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October 26, 1904 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-26

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Team Leaves for Madison Tomorrow For Members of the Faculty Football Team Will Be Gives Ros- University Women Plan a Winter of
-Long Scrimmage Yesterday -Arrangements Made for j ing Send-Off-Everybody Unusual Activity- Aim to
-Wisconsin Growing Sale of Banquet Out to Sing and Strengthen College
Confident.. Coupons. Yell. . Traditions
Only one smoresldaysprartire ad* * ** * * **** * * ** ** Mihigan spirit is ohrdledsstoIfill For stonte Fridays pst Mrs. Jor-
thsothr\woissrilws ssallyoraith 1toli'vrosily hall Is 1 hr roof toigh.(filass hld receptions for th girls
Masoto do 1 b*asstAlhiswiitIitn 1h'114 l-'eti loyal man ie(colsee is ex- ilBaror gymnasium, to afford thom
® Annrs SisArlbor: fI erne1(to10urn out1at11.1:5 (iloc:dar n siol 50101 ils hf eomnig acquaint-
Cosari st ptth11le 1101milhroug~h *O li--siSo irosinSoil fgiv'-irholiiias hll am a rousing (1diiwitiili r ls smsaes. At thso
ao~iterir ce atno' r acsls 1(110 i t i iice A ('1una Illor sdu s o iii 5111 igao snd-offh orthe Mi a dliison gmei. meeisI 11 ca's spirit comimittees, of
YeterdOiay, anditi was saI air bhs Is forie'ear f F 1r hosanodvtaces aresneededilo wih iris lasisooviesprsidents are
* 1 11111 oii 'ss 0in isy ipathy
tho h e r o in osgapr actice that51 05 thel pr111 111lojectrifor establishsing-f i l le amsoissMiriiganisyells. A akeschrgsioi all soial gahrings
150on 11oer0a01h5rli heisi lis a nd + through111111 pois~ile, 1 int11ndi 5w1rldi o1 giodl--iiifatr, a merrting offooti Icls s hiit aoong the
* 10 i atldbhidcoed.aoeOtob s tmt atc 11f0iri0 stinn al f ti kn*il oeey"ovrnea grs l a sts year nwasthe firs ime
anditisiCiotaiish 101Cole: le ai: inner. Il gooills ss ss tillclfihaylWisteriss a st lisasescommsitter stoere frmed,
prillsedt b1 ai-f ery,,lad toso snributie myshaesfwolof good. Nowi ever, genie adleelsaife wt h esl h~ epoved a great soccess.
hv atlasit 1101iiS lsvr oi' apaetybe rigtsces fYsts e gis is- ogiisidan hais areaiy bg t o
isur isverliyll i iI isjos * li~'~S rllysN.*ro151sassnSaturda~y. msaear arangrnents for ite play
toi t heyi RAs siresRON.fichirs 10to le ienin iihonor of the
theirland t ass ckiigsignto111+*4* ** * * O * r* ** * *t *the*melisa iigtonighti(Csachliostsensioiroa01 lhiibeginning of the se-
11111 1111like ihobo lad1t1 eleliam siill bi s enti05i, and1 sll 01i sem eser. Last -sprig, '"B ster
Iis ~ allspa-illtItalt ihissasn osill S-i l irs of lthe aculy s Iish o s re site cnsiOs-i s slit-spala, troass''wich maie siih a hit,''
ret5' o Toi'iiii 11lilll s good1111right iii'sis innaihleli o mel toneli comIi teesil r oirifusso iilil5 s-l armiiii, asosls hl ias iyte grs u
hot osiia itcos iabili'e itentfor her liiii sissosisiiir-sallo iil i le 01150 Stsnleiswi'liiiaccompganyt 51a0 not ol less ed ih bsi. thatgirsbhe
scsi aturday',.i conlest.iAolage1tier ticAealgann .eiri li-l ss-is wipeossarirfastssiempt ofrrae-ksilhesetogast.
