The MNichigan Daily Vol-. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SLI Y, Y. CTOBE R 20. 1907, No. 24. WABASH TROUNCED IN POORLY PLAYED GAME SATURDAY'S FOO'TBALLt SCORES. 'Contest Marred by Frequent Fumbling, Michigan Chief Offender; Forward Passes Fail Completely. ('pedai ro TceIicicr ily.)it tIndianapolis, Oct. i.- n agame marked by freqett ftiiblescan(1 faiur of foriard pass pythe tM 1ichiga foottall temi dfeted tot 'it ii oh220trO Tie Hoseir rr'nerdanrigcerous ececpt whn-liumbiiile gie ttoemithe bl inii higaoIsorrtoy, ut thir ota inabiity to penetirtrat th'it vieode fense iiadeiirit prtof thestrt ithatr eroring oi ti igh tall wtariouci t tic qetoir 'The forird Opait ailed ii toiibeirounidi giiner iwiti eiter sidir, ranilaftiret- eralit tempr~t,-it use wasialmoistetireeti abtaiironiedi iby t theAieticn eltn 1. crn esdct i-ri-i. \ol- ifi-iioiieiiftot. Michiganii', li ryasalmotiviniiicitlec. iiiitend us iaiiir c bitthe tLitte Giant-'alocriovecdci friites-. Altt te Wirioleri n .'rteried aredtieCiaipti Maofirni d rrig ciirdicegtig o o also greao triofter. tetliwasc tere piiige, uscuilty cfetivr Atlarrge ideegationiofIdiatritprrrirs alumispor titit threiruinifroiiii Mu ich- gait. Aiiibras rrirhtmit)rwasalso rriel luy uhi. Thtieatrrrir liaitscherre'tmourrrw rn-i ig anutnil1arrvein Annrru oit cSun- dacyeciung cabrutitalfupt st-riniiOucrck oi n-eAnntArbrrit rirrd. I lprill rbilrity it, tind aritnun ailarg- lbnch iot rertiiwtilib ticciito w etoendum 'k' i ii \ i I\ Drn.-i-i Theiiteimcriii sciiniiihrfilaitdui li etiasiictic rootigoithIndr-in olis al mideegrtirri. irrraptiu II i wnuthetire iii ' irehig-lrichoosirriinn the soitiigorit. a sligt win favrmiin'. Stri kickeri off ior Writiri, Alhiercttri lg te hblltoiite Hirter'-yaird lnet.i filua foriwari p~sMic ini ti ls h ial n Waashei's2-ardlinc.i ririt pinltar ihitgranraainilirstteibll ona tteiiiteilfoririar Ips.W' bs tailed iii ginir an lit thetrll o fiumlii. Theiisphreeas tthin crirird in hel riiiert toWrd irri ,urd ruin rgain tciarifornardnpilstutor 'abalpun rtr- iii frontiieintirithrow'n igorriIlite 'Miichigciii riiunnguto i ter' -o erdine.Iit iine ptingecrrieri tie ikto iihe 40-pardnihe, ttire'ic hignlostiitii oniia fiimtbre. Warishci-iladitoicatit- the idisaiceeanrithe bii talwt t- ver-coc downst. A shoot kici agini gae tiir balii to iie tiooier. w-ioiwere tforcet toi piiiii. hiigciltr ri e rbarriionia foewairdipatcis' ioiirshs3'-icrr inhe The Mrichign ine iiiratit sione uric un- d a Waashcctipiitedi to liiiir 45trrd li('. Thie toosiischeir indrun ruexchange ci tints coipied w iiafitinblecgvthe ii altoiiiWa~ba-h t itiecen-iter of iii fiel.Ti hePunHoctur ritmie iedfrt downcre anunt-aimnpniiirtedr, i-the al ri-lot retiirned to te 5-ya~iri tne. tWanrcic iuitedt to Mitchig-n'ist -rcineiu. H aut mionrd priint iiiiand -iWabash rtirieitci :Micihigans '-yardne.irciHere tieiai wnit cie cii aii iuicriiireei'friwrtar pac. T'ie Murai ijn iieiiianun Ham- indriipunuted.'Wabasrci umtiiiliii'ni Rtheinschiiitfc-tiocitheiiovalin iite unit ic-c' 3-yrn tiite Lue piringrserrrier i't al to te 5yardrrilie aii"Rineuie iet-cutver ir a itcrdowni. Ateri kickedt goai. Screrc-Michigant. 6'iWa iatt, o. Wiabah kicketi off to Magoffin teb' reiriieditesper to tie5-yar ilini Atichigcniiotite blai on a fube rnd the haltias cailecd withi the bait in 'itritucitic posresiiniat tic center of te- flentScrer ct end oc irlit iiif-ici- - Sercorndihafi-Mhiicianiikticked iff to tiirishaiindnrecoeredrthtetait at te i itr fte fierdon aftimlert forwardi par aace sirlccnhickedt t-auuiiuon'cpinii run gitte ciphureonMu iicigan' 4- yadniche. ticuab ti rpittedtaceess Miht- ignsgraltlhe for i tou cck. Ahun- icrit kiikedt ut fromthe im25-yard lin~e rut rWcabashreuriried iii te ceitriif - 'gidro. aathputed ut cit ttnd. Miicignriecverdithte tatcii hiri-wli2-ardnie 'tAmxcaige "--it-cgve \ictiguan adataige f lie yards. it neicbiick crieid the alii to the ce ter. we nioiimon riitcr Srcule alintig oiti te taitafter fumble tntraati c 3-ard ine. eAl- ,rdicemade try tiolnut tnfated.J )i Ii iipuitiut nn h gitrturiiiiied ith- phr-e iiithe ioiciri' 4-yrdtltne. liinucn r lit o ya ris, w eichni- aintdio ichuiga ne i tc 55-yard in. 'liciruci ititi tct arcundiiect eid for 20 'ii iad M gfilnicinti cter ir a rireirri ront Irii te 3} yrd liiie. Aier- Itac no t rinteii kick cff ito itic 35j-madine.icExchange cifilinis gec 'it clirici tie sphere on tieicow ciiar lie. Riiiiie entciiin ct rigtiihaf fre 'rlericehichigcno recored te ait _ ii ai fumibliicfrwaridt-ant atrcrWiaah flcilt gaiiieditcifetwiyards, aitdtMgffin Carridithr pigkini iiite 30-ydltine. li incitpluget arriedi the biliitotcte hu-ar ie Ntihere 'itabcmntuhedrthte 'it ittrined ir trtfio nrcoaahtunptnedr fiiimibeiidthiriott-uguru liine. Loiti cam iiroghte lineirlckedi te kick, -inndtwent ovrratiocucduotwn. Gra- hamrirgoacled. Score---hiieiigant.n8; Wa- iiiish, i. Doularsgi entmiiiniat ltal filerMa- .rliiu. tRimnecr eceivecithite kickc cff :idi irrirter ic, Graain ciiie riig te hal ni Wabsha 'sicit4-yardtliiie. Wtire vetin foi tre Miler atilct ecn. ici- i,, wsten-iializec r uyardtn and Octy" -againir eec-reecd te itllioiliii thort kick t t tie 40at ine. Strcigtit'iotail -irrirci tie bllttheiii u-arnI ine. ii turne-Wabash heldiite iii e'irtcine ice clrtic 'i Wabaihpinter tic tieir4oyr lin.ichiganciiuldriuinot gan anit Gra- ha roi pt i~pedi a fied gai from te 4- caline Scre--icignrit t Sulliircrvanrt inat quire aid Fan-- agutrick:Eiiii' pace at left guard -ritean etiuried the kick off to Wa- e rbasi's 25-yairdt tie.Ali exchange of i pntsitgrive tie Iloosies te batt on their it inrt line, iw-hentiiiie tiat cated rufial tccee -Mictigan. 22; Waah,o. tt ichignu. Wiaah. e -le-'uiiiiuiret' L . ...... R.est e ;sy. - ...L.T... ' Suntherand s ,milr-Flnagin -. (......Downan ;cui..;"....-C ........ Shroii It a - - ......R. G ...-.Waton n 'tenniceiiiri -..R. T...--.Gite a t nmuirnd-...R. t'( ....Dobiiit tIftuinniini-Sint'n - Q. B-i....argave ci icgoffii tDouga L. Hit- --.....Sohil i- ntedice-tuun'. R P .......Clb- t d ci ' .elt. . - 5. f.B -...Stanhucick it chi us Rteisitt Magoffin, d mciil. Goail fermi fied-Gralianm. Goai nrurntoictdonii-Allerdice (2), ra- , tmutt Referee - Eterie ( Purdue)- - Utnitir-Kcitey (Princetoi). Fied iuge-Diic (Princtoi). I-ead ines- 0 arnin-hMattheiws (Ilinci) T'ie of e. huhcet-3, uunutie. tPeinsyl 'iia.i : trownit. i ttarvarit.;tnn tuuapisico. Tate, o; 'iest Pint, .1 Coriictl, o; PinnuSa, S. Syracue, 9; 'iliamisuc . Princetcon, 4o; ttactingt ciiardiiJefer- -liii tnfcor'uie. 2; Colgater. micca1. Cticago io;Illijnist.f. ttiiuue-ta 8; Nerk, . -'run ArbirurHight hi1; fltteCr'err-c o. ZOfITERS WItt E iLCi Ihi tRETU'R N 0' I t'itiF 'I^thi Tir embiuieerutfliefotirhalteah r-ne- stecier toicraeiectonight atiibout ut7 :30 )'clock. Et cynnne isuge oe tincc tie 'nutAbo siiutaictn ut 7 o'clirckito ric- cur.- mcm. Tie lbandr iill ipriobal- ,preennil Vel-, fiewnrk antuita ilance till he intundcr-c DON'T LIKE FOOT- BALL SCHEDULES ,,Interested Party" Proposes Im- provement in System of Inter- class Contests. A' crnres'nent,t.t-iho beieenliit tie teee.mi ethod iofschedinetheitr- -asftallrigms son oirtI cmpr Irnei.offeesthtie tfolloruig: itiorneof I) 0n Vtuchiyear thin difficult-orutainig ut mu inecach rieue aries, anunreut f fireueyeaesthowpant ly thaiyirt tie method is ti liii opnl Ic imrrrmunentc T'two cinr gp, asut niny-o tecipuu pe- eltantrien wiiireemertm ~little iteret .vtisow ti in ithe in lsetwihemen the eliot-rnt junir egiteers. Tishch -f interet limitattribmund innthinfaut huat te cnetanunts ee ntctonly- mcli molt tin e ngnernig deatmen t trt ere uptrlasetaun asinnti-ci Toobcviarte acmepetuiionafuaciilarnit ,ccurnuce. tie scedilte at yer mini nnuraugnmlmwithtinse tuntcnt rut limi ng urhenlt itr-drtmninen, rgnm- eft e s u'retin-citof tie fttet.'Tie. reut mins cttriue of teest temsnu wereexrclciuerormuthin ace, lit Inc -miue of tiecr init o pa foothll, 'niii bieaue'tiny-wee iithinuenarongde As-"evirnntilmetnn-d cut u'.' a uggnticuu umigt ut inn oit cipace ii ti juncure 'iWhy ntiaete tinlsu rteti-en tinetpperanmmlomer cestneti? thiu ltsumr iey add zet to tie cam -icnhip game at niey membie cf the tiulcut ibody iw-cultae a peiona i- teet ini the ountcmne - A e'rulecich acutheifollowhrci'ng it suggested: Pretiinaie:r Sciumiuv, jnirsrt(e drtmnuutt) ; sophsrivmtfrencht(achuidti- parmntc). Senmi-fiunl : Utpernctasmeninchtam- tionship (ail depatmnuunts) ; unerca- imen chamnpionushit (cltreparent) FinatN: Uppnr etlast canmpinsrtvs. unidecasichtampnsm. Rspecttllycsnb iiite, ITEREaSTEDuPATYm.tmu JUNmOu Trns n ctrm Tthe junio it eecticn yetrtay re- uttedt ii te seectin f the ifollowing tpeotple: Peimetiu, iDeanm . tyumauu vicie-presindent, Dt~eatien rotiurtonu secretary, C J. Agnew; teasuture, C. Pot ; ussitant tesutre, JeanuEdie; ioothal manager, A E.Mee; taskt- mall manage, Bieu. Eggenan; tach manager, Len 'W'i Mite; aea man- aiger, C. Littie ; girls' ibaskethall tian- ,tiger} hMarie K. Steatone I LINOIS CLUB WiILL, ELECT 'I OFFCES EXTSAURAYPLUMBERS DELAYi tIliurni itinctlhae tine best state clib THETATBH flV1 ntime EUitm'nity--this isthtie opinion of Tn L~ lu I nurse whoiti mtendetd the "stuckrer" meet- up huetl yestemrday afterrnoonu it Uni- entity cult tlange utunumen of hoyt Michigan Union Management raui tinepreairie state were presenlt, but Plans a Formal Opening-New nm acciounit of the delay ini giving notice Tennis Courts for tlembors. 4I tiii' meeting iritsconttsietred hest __ defr te eecton f ffiersuntl nxt The delay iin opening the Michigan icihuettci - tuion clubhlotuse is due largely to the R, 1.Wiso, o8, asap iite t iure of the conitnactors to wonk ian- elmt tmhei netiein cu whchckillttbeoinmoniusly' 'The plunmhersIrate iregiect- (4d extSatrda atr oclok i nut edthe wron ttte ueatitng da-teiui and runlrrinlnug 'iiiliuni munm nnetugetfon tisicreasoit the platter itn the diii libetimesenrt.iug nroomuaanid kitcenreiesmcvery miliwly- (IPIF t~t)'itttL ADIRESS o mecorating caun be donetetiltthis 'OLI N IL MOGADDRSOCITYbecomem dry. The work: ourte whole ___HO OEO_ SCIEY uildiiig is conresponidingly delayemd, and tin Srntrih A Jute herlcnt tcityalthouugh glue wiring is fini-sued, no fix-- Thm uncutiel-A.-Jnestcuha edtdsoity ltres taut-cbeen iinstalled. The lounging f te ]omoopt~hc dpatmet. he romi nownstairs andtrihe bililiard anmd lir in-u rmrcrrm icmiumueument th office nonmsut as welt ac the tewards nniieis-icey propelynay medoreuDtr ~. apartmients mmiithe secndutlotrnare linac- unie, the mfirstcndetnrut tire cllege. t ically ccmplete. T' l uaster wilt ulny '11m' nrniunccitto un tertfemi iut a week after the heat it started and niric. lecture-s uponigenueral nuedical the remaining swork can thtent ie finished. )picscbhomemrsrh fc iitine faculty-atud I tituddta iecmisr tets. Thiese lecturnes wtill tormurthe I sitne httecmisr mlii l hierc-ntum cu uiticuueiugcsuupilies he puirchased on an extensive >pic ofdrs~nricas a oter eetngsscte an d to that end a lange refrigerator r Wichfitle uethi r imc i Iinmihur uitt par- mhis beninstalled. ('hicago-kutled meats will be punctuated through a wholesale Thice ritatin mofdunncsnil lie socieuty house in Detroit anudloilier staple sup- so.rrngedt that am len stuudeunt presi- plies witt be purchased iii the tame way. ernt -ll ptsie eah moth. he t'lTe cilverwvare tat been secured itunough mr touren s comp tiueleeduirwls av Anroid, the jew-eler, amid will he here onnp isd abut inelectres toorrw. It it the ivell-kntown Wallae 'I'l(,fist ddrss efoe te scit nure amid wiil not be mrarked. The il Inc mii tomorreow eenitug by Dr. china, however, will hear a monognaun irueirrnr tpresuient ci tire Aumericanr In- md i fteiiillteso h iute rot Iloturopatluy. 'isicwill lie -e fth nta eteso h m. adires schenduledl finnthe opeuning t ,iu M icinnenon"tn will b uurm nciuco ue tcril cc srIthin college rvhichiweteempost-tid wt aroltaccgn- bu I I tinPheachiness n-ill he of a poput- tnKuuhianircogelreduig rr utir~.Ayonie ierested it dun- nuhi axou oge h dnn ruom op'muinmnmemiately amid csuys-"'The caillnterslwil beithiouireyuthecteddl heitpncmlofmmeetinigiwill ire timetup-eaietrtilInhrougrryhmuimll er lctue rom i th hoo~ept rutofnext week, andmitime decorators can mmcmithe cummurut tnishi up as soon cit the pasterinig dries ui~clin upon he carnpus" ioIt-, nope to-,,u+pur.- my1 tune.11- mI enuatuI-r,.i f r t r t C 5 1 a a f'. C1 P C e n s r. i r v i'IRII SutNIO2L AW l.r' CLASS 'R:\S (OUTh'TO IELECTION 'lie senirelawstunl a spiitedt election e'srteray mournuing. Nearielimte swhole ics rchmne-dmmiiount ndo a tume teeltig run metly right inthm'respetiv-e camps. A-'.I D\it womcm omutfrout C. A. fimrechirfire presidntrby a tote of t136 6-}.f tter rofficers ciected n-ere: hirnt tintcec-idet-A. L. Pauulcon. Sccind i e-presidnhut--C. it.Sumy-tec Ser-cnctummy--J. 1?.'inner.uc 'i'teattittn--J. H. Jauckson. F'otbllnchhmiaager--R '. W l)atit. Baseballh mm mange-R.I itilson. 'Trac managr--N.'iT Dunuaur. bask-ctntallmatager-S. Spitzer. l'rrnmtrrr'- tF.A. Bready. RI 1l IitlS i-OLl) A LI'Fim,m E,1tiC'tION tinthugir only 152 fteehthits turnemd rut runthin casnlectionm heldl yestertday aftc'criunonin Univnrsity Hail, the niece- iorcimug in time corridors iwas lively. ;ix fronmte 'Sqtuare De~al" tucket and tree frcni time"Repneseintative" ticket cene chccenm. tV C. Richaruds, indc- rendnnimt caurdidater, madei' muclcte fight turn track mnarger. 'thin officers electedl arecut folows: Prensidenti, Joe Hourner; vice-president, 'Urgueite Audanuc screetary, Fremd icuwn-im; ureasuner, Caurl L.Wemdekiund; Fotballcui mmanager. WilliamirBaltuatcete basebalmaui nanger, RalhhC.Craig; has- ketall umngerRoy Richardtsonu; girls' basikebalmnmager, Bertha Ammon ; track muanage, MasontI-it Rose. PROFESSOR KNOWL'T'ON WILL. SPmEAK ON CHtRIST'S TRIAL Print. Jnernme C. Knowlton will glvee anm addrlest tonight am 6:30 o'clock in the :batitd church.Ile witl speak on 'Christ itcfurre Pontiums Pilate," and will mreait the subject from thue lawyers point ofmiemus next month and we are driving time coil- tractors harudtithithalintdrliiimien. 'Thn formtal opentig nuay take time fomiiof a dinnuer, but tlhnre truth Ie at ceast ailarge reception.'Tisopnuing mlay not he arranrged ,unmtilth~efirot of Dtecemuber. Pnofestor Bates, of the comma- inittee, said that thn offices of thn Unionr umight he nmoved iii next week. IHe teas of thne opiinion that a teniet of Friday nighut udinners follotred by talks mrom promtitemut alumnuui might be inaugurated aie thin tedicaticn to arouse enthiuusiasum auund to popularize thnenclubhuousn.'There uwill he music oouthilmn ighuic.- 'Tiro tennris counts are beng laid ciii mu tire rear of the building. These tarn ben graded aurd spread iih clay.'The wrire ntetting still Ire pultiup thus wieek aunt thin courts will ire rnady tur use wehein thanbuuildinug isthronou open tintire Unionimenthers. PRE;SLDRNT ANGELL PRAtSES TILE 'iOMAN'S LEAGUE "If co-education is successftul, it it because you umake it so," saimd Pnesidennt cAnugell in his talk ho the college wmoeni yesterday afternoon at Sarah Catwelhl AngeillHatt. "The snccess of this puhase of Anmerican education is a cauce of great wddnder to Eurnopean vititors, hot it otughit not to surprise- any American iran onrstoman," continued the president. tDr. Anrgeil spoke iii complimentary tnrms of thn excellent wrk done my time Woman's League in bninginrg thn girls togethuer and developing the crrect college spirit. Thre oilier speakers wene Mitt Bnucks, the leagtue president, who outlined thn aims of the organizaton;, and Mrs. hMarkley n-Io gave a brief accounmt of its history. After the mneetinug in Sarah zCaswell Angell Hall, the president amid ithe faculty women received ini the par- Slors, and refreshments twere served ini tthe gymnatium, where the entertainument closed twith daning.