THE MICHIGAN DAILY WORIK OF SUMMERrPuNCTOx HAS PROSPEtRUS rRNCH CiIB We hve ustrecive a ine ineof CHO L I LA DED The Frniecb Cii)aPrinceton begins Weavtesrri'eaiei(' fSH O I A D the year with -roomis in the Brokaw SQUIBB'S SPICES (Cniued from Page 0ne,) Memorial building. an( with a library. i in orgina Packges he Reentsrequested Dean M. E. A series of conversation clsses has lrk in S et- li d Ic OrignealCole t Parkasoe(' preliminary plans for ben arratbed for its iembiers~Ion ~ n Squib's name on any article mean adding two stories to one ende of thle -'-- The College ABSOLUTE PURITY dental building. COLUMBIA CONDIIOS As' SY O MoovI. Fount in 'd MAtor soral ad astly mrr The snm of $250 was granted to Pro- Columbia otierste has introduced a sohtsta I iy thani ordinary or bulk fessors Hutssieyaml Curtis to oven the plan sohereby students carrying entrauce ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON goodsiiihicheven thasugh they aro expenses of a trilp to Philadelphia where eonditions ay renove themt to takntg ,lot. adulterateid soe board to loon lhes will est mirrors bengnig oatac- extra courses afthle uniiversiy, TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS ther ii rengib Tey themanad be -, covinced. tred for the obseratory of the Uni- ver1it) The strotiotmical deparment YA,~ MAY INCoRSE 11 va. Sold in Ann Arbor by 20 corm. C- is reeivedl a valutable gift of books Yale is cotetmplaingiitcreasing its G O W H ' W O KSO E C itony iss Fraices Lawton, of Jackson. tuition abott tent dollars per year.GE .W H ST OB OK T R S QU R Y S DanRei a granited pernmissioti to ____________ ...AND... CionrState Stan .o~iS losveii visieasternoutiiversities, where le will FINE CIICKEN SUPPERS. SHEEHAN & COMPANY ailds the sstens of admitance used at eaeli Special attenioti given to private Tlhe Regeits appropriated $5o for parties at the CliftifHouse, Whittmore _______________________________ thle Stdei Christiano associations, to e Lake. We caer- to datcitg yahtiag used i their iwork itt aiding the stt- skating, ice-boatig, aiilspper paries M oney Loaned ents. Spring cickent always served wvheti or- -- tiered at regtlar meals ir for secial OtlA aiihes, tiaiaoinds Lao Books, 0 ISrASi15O Citti AN~t C'C. laries. Mr. and 1Turs. las .?Buk,1 orioter persnaiio prperty. The IToasitnitatss cltth held its firt Porcos Waeb dTier aard aniqiet f le yer at the Cook Hlouse Y.___________ Bargaitts in Watceo& lismoods las, nighbt. After the dinner, owhichb was SeonrctWpe ut fMihgn A READ N A L office at reoidence 3t1PE. Liberty St exceptionally good,. theie was a business pins, fobs and souvenirs. I-lller's Anin Abr. Hours: 80tt 1;3 a. in., to Ia4:30 a 7 ta Meceiig. The tew tment eleted to the eoely Store, 2t6 S. Mai street od-e o p. I. tilts this year are tOscar Boise, Jiihn T. ______________ AL moir WACO'OOTTS mt.adW V Mrit rt fi If you wish tt leant to datce quickly, JOSEPH C. WAT es atir: A. D. Pearce, president; take lessons at Scott's Aceuiym, 336 S. Wiarid Bosmnt, vice-president; George State St. 23 Eves, secretary ad Carl Parry, treas- urer.'ie best yott ror rde i. Pltar - -prices. Cas ansi carriages; baggage ii ItIet Iii t TH.avi:oxstt LInARYn. transfer \Wattes' Livery, I iq North Tie now fall lnne of college goods io now complete wth the Amiiterst college has jus received Stale St. 2I-3t choicest and most varied new things ever hown. RRUIEn CONLN Banners and Pilow ...ori Ie thau i ooo volunnie' of Chinese lit- - & FtF'DEL draw yotr parinular attention to heir supr display I itri lieegift tf Sir Centttttg Liang Godlvaltes i titderier, unoniii fnwor ~ ~ sisMnhta hr lii it5 forimer UCinese tminister to the too-pieceesuits. iheManliett'niStiris. t ited Sates. The formter miinister is MlaiS. 21-21 Men's New Fall Gloves of all leading makes An especilly idesiriius that his ciiunntryment _______-- _____ ai r stiiiyintg here shiahlot forget Students whit canassed successfully Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear DARLING & MALLEAUX their iis langage anid literattre. Sir last stmmter ttayl hear sominitg f ii-- 224-226 s. State RUt.. lii,, ses etucatedl at Philips Atdover mediate atvantage by addrecssing ":' A itull variety of new styles of these world-famos hats to aned ias prea~rig to enter Atnherst care of Dit.v Stte sthat p011 siiild slc fo-Seto.Caloliwrs cllegieishtie-tiwtie'ssrecalledl 10 China. amoutsacleared. 20. 21. 23 sectfo:StonCalnHwr . Colege ;n x .Crotel;c; BASEAL. See otr conpete line of Michigan Men's Fall Caps, prieo from Soc up. at \iblessiuig I) nontstutdtents o pis, fobs antI souvenirs IHaller's ar~t lllS "Colegeand itiznshp," resientJeswery Store, 26 S. Main street. od/' I eucker sait: "I att prepared as a over __________________0__ F ie tllO HIALLR'S JEWELRY STORE 216 S Man St, itdidefetder of college ahileics to ad Portrait frames at Foster's. f vise the eimtination of baseball as ott-n___ _ inercI ollegite gaime frtitt college sport. L.OST-M.\icigan sell watch foh, Ali - WE HAVE FOR SALE I iioiiul cinfine atlleic gantes to ganes letic bittoit attached Retrnto ti4- MOOR'S NON - S[AI(AW[ tshIitihholhae no outside value." Church, or telihoinei t53, elt. 22-3 M A C 'S E A R O O M FOUJNTAIN PEINS "tiii .15Pit LAiATt.WIL'LIt~eAMS. Ness-arrisals in Chiettcot-sirs. 55 he e 1ithle oly AlwiiiitiCleanii Seveinity ewS tietsrepo~rtedl as cantdii- Alleti. the Clothier. bMainu St. 2-4Fo i~ s asa FO iniaill iiis imatti'Crry themIin 2r-24Idates inithIe comptiltioni fr the editorial F r- -es -I192 anyatldina.v-Ninkiin uyurnpoce ar nt youri tinksNever ftl toawrte tiff lite Williams College Recorsd. We are giving the best possible altes Served e, la Cekrte istaontsly ailledt is t.ii'einyithl- ,oecasadricast$O itnusttw ie n]do lld e ies 1,111 f IItese. fiur iw-ill te elected ts the itttitsorcasatriioaatt, pen eonilI. Come ad'auliis II ei: Sr I iiivi Ibhe harcli 20. $1,$o. Allenthie Clohier, laii St. wilt siiiiiyouiionelioiapprvtyiesa111 cano~iltcoeo theii li'stiai.- 2-24 '1 East University Pharmacy }'.ii;GIlVtS it.AYS IN itANY ItANGUAGEB. Prices Most Reasoa ble. MACK & CO. Cii5. lii eilyAsiliil lTe idramatic association at Yale will FOR RENT-Two large honos sut- give this yer tree short stantdardi able for clubouses. George J. Haler_______________________________________ V. £f M. couaeiies ini Freiich, Germna. andl Span- & oiC., real rtate and insurance, 216 S. Main. f ' On WatcesODuamod, ewely, ad alt ii IIItI isinesigh slaca hatte rclyacd Citlteeoteelilt- Barber Shop and Bath Roomus Siic th--t-tigofCiao-tier X~a ot~~ulS (0C hle MO NEY LOANED Lu lyB cit~ onfnfintialt. Evaryth>i.-..6FIe-alme rs h fudn fChcgnnvr- Waaon'sht tn bte 0 o iutiAvinuelppoie ourtuoouse. teHor:s oi3. o5,t81 Lar'gest Shopa lea the City sity jiihiiiI. Rockefeller hs giseti to it nade). Allen, the Clothier. lai St Too dors soulit Cty V. M CA W. J. LOURIM J. R. TROJANOWSK. Prop. a .1oaliof$23924,321. 21-24 FALL ANNOUNCMEiNT IWAGNER & CO. the Importing tailors of State Street call * yoyr attention to the splendid collection of Winter Woilens that are * open for your inspection. Carefull attention to details and prompt execution of orders nmerit yor patronage. Popular prices prevail. 1 303-305 S. State St. Ann Arbor The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry 444 South State Street THOMAS ROW, Prop. G as S*xjdy I.& t pS SPECAL NNONCEENTOCTBER1, 907326 N. FiBth Ave. SPCA NONEET COE ,97 New Phone fat Bell Phone 457-L Iris~re a siteady, soft low. Introduction to the Study of New Testament SCT'DA INAAEM By G. P. COLER Open under ew maaemet This course will he givein at 12 o'clock, noon, each Sunday, beginning 1 .m Easy on the eyes. OCTOB~2IR 6 Classes open Saturday,10am.Mdrtinpce 'rho subjets for the first font' Sundays will e as follows: Assemblies, Wednesdays oeatinpc. and Saturdays, 9 to 12 Cheaper than oil or electricity. 1. From the Old Testament to the New Oct. 6 -__ 2. Preparation of the World for Christianity Oct. 13 WAI KINO Loo 3. Messianic Expectations Oct. 20 4. The World as Jesus Found It. Oct. 27 - Chinese Chop-Sney Restaurant Gttebe rmte1retaezmat STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED.. Chinese Fancy Dishes, American Lnces or la decgandtemeen. asfr C e Ann A rbor Gas Co. Other subjects will he announced later. Opportunity for questions and ' Chinese and 2'apanse Bra-bruan. conference will be given. wSirsBu satecdor S. Blaon prs~ 314 S. Sae St. Will Soon Open '. MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch Fort -