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October 17, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-17

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T(UT1DOF S ~ J members. We hope to be able to play
we have just received afinlelinleof ZVIIin '10The iMessiah' to he given by to l 3
KEZ talent just beore trelhritmas vaca- LK A E
SQUIBB'S SPICES OPENS FRIDAY to,but orpln re nt yet fully iprc LIK~esE ACAMJ~Pn EdpLii n
IOrgalPkae____weekly and probably give concerts tir-inpesteCsct-Flrad see it fill its own
Sqabb s name on any article means igtewnepaigalcasclni
ABSOLUTE PURITY Famous Dutch Pianist riakes rgtewnepaigalcasclet The College sank lke a cani l ig itttirt. Tat's all ter
American Debut in Ann Arbor sic. Sandard is to itt No drppe-no nme'a-no bother Do it
Mtoreeo icalot and svastly mre The firt fortoal reearsal twillIl an whr -a}eie
atisfa101rytat ordinary or bulk -Well Received in Europe. eld Friday, from 5to 6, ats it is tttgad
goods ole h eveil thoth they se th__-lbIallsttdetnts dciig to ty fr SELF-
not adulteratoed are baunt to lose
their strengt.Try tinisand br The tour of Jatn Sikes, te young 'positions itnte orcesra apear at this LC N FILLING N
convinced.Dttlchtpanist, promises to be a sensa- ime. "H E IHTECECN-ILR
20 cnestsae - ion Ihis swinter. He cones woith the cnb ildisatywtottelaticneine o
higest flattery of Etropeans criis and PROF. SCOTT ADDR ESSES coutld ilt itatwith whlit-cIdd tlovs ott awitht cangr of
! cotrts swhicho pr~osie great Ithings for C11E.AFAUIA oit; caa t cinc steslni rtn
Q A RR +S Atttricatts The ltor opens in AnCLLGATqutal AETitieoftQrl taf pselc ckecccitife e. cttalwi~t
cons 1tatos d N.Vln. Ave. Arbor Friday, Oct. r8, utnder the ots- -Laigc ies1 'nli. L or lr&nt re
paces of the Choral IUnion. Iis pro- Satrday afterntoon,.Oct. 0, at 2:0, dste. l'cics, ot snd I' . saoffce o r tc 00 oi. c « ccvc ta.
gcam attracts attentiono in several places the Ann Arbor branch of te Assocot-TeCnlnIn . tlMnaln Bd',TldOi
_____________v__________ ythe spparance of aorks tot fre- liotsof Collegiate Alumetewiii old itsThCokiPeC.,30Maatn dolo Oo
__________________________--___--_ - - first meetng this year at t oe ittdo
Irs."o George W. Pattersons,814l Souctt
Money Loanedg
U.niversity avenuto. Prof.IF. N. Sctt,
GO wattes, lDiamonod, Lawv]looks of te University, sil addess theiterot-
ortter pesooal protorty g. A cordial invitatio ic atteod this
Watches and Jeweolry repared.tcmeetitg is exendedl to alt vottenot sc v'""' NOW
Bargains in Watceseo& Damondso are graduates of colleges ad tttivr-
iies approved by the Natiota Aso-a._
Offle at resdenee 31 leLiberty St .h 'ioofCleatAtotoe. ccs-
Ann Arbor
flors8to 00:30 . i., 1 to 43 and 7 to ates of te folowtng ootittios aev
f "t meligile:c Barnard college, Irynt iMaur,
°t C~aocaonnos ornell, LelansdlStanordteclJr, Beostolff
JOSPHC.WATSniversiy, lMassachusetts, lnotitte 'tof
echo ology, Northswstcrn, Olelin,
Radliffe, Stmit, Vassar, Welcciy.
Universities of Caliorniao, Cicago,
Kansas, Michigan, Mintesota, Misouor, Tile new'faGilieof olls .1 rotcsis ntttl c lchsi0ltite
Nebraska, Wiscotsin, Syracse, 'oh s tltiett is o e i v ltl. v 'tcI a tt
flt( lin}snen lo ]yn, ad Western Reere.
THT AICOof new tesigos itt Manhtan -Shirt.
-Men's News al l(iovofo tll leadiing maks
Al We desire toto ke it ast pleatas I,5t
secaen Ifcrtll itteeted sotti cxpec Men's New Fal Nckwa'r Ien's NewsF'lIIUnderwar
DARLING & MALLEAU..X ,.ax ICl~sZ.air pty. The alcooy atot(ranoge's. .
2-26.sttSt- -- academy is nt optIn Ito thepbicthe tt A ull vrlt' of eastyle of l chese woridfaosa tsIcto
ttsttly letrd ito cocert aid te po1pular ccset fci oao tahs s e
'-Aratoskec 0on 'The Blue Danoube" of willitg to allowc t limtoied nuobertnthco ie select froont Stetson. Carlton, lowards
Strautss. Issire progam follows: balcoty ii they will use the piilge ilnsFl a tt~cI
College Pr~1eludestond Fugtte, tlo ooneatt Bc-LisLt r ight. Fttc oe tintg, oeak tat pr ots lostls raesfon ocu
Sots ss lDot, Op.Sa...a Idehoteii sos gig ino the Ialcons tytsuttot
Stin~fs 'soctotoc .........Greg te orchestrao hox; aotohr iothatoar-E '~'5 eI cFel
PaI olloots ......G..... reg ies cning tip froonodow towoterItos 10 C
HIALLR'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Moan SI I sudr os ......elt.... Sclot o'clock shoutld oet extect to e adtotetd.
Gavoootte Guc Voy restsectfullys,
ar stoVle as Dllt... ......... ...:. Brl its Ros RAG VROt.
WE HAVE FOR SALE I lnttrcke .............,.... Dtorak _________
NOOR'S NON -S[AKABL[ csro oi oteo f Wtcsoo ae are giving the est possibleicvalos ' t fr
Fatatsie, fat tooinette............C/oplt iis t,#eroh td cltess o t
FOUNAINP[NS 'octteluct. tloerTieoendes oers t, $ao. Allen, te Clothier. aitit.
Who ich oaoeteonity Atsoooutotctt'Ient totan sle SentotBlauit Donait ..a
Founoootaiensoadoto'C'rry Oostoohems-Shi /olc2-¢For Fia-Lst ~aasss,'"i
anyoldoay 'ooink itooyoour pocsket .. ....S+atsSlal ,zla
oion yoortae iosNever fl too wrte S w d l
onttlyo.oiedmtmeitolariywthl- ,1E T RCETA Bates' Orchestra for dattces, ree-
peo oade omne onodlx' mn ttemor WILL GIVE CONCERTS ons, etc. Bell phonte. ,. D. Bates,
wll sed o uion00 e00000ona pronl if youo___ a-ar
Cano om tote tstory Maager.1j-2
Eas Universty Pharmacy (Olccotof te mass netng, 100 PrIces Most Reasora ,bie MACK & CO.
O~tt 5 Coloraty sonoo'. rehesacl ott the embotryo orhestra was FOR RENT-Two large houses suit-
Ihel at igt. Atouot tsenty candi- ale for clubhouses. George J. Hller ______________________________________
rY of M. datesa ~ppeared an~d ttee ere giveot & oC., real estate and insurance, 216i
to outts sitgly by Mr. Lockwood, who S. Main. f / l
Barber Shop and Bath Rooms erred weeltaol pleased with the reslt. __________- N Y LOANED " 010 ,;0a0
E~'a'yt~nsg tn-a-nlsaa Iefooe teryoutt Mr. Lockwood said: Wear Youtg's hats c(ntsoee tterlc tOt otoSs~.0 toat 0 o o00c0
Lares~at Shoin Isthe City "I te ptroesee of this orchestra is largely rmttde. Allen, te Clothier, -,'ftoit. aTw'ooo rcasouthf Cty00 5 51.1A.W. J. LO IMfi,
J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop, foe te etotte atd practice of thoe 2-24 _______________________________
IWAGNER & CO. the Importing tailors of State Street call
*your attention to the splendid collection of Winter Wolens that are
* open for your inspection. Carefull attention to details and promlpt
execution of orders merit your patroaage. Popular prices preval.
1 303-305 S. Stae St. Ann Arbor

