THE MICtIG,4N DAILY ' *9 x''c 't ' '° '? f '' 'tS'r~x x rtss,;tg: su :t < tx tlla i , . Hoag's Home Supply Store, Corner Main and Washing-ton -Streets Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Poirtes and Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ash 'craps, 'Paper Weigh~lts,-Stuokiugb Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and Pipe Racks at popular prices. This is the place, I ,.G. HOA.G. 'A. } 3 C } v S {{y#s} d Ii:: U 44 Op 44I44 41I-" J 1 14O . i4t'+. *-+++'# . +Dti0 B urch fel d's Fine Tail ori ngt: STrade Guarantees... ao the lont skillful acid artitse vicle to li had anywshete W\e alwatseacry a larec and comiplete line of seasonable wool- ens. We have the agency for Busch to Newet's Customh Shirts; $ and can shot you a large, bEautiful and exelusive line of shirt- Burchfield's Fine :Tailring Traile5 IO6iU uron-. 1 yo yf OF is..-.-!.5 .4+5 ..114..... 10. V .a Y . ;s 1 0 p o _ ,4 a ., j s s a a 0 a a 'a 3 } Fall Fashions are R~ipe Suit' = TpC.oats =Rain .Coats x4 Froem thes Nttu'itcai louig hotse of L. ADLER BROS. & CO.. Rochester, N. Y. Illustrating the-att-in -poaV d designs, arte non rteaM> Y, _Wu have ecuax- atulL.VCIt &("'n. clothtng in tltis locality. atily paeth'tolar abutt tle style and fit of their clothes tare es- opecially incited to insptect thr~e prtucts(If Itoetueter'smust ap- to-date clothing mantfactory. =Wadhams, Ryan& Reule is s- s -r r 'ms s F a V -r c + 3 : s ;+^x'-r s ; stT !n *"} yi± sc {' r L*s a° t t tr :rSt v«w x a 'c x$x >i+ Mon ey Loan ed otheripesonalt propety of ve. " Oticeat reite lee.3o1l. Iit ely :r' Annw1xaster AUses. u lt _Iltn a. tt.. t s. -~~ Jeseph C. Watts 7 "kLLE N' S FO0R--QUALITY" B 1s1i 0 g 1i IT(11.4, 111,1 1te I5il5 01ste sarne- l rol -mltndet s" ittih leirtunvaryin Spaulding's OfficialIntere ileiut lte 1 ak Do n T w IOOTBALL fSaeheWlDwn on U sed by All Leading Cnlleges Slhen youwItuy11 Fnot Ball Pants-Lairu_ _ _ . ttlnl at i-.ttclietl ewit BOOK BINDING. y A. IG. SPAULDINfISS SONS, . tls1 ille. iu I h l~s Pii '?5t upn I. (1 l..n NwMre -Chm - Denver I lttlnllilefo us tlt 01111 it araoa - -- -- - - uIt. tNVQaarallteeae 110111. Spasidis s Official Footbe1,. OuialsTeepon. 10 Far 1neT904n 35 Islitetl ty 51alttve call e Prsle 10c. F. . SCHIEDE, 340 S. State Street .. FRESH 1- I5TS .ELECTION, The 1reshlt Lit clas ant t oe cisce- 1104 5 Oye tlltayaftlernoont swtit5Pro- Ie l-or ttodilaetlnla_-the -ciair_ -Only 5tle ticktl-ila-applieanred-- il te ild he-tori- 11111 aoceittei ut tiolt attiteall at nt, earr eci. a nostion. toI pos551ttpon -e--lI lis ---1101tit next iTurstdays, Ialtil- 7tbe, ll;ie iltacing- ill noiatlltion111 tuloter ticket, us' fies-s-Alfred'titealtt. iePes.-Miss Caripentr. Sec~y-Miss Lewis. trots. I'. P. Ma, oilin. reach Mlanager-iL. L. Crane. iBaskttbal1l11 dic.-MissIHt~endeson. itaseblltMg.ChasE.Tner- 'The ticktwh ich itadt 11a110itsi- i-earalte-shtortly beforeteameeting is 110 folls:~ Pres.-Jaotes 1V. McCanliess. Vice Pros.-dliss Eleanor Smoot. Seety-M:iss AMargaret Stockbidlge. Treas.-Pil. la.digofliil. itellMgice.-loyli W. 'rawford. Bask thult Mlgr.-Miss Floreace SENIOR GIRLS' RECEPTION BD-all Jordan wsill-.receive t setniore girls Fridauy afternoon, Octobae 28 rob tel t Ill -in 11Baurltegymnta- situn. ._ NOTICE. .Reading notices. except to Univer- 3ily organizations, one cent a word ,pr s e,, pgyable strictly- in advance 'Cns the_ basinesns Manager only.. Uni- versuity orggrniz~tions ,allowed one no- tice free, tf. lniue, deccoratie! (Genntine Pteblo ltitiaaovassandi bowls, tlc Ill $1.01 each. Barrington, Splecial Lie., 319 Li. t,;atlleaine. eo~dtf The o4its At hooe would aptlreceate a Michtiganensian. $1.00 each, at Wate's. tf Two new mnvliAAs, fore sale. In- quire at 31 Packard street. 