THE N111iHIGAN DAILY r - START[FR[SHIM[N IGHT LILI~~.)IMPERIAL GUARANTF PUR VS_ N EERY w Is MLK he ClorandWeaAbsolutely Guaranteed. Tour dearer stnA nedto rplcelree of Ctge, any flat which is Not Salosfactoi-. 1-m iofm 't 11 i i ll it. iti Peters Is the Original ±I Vo sil eer wer.PTS TH Phtt DOUBLES POSTPONED _ i t 0 iiiiittt1 i t >; 1(' i . :1 '.c tt tl zi th m - ,. J o d i n it t toirat tttitClrki dro d ~.11tt'Imti-rn in ti or t esn threen r~t f ii(. T~c towillpl iytheitheir, hO' ( c'Ot r totttt ittiten ostip oe 1 te rttm(otto coa.t. builto wh CullNG, .:YIIR & C). Ark.usas Texa', iexico, hole g t.CL UY A'r e Bat Reaochedvia 1 St cois, World's Fair City, Leading Clothiers, Iro MoNDTaHE Rue Hatters and Fur rn uIai ot n:slhers. .' 'iweeDely Trtin to Go1=itfot 1' iutDily T-itisto Texa'so 1; Diliy Tr'is o Iflit springsn a v lTristo1Little Rtek 41 10)- IIll ttast Vi'osi gton Stree t _lihe BEST of Everything 11 D.Armnstrong, T.EP.A., ..ANN .ARBOR, MICH. 4- 3raph''er-*" ' :" A Job Printing. Meyers' 2i5 Atain Si. !;I: sotuth. Phone -,S1 t i. 4 Mlirhiganensians $1.00 echr at ( IA1. Suits pressed, 2he; trouserst 10c the ller & O'Connor, 6l19 h William St. -° D INNEpR 4 Students' hooks and clothing. (ileu ed at app~roximately '35c tot $100 in-4 snrance. Phone or write. W. IH.BUTLLR, A} Both Phones 41. h 200tE Hu -iron. ; 3 I5 S. State St-. Latest novelties in snitingo at Fo l- vC +,5- 444 5-4 ler & O'Connor's, 619 E. William St. *,*G.0 W4, JUNIOR LAWS 7Tmka _ l 1 e $3.00 Vol. I., Tiffany oa Real Propetrry, at -- ('allaglian's. tf $Univerrity Academy, 336 slate Streett Try nome ofl Cushing's Fine Chioco- - lates. tf. BAILEY & FDMIJND). tsoted" t the fit trforoal." A for the Brighton. "1o .e i. .lfo ihtn PIONliE. 71S ehtlrot ot..* w I ^rrnr DON D. WILiIA"rS, 'OS LAW! NOT)ICELAISDelril S r h NES i IiA 1 1- 11 . i tol Ii' iiitheiii(""ry ati ____ (uns = Fishing Tackle a Ammunitionl (1 o N nIttto, i ttrti it iii' t (ittr'tte Yo will find a first-class antisreptic Fish Nets ler Iecorating. HO RS o t o .i m. , excep'0'i(i titiict ii..Io to iiiat iiit i ititttle.J rs ) i'l o t t ii elt, 1-lait' trrrsing paonor. No datiger oft11 Easot.iiiety St. tiiiAheir. )i01, 1 1. 0 OI.' ltli'll iiy' P1tthon 715-1. it-it llau toO.i, ) l',i ltinient mt i cassto 1 ~dn'eSitN. ti otitet- Eenings t tio'l. c atchtittgdandruff or atty oilier scalt - ____ ______ tie skin diseoase a' everthilng itsed i C QO POITVEY AS ttii io-:is terilized. Soft water toeroshamplootng REMOVEDFrmAhn ea ASH11 POSITIVELYIIELY'_. at Mrs. J. hR. Trojanowski's, .122 So. a ;1,X irs or ot N ot State street. Phone 3loll tttiend * oltlie Ill e:.1 No orders ar cabs for parties or entertain 1908 M EDIC. ELECTION Tl T E S P E S P~ tr min will be laken this season unletss o rtiiia t-tGIo to Cuoshing's for HershieysTEAHN RES rnes cash accomopasiesthe order. -ji('1t11,t-tt li-o eti ion. TI Cailler's Milk Chocolate. tf RS: ltitltats tt.ettlltthe ild, one heatt d ittOtiltTiiLSteam and >French dry cleaning and LNES oeoIltoal fotaricso o- Cr vA.F0ad11 ile h repirtngat 1'uller & 0 COIot C) .10CE TR1LNE - ' - - -;tt ' __of_____________:_._1)DIRECT LINE Robison & Co. Holmes' Livery ' i1ii it21iii 0 tsat at ''ro~jy'o. It ts Farteimassagr anttisteattttt a tp'- TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS. Walker's Livery W. It Stark Trat 2t italty. tatSt.Tojy's. h2iO Parlor Cart on all Trains ., +Z t""[+1.F {+ ++ +4 Furiihedril onror ttLiglit lttses- . V. A. A." J. Railway 4+ ep ingtuut 4 rito o l 'ot itncts. sii.O)((I1 Ii ti $16e0 onh eern e eq ie . I'r IDeti-oilt thallth urytaet rotttth 15aI. it 5e i0 l)~~i. mt. VI-ti',P.n2:trhent.15n d 1y 15tetiti QUZ'O KSB-Iatli Robro s titt' tror& COo. \Vitinu0Loomt. ltun tci. (vsAU Q I StofittSitti. DICTIONARIES K - CALLAGHAN & GO., Lawe Publishers, Chica go, Ill. ANN ARBOR BRANCH: 340 State St. Opposite Law Bldg. - - OURk CA NDI ES .i..%.-I-.l--.--t3.,-4.-4.. . Y' "ti°~'.L--a 0 ."' +'.'**e'""$ r ' ~r .. $ 3.50 PeM-S eCk s $4.00 - LOOK FOR 'T PEINNYCOOK, the Confectioner AR[ EXCIJSIVE US SIYlI E. jCORIH / 310OSouth StateStreel. LOKFRTIlE NAME. You will fladittono eere nair ______________________ o Genuine Paritas Shtoens, 4Itt iiiSATE.1( XCLtStI1-'Y X'ye13 119 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Netit-igiti onc triNo §Vetter Turkish C g r ette C * otyc tcorruntete Tryor new Electric Shoe Shinis g Ohair.-Be per ohine, t Ide. FIVE TICKETIS FREE with every pate of Puritan Shoes. COKTP " ORKPLAIN ahn 10heiid Lookt: oe --s QfS. ANA ;'- h[ Always Ahead iu Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Rest of Everything in Tailoring