The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry
444 South State Street THOMAS ROWE, Prop. G as Sti z
SEILANUCMNOTBR,197New Phone 4at Bell Phone 457-L Irisare~a a s'teELdyn Soft glow.
Introduction to the Study of New Testament SCT'DAINAAEM
By Open under new mnageme'nt
Thi course will too giveu at 12 o'clock, noon, each Sunday, beginning ClseopnStra,1a.m Easy on the eyes.
OC3TOBERR 6ClseopnStraIa.m
T~c obeeofo tocfrs furSudyswil es olow:Assemblis, Wednesdays foderate in price.
1. From the Old Testament to the New Oct. 6 - adStras9toIChpetanilarlcrcty
2. Preparation of the World for Christianity Oct. 13 w1KN o
3. Messianic Expectations Oct. 20 WIKN O
4. The World as Jesus Found It Oct. 27 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurnt Gttehs tor h ags ax~trot
STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED. Chinese Fancy Dishes, AnercanoLnhes of
al kinds. Everyhngrstlass for 1
ladls sd gentlemen. C e A n
Oher subjects will be announced later. Opporunity for questions and Chinese ad Jspsneoe re--ractAn:4 bo a o
c o n feren ce w ill b e g iv e n . Up $s k a e ar . MastI s n enrs ~, 314 . Sta e S .
Will, Soon Open. MICIA UNION CAFE . atob For I

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