PIfftMICHStIAN TDAILY _______ G. HI. Wild Comfpany T1oe Largest Stock in the Ciy of Eclusive Styles i WOOLENS For Getlemen's Wear lEverythng required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vestigs, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics and special styls. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. I. Wild Compally 311 South State Street A Fine Line of Gym Supplies Of the famous Spalding make comprising shirts, pants and shoes In several vaities. Our stock of football goods, jerseys and sweater vests is the most complete in town and you'll find the prices right AT Sheehan & Co. Student Booktores ". A. G. & BROS.% The Largest Mianufaturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Bal, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey OfficlJImplements o, Track ard Field Sprte Uniforms torall S ports. Spaldig:s Hadsmey ilustated Catlgue ot at sprs cotans nu- mereocs sggesioens. Sed for i.--I's ree. A. G. SPA LDINO & BROS. New Fork, Chtcago, 9t. Leafs, San ran 'siss Minneapois, 'eaer, iBufloate ycsse. fits burg, Yhiladelhifa, Bstn, Ciecinnai, iaiO- maore, Washtatt~"n, Kansesas City, Ceeland, New Orleans, .Deot, islstracl, Canada. THE MICHIi'AN DAILY. Managing Edtor-PiU, Scott i'MssWas Bu iness Manager-C. E. WSx'srre News'.. ........-A. V. Richier Athletcics..,Williams F. Gi-isolpls Sporinig....ClareceE.. Eldridge Ecsshange.......14. TisoWambol' ?MKsic santDrama.....Re D. Welch Wsomsn's' dior... Losuise Vn \efrhis J. W. MCandless luer C Adams Johns F. Wrz oert 11Clascy H irasmsS Cody George I. loar Chauey :Bocher . G. R Williams L. C. Reidl Lee A Wtfhie Raymaond Visscer M. B McHugh A L. 1-ainline Robert Mosntsier Lowelli J, ('-sri' ISislil,.. K insiry J.1II1.srescot BUSINESS STAFF Johns F. Wre Carl Ht Adasm Address: MICisso~v DAisYv Press Bldg., Maynard Sret. Managers Hours: -a p. In., 7-8 P. I daily, except Sindsay Both phosr 960. l's rel of itheatricals. ha'ors. ea cis: