The Michigan Daily_ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBBR Z 5, 197. No,. 19. Vol- NYITI SCRUBS SCORE BY WABASH METHODS Varsity Preparing Defence to Op- pose Hoosier Style of Attack- Heavy Program Outlined. lihen Saim avison-deltaiedl to wtch te lPrdueii-Wabash gcaie at ,afaetto Satiiiayturnein is re port to AatrBidYsthe ALI. . imnmed iatey pocceitit oretinasat11 soon11aterwar~dcase tile m plemes of teivarsii to se tinigs of asila nattre. Antinncen t lbystadte' asks. "WNhtat didiitheise.'NVisiots of te Wa- tasth tatk cring o lithgtios ril logrims and itoictlown'..ofrhapsi i7iag aothelisijlayisfori'the remlai iag fiiiir liiof repait onlfor lthe Ilioo rrowd: and hieitl so saw isios i of te Cayoutiulht attlits atmtn -noe he if lfernc-tousethesam ply.'Iiiiiiramtsiiwereil, inth le M ll.' min's ee, roke up y ld' me near-caioniii.lii H. IHamimiioiiiianiiilJ. Miller wee suat~tiingfgrtsqulyiIfan-1 WNabashigiiir'al hat tlanled to aie 'i hec-lie"' fiiyrd 'iIpasses alight. aiiilruditly bi'iising lthetiiitioil a.111 expiectanit HooiisierO froii the patihlof dity, hes t oiuariais f telich-ie iaol is. reiiitii grabibid the leatlei, an rnigi ff011lisli gle , saeire. 11li ii cowntefedo l"eeyfr lfaiisii 's report iucioiiediifori'the' gratr iar ihtlih iiiiiiriis vln tary opinionu s oferoi leii lsh Mn jitinlirentas. lIoliii ii r, le rt- ea 'a V' lurecijsadlte ick lara'li ito make a 'ii' stecalilisolllwig re ii o i'1111 en Iiwiti le rest iof ichiigan s i 'toils1 ireterlire fpal. Crtaini as heiiyesithat te l ooiers ail Iee prepring aniililt li'sivisi'ad varieud liac frte fMichiganu game'., st liai soamuewh at 5surp rid isthiitle esatilit. her f trilayI s ussitilfriiiex to existiiind i n h eut ac aI er shtiitihue'toi comeilo iairelizat18uisn f utilizeis ha or n audance'est S illrdali, i theii i illgtaa Accoril , he -,uh wrigivself sfuit Ieci' t l i hoe u t' Wnll's inhas h ii t ii iiiiii.-stiluti rel fliithei'hlst metods atfhreenting ftei successflexsciitonitof the fake plays. Afteori ngs n hour yesterafy oill the Wiashi formtioniisf'Coac NN'oouell scrtubs, ciiifideit iii the p11111r gieni them by their niiwiiyf' 'iiiiileOl kiuwl'eg, wre the mai iisinathg iictimus. aildif restults male tkeii fr aiything, their self-counfidenice ias liiotilistuaceul lii iiy appitreciablle etent. The svarsity kicked ff lii 111011tlesssioi, andtscrbts retiuriteil the ball to thei' a-iarii line. Anth righltri the dvarity wias treated to a delicioas little surprise willledlt~i hemt 101cmpt~letely lii rest that Ilir awsakeiniug'was ideferreduntil the scritls haiil plantid the hll oi thei varity's to' yaril line. Forward pass plays, mtixed wihfake kicks andu oter tricks ii be wildering succession, ail the varsity at sca, andi by junmps iif frontffrc.lto twenty yards tbe scriils crried te ball eigbty yarids. H ere, while dirctly in front of lie varsity's goial, it liecante necessary to resort tii straigbt fiot-tlgl and tbei forward progress ssas bronghit t an unceremnouutsicuiling Hldllfor the ist ltwa udowns, te scrius ieideulto lick, a1111 Edionds, lplaingf left edi, dlrotpperilback to le i8-ardl line and. aidedl livslodywlyiork iithelinue, boate atprfect dropl kick over the cross lar. ArN e byisii the li'iptludene shotn by te scriibs ini scringftwice i ite saiei seasoti,tei'181rsit- caime ack strog aid, assuingiiif the aggffressi e, plwaei thirouughtithe qua8'rttf fginlts comtpisigf the scriubshlue.'for freuient inlls, hull uiliizinti iNosts "impracticable forwafri pass8plas firisor