Isvae ol~c~cn i u nr ml at f te Au n assocaons, I Noon11011 hold mil i ss thOiso grat scss-hoichsist mt with has -led
plalsitoisk i ns 1-155t 1 ' i 11 1 eli l umnsis oos ln rsit-si halt. Na slrnisstr'stios itoight. - Comse ui thei presaens juior class to makea
plilair -o Wbrea'k lithrou 'gh adbock tikets il be soildi after t s' ay ist -nd oin s e l ee cgus' bs iiif it '.sigs snilari-ffsti n fi le hipe that it
i Tas0 i hey wrelai hrl u cc e assfulotis pei r id hs ls u ' l purc sse Isis tal cln triy.ia osnei-iii riy i l iiis olge t-iiin h
dhoing tsysoa r do d ail i-ioii itilonelsiili 1111 is Is ilpnlsayt05 il l iiagains hisa coneiy and
df r 0 asiibiisisi sa iouirs icks'Iet-so stheiss- 'The cioisisten 10 lvery ismsan i s i osu is-rsity -ousito- isill bei illesprosedsa itsilStouches of
hIn sosouage, the "Varsis ty lam - c ills- anixio sibotss istu a110it onih i-li: 4- l'ivesoity h al. ihumsoi, sshisho il iiesecially appeal
iiui iisoIso imoissible 1o ifiom01 all te - 10 t lte i hianis tu -ideont. The fllow-
11011 fllws lumisoslthIis dinnoeor. 'irhadeandiI A CORRECTION. m115giosi-re lplacedl tn the class
Sc tihultz i I.I.--h'felllal Hiammto lil'sc.,11Casratost apriiit0101 nisusossiee: EfieArmstrong,
Sca, , piiiaissssi05 010 lcii -5 5rails'oitsasis, ttohire 5w i l 'liii- T he aily swises 1t1 01011'that an itliisi Soinb1ill'n, 5bgart S Vli,
si cem nadGah m 1. H rrcleftii iii 1 a sioup leo day ii lil 1 ss.iCon e'ro wasma Iei he ai-eont of the I lizaeit IiPIral, Marie Winor, E-
"B00100 r. ., Nioor os iq.. Heston 155150111 -ift Ia~ i los 111e5f per 511u1111 lass-elecnlis u iilshls Sssndiay. iiliBrsasSMael Rend Anna SMul-
l'h" N ,,olsui r. I..IRhedins ildf
Fenni 'arahschoaosislio oi Iiisd ii visitiorsii, thaer 0110's lit ts lissemsis' thelie ts let' edri preya- iharsit
he, together sla ss'wih s asg o ulder11011diman is who will idesire toiaItndosbI tidem should havIeii t 11501 C. 5. Miot- Thissannusial freshmen sread, which
Hammond, sarswre psi: siut of thii who i ll iihiae t IetillneId0500ay. 11o 05rsslit-sa s bee tlhld foirtwenty years, will
Ois oiae ilsiiti i S sss - -- le gill-Il (le first Friday ' after
su so lte lioght ouslisdit ing10 " * thanksg111(ivingflweek''--. This was once
ittee miuP enii were5tCashout Iliefonly nolege functiin at which all
/"s COls slshssotaii ii 111fi theiigilocame together, ani itis
111e1enthatt hea' och is tat mi0noiiiy01sil thi s'tovimportantoilof their so-- $ hne ngan oMdsnwt
fCll icc10. ealy Iaffair: s .iin I tiilitooealy joiogrome
lrol it lig aist. iOn 11arly Sutbscriptionsoto thefrichigan Dailyialucabtou t is, btoojudanygofrohe
05P , adisons they' arrbeginninig theiret that has een shown, it
10 believe that they an' at lat gioig JxplrCSNovemTber ISt ila es:eua hs ffre
stoiaccomps-aol whatl noitiiis ofsforme
~Octn~ls ia otaihi ae- aoo. The shoonres have already
ortfouirseari--too eat Miichigan. 4o s lil ha hairmn of athelir vani-
Thtii' re sparinsgsnliies'fortto Suishoriltiao prireeoray behasisesi 00rumailed sloconmitteslir. These'o,together
fopoli i etoothtoil soinhissDnaliy the befrilsiliit t e sseneral chairman, select
ngooadson idispoah ndo tch.es aoerbfoeheo su ir asssthoats. The latter have not
haiso thusgraOct 24. llgSe Phnee61.Address 331 PACKARD ST. veye usnhoose, hbihere is every
latctre fr te geatfotbal .ame P ne4614eonssiotr blievising that a large osu-
wit1 .i~iigasi litre nex. t-o uirsllday *+-- --+ - *ben of liis- tophi noo-girosoill e given
wasr -nri a \stosisiuio -sn loppotuniy lto helpi oake te
ashl t. andlall huel andu the er SENATOR FAIRBANKS-. DEAN VAUGHAN'S ADDRESS, pedaSces.Ms iltMc-
transceo. iithis-groiiuds 01111thr oil--
rousfl1i0g hilol 501 us and mieneswee A longs- nrowdui welnomued Srator lDsassVauighan oithelieical e- Imaileft has Icoartenoielscted generalchair
slatsnailrothus'bynouarmeiforcchamn are as
o it yuluol lv- ags an:Fairbnkuls ot Indiaina, thie lRpsuh 10 li t-oil spoe in McS ln h alfloihiws:I essos Cs, sdiecraing cons-
stiuuIent pholicmen wearsig swhiie ohSuneday eveningoo e101"'This'Ph'sial soiltts; Corwine' Suherani, po
caps 00nd1carrying" earys ic sa, swhuu o n vice pretsidetialso-lite w en pro i iuriit.' It al vo riinusiioe;Ehd Gol nia
closelysr iistu l lrsss his' l-u-hied AssusArbiorrat 1:20 yes- Bss o oaiy" Ils tl. ws-i o niae te raivt-
0(00tnzd lIsrner ndfon i casnlstanoi inut (tol uinmmitees Ages 'Vathaho, recep-'
lii t '-oIaltlsu ets.l o neu eair- t-sy athtnoiri. 7'hue sudsnts greet- ''Seiuiot iacheits that11ma01001 s o hin nuconmiee; Belle Hormall
sheyhwas apprehended ansIchutrs,0 imaking uffecive use of he all,1010om savger'y'to Iis prsnton-ossi-os hiinouomitee; Mary Ander-
a ie t t- sesonhe me h' wing hascomotl ire srl. 'lie'uniiersiy haud -uiiu i iihlt 'ii ut1r0 u 0 010.usaoveonosilt
zest h los-~5hsaalssg- i, romiswhiooss nossnTe'i'itshsen hae iplaced upon
an~ ld spesed tat r esa'gie'sa ostight 500s also a il imortantifactoi in10ile mletslo Iso siillcotnua1011 y sts ai k. ( hs e ir cnasssp hiitcommittee: Elinor
game St unlay hiss' enuwsere ike'ptlreneptioo. Soitysi is so 'iiladasnig r ig 1 50015 1 aono Elia eth SMiler, Edith Ee-
fir the flislnil soultooss pvtoes d Csl 'ongreossan owntvosendoint rodlucedl backa Theis toihalt Sway liit f1r0 uustotaiEhiel Tyrrel, Ea Haler,
eliniher lionsk. They i ent t hil oiii ghsth e sl e o -aear, iwhiiiaddure-ssedsithe gash- liuma111r01 ess. Wa'o anal pssit ilti ee h4rgaret uStickblridge Sang Bacon,
c5try formuation,11p15555"parsinuar at- ainug frmsha1tally--Ihosationeidat he otenmdlegenuerats' thue 00(10alstyof ai0and1May Btatr.
ant st0,101raight luis ao theo ndl h snrtlud ihato this Republi affs'ted. Puatrally peaking al i 5e'e' ist-si hoitthe girls duh not
runs wh~hish sol bOuosd. cals I ii isadtdone i hest-,105.is o sinuitiilst iufonsshasos a o a1 ows-a si-hh aoy definite eid in view.
to n 1 isuevninsg thei osnen sosrs taken ingouat prsenta' nti wslsol do ioi he valu ust s c h o st t0 hseybene'fit ssow thssre is a feslingamonug tlen
ills- 155n, swhisres']leau o acht'us nls o s Iesasil thir stuudentssof to- ntseaschi andl ioousotry lior 0they- ougtto etahsfi.som' col-
11i0themsa- ti orsring talk, toetin-,chop sswit htbe confrntedii'u wsithi proS- 'To lotnoosabhe o o u thliolec le - go: r'~~li shuc, i-tm ,wl
asfiShal ieso sidnvoeredl the' iseat: uo us uknownsis Lhir fathers, and ol eioo ust i sun omustol lossoundl hyi 0 bheomuie s topsular a callege tradation
bin (n l iro o ints 5~u of oth their's souous hich tvhey aione sill e ahle to tlly. A oon i isvaids lomosass liii:fresmenst phreao. It will e
l an Mi gneamusl. 0 Th1e'Ili neni Isolive'mnules'sa ugood-hi Criotin.iierstoiuig o watcihs sohushthe fertile
Sel t ttvlyal0111 ol and usuh ii ls nus potromis'eidsoo Sus hosi'a t s iosai th isl otti- auittoc-d '-wl
'uuni-n iethe:h.'.uht luh ii' auThh tun ss-s o sughifnl ,i nosolol' M orisal doerviios ota diease. ohe i uids of h ei. gr_ c-ed " wl
clu an]soith ut u p 11111gamelothat soill ishahiss toou t huuaudit-ncgrle i niovining this legal lorofesosius
fso u Ii uinalsllosg Cuuirs-soolslsaughssruy out Ohio,,thal insaitoy ho audiseaise aniulthais an 'L~a Tunuiis''isthue nanie of a new
Cudayracie in lose gymnoounluiedlnuh05alusnsofso the university, nuade insanoe hperson hso omouoral reouhonsi orgaizatiion atohCornnell, -whose pun-
Theo~y' soswor. a shuns. sprecsh wichsencially 010- ubilY.uuose ho tou promotie general inest in
tlh einuagu ltnuorrnow will los:puealad-ioviistouodenitospresent. "T'hie osuent ssould notain loss I hot- Spanisholanguage.
eh hardest andh fisercest of thue seasono. At ohs cncliuoo f thi spieech- hounor iou Iis every-day trnsactions.
o- siuc-os:too he-ovpuhit sakinug, cheers oranFirhbonks sere 'iihesn lit- breaksa ibargainseo s t al Califournia is arronging a pajama
Seen o~il 0scrimmage as haysoot Seen c alled fotand iw iillingly given. ing a wsnug st-lu.Hh-Is oplenty of Irally inithssfootiball team, The suits
iiitralhisoricnall field ince Afteu-ngivinig ma00y- prevst an top- ooool tinily usaexercise onoroallevel- for Ohs' occasiuoncoolthoot a noominal
loall >whieri ouluneulatShisnuthsird pr san111t.for shsapinog handls, Senoo' ontl hoslis collegse coarse.(site-, 811sushId cnuble painteudor pasted
ier sher seresingwsisin atlri ht oioFa irns luftol iiIsspseocial is-sin ness, luff.lour notheir-t' niay en-swithi loodilichitusres. The rally will
o eei solvaoiu trghf our Grandu Rapoiiswhere lie spokie lable You to 11a0s a couseos hot the c~oncludel witha torch-light -proces-
(Continned on page two) ust evening. ord sooun finds you out." i00.
Urniversity Ha,,ll. The team will be there.

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