r _ _ h s .rte w 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY [33 or fleu and Women $i4000 WALK-V[.R OI Q Formerly sold in Ann Arbor under Puritan label r ,- [or the rainy season get into a pair of our Water-Proof Shoes-heavy tar tans, ; '. double soles, Balace tongues, rawhide middle sole, I - thoroughly viscolized. WALK-OVOEIRS HII9[ CWIPANY, EISLE HE~AVY WINIER OXFORDS. 1ll South Mlain Street. fiOODYEAR RUBBERS. i ' 1 } 1 }+ 1 .... i ._... 0 o 0 o e 0 0 a - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-*-40 0-4 -40--O-w -W-4-0 -4 .0- Study with a Good Light 1r4 There is nio better light than - THE WELSBACH READING LAMP K ~ALL STYLES AT ALL PRICES. 'i The Ann Arbor Gas Company. 4 ' . ' - '.' c .s I RANA LLI P H OT O GKA P HEKI pr I Spauldig't Officitt Intercotegiate FOOTBALL Uised hy Alt Leadint Colleges I . 1( oil 1UrNT5CH4Lr1 Plootograpt-br. root 231311 rams I.'t 1 rom, hips and k1wes plldded nigh 1 i I 1 l finoecur led hats", andt highs ' A. G. SPAULDING & SONS, Inc. j cialty., St. Trojy's. lt New Yorh Chicago Denver Ashland, Wis., Oct. 23, '04. ____________ Editor of the Michtigant Daily-News, Bati Robes-Cuttiog, Iteycs & Co. Spauldtag's Official Football Guide AnAbr ~c. Editedi by Walter Cawsr. trie Ilee. Dear Sir-C'an youl send "me copies south. Phone 281. t. ofth wosng,"TeYelw n Ticket for foitr shampoos, one dol- 1lut ~iclsigatetisisss?"-botth lar. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. .0 Pickwick hi words atiti mu sic itossibile. rTere University, near Quarry's. t-th-s tf. 10W L IN G ALL[ E V[ 51tire a tiew sifttss it this hotsiie land San-Doty Up-t-dot,. who wisht to celesrale tile resutsi of TEHROI RHSR S. ROT1TENSTEI1N, Prop. thte Micitigatt-Wiscuississ gante of the Address L. D. Bates, massager, 808 707 N. VruIy. Ave.. 29tin st. IVe are a little shty on the S. Fuiurth avetnue. Photnes-Beill stings, bitt it yout can get tisem to us 1060ti; Home, 289 Red. 24tt in lithe I will gularantee that pteoplie Michiganensians $1.00 each at AN RO GNY 1 .WimS.I in this section will know where we Sheehan's, tf. IPARISIAN 5T[AfrtLAUNDRY_______ IShist saist woa s isesl.il ws, are trom. iluding retsalrig.at 4t eresoz,. All y new sngs tie yells wyill also he Suits pressed, 25c; troutsers,10c. Cyril E.It.arha {A~ts Pon' 71 As I have lno idea of the cost, will yo11 please setnilmel tile hill. Students' hooks and ciothing insur- F, 1).IKinnetPres. Ilarrii Ses.--Pres.Sincerely, j ed at approximateiy 35c for $100 in. S. W.tiarks,ss hier. ~.LOUsurance. Phone or write. WIiLLE.Let Oe'14,di ot WPons H. BUTLER, [I1R5T NATIONAL BANK (oeie'4MNo. 1411 b2tt strict itest, BothPhoes_01. 200E_ Hron Of An Aror, itc. Asllatd, 115.Latest novelties in suitings at Fuil- i . t. _ r. e. 1, .t S " " . IF resh men Want bath towels and hard water soap for the gym, next week. IWe have reason to think Ithat our "Rub-dry" tow- Iels and "Turtle Oil" soap *are the best for the pur- pose. Calkins 324 South Stt Stee 0. ofSI Antiseptic LBAREtR SHOP and SATE ROOMS. J. R. Trojanowski, 322 South Stale St. tNOC4 I-iDTEkLF Ietisaiwes anti rsrsi Director Ambulance--Callu atteuded day or night. ,!100S.Alit Ate.; lResidese sa iso Photnte 404. Antt Arbor. Capital. P100,1500. Suritlutssuindiroit, $40,0it. I l' rinlcetonl's siore Satutriday agaisst. ler & O'Connor's, 619 EH William St. ~T ~ ~LNe AN htgh seemnitoliiplacie tile'igiers . JUNIOR LAWS C Bah i th runingfortheeasernOHIO CENTRAL LI NE W, .. Both Ir> V.wheean haionltilshlip. Vol. I., Tliffanty011 Reai Property, at k4r.Anl D.V.CvauinClagn'.tDIETMN Jas. ii. aeit I{I'lils Go to Cttshing's for ,Hersheys & TOLEDO TO COJLUMIBUS. Jnot. iKiteh Prsof. 1. S. Caninest Cailier's Milk Chocolate. Cf 'try some of Cushing's Fine Choco- F'runis P. Ulairrstian151,tlarlist lates. tf. Parlor Carusa alt Trains Steam and French dry cleaning and' DY J'al y TeAnn Arbor Savings Bank repairing at Fuller &O'Connor's, 619 Try a treurassage at Trstjy's. It *V A t J."Railway L. William St. ' Jgreat. l2t S~TNDARD TIME Capital nstck,$00,000. Sturtlus, 0175,010[.Foreroint. halt hearty frsms(;tI;-) a. IsI5' Re. sures, seseto). ---__________ iiil ' i i. it.; Iten 7:15. ?:15, 8: 45 'visits A Osnrnl ank~n Busness rans1r.d . ForYIsilatilsty.56:4:7 7.425. 1015 a A eea akn usns rnatd OME[ TE[[PHON[ COMrPANY 12:41> t. ii. i'or .JateksontlheartyIsromli1:15' Or ~imto Chbas. E. ilsee h. 'ri-n.; mi d. until 7:15 p. ; then yt5 land 11:15 p. mt. Harriman, Viee Pren.; A. ,T. trite, C52;tiurs. BEST LONG DISTANCE. BEST LOCAL SERVICE ! 5tilmgRoom. Its un St.. west. if Main. 4. .~. ' Cit coutse st ill11 bh pleasetd to have 1~A T D NS tQIZ BOOKS V . OUR CANDIES IJICTIONARIE S u k"'Wyni yoenw CALLAGHAN & CO., Law Publishers, Chicago, III. ANN ARBOR BRANCH: 340 State St., Opposite Law Bldg.' PENINYCOOK the Colfectloner " .i ' s-+'-°^"310South State treet. I llOPYt~Ii Vft11~' ~TJ Contiueus Its Excel- i1U~li.~U ~liii~i 11. lent Traits Servtc. YOU WILLS FIND Four Trains Daily, From- Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Tramos. Sleeping Cars on]Night Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. I. AE. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius, Detrnit. Micth. yy..... GY -- No CORK TIPS OR PLAIN VIetter TIurkish Cs~garefte can he made Look for Sirnt'= ¢f S.A ne5.t2 _ Always .Ahead Iu Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring