THSE M!CIAN rIAILY____________________ ALL MEN ARE. WELCOME HERE But the young man gets an A extra asq ueeze of the hand. lie's .punctilious, knows what he wants, won't take 'one iota less. We delighted in tailoring gar- 33 ment for young men, because they're style-skeptics and our satisfaction of bringing them into the fold is all the keener. Our Autumn and Winter gathering of modish woolens is brilliantly d isti nti ve. Come to see and you'll stay to praise. 116 L~. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. AMUSEMENTS lhc Majcstic Thcatrc Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. EIVESITY FOICES I m ntaitcanidi~ate for '9 law track meanagr. RaUlph Church. Tere wiill hr a reception fo Episco- pal studettls at .Ilaris all Friday ight. Fresh law footall candiates meet at SotuthiFerrcy lieldi at 4 this aternuon. PeilirN Candtesh~c for junitior eginerroot- ball ta LreLL port at SuthtltFerryIFil to1dayLt 4 o'clck. Cadler, Cpt. Rigtttao tbusiness, metetig of New York clubttlon~igt at i, at clthlottse, &)3I SothttStat street. Imtportatt. Meitintgiot Cess anti (hekers cltb at McNIillan lull.4d1p.tin. 'Toturia- m~entis tgintodLaLy. All out. Lanei. P rocreds- from isale itt S. L. A. ticet ltit'tbe turiitneli by ctivaserstodairy, Sto I, at office L itertite Hall. Io- i)rt,'Treas. I\iss ITercia XWilutr Lone of tIe a - titapl secretares LI ther Y. W. C. A., sill atddres a metig at Neblerry IHal Suntita at 4 p.t., atti a setcd ieetitg Ttuestday afterntooittat . All cntitestts ii-tentis toiriamenet, utitlisittgles tand doittbles, mtslreport at cotrtsts af. tet~rtotttn toy oftheir mat~tcestr foreit. Drtwitgs for doutt- blarecpotedl at courts. Hoag, Cttt. Al)VRTISFt) ILETTERS Allent!Miss Ida, Arnoltd Mrs ID It BenettMSrs Lizzie IBaroiM issLeta liotiltiglt Mrs C..11I, Day Mr IHamold,, -itti Son rs I), Fvoitet'MXrs Mlinni, Forsyth iXMis sitta, Fox ir Ft-c, Frry Nre XWiifred, Ftltot Miss Frnces, G~otldlFletcher A, IHogati hMIcV,IHItch- ttngs 1,IH, Jennings Mliss Ileln, Joht- -sont Mir aititMs Oscar Lois Miss Eisthter, ibiotg AMr Fracis, SMorrisotnt'Mr Geo, Siller Srs Bell, Masn MIr F'I. Mlartit :i ssltMargaret, ,IeDtrnttn Sr JottXMc( trmicih Mrs Hi I, 'MeadcirXl C I.Nettleoti WX1-1, Orion Jthi , (O'Ftrit Mtss Nllie, FPorter Miles Ftl- let. Ietty Sit It rre S, Reyickc Sir Ilny itRamsitey 'ir William, Rblerts Msl si-ititi SiglerCUIR, Sualley A XW, Scott Mt Thos H, Stierle Carri, Stter Mt Walttri SVati Valkenhtrg Mr RohetXWagetXMrs F C, Walker Mr .i IXXasmonnt Xr Xilliam S, \eer- sitng J, Zik Mrs. Foreign: Brio-ti Mr IHarrisonttC, iroiwni SIr 1FC, lBon SI r IHarry C. Drsops: ailey Mrs Cnklit Miss IHazel \, tDavidstoi ,\r, Ftittark Miss fleen, Hoptkhns Mr E J, IHarpr'rEwing, Lillie Ai rs XW I. Ret. 1). 1,. O.: Richardont Ftrettce. OtrXViscolied Oxfords rtmakitg a hit. Tie are waterproo. XWagner & Co, State St. Sigt of the lg ihite Shot- 2-23 Two tdolars insures you against all loss y ire. Geo. J. Haler & Co,. Real Estate and Inurance, 26 South Main street. LI Hand hammered jewelry at F~oter's. KOLLAUF, THE TAILOR. ito E. Huron St. tf-32 Soft nash a specialty at the Students' Laiudry on South University, on cor- ter of Curch tf . H. Lutz, Alarm Clocks, $to 255 East XWasington tf Pyrography goods at F~oster's. tf 0. 13. Lutz, Alarm Clocks, $.oo. 205 Cast Washington. tf If you want the best fountain pen inI the city, go to Cashing's, 336 South' State stret. tf Learn to play billiards ; it is a fine game, Our tables are the best, all Brunswick- Balke mnake. Cushions fast or slosw, and cues to suit. Huston Bros.,, I 312 S. State St. MVOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Norib Un1vwwa1ty.Ava. a A. MOE. Bell Phone 176. 119 E. LIBERTY ST. Theatoium -Ann Arbor's Pioneer Moving TI~idL~ll1111 NEWPicture Theatre. NWSEA SHELL FRONT Continuous Performance, 2 to i0 p. M. JOE GILLARD, Prop. HNRY .CO. TAILORSHigh Class TARIOSEfl Merchandise HATTERS ) U 1 Popular Prices Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Ouzr $5 Boot Directly North of Law Bti~uiding 709-711 NORTH UNIVERLSITY'K AVENUE EVERYBODY WELCOME AT The Pickwick Pm.rlors. Everything of the best and the best for you, BALL RESTVRNS BRY INNINGS I 707 N. University Ave. .I YPSILANTI OPERA HOUSE Friday Oct. 18 SEE THE BEST COMPANY THAT HAS EVER APPEARED IN THIS RECORD MAK- ING MUSICAL COMEDY. HAIL TO THE KING OF MISCHIEF MAKERS BUSTER BROWN By R. F. OUTCAULT MSIC NEW COMEDY N EWTMUS SCENERY BOBBY BURNS BIKG ADE CSV DON'T MISS BUSTER, TIGE, MARY JANE AND THEIR FORTY FUN-MAKING COM- PANIONS. PRICES $1.00 .75 .50 .35. Advance Sale Spals- bury's Drug Store 9:00 A. M. Oct. 17. Ypsilanti Phone 81. Saturday 'vening Post! Contains a 3 page article on the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Ot *To-eay i " PROnIPT COLLECTIONS AND G~k dSatctin1QUICKRETURNS. Gd EUGENE SMITH THEM STUDENTS' -LAUNDRYMAN Alt.nt WETTERS3' LAUNDR'Y So ginakw, Mich. OFFIICE 611 East William Street. Home Phone, 72 black The Ma~n Who Knows Wears Princton, Clothes $10.00 to $20.00 SOLID BY FRED W. GROSS Liberty St., Cor. Fou~rtha Ave. Webb's For High Grade Candies Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid, Favors for ai Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Saled Nut Cases. Webb's Chocolates are Uinsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. Carriage and Baggage Fo ah7 nIkI ,r(o nd rt he 20 Cents. l r i l n it t k in ta iLs it '-rt, tc Ic QUARTER SIZE COLLARiiisit,,tit ELECTR ICITY Sispplied to College Me, and W!omren for All P'exrposestl;' WASUITENAW LIGHT & POWE'R CO. 200 Weisbhirngtork Street FREE FORl DAILY ADVRlTISINGi RAIES Is the MICHIGAN iHANDBOLLOK g iven Addveis- ittis \(La'atrNut a students by the University F.N,0IL.,tA.swittltch'e Ygood oserefifty pagou f ifornmattitabutsrts itoulltti t~ie tniestty. Oeliundrted stidt furty-six psges ad New Map. Call at MeMILLAN HALL ad ask foa Oatsciptitts tao tytmaiilitcckLimiatoit HANDBOOK. ittey truer F1, FLAT-CLASP GARTERS presen~ats chafing, binditg atd catchiiig ithte ctothinrg 'The Brighsn Tr.a.,s Flat lasp Gatter is as fat as yost hind,N'Wtrn y nmen who appre- e~t omfort atd neatness, Made of pure silk elastic weitg. All mtlpats of brass-heavily nickled, 25 cetts a pit, all dealers or by mirepaid For menwo prefer a crd garter, we hae perfected BRIGHTON GARTIERS While they are quickly and easly detached, yet hay have th firmest grip of all cord garters The flextble rbher ditmond giswith a bull dog tenacity No wear or tear of the scks Cant spring loose or become accidentally dtacited Made of fnest quality webbing;t all metal parts heavily nickel plted - brass. 25c and 50c a pair, all dealers or by nai, prepad PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 710 Market St., Philadelpia. MaeresfPionee aspda 4' SITUDIO-mRENTSC UL1-J, 3z9 East- Huron Street