, T'IE$~MtCIMGAN DAILY Sam Burdilfield's Fine Tailoring Tgrade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclified & CO* EAST HURO0N ST. The best FOUNTAIN PEN iite City FOR ONE DOLLAR at Brown's Drug Store 120 F. Liberty St. ALAIW7ICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All I t 1 it raka ndIItil a it ecI MICHIG(AN PINS AND) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH IREPAIRINGi A SPECIALTY. Watch Insapector- for the AntntAr-botr Rairoad tJ. L. CHAPM AN 206 S. MAIN ST. Brtanch: 304 S. State St. WHAT'S THAI?1 PIPE THE PIPES I Ik~o.C l- C Ii itt ett-- JOLLY'S MASS MEETING HOLDS THE BOARDS TONIGHT Speeches, Yelling and Singing Will Feature the First Send=Oft in University fHall. -iPlace-Unit-ersity tall. )ttnoors(01)a1-7 O'clock. oSipt.eae I Iin. C (l C. C Sitti- c 0 o 0 0 tt ryod li itt tic liTere will ferin- mcheritg ektIig,, indichigan I~i i toe!iTti s is i rint-i itti ntel )retil i tinU)h heti oightitt. It purposeit off tae, tight beforeii- the -letforIn-t dinplitleand teiWaast gmet Cac Yostand the it teilloupyth te cThe comm1iteinc.haittt has isecureld asc ief spetaker i- -io ith eeingtt (n -ieg ttothei stiiale icio ittitutional I itt eitt a Whiit le itithe i versIi itylitMri ld-tebi7ater iortoi. ri.Tueblood, igm i 111111 Ctn. it l lak p ei (Untintted Ir.. Pae n e.) sy tthutiietiiiy 1dina11 inof rite liot th t i-lteforitmincety lt-ite uiersityomenfectotirtilill(ipint tthetinetitian stli t ofii w i-ti ai fie thill,'tetillsit i t i it I (I andl to-I ifftiilt ii th i ttb casi i it ifiut. 1I telo paro izlilthemi ad, nhpp lith idnt t etatltfrItt I itt t ICasu theiiiC enIti pstintt t he commerl- sa :t t(rpu etC e th1 het11 nd Ckeit ttown to1111 themewt1h so ii i i itn-nesaderesns-n evrneta te willo iti a d seits ca it1)- ca sethey wiil secti ll o efri n tilraturini its eauy. hi s c r it ic lme td-h livci iii mau1 l' deficien uti cn e dge ofli-fe andtofcharce r.21T1hStituit it l.c will andleeriu acite-meti I10illghllso h l PI ti - eei adiresinttme lho e i ttet fndMus aiit i m ie c uilture, darcitt ele-c lilt til t at ,is iftetlie- i cultlite. clt lilifetoetryiuh. ilife antilevc titace. Cel-s i hch w nut 4 l c (I ivetiag t. [()_'C I I ~ INEOFFALURIHIGS HTS CP t=o v eBad lteer ishoesd Seeec owarlidug enwlNeforen if Cist M ae ootwear S fe ndowxremipla t tr +Cin 1 1tLi a ad s ty e h Oxrfords. fr'se- actn; tanardshowuigysohe o ly e a i;eytee atned-ar dcffyetiurii tett thu athe r i n eeraeeriih.i " FkLLLINE OinALLlUNII, BnHTr, liAPS1,t Srcidh hy er PricesS$6.00, 5.0, $.0 35 WALverVERSHOEs FOR REtNT-Two large houies suitl 115 tisle for clutbhouises. George J. Hailer & tie.. real eitate antI insuranace,2111 S. Miaini. tf - 5SOUTH MAIN ST. MRS.. . . IROJANOWSKI I \T I }C.-(lu0 httiuri i1(t1i ti lartinclot-ks narrolc-ul for n e ar,iti I Ciafilr & ia I -,le a 1,1~yha(1ctFrda- V 111r ,} ~o. ~--e'sJeely or. G . Thvf C I Marx1 FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER O(t l icket-t. oseitte IaIttiliburarv, Iltill street. cusi ironods, tHairdtresing, shampooing Cet thug S ?o27 '_ LL'WOO Manicuring, Paceo Massage a Specialty. - Bannuters. if all kitndseat Miss Lovell) is 322 .Sttn~ttrt~tltii ettPhon 3 k11I late hios (or renit at Fosler 's4 ift 2S. Stite street. Wed-ti fC uT T[he Clothier,, I IllE FARMEIRS AND MEICHANICS BANK I Cew'l11 at MAIN AND HURON STREETS For y&s Capital, $50,00,Sur-plus ad Profots, $60,00 Geoneral tacing IBusinest. 3 peret ipail 1 onoTime cod SavngsiDeposit.Safety lDe-1 plosit Boxes to rent al $2.00 aod 000 at-ds i. Kaser, Pros. W. C. ScovNSo. Vine- Pros i.al A t-!.13. tontono.Cash. 13. A. WoILAttOAsst S eaters, I alcolors and szes.We hv The Ann Arbor Savings Bank all kinds of underwear, including the O et Capital sloch, $0,040. Sut-pitts, 200,00 Reouce, 2,0000 Ithe Ga dPrize, a dDr. e elL ei A General Banking Business TransactedGrnad me ~entCr. Harmn:Ca. EIfiscuick. ires.; D.i. A large assortment of Night Robes an Harrimacn, Vice Frost: Ill. hl+lo. ,Cashier STATE SAVINGS -BANK Pajamas. All the latest in Neckweara W. J. Sooth Jno. V. Sheehtan Wmo. Arnonld Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jas. H. Wade E.1+. Mills John Scorer Jo. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry W.IlDouglas Christian Martin Dan P. Ziotmermoan FIRST NATIONAL BANK" OFANNARIN MICHl. W ADHAM S Q y Or.D.K AsE, ic ARR N o, Ics. Pt-es. Vice-Prets. Fte..shIon, Store 121-123 S. Ma in St. S. . LkARfltSON, Casitert. Capital, $e100,000.OSurpulus oani Pttftts,.X150,000. flerman American Savings Bank ~ atl UEA -j Jono ~ I 0" "DIRECTOR. Con-si ercba..1 0I.aid Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. atn[ateBlseeil utl- o [L rcb. Paen Late Btt md wthva- e a bckt)ootR o ne 302 S. 5th Ave. Phono 314 nmathtyour skirt orblotse, 35c. Sentd its i .At T..atole'a, 338 S. State tirce of the dress gootds whten sentdinI; ut-tir ______________________ Cor.. Main aend Liberty Stre~etsi AMBULANCE ON CALL THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. I- i i S-EE The Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. For the Latest Disigiis in V. of M. PILLOWUS AND BANNERS ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Bric-a-BraC. Will Soon Open MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It