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October 15, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-15

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QUARRY'S V lIfU A '~ \l ldogs nt lietscil aniwaringa
Dermal Cream Soap FOR RAILROAD JACK license tag by Nov. I next will be picked
_ ortinance governing such matters. LiIO llfsSef-iln
and reuses eu be paid atcityclr'ofie
QURYS Curbstone Philosopher Tells Howetisatapidt rll'oli. The Colege Fo ntin Pe
QAR SNO. 208 N. Fourth avenue, or to Inc. Stm miie..i
lie Played 'The Pied Piper" D atedl Oct. id, tt07. launtas Iaix, .
Dlermal Cream Without Moving the Box Office , od Sanitary Polie Officer.ADETSDITHSPCEO
Make aconmbination unequal Mn LOST-Brindle pictttimllt) TUESDAYS.AND SATURDAYS IS
when using hard or soft 'Itit I tsce te g tinc"si Railroad Finter return to Theta Iii (lii louts. Sl AnAbrb
water. Jack iwhi os beccitlinbg forth (ott Reward.I
tecu rtstoais aroundi~ the amitts.'Nit! GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES
Nit! Not at ilt! I calkedl the whttolt
QUARR SS " A reastin ii te statef AD.
Q itc of tar chrio(t syttian alcrtic -stocwt ual idrwl
cr satutst and xiN.m ii. Arci. tienit, 'otbtatt :it. A. C. s. Micigatntitt ui ti iiltst4iulriiiSHEEHAN & COMPANY
ptlase rtuisrntoct'liii IAtic office
, p. m. ad tundtledt attttthis _____i__________-____
tlcta criter. I ptaytediThrie Pied
Piter' withthetc mtultitudte t mty elrs, I FOR RENT-Large suite sin secoid
an patcdthecl tt tatinm, bt thelostotr, 'est atd south ecpitaire. 1020 S.
uttais 'tn ile -fcestik t tt n v starei.Univi ersity. - - -- r-2
on Watesiri ot titita.Lat osatt o. ad, Ys lysottI S 1cttie See our cotmete line of Michigant
or theri'personmal tproperty. tat, nda nn oitutce(,sitttcercauttoth le pits, fottanatd oiveirs. Haler's
Wjeu n e er nard 'itcitis ttlsi ewelry store, ni16 S.Malta street. od Y
Bargains in Watces 3& Diamonds "I it I eseriplaisftotttlil'? it I. t re-
Oafie at residencen33 E Liery ,raillfrom i otitti1illis t itcectams., PR^iNG T"E+rJIN .y
Ann Artutr. itt it Ii s ugiliisiutftiiedtt Pl'coiti-
finue:stoSta1i:30 a. m., i to attna n c iisi o ti itl7i gct ii-t Eectiotn cards and allisd oftn-
9 P. mu., }.
im ui mno :t ieatx tt itt o itttt tw 'ttsu-o g ttitowet price. Secial price given
JOSEPH C. WATTS Iiitsve not itated.itaN tot futtall." for tictitorders. lMiigant adtiltaer-
_____________________________________ t~tstitisit if ts ittu ri uiist- itgtystatiotery a specialty. I lathiuar-
_ We ccl > ' t cateutyupittt(ontchi ost. trs for typeuwriting Jolife & Kite-'
''I" "Lhe f ,usng 'Jourlt d teignatesucs ti lluier, oser Co-cp. eod
a uhbo itti ta belfrv tll ttf utku
1 1 lu uito istribuutett t 1juk w it Ceubratdi Mait nit tmadtlins auth
anuil ws iscriuuinutuiou. Stictotites. I cal guitars tre est for tmusictl chil. Ih_ SThe new sv liilie of college goods is now complete with the
Banners andtIllos deudetniux tuluinc inltoisthuto tg esigatutatShahurie & Suni toi'SChoest and tlt viei d ew thing' ever shown. RUL, C,I
lb te ucr Iccullatistreetuod & F 't, draw tycurItarticular attentionm to tlaeir superb dsplay
tutu ~1nweno yifiiiut. - of newmesi s sit, Ma ~nhattan Shirts,
Ail ot is tteatl .l ietutu th. a is' gmnuuasiu usits atinolss I v.-
£ etini titunes mrtbutu lu t- ll' s 32 S. State street $ ito and$Me11n'sa'.News Fall (loves of all leading makes
Lla uuit lu.itilt I tlitsatuuouriuuu i inug suits, $t .00 Plate yourutor
DARLINGJ A MALLEAUX ts to cer ri ~ uiusssitc cutuchiary'fiutf Men's News [FnlNekwear Mn's New Fall Underwearrfo Ei mpesvesb
224-2265S. StteSt. l-
lickwastutu ilcuittcdthe thisrttlis en- Hlate' Orchestra forudtnies, reecut A uhl variet'tof nis styles of these word-famous hats to
-' 'g 1t utiui citt tuu ttu o~tutu its dc Bel tluttueI. ). ttucssect ftrits Stetson. Carlton, Howards.
lhd talked tototlohag.But h is Mats agiet.dif1-22
cCalEeaet,totl'us'tItse tlauttl Men's Fall Caps, prices from fSoo up.
wt hicrwI o te I. sit cit usrtut FOR RE;NT-Two largehouses suit-
Stems 4 ppsie thes huuni siutatt ui InuI aile fou cuhaoses. George J. HalerF"ig l
titerehecli it ll "&ti oC, real estate and insurance, ni216 E I~
HIALLR'S JEW[ELY STOE, 216 S ManSt iti her uicihilllt. S. Main. If
---- h- FNfl lI h'N SPPERS. ________________________________________
%r"i 1 TAsus rn s xcrtil 11115s ,iliiRii
wE HlAVE FOR SAi.'EIto e ibtrctit a riuicct tutu.sbect tnit Seciattetiotiuitgiento I hit I
MO RES ON-tEA AB E gifby the iof tituiand 401ius patie tris tthue Ciftonuu seua 'uhttmuoe~
tORES ONSsAKB ofi c laiooks andtety cile utluts cLa. We caer luoudainsugtyashtitng AS T A R O
FOUNTAIN PENS s its tniaps of Amurica.. thesce .rcift~sttatig, ice-buoatigua ichsupteruparpirum
whcheitheitlioniily ituurluit tai itrtalumni Spring chce always srie wesutuuo-li'Oi F'illest c"~iSltfe
Foutninnici.iade 5ariay- them __in- uereut at rgtltr eals oriflamspecilSred ~ l C.t
suit uoli usau. Notilt ityourc pit~it tl iauterdSerevedt osers.tuiclar.auhCc. isItei
instnty.tllediu iicettitcr suhit
tit uisttmuwiuui.. and s hr tly lau.es- - '"-- -- Proptritrr.co
peniiiuu,iti liii andit uati iucuui uor KOLLAUF, THlE TAILOR.- - --_ _
witl sduitneaoil iwocaul iatyutt
santcm oihetu it o F.IHuront St. 1-3 Altrmi clocks wtrrauted for ote tar 1C &C
East Uiversty Phiarmnacy ------ - "-- $im. Iaiers jeel'r Store, 2u6 S. Prices Moost Reasourzekble. MAK&C.
S.tof il u tshi itspecitlty at thin Students hl1 tihus aredoil
.uuidry out Smth Uiversity, on cor- - ________________________________________________
f j' .Icc iof Chutrhi if Srigina, nivatd excuse dsgusp
-},--- .V______- - mutuifhiant Ptio a Cverat Miss os - O(n Watfe , thu nstumusJiewely anmul
Barber Shop aild Bath RQoos 1 Iutrk,I+Alarm Cocks, $1oo0o. 0,dels 32SStats street. Sui-t f IMUON Y LOANED Iiiuth Clamot hattel and Clla tematseutu
eitti_____ itt'1rictIyaonluistaust
EEasthaWashingtoni..aa-if -O-ffmuttrsFioaursindsat30issooxci s30, us ti.05,S . I AW.J. OVRI
Largest Shop ins the City" BanrofalknsaMisIoels alci rr.uuh,> tmstctrhue..J.-VR .
J. R. TaOJfANOWSRI. Prop. Pyogrtphy goods at Fosters. t 332aS. Stac street u I f __________________________________________
This ct in the centre represents the, The cts of derbies shown in this
-high tlescope soft hat so much worn adv. represents two of the leadin Ifall
y at present. We are showing it in four styles They are trim and dressy well
4 colors. Greatest value you ever saw, sied to good dressers.
See show window for price.Thprcis$.0
WAN R&C.Sate Street r"W G ER&C.Stte Street
W A N R & C .Sign oathe bit white shoe tl /,"R & O Sign at the big white ho4