vrfailiig rewards, tie clonifashio. TIheicisi',iiuthe sius, 81111 thespet- tors ini te granditandu, notitoimntionl th mnembitei'i f theivarasi, wee all of onte oin~fiiion:si' wa ssell Ilac the sci'ibs' mi t liii b asti iere cutting lose iose playionthle vrsity fii'teeflrst te Rffows f electric lights 'relbeing srungp acrosi oliern'ylFiel,. and frmn iniiii'nitil afteru'tle lPenifgamtti'there lie alllwed toi discoitinuiewoi'iithilthle failing oaf the light fuii'iisei the i'stil. Nbihi foai' ippgame0s-alliiui'ertaiini as toi lie 1m utcomll--in iifrt f temuu, Nust ald le menire dii'uetrinediuruto leave sitoe liii I uuu'ueu, landiif icii ff8111owiiin iidefiat ito leittiyioniiNo. ifo, noiio81100cianIs5811i 11115Iecase f 'arati11111for flie p1111. the iniil pprrace of te lacklng dumy.lit hedumyin 1111akin hisi itt N-na Ily, limirtii I iliriff tle li uIussian c 55-solir iihiirecenltly eisy stisid ithi the i'ickliigill lii' v1111it lal ls i the name'iiith the I ma olbi' Nlgt ing uei i oi'i heii ail- lut '11111dieintoithlie i'gicluii''list N ii irutii"Is'theiiRussianiteasiveni iitll If the irst onie inithe 111111iiissim. sil ininItiCleto keeii isfet iuater 'lhiiweekl's programfori' tei' menttthas beenoutlinow, anditil taks bliiine glainc'iat it to diisi'ioriier 'fact thiat hie'r'ial fooitbll sasol, wi thu its strilui- oste, is lii tsidcle lvailriedl wor out ivenilfroniiu3toii6Ieachi afternoion; rih'euhuizceac ni ghiilt. 'oimiourrwsthe ili uifitheimi wekchtiss lbetwien lie varisityi 11111reserve5s wille plle oft, andIliein IITh1111da) iighththe teim eavisforIdiaunlltpoils. 1110suadill11 arrive ithe HIoie burg olnrc181Friday in f lenityl it timeto iv le tem i i uaopu- utiiy itioil't a li wrutin ilte afternoion. S Diiector Bairilannunai ces that oly IAtleltic associat ioin-lmembtersptilicets wsill admit to te Ik e utomoiaturrowsi. this ts the gaienichs'iiw as Itoae leet playid sveral wee'kslagol.buau sshicb Sws osiitponedi. IHossevr, owing 10ote facct that maityilde titlrs of sesol tickets hiaseudesr oyedl their Iboouk, liiisesnl h ooks swill le IhonoliredIandthe1wmoniker- ship tickets mutsitetprsnted at811the gate. 1 YIii s cciittIaE :N. i. a.,Asmps. Tale univis'rsiy 1n015has le lrges Y. Ml. C. A. mtembitershiip of any Ameri- ran college.''hetre lre Blo nrembers. at 1Non' IRaven. t i1,lCOLLEG liDIL liSS splib, ITe Mn'knesota D~aiy, the daily pape if the Univiersity of (Miinesota, is fr- 1Fnisingits riaiers echb day wtan ini- stallmeont if a stoiry calledl 'inral andS rVernice.' 'Thelpapaer tuses thle"Noose- iveltian" sperlling, FIRST MASS MEETING1 TOMORROW NIGHT Rousing Send-Off to be Given' Football Team, Which Leaves for Indianapolis Thursday. lTiie First niass meeting of tie year will le heli in Univrersitul 1811Nehn day evening. TIke dteo whichi wais fr iuwrhy announiitcedh as Friday night is be'eniiihaigrud owinig toithelfct lat 111t' teaimiusiillls fr futIndiaaplis eluryt Thursday ir ing o. 'Tle ecommtuitte iii charg ar nakingp everry reffort ito secre goouchseakrs. A proient I--)truit spekr wiill tpro- aibly addirssteleinig. A. ieaiedl pirogffram will bei'aniounicrd iomnrrow Themta ss imeetigs iwhici ae beeii htelid itnder the auspics of thur :ic- iganUti L'uiuifour sveral yers ast hills provesi,5vers pop ular with tbr stuidenti hotly. 