The Michigan Daily Vol. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIG-_\', SATLEdIWk.O(CTOBE"R 19, 1907. N'o. 23. WABASH EXPECTS TO HOLD VARSITY Indianapolis Rooters, However, look to See Michigan Win by a Small Score. (Secialt to 'T'te ietgaot il.) Idiainat)olis, lIn., Oct. S-Tet~ r- riveil at 2Otis aternoon. TIeimeic writatken dilretis to tielieitstot hotel ad from there to\WaslingtoniiPark for a short prctice. Alt the ptayers are feeig iwell after the hat trip. Waomtmd till protalystart the game at ttu(arter for SlIchigan. A great ideat of interest is being shownin iite game. W\atbaststdetts adasluitt01 tiink tteir college tista good ctaiice t otwin. Wahteh witt play lite strong iieit whot we re not uein i the P[rdetgtie i. Tw f tteir test teatre Soutertand, t a Zoo-puiiid tekte anidetptitf tast ettr's tetim. tind Cot- lert, righttaf. 'Testwotstand teir centier hatie pltyetotle tetinftr fottii ear;.. Tfley' hetwoiit fresmnen. Star ivintt ti ltrge delegttionstitsimittn g.'I'ieci expet t tsttre titnd t hl Mihtiganis n' sre d t. Thle.\ieligllteiatmtinretire Iery tftr listeningtstiaisr t tk Its (sittcIiost. The ildi s it godcoitinad weaoits fr in stig, lie tla ill Ihe fats The pmopuls fat hcielfgi Idiaiatotistis towntotise te gtmie. The AMihigans alumisstio f ltttnplttsi adstrressitntgcities isill hldttlinniits meetigthis ' erinftg ithe oItto te Miehiganitfttttblltttett .team, CachtYst. . I( ieetr lBtirtd. Tefl mnlissttwIishs~ Inmao tse'tlti er nttvso °NAlieligtsitfeetltt they reatingti wtashiiigtsi larki ts a rttts afteroonst. MaytorsteChatrles A. Boeokaler selivers tsettadiresstof teetomie. Oher spetkes tre IHoti. Jtilti W. Kernt. tenry I". Ilortui . titd 'Chtrles Reistsprotienti titisnni otIndsianapsitols. STeettommiitee hatisnsg charg' of Ie moss meeting is cemsilttet tf tarIR. Conir, 'o. IHermn tu Ilettisg. 'sintti tnd:is Elasa Siisliutex '05. HAS TII It SfIIIt A miin wolttlsftbe a likely tcandtidte for ahleie Ionss as app itoittereillithe lutsn of 'hester Ioson, ai tufresh Itits Hodtisotitista grautetotf Ptaiie eoll ege. I regssti.IHei lhts tireeordl itt;o see- totds Ilatitheiiilto4-ytirdt iltsi aidoe itfaziminutets'fltt ii tIe litlf-mie. I It alttssol s swnabiltityin iifootbatll, Ibas-. ketball titid lttseball.Ile tas ad the bteeitsf sttiie tof lt'ehest trinisingsi- tanable i in t' iiniitrtclleges.Ittving bseienstacedioit the gridiroii fusetwt yeirs by tiereeetepeeit Ctrlisle Indiaii etoieh. Theacseniortenegieers eecteilooficeers toe the yer yeserdauy tftertotn. tIi tll 224 mess-trnet ot. The following mcmi woii ioit iinte coitest: President, II. F-. Frost; vie-resideiit, G. I. Knt- sm; secretary, J. f. Brooks; F. I. Johinsoitatdtitl 1. R. Loll tied oe treas- iieer with io ctes each ; track man- .ger, C. J. Shensk; baseall manager, R. A. Htaskins; ftotall mismiger, B. A. Parks; baskethtllumatnger, T. C. Will- itns ; sergeati at rins, G. G. VWoren. ctINtceST.o'AFNEeiT'S. The stitdeiit staff ini internal msedicitie hieltd a meineting last niglht at the hotti ot Prof. George Dock. "MICHIIGENDA" SONGS ARE IN; WILL BEr SOLD IN 1300K FORM Catchy songs ave aleady been onh- mittted ior the cismi opera, "Mihigen- cla," nitts'beitg lasnheilit'the Mihi- gan Uion.The stngs re ettirely local aiid it is std tat the loug desirei Michigans song is anotg those sub- mitted. The iiitrchtfitaea a ley of Michigtan airs, iiivtlves the etire cst. Atltoiughu the etomiimittee listsntearly esotighi songs, others wilhbc gladly o- cepiedt litRot' I. Welelt1, 0tio itroc sliest. The boot:iss Imiiae tp of hight tdia- loguess grinds ott pomiitettUntiversity mient titicapustaffairs. The songs of thei sopera will le pnblishedt separately ini outkformend ittwcill le sold ott the ight of the tpeformnce. PROSPECTS FO)R SUNtDAY 1GB IIING IMPROVE DAtLY 'We hispe soonto th ae the priileg sit trowsing tpiet the dosors of the li Itrs syt studtetts ott Sttday after- sso ssadsoL ibrtriant Koch yeserday. "~Ta tetns taltly lthe periodicals, 'red sttr' sbooks, aitd books fsretltree' reatditigtwilllit' tcesible is the ek- luttitstatttenatscwitt noteteexpetel ts sere onst iSundaly." %-,r.Kochl is it faor itt the proptsi tion andttildelvedi'thu'ittsiastially it dtaitishointg the large inuer of sate titti endowsiedituiversities thaI areaty slsre ' ts' Stuttitit openitg. "Imntitsfaseoittfopsnin tg tp sopi sti SundaytisasiidlPrtof. Rsebe, "ut if tlt cultuire retdinisg is ecousrtaged, Ii he'trtilt' inifitsort of i. Bite stdtetts to ntslrettils'tnough. lTes'has-c de- clitiesd geatily inthis lait init te past tsoyears." lI. Mortrill sidilhe Ittat hoped for it for several years pst. "t offers;' lie conttiued, "addsitiontal culture adroi- tiges atdtis iniikeepitg witi the ad- vancedl spirit itt the clo." A fttvorable ote front the clergy was poundites'cbtsrRi'. C. S. Patot, wtho sai: "Asa imiiitser, I wolntttosljet timte esliture reatditig. Whleter or nott the privilege swoul Its'eastchi used, wuttlc I ithik ters'ties'tiay stdiett, stidti htame s E. Oge, '07, "whlo cattot afforsd the goodil etrrentitlieratitre attt their onliy toporttnity foe reaing it is (si Susntiay afternioontiihtit the library is untfortunteitshtclosetd. I thitk the privilege swuould be trgey ptronizeud tisditol i pro've sie sof the tttplr moes of the U'tiiversity." ItAILROAD) JACK TO RFUSE ILL FPRTIIER INVITATION'S The fttlotin tg cismatiieation listsbtiets ecesivesd frotit \icligttu's "srors tndi statesmanst, RtailroatidJack': "'To the FElitor sif'TE DIY: Stetange ats it tayt seetm, I haveies- cisded to showis my appreciationi of the isdsice givett sie by tmy' intelletal su- teriors numtbteredlaotg the smenbers sit the faeslty by refutsitng to visit the severtl departmtents of the University dutrisig 'setihsolhours,' foe t ralie that say presetnee would tend to mar the rhtythms of cltss work, and if I ca't [)oost I. shll certainly retite to 'knock. I it osrry that Itm s contited that I cast not be present tatd remansuan t- called foersisring a taeeting weter it be it prayer serice or a mass enter- Irise. Retiembering that gretitn eare highly valued during life andth iat the vatte placed sunt sy getle mae-ip is sttisfaetory to sie, .I remain, "' RRiOAn JC,' Crbstone Orator.' PRiOINNT' MEtIC IsCALED HOMoE. Earle P. Gregory, a nmember of the sensir mesdica class, has been called toonsat ccoutnt of illness of a relative, He is it member of the. gynecological staff suit sitthe Studlent -Cotincil. SICKESZ HARMS LARGE AUDIENCE Foreign Pianist's Playing Ex- hibits Real Temperament in First American Appearance. The stcetssstof Siutes.'".ptlayintg is -i hackeiedtwotrd , tttttsgt1stint'esswhich ouglst to1us edstt etiis Cituatd twith this greatest cars'. 'It it' tuu sis'iiuvecsgsts'ee tiltis pousseesion a't tuct. whellutsuchltltu artist its Slctes, tlauty ssasdthetless tt'aintsd heatns'r hpertceiv''eestsettiit'1111- isssul for u' suilsu esits i t I . osse or i fle chsa'rmtuwhlichu ltttin Sicttts,'e its_ terprtutatiosit sutsst'iste pat, fr'ttmI is faulutless techussss tis mcaia estsihsussu't ws a etttttl(s's tt ts)th isarmsth csf fus'hissthitItit s te a'tttrac- usv elet'elt't'tIit)thi i'. t . ~e Sotshv'ting I)BAN JORDtAN RAtSES FUNDS FOR WOMEN'S SCHIOLARStH'IPS Effective sok ini the raising of scho- tushitifunshabus just een accomplished hut teams Jorsan, whitretuintucdyesterday fromu the econvenhionu of tie State Feser- ttiosnscut Womte's Cubhs at Flint. At he convtentionutMrs. Jordant tmade a re- hunt c'ontcerning lte Lucidal Stone schlrshtip,whibh tas gietn to te ivitens.iy'tintsyears ago y the cwumens cluibs of fle state. She stoke of the gnttea tale osithtet'funtdus atdurugedl the Ilbsts alts'mittthe Alice Freecianut httlusur schoularship. ft is hosped that ttles futistmuty soonus bs raised to at least $f,oto Slits fundustamtountted tou $i,6 besforethe tast udontation. It \ [T'P'It WOMVEN WLLL REChO yE IWITtH tDR. .\NGELI,t 'The.fc fulty womno im the Womans lTetaguue sdvisory ottestwilt receive swith Presidlent Anigell attdl Deans Jordantu, after tse pre'sidcnt's taddresstoIth~e colege 'hessaddruless sill lbe gien titthe pens mee'tisguof te leaguetotdtay at 4:15 si. its Suartah Casel Angell IHall. Th1 um'tt'tng' citt he opteedlby'Sis stilt's'ucsl, this'leagusleu'reusiet,swho wtill stetuktsf I'tuepshuwouk oust the "tou f the organiztihon. Presidlent Itituthl's taslk till folosw, giving te irstietnly topporistuity duringthe etur itof .ninug hmstspteak etiectyfor cmi Ieneit .Aoter fetuure of the atfterntots i cll his'seetal sonugs hby te Gi ls' Us etcubs. 'Ireeptionmsini the parlorus siitt followc. GI hIS' ft=lttECUBf MAlKES PLANS FOR YEAR 'Tle Cirls' (Gee club ill citsitng this ye.r on tsly upoutunsequest t te aros mueeting'svrectptits asmitheretaitmsets Iive ythe uswomse's uorgaiziations of t' tUier sty . Sis Bletha Shuey, Ire sitdenstsf this'chit, annunusces that it mterey assisttance its eading college ,ssg is sdesiresd, the request should e mtuute ta week its tauvatnce. When a pro- gratusswaneu, notic elshule gvess u ts' tsr rto ueeks its adance to tho osfficers f tie elubh, ii order that us' sumerht's matyprticeewmn'sois. AIt tints Ibelongitug o te club are tto epottatt SoetlsCCacwell Agell Hall s- atitusonSaturduay ftenoo at 3 us'cluc. FIESII ENt:ONEERS POSTPONE RLl,ECS'ttOtt tN TL.FRIDSAY 'ltufefnshmantuuengieers meut yesterday atternsus ttsurgatie authelect elase sfit'vr . On acceut sit the small at- tendancute, hosswee, the eetiont cas posestonsd unsilnsest Friday. R. D. 'Torrneyiris'.elece t emp~soy chairman, andsiGI\'. IL. Pushilemaw temporary oot-I ballumatger. Dhnte telasge ansi Dtuis swere appointed a nominating comruittce. All nominations should be tohadedint o tiessnmitee eore et Frilay. it .u~osssso nts 'T itt stostu;suzn. Ain eftutrt will e tmade this afternooti is reorganize the Ilinois club. This ogtantitin ade o good start last yeaur, utsent t pieces after the first semsester. The maccing twill be held its Rtsosom C, Uirersity Hall, at i o'clock. All Illinosis sudteits, especialy fresh- tussut.arc asked to attend. stIIetS erAsN SOCIAt. SESSION. WORK OF SUMMlER SCHOOL IS LAUDED Regents Are Told of the Summer Session's Results-E~ffinger Is Made Dean. The tUniversity B ottestof Iegets heardiftomt 0Redl 5 re- port suithe past sumntmer sessions at its motluy'mseeting yesterdauy. "Although 11h iscrease ini attendautnce of ]go; woes sight," sil Dean Reed, "thme enroletesinig twecntty-nise more than lust year, thec success of the ses- sidont was ce iienmoretprtondtuced thans Ittfatny lreviouse yeir The work its all departents wus characeied hby an earnsteses, ccuracy and thorosughness wchichs were especially gratifying. I feet sui hesitancy its saying that the work of the suimmner session shus reacesucsnh ismpotanice 05as nt aranttthe mutst care- tnt consideruation of its pousiiiii sad ieeds fr the fuure No deprtmest sit Usniersity work reaches set many peotle of infuenee ittsocial aud ed- cationsal lutes andh stu brantehsf Univer- sity activity eeshwsgrea.ter tr nmore sati- fascsoryrethurnssfuste ht'tmsounst epend si." 'The followinitg udegees'wuere gautaed bty' the Regents:t Bacheor of hw- Carl Fuoltont, HIarry MeCury,IWuale Malt- icy, JohstsPenimatut.netons Randlht, Ruinsate Whlithead;uubahlsor sit science in ivi e n gineensg-JohnuiMCutrthy, (leoegcStroiebul; hbachtlorfs itenee' its chucmsical seigineu's'ring. Chaes' Ware; hachelor of scietnce itseectrial eigis- eerinsg, Charles Bartlett, Ralph Deries; bacheor itt arts, Ry Armutr, Arthur Bhellis, Wolfredl fenson, Sfay Brownt. Clare Christie, Leotn Combahucke, Albert Frapwell, Irmsa Gleaons, Grace Gild, W~illiuamt fathuaway, Loy' Hosyt, Charles MNagarity, Aice SMalonse, Winired Nih- sls, Warenu Rogers, Carl Schreier, Bertronm Smith, RicharoeshtlsZeenw; nmastersit arts, Muttde Gilhrist, Lost- rencec Ifadley, Clara Gohes, Kate Hlealy, Rtufuse Shellenbharger; dsoctor lit philosu- phuy, .IdwiniuHalyden, Charles It, fum- STe report of Prof. Strauss shoced a nt profi of $43431 to the detartment of Englishsfrosm the lBen Gret plays givesslust Junse. Te resignations of P'rof. Juhn 0 Reed, deasn of the lierry depaurtmuent, as dean Ofte isiutmer schoosl wos ac- ceptedl. tProf. Johns R. Effitngeras p- poiniteul Iis susccessor. Prof. .I. Krans cwill succeetd Prof. Effinger as secretary' of the snmmer sebso. 'hets aory' it Prof. Roth, hed of thin forestry' tetartsmest,eas icresedh to $3,00. (G. B. Dento, instutdor it s l- tory, wute graistedh an incsueOef $50o L'eave itt absetce of a year anth ushatt was granted o tDr. C. B Vibbler of the udeparmntt of philosophuy.lHe cllt eave next Fehruary toe Europe where hte cwill ptursuse his studuis Dr. L. . Ensersons silt fll the vacasty at a eutlary oft $t,oio. She folowing appointments were smade: Levi IL. Shively, asistant in mathematics, at a salary of $oo; Clara B. Buins, essay cek its the dettartmesnt of rhetoric, $30; Elizabeth . Shaw, instructor in rhetoric, $0; Evelyn H~ardinig, clerk to Deati Reed, $oo. ft was announced by Prof. M. L. D'Ooge that Mrs. Helen H. Newbherry' had generously coitlinuedl lhe feltow- ship in the classics. N. B. Chamberlin was appoiteed as- sistast is pharmacology and holder of the fellowshitp renewed by Frederick'W. Stearits & Co., of Detroit. Asn additional inastructore in English, at a salary of $40o, was reuested by Prof. 1. N. Demamon. Dean Reeh asked that an additional assistant in botany h e appointed (Continued on Page Three.) mtoretshan asuttsillisInttshow sittlquired 1o roiuse all a'tiItnteIs tto u setills after sui oitn umbr )fstsam Bsshnessssuof tn eortthit It ist' 55.5 ci tis's'. i I tt i ch t's ltt It ud not so musthintuit full s toser et.ittstpon- talleosusti s intuit7i, tis t t s e fttilsi c Tits Is tutut . issultelt II.s'icsth op/etetiItti.,Its islt is wills atl orsgan us gue (f' ech ,,ta s Beessstivn somtutatau inf(l'sttts hesaIsdu lIt thttssthissits Itr. Sics pt id-t su n d mus IliIts i s t' ss ee ta~sti con v itt t ie ust it plyesti STe Ispsnugra t a me nte o gritelst 6s Ihiitt sueretitsoshegaites te insst uentusislt'ic ess'e 'frottis taudisencs. 5At this cltteofitthel gro.tipt hue rehuitt spod iltth aChottpssin tolonise. The Straus s-Schutz-tIs En"titus Bait ubue" uaraibesueissswee-atresv'tuttsioneof wchat cutntbItdone:lwiut'slh au ttu' intshte hautnd sofut gureat utrtisltntrahs s es: lie hadutwreittsnutIhse't uit's. Its'Iutmust hose knownsumthtetmtaseSickuesz phltyml thetis thnight. usithi usweualtht stfsast utg sndtilhei i utist l icesetitsnrubaito plnayinag. 'fTeeffect tits stplcendid. After hal isgratinMSr. Sickuesz tltyesd Polsiai's "Maurcht Sligutitute." IHIs tilt pears isa leut teltsteele. afte'nwarnd conatinuuitnglhi strintthus'ste. Ifes' t pleuastedhwiths serecepsitiin Ant ntrbon atad with whanut lic_ sass of tie city. smuIcunuese so. cut its o ucrt:oss CONxs';s'e A~t thue metng sit this Chiese aintuf Society e7etuts lit the year were dis- Checkers clubs tat c-Atihuusu I tilty'es- casses at the stoth it class meeting yes- terduty afteremisoni, i helter warteatd fromu terdauy. A sticial comnaittee was up- she cluibuat Chicaugo untivsitty accepting poinuted composed of the following; themr challetuge.' It us stolveely a ut es- Schailtz, 'Wetzmans, Adkinas, and Misses tiost sit costning ts termit. At ste sical H-turley anth Conklin. The class with hold' tounnumenut which tuss le aue tfter the outinfodrmoal danuce Friday evening, Oct. nmehting thues' sewere six entries ferteh~e 25, hI Granger's. Tickets trill be sold chess suntdehheces inutelues. his everybsoedybhtlfreshmen.