itne-upiiii hrloalysbhe as Siholigasimesaulf refossiliar withi the retary, 5t" E.Jefferson.
floss: isratoorical casntest work of this also -______________
L. f., hanleri-; 1.1.,Nesston; I.g., itasos.It isshe mast extensive- NX LS GM USA
Besnnefti r iinFsll .e (ales; I.1g., itmoftsefintercollegiate ort oil i ETCASGM USA
Paltmueor She-inurltsr. t5,Resety;scsitests is theilUited Staesoatit Theioclasso totball teamsoare now
I.beHaria oreLantgley; q.,1Evansso0 101isisig locol, state, inferstate andil 11
SlcIihfip; h.i. o;I. ell;- r.Ish., tiol contests. It isicluides mostiof1hosisig a short periodl of reat. The
process of sxterminat'a isill hegin
Crowleey. Rsferee-Mohrse, oil 1)1. S.itti largsr univisersities, as iself on aihweeonTedawe
('pr-Tos id a i nma tesmaller coleges from teAtlantic this Senior Lits meat the Senior
-Reyntsold.of 10hle Pacific. Feur thse 11as1two00Laws.
fers Ithe iieestate-contentss'save
MISS BOND IN HOSPITAL Seen woonsbytU.oif M. e-.G
___WSeleha ini1t903, and E.M. Hallidlay on FRESH MEDICS ORGANIZE
Sies hiBrnicse L ftood,1propetess 15190Sf.SMr.Colvisiis a0Univiesrsityof
of te sesuorflierary elass, is i the (huecagoio n, andohas proabaly sisit- Thseff08 Meidics lteld Itseir efec-
ihspitl ffieritstfreonia oken lf- eg.ehd sore ctolegs andso uniusersities lion if hiss officers yesterday alter-
lis acctidenstsowhuiOwus thersestultof han ain1y5ffoithueyousng mooa ii in er cul These suolt Iwas: L. F. IEast-
to faluihl tesidealhu oeurtes Ilast loutir.Ie HeDihas aspoken lat 225 difi or- tiff lipesident;f Miss Stark, vices
N~aednesday. ho is i falliciiulslhoofent.iinstfituthions snthse laat Iiseyea~rs. ;)esidlent; lCarmichael, secretary;
case, sotflatSMiss Ilondulwitlf Irish-Sir.Colvits will he at Mcitlslas ha':Stieie, treasoirer; Home, hasehall
Cly fae Isfli tehospaflfofr ffsree or fruot 11 to 12 oclocktouday toil conttmnanger: iSlerlootgh, trace manager;
(stirwsi-so-. - soft abion. Prioer, dilegate so medical society.
Vriiversity Hall, 2 p. m. Today. Adrmissions 25 cents.

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