THE MICflICAN DAX.O Id Special Offer Ten full size packages of For Only $1.00 This is the Assortmeet. Sanitol Tooth Power . 25a Sassitol Facra m s.... .25c Saitol Toath. Pate . 25c Sanitol Toilt Poweder < 5 Saeit..l Liquid Antise.ptic 2He Saintol Bath Peoder . 25c Saitol Tooth Brush . 35 Sano! oiit-Eiteoap 25a Sanitol Face. Powder 3___ Regular retail price .$2.70 It you rwil all tirst toetoday w.e xwii tell you how to availyorelfothe aiito Comanxy'sgreat intodcoryoffer otetandard toietpreaan foothe uua ietiof four. In using Sanitol coupons cut from magazines, kindly ask for delivering through us. Ei. E. CALKINShDruggis I UNIVERSITY NOTICES 'lii. 'to litsxxiilelct footbll capt..irt licer practice tolilighti. Hill, NMgr. JacksoniiCounxty clubii till metittheli StudentisxN V. .C. A. tisiceveniing cit 1:30). eslie'. Pres rciii today iat4,iRoomx('7,IUiveixr- sity flii I ixpixi cxxx I ih oxithidic'itraw my lix' j xuxixi All canidaixx tesliii tlix'08 lit footbll cxiiirert xtodaiii at x4p.l. in Roomiiixi C,. Uxxiiirsity [ill. Shermxxix igr. 't'eii ioi) cnxineec'c lass elxctiionxxwill be bld 'T'hursdxaiyxxOct. 1i, 4ii (x:3xx h. m.,ii incR00111 40ii. A l xiii. ( iiiiiiicii. 'Ail pillcanidaiiitesxxforxohlxitxfoot- ba ll teami meet at'x SouxthixFcrry ticldl this afternoon. DiiiexxxiITemporaryxx' Air. havei their Lx isxofcandxiidatesxx in by p. m. Thursda'yl of thxisi ixci. 1I.I. IGillupi ixilci clxxi XM 'xxxgir. Miss i'heresa i«XXillixix thei ntiitlix sertr fteY 'xi.liii xxlwill speakix xxiii ii m lixilcmetng ioxay:lsoi clxxxiin da-xndxiit xxn'lxxx' XII iixmxImbxrsx xxithr StudenCounciiixiil. xxixlxxxiixxctxhosex'who iii liii x' xxx bxxei electd, ar reqestedto iii i t 7 iP.iM. shap ody lx'he xliicixix xci 'rooms. (, ya, mok' Ou led- ( rtTspnel atiElero 12 S. MaeSt. AMUSEMENT S Our Best Friends t Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly whatt .fit Stein-B loch Tailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCHMITI, APFI3L &CO. The Great Neckwear House. LIKE CUT, FOR 75 Good enough for anybody. Over five thosandix useful arttics at cut prices. ~' Why pay more thax things are' wortht Corner Main and ' c and 10c Store. Washington.. Home Supply Store. Webb's For High GradeCads Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. iFavors for ail Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases, Thc Majcstic Thcatrc Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of 'the theatre. Thaoruf 119 E. LIBERTY ST. hea o ium 'Ann Arbors Pioneer Moving; Picture Theatre. NWSEA SHELL FRONT Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. We-ca! '07Champions SO ARE THE ARTISTS WITH Schunecht & Clarke's Coach '03 U. of M. Comedy Club) Nigh dIds. Continuous vaudeville AT THE YPSILANTI OPERA HOUSE MON. AND TUES. EVENINGS OCT. 14-15 'Two Performances Nightly 7:30 and 9:00 P. M. Popular Prices 10, 15, 20. Come early' and stay as long as you like. W akcFrcs m an. Andgetthe best on earth. EUEESMITH THE STUDECNTS' LAUNDRYMANi, Agent WITTKR.S' -LAVNDW.Y SeLnaw, Mich. OFFPICE 4lt East William Street. Homne Phase, 72 Black LAW BOO]KS 36tK year Dictionsaries 36th yeas- len Quizs Books Ira Anen Arbor LegaI Miscellany Anen Arbor CALLA GHIAN (t' Co. CHICAGO Anrn Arbor .. ira n"eh, Stat. Strreet. Opposte Law Bluit. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. main St. i Thae ele.see as. itdea..aclssg 0,.r ow opera eat GRANGIEK'S Jloin any Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.00 O'clock. Office, Res- idence and Academy on Maynard Street. a MICHIGAN DAILY LINERS BRING RESULTS The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" Sell-Filling 'Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Abii dlya-hiieigxiiciiixlforc lwxi leusntrs ixpxixil xlii U.a(if M. Co-Op. DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE oFu Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece,preil web. All metal parts. heavy nickel. ALL plated brass, cannot rust. 5c. a pair, - IK all dealers or by mail. t ~PIONEER SUSPENDER CO.,. 718 Market Street Philadelphia Maikersi ofx lxxix .iuspinders MOE'S 'BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. I O. A. MOE. ALWAYS AllEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR TIHE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING