The MichianDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1907. N.2 Vol{. XVIII. NO. 2. VETERANS JOIN FOOTBALL S9QUAD Ne tn and Sullivan Finally Put ne A perac-ofly Scrim- nmage Today. Wish tite appearance it football re- galia of"Fredl Newton, tend and tackle on the itnft eleven, tle list iof veterans uitott whomn Coach Yost wiii largly de- pentdtt regan the prestige tat was nter Mich igan's,, was practically completed yesterday. Newton's arrival anIstbss- elent statenment thatise wasout fsscrte teats terre ast'welcoesnsaste sere isi- expected. Shorly sfter the close of the footall seasoin last fall Newton was attacedl ly a serosx,,siles, whlose ottcoximesas foc ss time douibtful. Upons iis comttlete rec civecy, lhowsever, i wsas reosrtd that oing-,t strenissiosbjectionsieniterel byIhis parents h1w sollxe ttnaleitx paticipale isstler it atleics. Uttil yesterday it was ot kiowns by Coac Yost hat Newtnwisesou l e xavailabe. Ne-0to s in isgoodesuinditiui, weighig abfie array' of veteran hine miaterial sill give Newtonm a hardltfgt fsr psitios, the veteran's-sowxxig ii theCcPxiigains last fall cases hitmitx lonss tp a a tasgertusital. Another inportantx adiitons to the squad was Sllivan, captain-elect of the basseall team ands consideret a promsin- nt factor ii the figt for the quarter- back psition. Sllivan nws imtmiediately given the tasks of dirctiing the sigal wsof x the srubl eleven. .s wass the case Moniay, Coachl Yost dividedi te varsity sqsisad, so-called, into ts u eletenst ansd sent aethroulsesegtfast forman s puxsIracice sehici exendecdlover tieiiihoturs xxnidsaxilsige part of Sothl etry Field. A large numibeixr 5f ex- ihiokrs winessel the pieactie, tikig liat they iwoli xc treatx'(tloxthe first scrittiusage of the sasn. They tere destinexd txi is'diaplpitedl as Coascx Yost let the merisffsistillstheir usiual worksost. The canidisaes asirapsily rouninssg into coditiossni it is posible that srimniage woxrk sill begin -tseday. t hsxbecii originally iteiidedx to defer a clash wthil the scrubs intil Saturday's gay e, hlut the fact that the Case game is little smsore tisan a eeksdistaituaes conitmnencement sf gruelling wosrk de- sirable. ATTEN1DANCE BID)S FAIR TO EXCEED 1tAS YEARS All indxicationss frost the regissrations in Secretary Wadsxl' office poit to ani sttendanssce whlichs sill te essn large tan lsst yer's. 'l'he ttalxssnumber ofi sudents enrolldl its uVnf-7, which wax 4,744, broelete reord xxf ll tpreviotit years, It sas lesrieil from te office of he secreary xxf te esgineering deparmnet that it will ave a larger enrollment thans the cigiseerisg departet hat F ever hailbefrxe, as sas promiisel by tss registrations of yesterday. "We ae hlaing a lively registratio in the law ,deparment," said Secretary Gddarid yesterday afternoon. "Thee will be a larger esterisg class this yeas thatn last, lxii it is not yet knowifI last -year's falling off isa the law depart west swill xe made p:' A consideraly larger sumbser of reg intratin is expectet this year in bonth the lierary ad destal departments. MICHIGAN SE;CURES 'fRACK FERRYD FIELD GET - A'FH LETES-LOSFS.ONE >~ I EL i'' 1The arrival in Attn Arbxor of "Joe" NEW' BLEACHERS oretemssestoaprptakathlete of cecesit yeatrs, is the cause of____ limiitles rejosicinsg in 1'sieligats athletic Baseball Stand Being Erected- cricic's. T'fluns conscealedl satisfaction 5 TnisC utsadOtesm duse' noit only tos the fact that sisnder Tn i ors.n te m IKeenec Fitzixxsricl's coaching IHorne provements Added. trill sdoutless dlevelotpisnto ai star at issitits inintsierecollegiate circles as lie York on Ferry FieldI liss beetspsished hs tress initse intierschlsaixstic wosrldl, lxiiiwiths vigoxr edurisig thesuimnmer. Unider aiso to lietfactithtiitiis secsirisng of the suspervisionss of Director Baird somne the athllete, Coach Staxgg andItsl is fol- twentty or twensty--five mrsn besides a lowters losse a sitir. inmber of ieasms hate sects engaged its 'AbouttwoixexisExs ages Chicaxgo cost- the workx of consstrusctions andsimnprtive- itempoiraricsese e iths the ijsyotis tidl-nit. usgs thati Hurnter haspii xurnuetd Michigans A gansg of carpenters is snoweatsworks, aint accetedxlthur tertssofferedl by the erectinug'thur sew iasebal gransltanid Uivereity of Chsicago. As a result of all jest south oxf the lig footbsall bleachers. this, Midwas y' enthussiassts chuclietd in The bsuildinig trill lie coveredl ansi will lie sighs glee sitd c'rxowedsouer 1 iciigau- equipetistt thsopera chairs. Its rapacity whomxteshey ixusolemly chaxracteriedx as a xwiii be abut 1,800ln seats. 'Thse lower part ''hass-bteen" inthie sw'orld of short. I Ixruxer will liecited foir storage exuuutis auth dress- upseict liii c opeland xhandedl thirstseir- it u iarters. It is built of timbier rifec joiii hosuit cxciby' arriv'insg iniAnsns ihrostghsosu tudwill rest tutu aifousnsdationu Arbo xaiixiimasti culatiughers.. xxi solid conucrete. I- unx5er us thissidiviual sitar of the 'Thie footbuall hbleachers whlich stootd out 'tihia"'usInteirschoxlaistic last sprisig, andtheuroldl gridironsshavie bsetsplacedl st thie it was bhisvsxrIsisoifhis sensaxtionalxxhwork wst e nduscof itse sexyvarsity gridlirons. luat ftgrasidRapisiwh'oiii le reprsenut- 't'hese, nith other teats lxi he erected, edl, capturedxiisecondulasie'illthurmestac.trill surrundst thretew fieldon slicer Hisse ixc onxx usuixxside, teny pouintsin-ussidheestundniake thur total seatinsg capa- sldix"lg i '.1 iin thus'lexivasuilt sandxshot city 'fxhele fxootbaltl bleachers absoust17,- lxxxi scondsuin bothxushirxles, saxndhthirdin iiBioo.Nixoiliher gridhirons itsthe' counstry thisxdiscisusuxnd xh ssmmer thsrowss, ltssus ss greaut a siumber of teats as this. ecliusingts" wkofthunu'ii se tphensomnalss Great quantsiities if cinsders save sects cuk ea rev iss. 1 trner has bhen hasuledh ilto thsestew fielsd antiused sothe soughti after hby seraul promssinsent cusi-costsructions ofiroads anud thur fotunda- versixiescxxait'and xlstelanidlIis final she- tionuss(f buildisigs. All of the hbleachers ! cxsiouxoccasiondsomeusi'urpirise. sire surrosudedwsthlscinsders. 'T'orrey',this' 1. U. S. hurdeleahs'salsou Th'flue cxiovered ibasebaxll grandstand eniteredthue Uiviersity'. The gratifica- xilsnot hue msovedh std will be used by 'tiusu felt seer te rnsvat of h huruser astp sxetaeors sue the class gamies. This Tiorrey' is slightly soffset hby the udisap- siansdlIas tessn uewly'phianted. 'The r sxisssstm eucused-by hy'en etss tsuhatut-twoodhensenstransces aexthle south resdi 'f tsr, ts'eupromsuisigudisianie'rxusner wtvu 'hueIisldhavue betrloris tush std the coni- ssxssus thmile ilast srisglhadi eecidhedlt tractorr issiowxenrugaged its puttinag its rushter Ilinoiuis. 1see'irossgales to correspondl withte __________ :entransce su e nseuorths end of the fishd. I NI,A1NI)ER DiSCO lNh TINC;C Althsusgh thur heaviest part of thur t Y ,IhI hF I hChhh ,ICA'h'IDNS sevorkxof udevelopinig Ferry Field hstbtess __as__h_ comspileted, it will isse ansothser yeaxr to puti xonithur finishsing tosuchses. Wisest 'ihuehisxhIxlsxer ists. ceusedi lxi he. 'i comepssileed, Ferry Field xwiii be the linest studensul' literary tmasgazint elhichs x'satihetic grosundls isinte coutery. four sev'eral yeaursenxipulishsedlttwiee I hitse old ieIrishthe qisarter-msile track ax monthii lusshbeenu dsiconutinsuedh. Soanid straighxtaway save buen rensoved anth t greatixxxis its buxrdienx of debit tisat thurlois soil suit its place of thur cinaders. 'T'he huBoardl xxi(Cosntrolh xxiStuduent Fuslliess- grading xiiiFe'rry FieldI is almsost eons- bn a eie ossedpbiain ltd It is faur fromsx ele insientionsi xf thur boardl, Dusrinug thurstummser eleven siew tensnis hiowsever, hpermainsently' tox dispentse twithacoxurt's savebsencteostructed. Upont lteraury masxgazinse. exainaxtions it tess funud that at the "ThurIlandssuer is sutspendced,'"saidh eorthendcxx of Ferry Field, several fret 'ccxi. Whitnsey y'esterdaxy safternoons, "lxiiutunder thse surface of else grotiud, there xi' no55tmeains supipiressedl. ''We hpe that sty ax hed of fuse clay xvellaedapted for ill ax compa~sraivelsy shoxr t timse its pubi- thur costsrucion of tesisis courts. A cationssisy' he resumnedh.I is, howuever, great queantity of this clasy has sects us dettolxtele exitest.xsf abut sse$r,7uo. tauensuet asse spread over else surface 'Thus' boasrdltherefosre udeemuedtit sadvisable'four tesmsakinig of thse sewe courts. '-ithat iitsreudiscosntinuiedutil es theiset it Mateerial front axdistanuce hastessnisauled Iusiul hby the profits eof 'lute DAsL, anudiitoiixielesesaulirsew sur hr teile.ind's' caxn be list ons a ptractically sre noxw ready for use. DEATHI AGAIN DEPRIVES D)ENTS OF THEIR DEAN 'Te hestal derpartsment of the Univer- shy, as teeth as the deta professiosn at lage, stiffeed a sad blont in thur death xi IDr. Willosughby Daytons Mile, theF sew thrustof thur destalidepartmsaent, xxx lie 27th of hest July. IDr. Miller tirst xi Neweark, Ohio, after an operations fon appendiciis. Dr. sMilrrtestsasppoisted den of ie entaldevrtensst of ele University a 'can ago lautu Juse andu giee a year's leaxve'ofxabsenrsc, which he sprite its cluisg utu Iis teork its thurUivesity if Blerlin. Hecwas sao sasstmxe tecrki sere withsthurophesisg of college this( sult xxxiiihashrentedlthur Ruselihose ou t lie csunser ofxilhili steet andc Oxod; I~r. M~iler eatstuons itsAlexanduria,, Oioc, abut.xuefilty-six yers ago. He tooksh is A.BI. udegeefins ist higant its 875 sixthis 1D.D.S. ai trennsy'vania its 878. Iliexxxixour of thur smostemsinest usc-u it s lpxtrofessionssandxtitxas titi great reluctance tissuethurGermaunst xi- versity' permxitedulhimtoidueat, tshought Iis ouwnsamast maxter'cledimtt. He was ax mantioxx strng phiysiqjue, an entusias- tie glf plasyrndus semsed its exellen hsealthx rtehue etss its AnnsArborunaout te finst xoi July. lie left a wife and tess chiren. 