THE MICHIGAN DAILY- If IT'S [IIOM CALKINS' II'S GOOD Hard Water Soap, 10c Tooth Brushes a~t Eery brush that we sell (colsos a.dont lather at Hec to 4he is warranted sell with iswater. not to shed. Sanitol Rb dryBth Twes'lakeh fo6- Sanitol offer, $2 Rbdy Twl ot o $1, and you can use a11 the preparations. No other eottuon towel is as Ask as. O'osis. 35 cents up.- Register Here So that your friends can Wash lags, 5c and loc. fiod you -and get a calen- d~ar. l.l.CALK INS, Druggist. 324 Soath. State Stet AMUSEMENT-S lhc MajcsticThar Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The mnanagement will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. S119 E. LIBERTY ST. 01Wqk tAnn Arbor's Pioneer Moving 1111d W I11111 EWPicture Theatre. NE SEA SHELL FRONT Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. UNION TO BE HOUSED WVITHiIN TH-RE WEEFKS (Continued Irate" Page One.) toi place the tprice of tickles low enough is issurccesvcry stsudent's being aisle to hecoime a oceober of the Union. A compslete line of cigars and tobaccos still lietplaced ots sale on the malis floor. 'Tle housise will lie steam hseatedl and electric lighted stroughsout. There will he a check room (or htanasd coats on the first floor atsd a den on the secondi. ANNOUNCENIENT. We wshs ts atinounce to all studsents dlesirinig stastiontery, sisaltswe are the sole agents ioiftecelebsratedl Broswt, Eager & Huslt Coi., iiiToledot.Ohio. and have sit htantd a fine assortmsenst of the latest dlesignss if Michigan stationiery. Give its a call atndi si will slit str best to lileiasse lusti Whe are alst initatipoisitiotn to furntish iraternities wviths these fratlerntiy paper. htasinsg sits handsia5(sll set ofcicies iof civcry fraiterntity, excelledl by iso firstsits te countitry. As studsesnts wee, solicit yourrairdse andelwoutttli e glad to have yist cal iiiituis asnd lsok our stock over fsic youtrself. Typewerisinig anod prisntisng teatly antd correctly sdosse. Joiliffe & tKitzindiler, stver C-itp. Buts phoncs. cod 1oo tentor solostewansteed for church work st.Appily at oslce at 312 S. Divisioin itt. eoi.du-18 Good srsoss(sir students. Reason- stle. 3'31 Pasckardl street. IBeli phone _thu tfi 'Else shotw listshavse alwaiy ssattended:. 'The T'heastoriumts, 1559F. tLiberty. 1 See our ciotplete line of Michigan pisiv fobs atu soiuvenoirs. Halters Jeweelry' Store, 2sh S. Ataistreet. cod Register st Quarry's drug store. Open sevess sdsys its the week. 0. 11. Isutz, Aharms Clucks, $t.oo. 205 Lust Washtintont. If Our Best Friends Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly what -~ s Stein-B loch Tailoring alone .gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCIIMITT, APFEL & Co. The Great Neckwear House. Webb's For High Grade Candies Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punchea, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. Favors for all occasiona. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Not Canes. 1. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 1095S. Main St. PtIANOS TO RICNT ait & Sons. All musicass supplies, catisoss. s to S. Masitstreet. Selitielerle Ness lo- If r< LIKE CUT, FOR c(5 jf Good enough for, anybody. .% Over five thousand useful articles at cut prices. Why pay snore thans things are worth? Coerner Main and 73O A G 'S -1c and 10Oc Store. Washington. I ..1J--k Home Supply Store. Etigiceerisig Labs. Sits.1tianissers. Csalipiers. Rsules. Skinsner's. I FOR REfNTl-Large houise sitale for ai frateriiytsr sorority. See fi. J. ittrke. l..sssrette thock. csirner Attn and Fiourthi streets. t-6i 'TEA CUP I NN-f04 Soth State street.,stpens Wednsesdasy afterntoon at Iliolosgy, histology, btacteriology-path- oliogical asse dissecting instrisments at CGoosdyear's Drtug Store. s-ta Ott ews fail Spsisox $2.oo hats are its ands sawsait yousr cosmitig. Correct styles. Fresi-WX. Gross, csirster Liberty and Fourseth svensue. cod s-6l LATEST OPERA SUCESSES- "'Tle Merry Widose," "Tise Girl Ques- tion:' "Filower of' the Ranch," ".Girl- Behinid the Counster," "Miss Hook of Hollanid," "The Talk of New York," antd others, at Root's. if Y'ounsg's hats (none better touse) ott saile bty Allenthsie Clothier, Mtaisn street. 1-6 FRESH MEN!l Start rigist - busy "fl'trietd's" shioes-tiss you wilt always lie its style tisnd moineysahesid. 5i9 5. Moinst sti et. s-6l See site cosmplete tine of Michigan piss fobss aind souventirs. Maler's Jewelry Store, 256 5. Main street. cod Stusdents are always wel- come at our store. We 'try to treat you right. Bil- liards and pooi. Cigars, tbaccos, anticandies. Hstosn Brothers tf 312 S. State St. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. Z: I FOWNiES GLOVES mean right gloves- so buy Folves and save trouble. I I1 11' Ann Arbor Liveries.. Walker's Livery Robison & Co. W. H. Stark LAW BOOKS inQuaizBooks ten Ann Arbor' Legal Miscellarny Ann.Ar'bor For Daily Advertising Rates.... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subscriptions taken by mail-check, draft or monoy order. The WM. BOLLEBS "STANDARD" Self-Filling Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Absoltely psitiutiteif foe line as ag'stiainsotsde erts. U. of M. Co-op. DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE -~~~ CALLAGHAN ft CO. CHICAGO Anne. Arbonr Br-ancsh. State Street, Opposite Law Bldgj. MICHIGAN PENNANT PHOTO NETS Dteeorte, cyttsr ruuissi witshsite. Inte'cetster of every nit tere is a Mlelgae. Perarsarnt (Oxt ini.). The netttin issoade of thtt Highest tirade of Sea-Island TIwinoe'. iet' tee ec.00,tm;1ctt., ie. tithernts wittost pennants, l5e. 5c and 75c. All sets sent postpaitd.tPetsnants of all cstlteges made to order. " I. S. LINDQUIST, OBERLINOHOi.BOoX 14. I I ALWAY-SiJt-kD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING