M.efIN DIALY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Samg Burchifield &L.CO. EAST HURON ST. Do you want $2.70 for $1 ? Call at our story:used learn the particulars of the Sanitol Chemical Company's great introductory ffere, the greatest offer ever made in toilet preparations. Ten articles for the price of 4 BILOWN'S DIYVO' STORE 120I132 Liberty St. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Alttbt ' askeyiandCfuly garanteed. MICHIGAN PINS ANI) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the Ann Arbor Railroad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. °MAIN ST. Brach: 304S. State St. APP'ROVE OF CORBIN I)(ORMITORY SCH EME (Continued itom Page One.) dormitory systemes of thte different , ni- versities inth ie United States. As a student at Petnnsylvatnia ihe was cott- ntected with tihe dormitories fete (ice years. tieStat teen a professsr its the sumtemer seitools of Wisconsin and Cot- sell aned has ntade a stusdy of the resi- eettial systenms at Princeton, Yale and Siarvardt. "Althsosigh te system htas its dlis- advantages," Satd Prof. Vats Tynse, "its btenefits fate outnusmbter thse few pot- sessedl ibytte boarding and lodginig hoase systenm existing here at Ann Arbor." Ieo statedifttrtber titan Yale, Pemnsyl- samia antd SHarvardl havethiser dormS- tories.,,eiticit save pressed a success int ttrincgintgste stsudents togetiser as a hodly At Corseelieinite platesleave Steen nsade tet itesttlilsteesystt,grotittd Seing rec sectvetd Ser-the tbuildins. Otnly te wo- m:nat WVisconssist live ilt dormtitories, aclanchchri, accoreding Sto Prof. Vats Tynte, is fate tetter etate having tno resi- diential sysitem. ifis inte sear futtire :Michsigatn is ae to erect onsly eneosigh bueildings fee evhice So houtse pars of She stuets, these shossuld be for te womn. As soon as thsis is clone the attendance oef girls here trill surely itncrease, for ptaretnts aresettee willineg to sendtdhieir diasughters to ceollege whsere sthe sexes ae ete see far segregated. teensnine-tenthbs of te boardinghouteses otf Annte Arhor theere ace little, if aniy. pleasansusrrousndings whsich give opepor- tuniety for tse frmrtisngref acqusaintances. Tisere is little of these o-clled homse cnlendstce' itsan)y of te smassy Ann Arbor rosminsg ihousses."' leI tie opisnionstociProf. VanTae tyne steelocheers sthe eonly remeedy foer these defects lies its establisinitg for aiii sees dens teseresisietetial systes, wiche s nstances of ste Utiversity dec not allow ct tpreeset. '"'hepricate ihouse system," stated 'reef. ..'Lloyvd, "Seas certainly failed ;egeatol cerealie thse hopes torigisnally ettacesttieto 5.itess c all rese neve noes )erte sustsituete ferte sthasn tse systems cotiquadtratguelatr sails. P'ossibly sty outs celicitee xperiensce makeles se prejuediced igane Untiont- gate.ite feoletwinegstte- miens lctshen skesd abseeet te plaiit:"A Concise'sisobbiy eof residtlie halseis iac seigiser gootetcose. \Xiere laresgrop osf tenesealesegeltetogetlier itt ccBalcii ted heave (i e esteir ettcommons, a eistent etssstntstttlife is sutre toeveloint.t ittir tlee. existineg tcttditionts sc scemee siontes cetei practicae)i(i. A large endowenttses w oculdi ie neeessary to futhter sc a lancts cc .\lCor(beine adi voteic.se n ed tr iiksextt Al ciligett citessnot hterlarge rendoviet, "Altosegi te resientiti clia ccsceotic see d~oubticeieofibescefit 5to the setidents,' said 'Y4'. D. FPnt1 br; :r, presiet ie th S. L.., ".it seces it eec tieat 21.\ (Cor- cinsc s ts esstaitd cliice faects, fertehiere see tecestc eopporttniisfcrntier suetse to bcoereseeacquacitied ictheacritere thsrousghs te svarious torgantiz'ations,- claess. atlsetic. literacry.(,tinetg,.aid ce ligious." steidS "I tinkctie'omitott~try ,)se tee i at gootd tnse, sinceit ealstesldlt toc get tegetle.. Liincg illtt rt hscouses, felows'sdotnot igetaq ine as sissy rcaneseenceeceito ettie Proef. K'ratus wvisiceat te i g errisg soetyctonsigiht, tesi'iPhtses eef Mineraloegy etf Impotace to eengicteers." 'T'his easddress esiiits beof siceciliter est I)ANC I C, at Sctiet's Aaemytte. ('Cesse Se)tecetc iS 10 et. se. ttti7 :30t p, set. icieat It- ionst by appointenet. I LOST-*.\ishigeect'e eel cc tc lob, .- lesic buettcneattacedcl Retucrntot Ciurte rns esteloeiri Ittst 7 ,I1.,ell . 2 Ness'asrivals c(in Ctetttcat-~shirt:, Allies.thle'Clothtie r, .\lein t. Sc rSt i'RtNINC'.iY--T'PSTVRSl'i:'l S. Eliections careds asteel ll kinsc of eeli cc ineg at loeset 5prices. Sipecsilrice givet .or titckesorers. Xlichtigantted (reeler- sity statiotnery a sipecily. i sadtitler- 'ers for typeweritineg. Tltiffe & Kitz miller,"ocer Co-op. cod We are givinteicbest pos'sibe lesr isn suits, oecoeats ted raicit;e, ael Sec,' ;$15, $2o. Alien,,te' Cltier,. titteSt. Bates' Orcestrses Ser lattcersreceic tions, etc. Bell lphonte. 1,. ) BSidtes,Ej Massager. 15 22 FOR RENT-Two large hosesesail- ethic for clubhouses. George J.[taller & oC., real estate antI insurance, 216 S. Main. if s Wear Younsg as cc> (noteetceer static). Alien,,te Clthtier. Mni cSi. 2 z2d. then-rab! bltchigan! Mihigan!ra rh! ribsrob Cuilege Brand Clothses were tirst ode tee New Yorkers-buth to and out of Cut- leeowsalol young men wlieh New Yorkf castes arenwearttng thens. Extreme in enst usend scyte-sthey reflect New York's ex- acting standards. Qualty thte _ Ihigheest 'eeattained-and yet j moederate in price. A FULL LINE OF FALL FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. STAEBLER & WUERTH, 211 S. MAIN ST. Walk=Over Shoes Men and Wornven Special styles for College Wear Thcis csestn we are showing an unusually large assortmnt ocf Cuttom-Made Footwear. Sec Window Display for a Com- plete Line of Fall and Winter Oxfords. We are showing some especially stew styles in Brown Cordovan, Blucher cuts, three soles to heel, and a heacvy ibrass eyelet and large cuff reitforcing the top. Also a large assortment of black tusd tan leather in celebrated Frech Calf Skins, in Button, Blucher, plain Lace aned Strap anid Buckle effects. If' not Y acqtuaintsed with our label ask your friend how they wear. Prices, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.50 .7 WALK - OVER SHOE CO. 115 SOUTH MAIN ST. ALL WOOL U CLOT H IN G A4C10tie, it stuenssts creednjoy assleacademiseic- estcasiwell a store tersonsal se- WVHAT'S THAI? 'c-sintticnse ither else fraternity house rte cpetr ite hcaseleverallowitche mtte PIPE THE PIPES it ic'itsereersonhetestI eSieveteyi iTobc ct is i~ttes c S siftse University authorities., c' It untri 5ad, 1 c sesescesyesteed, tooe if properly asS- JOLLY'S cccestets e ctsla ce couneet edtonto sid cc tci thsatstree sei stir e ~eepenst of acihotsiieomte stie srsity spirit. Whtilcesemany- iting its jsteen e ir sc-swttleS regret a chtasege titS --igt,,cistess to w iiest tierbreadshbetweene MRS JR TRQteesKI ss seti andgownt, SI dosteinek sthat Mtr. "IR.J i TOA WIl Corinteeasestsneihat Seiehae said on FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER 'tse etoesof else residence of stuedents, iatou ecedsoneea real seteel of the-ULii- lair Goods, Hairdressing. Shampooing Manicuring, Face Massage o Specialty. rersety of Siichigas." 322 S. State St. 15p stairs) Belt Phone 329 iHerbert Clar-k, presicdente of tier 'stich- _BANKS TIt FARMEIRS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS E capital, $50,000, surptas and Prnfits, $65,00 General Banking iBusiness. 3ieeecenS paid. un Time and Savings ieposistt. Safety Der- postt Buses to rent ct $2.00 and upwasrds R. Knuire, Pres.' W. C. 5 EV se.Vi~ce-Pres F. it. BnLS. .Cash. H. A. WI~LL~IAms Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank1 Oapitai stuck, 9$5,000. Surpluc.si,00 Riesources. $21,200,00 A tGeneral Banking Basiness Transacted ' OFFRS:Chetas. E. Biscc, t'res.; W. 0.1 Barriman. Vtce Pres.: Mit.tJ. Fritz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W4. J, Booth Jno. V. Sheehanc Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jan. H. Wade EF. Mills John Haarer Jno. Koch Prof. B. S. Carhart Huey W. Dousglas Christian Martn Dan F'.SZimmserman FIRST NATIONAL BANK On ANtNsARBOn, MICH. F. 0. tItNNE, tHARRI~SON SOULE, Pres. Vice-Pres. SW. CLARKiSON, Cashtier. Capital, $100S000. Srpussnd sodfuits. itaoSOS0 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Suit, Overc ator Cravenett We are showing the Fight stykE at the Fight time See our Hats and Spaldingi Sweaters W ADH AMS ( Co. F9..shions Store 121-123 S. Main St. S-E E The Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. For the Latest Disigtns in U& ofM« PILLOWSt AND BANNERS ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Bric-a-Brac. German American Savings Bank0.M Martin FUNERALYoDIRECTOR.n Co meolu o.zd Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent Leather Belts mvt adet thic Ho Ltno Savin s Cueas01n00 301 5. 5th Ave. Phone 314 match your skirts r hlouse, 35e. Sanduct . kt Txttle's. 338 S. Stat, piece of the dress goods whensendcing asst_____________________ Cor.. Ma~In aad Libaerty Street. AMBULANCE ON CALL THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. Will, Soon Open- MI CHIGAN UNION CAFE-Watch For It.