'hue funueal was hlrd frosts Iis old hone its Alexandria, Ohio. liIUSR.Y RUSSIAN WILL ENTER FNEI NEERIJZNG DEPARTMENT Vl'adinirr Belouhordoff, of St. Peters- sung, Rtussi, is one of thure eomter hex ,\ iliigsus's cosmsxopoitanstransks. Al- though otly 20 years old, he is of great statiure, stud is cosuideredc by those trim luste seen lust as likely football nmateia. Speaking xii consditioss its the u ssian usivesities, he sail yesterday: "Fuse thur last three years there has beens so mucehistouhble that theunuveres- ties Issued beetn closed salf thud tisie. I rememere it tas seven years ago that thur studuent troublsrbhegan. We had 'manxifestationss' out iMay ii he governs- menrst took thousands of the students frmitele universities and drafted them into the army I mxxsi serve nine months when I go ark. I will work lure in ship yards a few years uesre returning." Wisen sttkedh whether he would work inthue gov'rnmenirst yards in Russia, bie replied, "'You cxxiii tell what the govern- strut will he thenu. iBesides, they' ave xxx use for Amnernis studnts slier. "Amts Arbhs ut' adusue aix excellenst impstressions 55ne. hIntRusia te st- sinus sre friendxly itsmuchsithue same tray xs they'arsu erae." lie studied lasth yearnat Glasgow ui- versity, Isue dishnstelihe econdxitioss thre, so decidhed to conic to America. He read severalhooks otn Amueican univeities, andsset txx haxt Msichigasn was best suitedi fuse lilt wosrk, umarie egiseeing. I)R. h'fMBSIRO ADDlRESSES MEDICAL DIEPARTMENT 'rie anuasutl opening aderess o the faculty andc studuents of ele medical de- partmnt tas deliveretd yesterday morn- ing by Dr. Moses Gosnheg, professor of organic chemsistry. Hils subject wa, "The Life. and Works of Liebig" He spoke of Justice Liebig's earliest works and experisments exist of his fist great reform, whlich was te esalishmnut of a chemistry laboratory for thie istuction oi beginisers. He alto spoke of Liebig's many accompltisments, among which terre his tdiscovery of clora, chloo- forsm anti aldehydse, asnd his application of chenical principles hto agricultusre, physiology ad pathology F~RESHM1EN VICTIMS OF EARLY RUSH Premature Disturbance Occurred on State Street Last Night- Prominent Freshmen Captured 'Two cntertainmssents were iplannedilast night ion thur class of qi. 'Thoiugs of a differesnt chaacer, bohs sere sik- ugly successful. With hospitablie intnt, thur Y.Mx.C.A. invxitedt thu rfershmsensstlx xaiphonosgaphst conscert its McMillasn tall.'fle siit- ion teas accepted assethCe very peasxant asse hamlsess entetnainmenrst "wons rn- mumxss from alt irsenut." As the suns of tendere years eft the uhsiinhsg they' were set by a receptionucommssitte of attetl'sive sophomussoes. 'The fist-year inu were treatedl withlsthur "southexrns" htospitaity whirls is aways accorded stransger' sad recrut arrixvals. Willing hanslasssistrele uwxiling'freshmsuen intosearb a treees. 'Wheni their geests provssed bhashfiul lbs sophomorxues dish ot hesitate lxi enter MMillans Hal o sassis harm isuetof the ueilding, thur result beig ' usnuerous scuffles osn thur association flitonr. Fleet nmessensgerstere dispacedu stud toots retsurned wits a libieral stpple of smilk and eggs. It twas thur saue oldt stony, excetpt fuorse innsovsatieon. Fter- sile sminds concived the idea of pelig else treed freshmsuesnwits eggs. From saue sitndpinsst, the ipan was a wnsder- ful success, fer it was alt thu rfeshentxxu could do to hang on and left them pow- cries's to dodge thurflyisng msissies. Souse xxi tbose extetained: Rallph Norrinughton, of Bay City Made lxx cimsb a tree anti give his high scshool yell. Givens a silk shampoo ad sent sin Iis nay rejoicing. D~ana'horrey, forumer D.U..S. huerler Givesn smilexercise its thur formuoxx Ins's c limubisng. . h. iDill, 614 Monro, lprovei a gut- Iasn tot-r.IHist propls oft xxmausrixg, arensty maduxe lxxMiss Bessi xMille,xoi AnnutArbor, greatly peasedshIis ust. Floydt Cerf, twho hails from Louisville, iKy., ansi resides at 707 Church sreet, was equaislly successifsl as a sock suitor suet brought tears of laughte iso thur eyes ofihissentertainers MICHIGAN DRAWS ATHLETES FROM UNIDER CICAGO'S NOSE Although A. Alono Stagg oi1~ ,I else University of Chicago ahhcrt ujfh stated that he ad secured acru oise 'xi thur prep athlsetes of the county di iganss esmuto e anuexing ter slitter .4 thur yousng ours. Alrady Benbnook, a big guardi frost Morgan Park Academy, and Shissr, frost Lakue Forest, holder of thur Amseran. interscholastic rerd of :15 3-5 for the igh hurdles, have evaded Sag's at- leged trap adae sworn allegiance to Michigan. Besides this pain takens fromu under thur very nose of tie "ather of purity in athletics," Dususon, a halfback from Pillsbauy Academy (Mitsu.), and Cusmmings, a promising lookisg quarter- hack front Beston harbor, have msaricu- lates. It is claimed, too, that hDatt J. Relley, thurcoast "pienoa" sprinter, is preparnsgts enter Michigans this week. CROSS COUNTRY RUNS WILL BEGIN TOMORROW Thu r Coss Cousntry clxxi wilt start fall training Thursday at 4:15. All asiine- port at gymnasiunm. There will he spe- cial attentions paid to beginners. Floyd Rowe, Captain. s s t ti S '1 ' e r f h. tar accomaplishedsinxxless Ithansstwo on three years. 'Thur immneiate causes of the failuee are uerbhaps poor hbussiness mausnaxgenmenteandthnifferfence usiathur hart of time stcudtents." PRI SIIENT ANGELL WILL, SPEAK AT M'MILLANIHAL, Thur anuasl isnformal receptioss for Michuiganm mrnentrill tabe hlditsMcMillan Hiatt Thurexsay nighst, Sept. a6. * Pei- thrust Anugell, thuredeasns of else various derpanrmes, andu other mnembies of the faculty n-ill hue presenst to steeltimhe stn- thruts. 'Thre will5 ibe a shore program iof umuxsic asndl addresses, follouwedhby light refersiesens. HLTONu WNTS' JB ASSANv o o t Tt' CO eACts. "Willie" Htestoni, Michigasn's fornmer sear baaifback, is itsAttn Arbsor ansd hex seems segotiatisng for ltme jots of assistantl to CoauchsfYost. On accousnt of the re- ducutions of ltme Athletic Association funds, it is saitd that Mn. Bairtd is un- weilling ho provide time necessary salary amid Hestona with returen In Detroit. tOEN' ex's OR sreOrLuAIL Smx'o THL'ARTST. 'T'hroughs en error, the signature of -Lossise Van Voorhis, women's editor of Tst DusILr, was omitted frost an adver- tisinug poster which has beets attracting attentiosn lately. The potter is of a Dutch maidesn carrying a cup of tea, and is ist Drift blue -and while. I E I Fr. P1-lONE BUSINESS MANAOER 960 HlOURS: 1:30 to 2:30 P. M. 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. O drT eD iyT dy Per Year, - $2.50 Delivery. Starts. Immediately. No Back Numbers Furnished, Cash with Order, $2.00 {