1-tf. Get your Gym supplies at Cushing'cs. Bewitchiog pictures at Footer's Art Rooms. f. Wasted-Coliege men who wish Ill caro eustyomoney duieng sitre- honrs on a p~roiposition that is new, catchy anld takes on sight. For ptarticulars, addIresn Michiganl Buily, 331 Packaid street. 26-28, Sinleicroom toe rcot; teleplhonte, electric light. bath room and all cun- venliences. 90S ibonroe- street. t GEORGE BISCHO1FF i LOITChoice nut Floers asd Tiltere. o ie e51-0. I havlejust recelvedlith tlr_-et 1 55 lirlle Turktsh Cigarettes and Pip~es ewer lbroughlc)tIllcity. FINE7 11N "1(8 IN CONN~i71 IN Ever tlnng Nestlllutoech A gtIt.tesLItr 3 3. .Ijttf'-s. SOD S. Slate St., R. L. JOLLYE b(CI1O t.OfDANC-ING let o tue stI ien If'so rT~r Flteer. ' let ,vk I I 11-i arerr O~ rangers Academy, Plvnna 240 New Brunswick tables REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fine Cigars asd Tobaccas. Hot- L 41ASt 1'utt" 'es.338 S.; Stae J lacy a- _Parker,..Fountain, Pen. "Man n's Drug- Store* Watches, Clocks .and- Jewelr ti-npaired hY etxpert, tstuutt - --.. _t trauaslltullle Iteicc a:.ALLI a lt guaralnteed._ -J. 0. l1WR, JetWe~.ler1 10 qllry.. - fiichigan Pillows, Pennants- an Room Decorations. . .226 Sssth State Street a s olip 511s11d5fa~storv work', ERuby atoIIlook111likeatolteniull.h11111boadtlt 5iiflttrtonsyor jacet,.roomlinerss ars hellheslt. 1ttO lslprecis-tythirlct011 11011R EPOR and1w1d1hII listtt1 110. 111111111I bindl. RPRS OF WISCONSIN CAME trousers ct with an ".te" not scisored__ ti0d1rm1Yo ;;et1 a IthI ese- tlllltloin1111 W NTilit- rieelsveliat1Stimilson & 5o in A II-4N'- aII A NDI-TA IA 1 1 I i t 5 h,- 1the rt I 1111c1of tile Sltimsons Neos-illiardi Parlors sia Y10set.lPrtces lnlt 11w,- butImod1eratet. VIIsternI inion spescial wire. An (liltr uew1il t- stationt-d in tile rtoom $10 and $15 1and11wilt giveItiulsol thtill-lays as th___Ie gamlte rgresses. 28-29 ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER NOTICE. Main Streetl190t ledldits stillmnitelat 5lo Ocloe tis after11111n1ill east lecturee root e eia ulig =i2WORD TOi*8 Every article new and this seasoi Ion will always find the right thinog at the right time at the New Clothing and Haherdashery Stores of W ADbHaAhA 41 OF iit23-b#TftM*AIN- SiRlifi- - -A1 Wb1ILEh/.r~c, e4 U.Text Door to the State 546k. 6 in's styles. ° - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 N 1N +1 + fN ,A 1 HIriAN ENSPAL J F" SCIIUI, Sanitary Plumbing, Rowels L aundry THE ANVN ARBOR RAILROtb - Electric contruction and supplies as >-e Lsa IcsnFu - "The Niagara Falls Rsute" Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and Thomas Rowe,- Profrletor e - THE SHORT LIRE Electric fixtures, steam and hot 326 N. fth TIM-fEs TABL'!E -en effect Sept 25, t904 SC IA Owater heating. Ne- o iosie4507 t 4drl/lnase 9-L sues,'s N ORH I CHICAGO 207 E. Washington St. _______0_____a_____m.lp.- t L v. 'Nu. 1- 1 0a. INN ABRt1BUFFALO k1 t OOtl r. 5-.1:2 n 111 BOSTON Frl ' -6411. .L.l-5 NEW YORK PHOTOGRAPHS 0.M. lytin l Director Vm. I aiim .o h ietconnections at Chicago for ad Cit Thoghtris alyeI"r t LonsKansas City, St. Paul and Cl tOffice 209 S.,4tir--Ave. -Ptnne 9$:"8-. 5 sy. I Sunda onytesty he-Ils- -sLu elt thro st.LFor information and SEYMOIUR3'S STUDIO, 1e me- 0 ' S ::o h A3e.. _ -nhdne e-d. Fe-W.lT WL CL nS, AIl4. ug (ackt call on or write to W. . J d,>1' 5VlLL . An ubo Mih. " SEc, Agent, Ann Arbor. 316 Sost Stats St. " AFImbtlane on call. "' - Toaleo Ohio. WE A.RE NE VER UNDERSOR GOODYEAR '> DRUG$OI-