THAE M ICHI-ZG AN D11A I Y Spca OfrUNIWVERS$ITY NOTICES ~ O rB s re d Trn tfull siz$er In u.sing Sanitol Seiioa r 1football t1'Et oday at palckages oi ____________________ oth Ferr tl 'aclok lire lt' r prt fo foothll p actice cuoscut from :, Stltt Ierro Field at 4:T5 soa Are those men, both young and old, Thi I.the who dress well on reasonable ex- Fo. ~Y$ .001mgaziesi-indloflcassfier, xetoda.pese, yet demand strictly what *4..c~ maains knl 'Frtoa 1 to 4the Ainetcrtmeuiditg $aitalFace ream : 50 kadd oet lotnight. lt lilan all, Sahito5 Toilt Pster .25 f r, Ltid cictcd.ulvrn iiota acti.Stein-B loch Tailoring '$ttIBath Pordr .25, ______________ 5a tolTteth bra6 .35 Satti ShaierCrme e . 25. ' ll aoitate" for jnior footbatt BettelFae 3:e ~ s ao e ~ttI otl etlvda,30 it oaPwe- dr 205e. through ugivesrpor highth. fabricsd a IReeidar reai price . $.0 - i,'at enoontt.Candle. alonegie them, hg gradefarc BI~ Wcll cl ator 'octcctodayo w' di ilt t ellyu-- - -t-- twtnvdoccoy .c o ocd theilCi poo o1(St'Sctlcttn'eollitteiit in .exclusive patterns, fit and the best to. tie uauat pke offNat. -i' tl, vtci it ty o l tilding ad(1State -~ acc nothof amus Ihoe cr style of the day. Ihese ment we E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. t71 hetvatlai7tt 1inn~itt. 2satisfy. 324 Soth St. Stet."-- "- - '-"--- _'_ A M U 5 E-lE N , tiliig No1ell and ew r86:Jt 21-22 LINDENSCIIITT, APFEL & CO. ia P'ttt lfc'. tFinde tiftty iiiur. . Th' ra Neckwear House. lhc M aCstic hcatrc f cwsii Sls'< teninste___________________ Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, Cteletedl Martinti \atttolitt atd LII(E CUT, FOR 75 is fast nearing completion and when completed will be Se~clei l& Sn,a' tit'$ Pait ISe'll.ttdGo nog o nyoy one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The - ... - -_______________ management 'will present to the patrons of the theatre idvl i newa, no r Att I t sit Allte .thie c thier , ttii .- over fiv e iiousat it us 'ttlarticesac t ttprices. iii iere itit. P~eit lie t~ttttie, 'Why p a tnore I thathlitg ar0worthtt Haitt ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE '--~'' Corner Man and H A + e and 10c Store. IME 'CIKN' St.'ttttS. Washngon Home Supply Store. and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. -- Speciatl attn tin giei to t i\at ie The booking contract for the year has been given to ti:eties at th liftonittitti 't Pitittore --_______________________________ Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the like. PWe eter tdnci ng,. yachiig general public. This space has been contracted for by l tttt. te toiiti aidadte ip i tis the management for the year and it is our desire to notify dceel t rigitlie tmelli rfecica YVW eVbs -hepblcHimghm Grades Candavacmeties~. n 'ir a 1 ure the publi from tie to timeas to th advancemnt of iet-.leitt rJitt ih the theatre.eitel Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. Sitileti "o a niveitased siteet'.s ulip Favors for al occasions. Fncy Napkins and Doilies ii tttitttttt'tmay'her iso etigofit -iiSalted Nut Cases. 119 E. L11BI&RTY ST. ttt e tilt tttagc' litadtittn'ig "1' An ro',ine oit~ e tI ii tt ali itati tc Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109Ss. Main St. N W Picture Theatre. iitii iet l. -2. t,232 NWSEA SHELL. FRONT nt i Pietlizei Oxtordts tie maing lcia continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. Iii. 'lit' te waletritt . PP gitti & The alasese is daeeclnsj are tiow oapes et hoStae S. Sgn f te ig hit G A N0L I '3 ___Join any Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.00 O'clock. Office, Re- YPSILANTI OPERA HOUSE :liie. 'To iolars inuri yo against stl idence nd Academy on Maynard Street. Friday Oct. 18 lotss by ire. eo. J. Haler & Co_____________________________ tReal htatle ottdInsuraice as6Soth SEE THE BEST COMPANY THAT HAS :liii sact.tT h WM O L S" T N A D EVER APPEARED IN THIS RECORD MAK- iret- __-TeWM-LE-S AN A D ING MYUSICAL COMVEDY. IHtttandihamiredt jeery at Fosters HAIL TO THlE KING OF MISCHIEF MAKERS lOtLAkF.TlTA O Self-Filling Pen ~o fHnront St t-3a By R F.OUTCULTStft watt a speciaty at the Students By R. . OIJTAIILT Laundry'oniSth nivItiersity, ottcor USCNiEriW(tttei.t No ink under cap when you are ready to N Y M CO E Y COSTUMES easi \P',rstiigton. tf No buttons or humps. B3OBB3Y BURNS1BIRGA1DE = DON'T MISS BUSTER, TILE, MARY JLANE tyrography goodi at oster. ti oikdoprt oe ANDTHERFRTYFNMKN___M No leaking. ADTERFRYFNMKN CM- 0 It LtzAlarm Clocks, $ino0.ano PANIONS. lat Wahinigton. tf Atuitidly tclg piitietltt1)t liyrti len t c digntt el t. PRICES $1.00 .75 .50 .35. Advance Sale Spals -____ bury's Drug Store 9:00 A. M. Oct. 17. Ypsilanti tt you want the best fountain pen in _____ Phone 81.te 'ity go to Cshing's. 336 Southr Poe8.State street. __________U. tf M. Co-Op. S aturdav Even ing Post etselers areE5spen- DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE s cltIilcibif'era5q Contains a 3 page article on. the P eatty 5e igai "eo, Presidtruait La Saramita, UNIVERSITV OF MICHIGAN t al l ua. r P . ar;. Otut TO~da..yreadia Gltdens Sceptre Tuxedo andThgrs y:rtlon PROOfPT COLLECTIOS AND oelclates. Wailter Ideischid, job- is esy. Its'e . .3'' t ii QUI~ct ~ ~ t n iCK RE TURNS. uing agent Itustn. hlt os, '30i . '+tiht a ttem nly tuso- -"T i ti ct.sinr G dt EUI IEl 11E1 Sate street 9'11R kie Iri~bo. i. - l inocc i-t ill\it EUGENE u n USMITH '" ' "lustsof mnnobus't1is -' uy a' c vi lit'}. 1 iI'ta prI Thr~ B a ' L A N'' " "'i i s siucdn~er les The wear arenof3ut n 1ii _.?ii' t iditbras. Tir, 8T D E N 3 AV DR MAQ BARuBuf-SHU P is ttere, iind they en-I olyaquarter If ytir ii I euclin tut a i,a Alfset WITTER.S' LAVNDKY See.naw, Mich. aa ~'a psert.mme cpori l ci i tt. t e Ci OFFICS 6tiBet William Sret. -lome. Phoe 72 Blak 75 oth eOter -yAe.p -cesicoc t-19M c- i. eeo -oeaceuPit~ 51E1 ALWAYS AHEAD IN ~ 5 T N A ~ r' 'T'AI O THE BEST OF EVERY STYLoES IWILWAfiRU llTjiIJR THING IN TAILORINQ~