X13 BARI r_ _.._ - are a G. H. Wild Com'lpan'y The Largest stock in the CityJ of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Genlemfen's Wear E verythinigtequied lor Stits, OvercoatsIFanesyNVestingsand hrouseriegs' ad of high clts fabricsanddspecial stsles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G, He Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street If You Play Class Football. this year we want to remind you gently that you can find the best line of football pants, jerseys, guards, shoes and stock- ings as well as athletic goods of every sort. AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores t~ooe A. Go. . _ SLD )~SPALDING t~ 9 0.; & BROS. a1 The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base .Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OfficialIpteents tor Track aod Field Spertie Uniforsefor alt Sports. Spatdine's Handisnmely Illustiratedt Cataloge ofitall sports centainscnen moerees suggestieons. Sendfor i. -itsiree. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Fork. Chicago. St. Lbuns. Son anis" Minnesliplis. Detver. Btelalo. Syracuser. Jitts- bur-, PtliadtelphiaBoston. Cininati. mlaw- mnore. iWashington, KansssCity. Cleeland,I New (Orleans. tDetroit, ?MontrealCanaat. THIE MICRi{IAN DAILY. Buineeii Mfaae-C. E.WITEAD.cs Nes . . .. .... - . .F. Ritchie '\ilileltics. \Vt. Wlliam F. Gradolpit Sporting......Claretie E. Eldridge 1 \cliange. I-I...:.T. John Wamnbold Music soil Drama...Roy 1D. Welch WVomni's Filitor,. ..1, ouise Vitn Voorhtis EnITRIALeSTsAFF5 J. W.P McCatidless Elmer C. Adams Johnt F. Wtuirz Robtet H. Clatney NIGHTitVITORSn 1flirans S. Cody George H. Hobart Chautncey Bouchter B. G. R. 'Williams EPTEReS . C. Reid Lee A White Raytnd Visceher M. B. McHugh A. L. I l-aittlite Roliert Itounisier ascii 1 . Car IDonaltd 1.,.Kininey T. 1l. Presrott. BUSINESS STAFF Johnt F. Witra Carl H. Adam Address: MICIGAN'DILtY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hoors : I-2 p. n., 7-8 p. in. dlaily, except Sunday. Bosh phones 960. S1 Nll)A .\Y O lC'1'lO)BE' 1t20. 1007. .51 itu,'i'tlt" 5 lt'ltlt 1 .. 5 1: A SI-CtCV-s We\Michligan ui't ut.tnot losesigh ofth11 fat t the iiUiviersityis Still moeo- esin a formtiv 's enteriodand 1),1Or a y a tiv iti's ae ti l 1t ise cottidc<:^ asdemndig rctreftlattes- sitr atttt titiitals '. Ii t i al e wellst it'I, i t i tt~ t l it i Ii s'u a l , f r t e e t u i s i stnd~nt o deire is Itsleg'ciorpcdi ruiti h rititsioriiwitt rs' t1111r' ttito 'titta oe unitird siociail'systutu, anod 0on ttttttttthitseoftc:'Ilitlege iterests. t crvione'of us0'. ttremtietmter t wehivss'et iito trote ousrselvs. \V'c are ttt'ist u t ied mtia l i m angitti re- sts, ' and iitiwth ort ailit.t 0 d_ ncesl511. c00pe tituli ains to has'vesiccompilisdth te untieruobjiet ti y tlist thwi e s:wsill lie iiills- esii of5aeltibthotus. Noss i istir tnoftriail, toss'is otilts ptuityto afount isoniior gretat'rhols. Inisitad offuis'itles'stlii"i's irtitioritryessmoon,"ti 11aeaidtoita:1dormiitry litstemrIsd thelie.it s urimp"list'" iived t- sstatipport:still effeci this;tititiis's liltdshud oo:frth rae itti tsecriticismt.it lhas-. beet] argtts'tI1 tat sittmatty urgtttiztlitttlentotsdis- rut atty unifictttit ioofspirit atin mke almtti~ipottssile a celtirafizeil, whotle- "tutud isiset bo iidy. It lrust lit'dtittedli lthat suchltcoin- siteaI is dleserved atntd that the hycdra- headiceid cltbssieit of this college lot's its tipento 10nolittle criticisni, if ntolto ridiettle. Biii it itsidteed a (eloirable 'itutionttwhich etmboduiie'. tiltgoodl feat- 'tics's, atitweit''it'le t'htutu the somei tinty-tight oirganizattionls of a scial ItS- tire riot effect at wsorldtof bentefitifor \tteltigtti hair itnstanceie.thte chlis Aid lman iiyioi'therganlizalitinsrepreseist ,otis'tartictlar locality ath lrtoughief- iris systciats'ttl carrieid 0ut, ctsc M ichigttntellltuillst ill these sectitons uttlil 115 'totss'd t a sswittderfutl degrec. '.lieligIttis eist ofatsttainmltentiantd ;roilis's grea'ticsts. 'Iltisis ottly ie isat : titers' trse ititirothers inltiwtich 'it' chlbihabtit: coltlli e Iturnled to sworthy 'ds it cr1 haus no ii ssypathy ssitlt luse bodli'iies huhme, twhitorgattizewitih fRirer'.. ste., for istle epuirpoti'seif atiigtheir t' uesetl'appeatr in te :liclt- .'tiel isitti. biutue.shetartily apphrove s'of )rgait tollforsotmt' defiite putrpo~se. Alltha'lrith ;oneing hroes vers Otieltiganitidtietnt is goinig to lie ittili t thtiltAtntitrbc' isilroadttaht'itn liuriout.sls'5'ilt Irol. Fredl N. Scult spoke itt "P3ie- traOd stnd Ends".' yesterda' after- toil at tie Iutie atfiMrs. Geoirge 1A'. ,'.ttcrsittt. lroiessotr Scottt's talk wsa es'oilllltcibly stuttliiitttcetlillg"l s'tches itid cipr in s whichtlie etlectedl swhile cartad. lPrev'iouts iitote talk.,hutrs. Pat- i;l t'estoseti retpresettites to the sationlt lAssoicialtinitt Collegiate .Al- Ioston.i ,"utiuui't stl:tonight at lhe Conigregau- inltcIhutrch. Tisi'.is the fouirths illthle t~ro tiing givcell ty D'r. Pistloll. Iltise taIls'.are1prov'ing of esecili ll- 'iegitt at 7:30. iii't.ilS tiTO 101150 AJ'EassViVs int. 'IlTh' Adelpiter111atrysoitets tecisded 'act tight toi celebrate, No.9, thle or- ''olirtil . Duiringtt helt'meleting "seeratl Iimpoturtant luetitotn s're' dlscussedl. ''A 1HilldootIi l" (cdlss). "t1he Stilt Ratsi"(comit. 11srte lillstit 0"Ther1eis Nobodyi illut Ci 'll it'llJoe Gillard, 10;-'07 haw. Prop.___ P'RII l INARY N'IEIRC A SS SC IIDULIL IS CDUPL,",,I Inerclass fouoiall rivalry opns next Wednesday afternoon swith two m eic amtes and one engineeritng gatt iIol- ig te earud. The series this year prom. is to le tunusualy spirited,. adulsotic sg class -garet sill e playe, jugig rile the soswing wichel the teatms are ',reliminary gies is: Oedieday. c. 23-Jltiour ctngites Ssetior egineer'. frest necis ss. ()pit 'meicsi:tjun~ior omedicss. setior 'teultics. Thlursdaty Oc. 24-Freht enginuers s. sopthltengiteers; freshtlttsc'vs. uior 'us' fresh isv'. soti lits. Friday. lOct. 2-Jtinir iltss. .ctiir ;ts: senior lws ss.denlts;swiner ill ittcuni t ndsitior mticsievs'. lutitrlic.. It.I.E. Gltp. ineclasts'.manage5r. sil- tuiltecs tutalttmaagsmttlst tiake rrantgementls itlih'fr.IFizpatilciktoii use s'teir Itcn extttmited,.adttlhatino itayr tmtty particilpate it Stily'giumes" thotut instg eatntsd. 'lucre sill he a mleetig itf all the nuans n thie Athletic tucsoicisio flcee at 7 :15 Molnday eventing. Eery tnaigeci xeteds tlelprs'ntl.as al protests silltebrocotghtusp tftre this liting sand tll itueclasstut' lehs ed itt explained. CORRECT l).NCI NG. Toiidatncee well otis tusitutus've itfi- eneint himsltef.tutd tot gaituconuitdience ills slush practeice su sr te diretaon f Stetcer that he list cnttduentce it. Wt' hio ntltdvtis'huriaue escon. s whntt Jeson'. hasutitumite toudeuote tuiclassIt' - stilt, fur this reasonthfutatls'. lesonts' Xordiuithis tecs'sary lracice tutnthare noti as exiuetsie. Thetscassces oh Gratt- trsr c laItrg sandl terefore furtiitshut irtistultut' kitdtofitractice tatuis tptsi- it ly' tecestary to perfect ilt, intthis mosut imttnt stfactor o this uesireu c- a1 perttstillca utahtexpect to ticatieseirable uttutiut. Oiir'office tuttulaesus'.rtotumitut' ithis groundttluoorir. Positiv'es'tutuis-i itosc'. intttg cluss Ihourst. 24-2( Goodtval'uetts ittundersear.lunitt or tss'o-piee suit. Alle, thusClthlier. lFIR RINT-Very ueirtbe uite .tie i resuoable price, for full s'choolhy'ear. 710 1:. Ctatheritne St. Banter'. tndslpenttttns.latst designs est wtorkmtttnship, at u c h ltowest inl rice. (1ffyo udshn't belie it, just1gut t tetroubto 0compare thettt). fn- udonu. N. Utivsersity. Right tnuow is thes ideal thtte of thet swhusle sear fr tking pictre. Ift yu louten'stiKodk. bits, borrwis'or ccli. antth io it quitktly. K~oaksfr entcc1ii.to its- daty;I fr sale, fromet$ t $5. L.y- dnhioltolugrapher attideleohr ilKodakis" Phonuste yo.uutynest phitch) trte. Ku erytfitug ess. Cttbs ttnd arigs'.. B'asggag ttatsfer. Wattle' i,1s-y 114 Northt State S. 24-2(1 Thh'is the time of the year to think of Sweaters, Foot Balls and Gymnasium supplies,. Fo years we hae' sold the best makes i Sweaters, Gymnasiunm supplies, Foot Balls and Sporting Good. Everybody kntows our prices are right. Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 Wahr's 1tttesi yotshokstoe5 LYNDON 79 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Kodehks Cameras Photo Supplies AMETFUR 1 litt'Rt.OIN i At) PRFIN tNI\ A SPCIAi-y IBAILEY & EDMUNDS1 Zportin43 GOODS 121 EASIT LIBERTY STREET ONLY OPTICAL SYSTEM in the it EYES EXAMINEDi FRAMES FITFED LENSES GROUND We-idGlutushe i I Will 1,11itiu WM. RNOLD JEWELRY STORE I1~h5. Utitscit s tuouftenthtsen cibt- .\htutuittatntdiguitarlayuhters willhitake uud s sits' uuo'verltaded,. or(it'ersttcd tdslight inIloiukintg itser thut-Gibisont.Washt- if sou i t1, i-ilw tith to Omnecliqutes. too 1butrnt, .ahteitn tndthVegamlittes at Roist's. tilt s' cruipt'ion or1 anttoutthe. Follotuitig s-opalymlenlta tutugiud.t I 5. I ~ It; p 1! mi~ p oQ~\ RATER-MULo@eE 0i 0IJM'I' IIIII C hTKDl-h AT A ME RAE.RFTTAN HL.U O 1111 .i 11 CHORAL UNION IICK[IS Now on Sale $ 3.00 EACH Oct. 1 8-Slekesz Nov.itl -Gadski Dec. 12-Flonzaley Qt. g Jan. 28-Charles Clark March 2-Adamnowski Trio FIFTEENTH FESTIVAL Maw.y 13.16 Che Ztuaeuts' Lcture Association OPENING NUMBER BY THE GOVERNOR OF INDIANA HON. J. FRANK MANLY Friday Eveninhg. Oct. 25.,1907.,8:15 P. M. Vnrs.'ity HSeII Tickets for Entire Course $ 2.00 Tickets reserved for Entire Course .50 Single admission tickets .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasurer's Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Michigan State Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68. I 1111 .i , liii 121 Washington f. 121 WashAnto THE. PHhonGRA598 Phone. 598