tfft ' G. HI.AildCompany The Largest Stok _1 in the City of Exlusive Styles in WOOLE NS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything. required fr Suits, Overcoats, F'ancy Vestings, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics and special style. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. L. Wild Company 311 South State Street If You Play Class Football this year we want to remind you gently that you can find the best line of football pants, jerseys, guards, shoes and stock- ings as well as athletic goods of every sort. AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores -A. G. "~ & BROS. F The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Bal, Foot Ball, (of, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Offiial Implements o Tauh and Field 'Spots Ionifocis for aft Sots. Spadin's Handomey Illsrafed Cataoee of alt spots uontains n- meroeus sggestions. Sed for it. -It's free. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. New York, hiago, St. ~ous, Sn Francisco, Minneapolis. Dener, Bfalout. Syracuse. its- burg, Phladelphia. Boston Cincinnati. Balti- more, ,tashingion, Kansas City, Ceeland, New Orleans, D)etroit. Montreal. Canada. THlE MICiHiAN DAILY. j Voo2 g Edifor--PAUL. SOTT MOWnER. Buinescas Mngc-C. E. WINSTA. EITOS News................. A. F. Ritchie Athletics . . Williamn F. Gradoph Sporting ....Clarence E. Eldridge F1,craige.... H. John Wambold'f Music and Dramna.....Roy D. Welch Womei's Edior.. ..louie Vn Voorhis EDITORIAL STAFF J. W. MCandless Elmr C. Adors John F. Wrz Robert H. Clany NIC.OT EDITOtS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chsauncey oches B GR. Williams L. C. Reid Lee A White Raymond Vissher M. B. McHugh A. L. Hairline Robert Monsier Loiwell . fare Doald IL. Kinney J. TI. Prescot BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wre Carl H. Adam Address: MIHIGAN' DAIsY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Mors: -2 p. i., 7-8 p m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 960. FRIDAY.l)("l'015119, I. t '1 Ishe ever aeful lu'mi ust t nevr' pcda riper apiiile of iisori, or tne fls tiltseijost divisionathlit' sallicha -tiffered'snortic , ain ta-len istools 1siis1lie suje iia ewv "Inlander,' anti asiews \Vii le.' (Sie might growli situla tmeit foracoluimis ~space. edotigoi le gloresc'.of at distinttretrospet, st-ile aplit'g herritanti of slf-cosscios- estotepresets disgrae. ht tat slitsecssarv.'Te cimtpct arumtt'si kinth ie'minttiofIeve'ryo. The peri- nnqusinis, "Ttsitwhomssslstwc toot:fortthe sits riiacle.'"?' Whihs itf isis objects of diionttu-an apeacl i te timpttttenti.Sial--thatse say critonly whrehep is le sd? The prjecs tsinedl by the Alustnuts is feasile.,5nd illt 1sttlck for ailvoctes 't'er kis aid tobsijetioni to poolig st' trfts> f al olet11liaio s lh iteting nedflIsupportStisrte sieaker fromithitproiperit ofth ie stronugr.(Or there- is osly tis, whilt usill -hlavecfetw c15555555th0t5 tstoe oite'soIfteitis woirking Setsitself alote. Si n te itenaer'asweltaref te Un'tiversity . If asigint etis 55use ful, is te Ilanittdtrtundutedl ws-attitter alli oiteste ite eneres oithlistusit tent bosh attdl sicreitsitinitsicultre i shousldlnt for boggle clled exinic tfe tiit i s mterely its dehtors' priso- lithere s spacteious goud ossi ot ents- ttu.,ihowever, i inte protposal 5to str itwo tie three'literases itssesi-litrry- ssnssitIe,5 Such ta piousisoss ssolds birnktt' rice oitSdvtil isigsitudstrke ntecessary si large isotiltsfrem te stt- seiptitsuiist i dwuldi 't te'sametie rendter te sbiscriptii recipts remotel istidequatie.Il inlits'the swutle msis lass: alinhtste-dillci togeher.lBessedes, te U'niversity swole ot offer esogi avsailabe "lope to etipssil ma0naty psls licationssfIsr their lhyper-critical 'campsost sorld.The Islander hso hre than' oscer intsedi articles swhic id n1osit srictly tiet its aprtval, simply e- Cauit shailnotohing bteter. An it nas t hamstpered its this resect situ merely le- causse sarticles st-r situ obtinabe,bitis becaes thle)- steecnsswrites. 'ThereI itsiis thig to hesait idlbotste stinsl-t Ints- tiwtrilerIsshihs ias ismplesoslet wtoutldIgivetBil itswosldl be eter fse eemsadtoipeceete sppy bys a litle. Such a5l1rge lierary coscernsplaced - iissudeleot its feel -wotuld ie likly tesl chokse itself tillit'. ownligrtsnes'.sani inepcitits. i-i-sstssake, he sina e ofRless Harris. setwly electedl presitestoftheiii'Suesnti ('tutucii.,tras mangls'tinsto 'ess 1Davis" in yesterday's DAL.s~' RAOADt. TACK5 .ttelIIATLKisi CT AsIF'ii. Railroad Jack, sef-csonfessed foressic artst ststesmanst.sandlbes-kson miat itn MVicigtas, sill iapplear leftre the Aslelpili lierary siticyst is reglar mieeisig Satlurdayeesisg andsdelier its address silntu e sbjet. "fhr Message itS itn Optimist." lIn addition o tilsi fetre numbiler.te sociey will give its regulari' programich-iii i iisouced as ('urrentitEvueits- Kelly. it iltsaissn ite N'orths Pole-Cud,' judsge iLandis' iDecision i inte State- artd Oil Css-Ab'tiltt Parliamtatsry IDril. Yatests ('sstlte. 'aftf's Atitde 'uTosasi Organieds Lasbor--Clark. IDebaitse: Resled,. sia liiie Iles f drsunkesnsess is ats exenusaios for cietiis. Affirmasttive Agiess. Whit' ntegative, Fulsler.Whelcer. Allniws-tudestsiasrees'p~eily urged iio ait-tdthis mlitng. J.5 tFS'iONItt u s'sitsls Aisuit T'hie Jsferssisiswsill gisetes fitS lsisitg programi togti: Curres-til'lTopiics-inghsit Speechi--Waler ipromtulliti ef ilate Afirsmsatit's' 'liThomson;sts inesivsefoistsI. Gentersal Deate :Resolethalt itthere shotuldi be'itgeserlristottuef te tariff beftire-te ext resieentissi eetiss. Aflfiatite. Strassbt Wassburtnt;lnega- Slire.Shsutler. O'Connsor. ('elie'sRepr-Hoeffmantu. _ rITe CA'TeFnITIsaolBUILING [sN. Proif. H-orace.L. NWigus ef the law deparstmsent has rnderedi an opiion to Secreary A. M. Smiti of te Ann Ar- lioe boared of commerce, relating to the trighss of te ciy 1o reqiire biidnogs to he pacedi a a certain distance ack froms te street. Int effect he hods that t while te city may as ass exercise of police potwser reglaie the height of hsbuidings. i caninost esalishs ahbuidisg *lune for smere aesthetic reasotns. Thse questions came tip wills reference s to bueilding lite reglationsits sectionso of liie'ccty sar te camps, where resi- -dentis soe macic strenusos ojections t t ceraint recen eretoos as offenses , io good asts. MIuskc anb ]rama Nitr ldiii ltBustke andu.iat tsnpas iof distingishtedsplovers wvilltpearittelse YipssilasntsOpera Houtse, iss Shakesperares Othllo. Saturday nighs. Ocl ts. l.r PBurkse is conssideredl by esminsess critics to s' osse of our greatest Shakespsesareant actorssliss lDorothyiu'Qinsty,.swhsisjust BOOK CASES Thousands of valuabe libra ries are stated ever}13year b students, the foundatien being a few hooks and two or three Gyebe - Wernicke " Elastic" Bookcases. wNe stll this make for a eason We oSnob htin oso etter. Prices pse uhf $250 aostd up. Wahr's Book Stores Sote Aeta fr loe-Wericke y- tern of Elatic Boohcaets d fin cinets. LYNDON 709 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. IiliDAt TsRS'iiFOR Cameras Photo Supplies AMitti IisO'LOoI'(, AND I'l'l".S A ".APEl 5.115 IBAILEY & EDMUNDS Zportiucl 0oobe 121 EASI' LIBERTY STREET ONLY OPTICAL SYSTEM l the cty EYES 'XAMINED FRAMES FITTEDS LENSES fUROUND) We gtrsdin L ns'uintwo hus Aly'sos utipictaedl WM. ARNOLD JEWELRY STORE retsurunu edsom ssuLondosplaisnitg is-ail asills Grace' George, is poinleunu ts ite east. 'lonighit "Buster Brown,"t 5a ricaer lit- tlie muissial icomedy, still occsuy She hoatrdss. Leilai f'antunas is "Masry Jsane" tisrominent inustite ecast. 'feheaettitus ever ruote in. Pouuulsae price's. Colts sutdicarriauge's;baggaige traotsfer. Wattles' L'ivesry, ii Noreth State St. 21t-23 Stetson's Reu Cordovasnus Oxfersl. strap lace. $6.oo. Waguner & Coi., Stuate St. 20-23 LOST-A tensdelular SillS, betwaeen -Unoiversity Hail ande Ness- lngiiteeritig bsuildinog. Notify Bell ishonte 869J. 2I-22' Good vasulutes itundeswerutuiuoussu twso-piece susits. sAllen. thur Clothiier, Minlo St. 2t-2.1 Situdetuts wshocanstu-sed sutccessfully last summiter ussr tear sometinos5f fus- muediate advsanotasge by~ addressiung "Y." core of DJAILY. State whast youstotltS sani amountt clearedu.' 20, 21. 23 Alarm clocks wtarransteed for otte year, $t~oo. Htaller's Jewelry Store, 216 S. :Main street. cod See our complete ine of Michsigaon pins, fobs andI souvenirs. I-aller's Jewnelry Store, 216 S. Main street.coil Portrait frames at t'osteras. ifI AEJENOM AIUEOR CLLU ND'.L~ FET USIMLEENUMlIf'Ffi ENRTSi YOU.EEF i WOOEE T. BTERTA ... CHORAL UNION TICKE[IS Now on Sale $3.00 EACH Oct. 18--Slekesz Nov. ill-Gadski Dec. 12-Flonzaley Qt. Jan. 28-Charles Clark March 2--Adanmowski Trio FIFTEENTH FESTIVAL Msay 13.16 r RESERVED SEAT. SALE Cbe !Btubents' %ecture EAssociation Ss~tazrday. October 19, 9 A. M. Rtoom C, Vrl'.cosaty if rnl Numvbers for places in Reserved Seat Sale tine will be given out consecutively between 4 and 6 Y. M. Friday, October t8, at Box Office, University Hall. Each number will entitle the bearer thereof to a ce rresportd- ing place in Reserve Seat-.Sale litte Saturday n_ Dri 5lg, at which sale not mor than six tickets may be reoerved by eacb person. No lilting up in corridors or about the doors sof University Hall, before t P. M. Friday. Tickets for Entire Course Seats reserved for Entire Course $2.00 .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasurer's Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. - lii' Jj~ :I I 121 Wasblnou F. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 596,