The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry
444 South State Street THOMAS ROWE, Prop. G as SB usdty IL amnps
SPCA NONEET COE 97New Phone 4a. ell Pue sa-L ' Inssure a steady, sloft low.
Introduction to the Study of New Testament
Open under ses manatereuntEayothees
This course will tbt gtven at12 ocloek, noon, ach Sunday, beginning CaseEpeaatrayy0 .'onerteinpries.
OCTOBER BCassopnS6ray 0a n
TesbetfothfisfinSndywilhasflowcAssemblies, CWednesdaysrice
Th sbjct, orth frs furSudas il b a fllws Wdnsdysand Saturdays, 9 to 12 Cheaper than oil or electricity.
I. From the Old Testament to the New Oct. 6 - ---__________
2. Preparation of the World for Christianity Oct. 13 WIKN O
3. Messianic Expectations Oct. 20 WIKN O
4. heWoldas ess oud I Ot.27 Chinese Chop-Sney Restaurant Get the bet from the ]largetssortmoint.
STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED. Chuinse Fancy Dishes, Amercan Lunees uf
la d es and gentlethnfmen. lssfo G e Ann A b rG sC o
Othier utjets with be announced ater. Opportunity for qutestions and thineaisse and Japanese aic--bra.
confeencewill e gien. P Stairs, one dsor . Hust ros, 314 S litae St.
Will Soon Open MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It.

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