'f ~ Itf t ,A" f"l- to Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trae Can* Deliver' The Goods Sam Burchifiel & Co. EAST HURON ST. Do youwan . 70 for 1 Call atour ,toe andlearn the particulars of the Sanitol Chemical Company's great inttrod'uctory crforr rh( greatest offer ever made in . ilet preparations. Ten articles for the price o f4 BROWN'S DWUG SWORE; 120 E. Liberty St. ALARFI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Allth hi-test icale5 antIaly urIG nic d MICIGAN PINS AND) FOES 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH I IRPAIRINCi A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for' the Anna Ar-her1Railroard J. [L. CHAPMAN 206 S. SMAIN ST. Branch: 3045S. State St. S. L. A. RESERVES MANY SEATS =i-- .. _. _a , _ z_ .. . 'lanagement Tries a New Plan With Great Success--Next Sale Opens Tomorrow.F lA f lft'en htttntredl seats wete' it- "evediles s thtanltree}ltottrs at te 4. I,. A.rservedl seat sale yesterday 'Illti. ellnew systemtilwhicit 5was pii' liti by lthtil lllgemient andtieti tis aear ttnorkdto I perfeelicot. The ne- cessity of slttaitgtm'ilue all night ansd tile crrowd'inlg 1111jamtming of prev'iouis y ears'-we-rcettirely done stray' witht. ''Ittr'tar afterntnto ut 51111350 people formed lintlte rte pturpseof gettittg then mbr wh111lr.aii enttitled thent to a crrespioniitg ttlace int yesterday's lie. 't'he brIegan giviig out11the inmhers at 4 'cloctk aid att 4:15everyltrdy ivas rae areIol. Thtis. rof course, dtawaty a itlt a line yestertdasy, sitter tobotly cddlt coe teto the office utill'thteir :tit})ilts called. (Originatl, trW antI rst'lutrc rlesigtis i Michigan IPilltolu COl"Ca at Miss I ate- elI's, 332 S. State street, Sutl-tf Sitte rtS88re Itave toads',Watch Re- pairintg one of otur strongest features. Hailer's lesrelrr Store, 2r6 S. Maitt street.- o RElectiont cards andrl t kittds of Ipriit- ing at lowtiest ptrices. Specialipriee givetn or ticket ortders. Alichig ani atd frae- ilty stationiery a specilty. Iit ~leadttnr- err for typewreititig. foli fe & ise- mtiller, over Co-ott. Clot Alatrt clocks watrratttedl for onr year, rtoo. Ialler's jewrelry Store, 216 5. Mfain street. cod Outt"VtseoltzeetlOsftords r're tut-l~ile I lit. Te 'Cite CCIrlteltrol l. li-iler & t., State St. ;sigtt of 11e1'l w st i Ince. )o-'3 l,atlies' gymnttasiumttstilts at Miss Sos- At's, 332 S. State street-$500 aniti$5.50. :simirntg suits, $$too.fPlace y our 0r' U. of M. Hurrah! Hurrah'!IHoo-rah! Iloo-rbl' (iI "os-rab'Michian! Mchigan!' rah! rah! rah! 401 1 Illillllll0 111EMIll s'FAW'*.e, r \ t ;I ,;.: t Coleg iBand Ctothes were ftrstreade hir Nell otikers-bouthonarad setutof int- / let t ior alltayoungomen with New Foak tastes1re wearintht iertt. Extremetin cit(f a tt titgltyaonards.Q iait' the htightest tier attained-sttd let " ittlmoteate in preoie iiijiI .lAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIU. 'Tis mthodiil of resetinitg the seats ler early. Itf ,, ts hoghitliy ill It e t decided itt- --- ---- ill Ill retlovler the plitnttsed itt fortmer Banniers of all kitnds at Miss Loavell's, I rs, '1111 manyi wsere teard to tay thtat 332 S. Slate street. Wedt-tf 'es Ihoipediitle Athtletic associationt -- ,iitl dtir llsotte sttcltplait iwhentre- ilatite Miller IBissell-Voice Pilcig. r -itle:seats for the hig footbiall gamtes. I Cte tttitg : bh tttones 428. II I Ini spit' if tieleatrgt'.tiritmber of tickets - - - -___ haweesitld yesierdaty', there tire still Celebratedl Martini \Mandiltii: insd ilrg tuitiiter if serr goodl seats left jitltrs tire test for tmtisical 1-11111 , it iltlit'be lated-ilonistle Monidaiy tiilaebrle & Sonit to S. \IMaiiiSitato 111 4 II to 61. ml.--- A ltuietof thieremi intg seaits itill iol N.S C' IlCKt s SI:P P11<5. *~tat thiise ittAntitArboir whloliaive Sptecialatitet'tioniitgiventoI Ipris'ate AI.etresertedl their seaits hiad setter.itrties aithle t'liftsoii iloilse. Sf1111 lre lh, ittitis-iit suitces ofthe cotirse btiiti ce-boating, Weitt supperCparts r, t-rl crtit y by yesterday-s sett iritg chicikein aliays servti'diwih-iior- -01 iult-e mnatgieent is toite cont- Itt-ed atlregulrtlts--tsi-' for' seciat '-rItlil at-tI"relies. -qt'. and 1\SIn,'. Jas. V. nr, "i'tllitcorsit-will lit'opeitedil Ot c. i'rt tnt-tot-a. d ?; tu GVt r r Itfls iy f Indrianat. Got-- -- - - - - - ii- ltialy s isitforcile seaker aitil See otir conmplete line of -Michigant matn wtihtt ide is'repta~tiont.tHe trill ,int, fobs and l souvnrs.t i lleris Isc int rodtutced IbVil-residenit Anigell. JirelrStore. 216S.S Maitt street. eois >-c tl It ust tu21 rn in thiertimoney lilt Twoti dollars insutres yotu againtsttall \i -totasti itchell 4 andil6 p. itt. loisha' fire. Geo. J. Haller & C o.. 1-t- eal Estate atnclInsouranice, .216Sooth l illh N LisNT-If ini s for lties. Prices -Maii street. If i + t A FULL LINE OF FALL FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING., STAEBLER & WUERTII 211 S. KAIN ST. WVValk =over Shoes Menv and Women Special Styles for College Wear Thiis seasoti we are showing at unusually large assortment siC Custom-Made Footwear. See Window Display f or a Com- plete Line of Fall and Winter Oxforda. We are showing some especially nyw styles in Brown Cordovan, Bluchier cia, three soles to heel, arid a hteavy lass eyelet and large cuff reinforcing She Sup. Also a large assortmrent of black antd tart leather ian celebrated French Calf- Skinas, in Hutton. Blucher, plair Lace and Strap arid Buckle effects. If not acquainted with our label ask yottr ;11L1 - friend how they wear. ff1121 .3 iliTa - -t si20 1. Iliberty St. 24-211 PIPE THE PIPES 111 .11 il 'iitiittettst rTbacco. llirt. 'ICI 0 I -Fl;.111oilftaceindIilier tnotify' Daila. a dL n soi tl mII_ __________________ JIOLLY'S 1,l(lit S bAlU-. iiie Ibriekhseoe. aet- ailsSoit I tall'E St root t Iinimciistpatrt tif rita': itdeailfor frater- 1111 hr tirivtit' residencte. etir Iartict- ! iu a II t I Itx. ,tettit.44t SOithl loll h.24-26 MRS. JI R. TROJANOWSKI 'ee'ure 1coitmple'te lite of Michigan FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER pills, fobts andtisouvenirs. H~aller's Hlair (oodr, iHair-dressrng,Shaampoingrre cJ selti Stoic, 2i165-.IMain street. rod Manicurrg, Face Massage apcty. Porrai S. State St ([7p'Staillit Beat Phornea359 fso ramfines at rorter's. t YDiit Ilantd hammred jewvelry it Coaler's. We are givinglt'e test posilelueltts itt sutits, ove rcoats tutu raiticoatsn at s10. firt;, $20. Slen, the Cloiticr. 51.tnt Si. FOR RENT-'iro large touics suit- abile for clubhoses. George J. Idaller & oC., real estate and in~suraneat16 S. Mair. If W~ear X'outng's lists (none1 betlter titade).- Allen, te Clothtier. blailn Si 21-224 Prices, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3-SO WALK -OVER SHOE CO. 115 SOUTH MAIN ST. Hart, Schaffiler & Marx ALL WOOL L THING ThClothior, _SANK THEFl!ARMEtRS AND MECHIANICIS BANK MAIN AND HURtON SRTktS' Capirtal, $50,000, Surplas anid Profts, $65,000 General tBankirng oBsiness. 3 ner c't pi011 oau Time and Sartigs Detpsits. SafelyIce- pasiteBoxes to renS t tO0and utteards R. Kzmpr. Pree. W. 0. S'EaVEVice-l'tr-tes F. H. BaLSERe. Cash. St. A. iVIeL.Aisss ts The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital toek. $50t.t0 Suronlts. $200,01110 iResourcs,$01200.000 A Genaeral Banking Businesa Transaacted OFFIxCnERS:Chas. E. lHiscick, Precs.; Wi. ii.I Htarrimni~ce es.:IAi. ..FritztCashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Shechan. Wmo. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughtan Ja.H.Wade H. F.Mills - John Haaeer Jeo. iKoch Prof. B. S."Caeh' eS lieryiW.tDulas Chriatian Baetlen tDan S. Zirmmermani FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MaCH. F: .. ESNE, tiARISONiSt't "i . Pees.itc-es Capital, $100,0t0. Surliuts tndlPtolits.,i§150,t0O. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR SquitOvercoat or Cravenet e We are showing the right style at the right time See- our Hats and Spalding Sweaters WAHAS CO. Fa shionc Store 121-123.Sa Mai St, r 1 I The Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. For thre Latest Disigns to V-0of M. PILLOWS AND BANNERS ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Bric-a-Brac. German American Savings Bank,0 . a~ FUNERAL "o'7jj6.riget 0,M. M rtin DIRECTOR. Comrceu a and Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Ptetmeahe e wroith ve Ho t Lunch~ SB~vls~s Res enee 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 matchyoureskirt oe blouse, 25c. Seed iuts At Tsaxtt'a. 338 S. State I ~~~~~~~~~~~piece of She deess gootis when'edi- rthr'.____________________ Caor. Mae+tnm arad Lbarty Streetas - AMBULANCE ON CALL THE BELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS. I Will, Soon Open ' MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It