'Thliir lrimary purposar ie hi arouse ic higai spirit amoing theunttier- grauaultes anid ta practie thur sotgs adi yells toi is' usedl at thur guttus Thi mieting Neneiiisdaly nught uwill haver as ani addliitiontallobjeit.the ecuragemuent f theiiimuembers f the elimusbwic il llsvethae listay lir Idilaapolis Thur dooirs oifCUisersity hall iwil he openitothe ullic at 7 p ITie'lu lurt- iitg swill lbegiti at 7:15 shalrp 'ITie groundttfoour awill he resrecdexclilyrh for nun.ii Thur iommtitt urge as manyi s poss'ible to lhliipeusertt. MUlSICANI, CIBS ELECT GhIRGf't (LARK PFSh )IN't' Ni. aiu huring iOf the urtlsicaclub hhs yesterdaly, FGorgr Clark, thu lest membell r f ther rgantiationil, as iInilli-t iuuuslo electoed president. Thurvacacly was 118auisrd by the resignatonitfiii T. Gleasonuiwhii hasibeeschioulisen uleer f MIrfGleason isloelrof this'delsirailihty if engaging Ii 1urfcsionaiah lc h. A genralldibscussion ufolowedn, uhno defi- it0 concu'sionuiwas rachied. Manyishmembeulrs f theurnolin cilubut have rerturne,ut hle gee cli his Sr~fhhFINALS IN TENNIS TIC)RNA.NIENT START TODlAY Thur sonduiroiuds of thei first 11111 secondii class trnis tOUriiaiiauus iwer played off yesterday, as folowas: IlFirst class:Owens-Bere h-, fi2a Sltafroth-fDontorvan, 6-4, 6-o Liuy- h'Broasdhturs. 7-9,6i0, 6-3; 'Ayrrs-Gls (1 646-4; PiceDiuckisonu 6-1 t-ill u iFrench-.lor (if3,63. f Scond la lss: Baxteriw1othfroiuRahil- u livby iCefaultl N itit b tilt 6-fi2 iNallaceeILaston, 0-,i -1; riles- I lumttsuui, 6o. 6t1I:iirtnch-Flowsers, IThe semit-fnas wi'llhe lplaei ofthis starts WeNb e ltsiday Alhentris tutsbhe upostsedi iatiorts hy a ocock tdiay. TO HOLDh TRYOUTS TONIGHIT FOR IU'NIVERSITY ORfC~rI IhSRA The first tryout for the Univsersity osrchestra will le lel tonigt at 7 c'click intithu School of .Music. Mr Locrkwvoodn,te conuctohr, urges evryf- onei who plays att orcestra istrmntit h uet tthint lt that tine. 'The tryouit: srwill be private. Plans for the year will libe talked oser. Wheth e orcestra is organized rebearsuls will he helotce every iweek. The prospiects for Ie coming seasoti rare very promising. I itiion to thur stritng instrutmerts uof previous years, Ie orchesra will romtprise windulistrt- I merits. It is initended to give several -concerts for University students dturinag (be cotirse of the year. NI IHIARM N ffTIEATERI-hXOtNG OR CARDS, SANS D. IPATT( )N Thetu'er guoig atndlcard plyigiwri deufenuiedh by IRes.C. Paattonuuof the Cont- gregaltiona hitourchu, in atit talki orbn us- menrt;,s Sudaypeen ingi' Ihghi-class theater's, saiuhid D. Pttni, elulte au's Iiuuu iulty antdl ieveryoidy shuuihlditedteteellI lr now' uivandilthent. Calrdlpla~lyt iiing i oderationti hllduwithoiutt stake ris 111111amsemntilwh lichi aniynr mily indulgin I ituuhouuut iiinu'nyItocit-. ''.niiisu ti'us,' ionudedi' the111'clrgy-[ mn is wuslesomeanud111 shoulduhappalji to th ftineru''slii uhi it'se f ilvey lmans nature'. ilHRISTI IhLEGFAL, Prof. J. CtdKnowlItonuSundua iveningf udeliver'e'd aiilulliddrss onI "C'hriist luefori he Sanhedroutn," at aImeeing lo f the' Baptliist N'ounguuPeplu'ie's LUnioni. Son yueari is 'agoi whil' eniggedlin looking ultheJiswish hishrf Kiowl 1ton 1became' lli intrstedin iitsIbe'arigolii Chrit's trialithi the re'sult 111at1li' madit eIcmpiiileestudy fthe subhjct. 'This studiy hui' emblodidinu iihis lectre the trial ofCFlust. Nter giain''lg a briuf russe ioftheihappenuu~igs iof sivl days beifore Churis's trlial thesekr tli pint oluf iiw. .ucorn iu i,hJssis laIwiias setfofrthi ii theTaluduuulthuef ii ii Sanuleurniuof Jnrusalm, wilchi wa corruin it s pracies athugIiilhi theC ICepositiry oh I'llishilegishlaii anduadiniiisttivie 'iiin lullro seclihalurgeo befio hal unsbouhtbfores' th udgeis wos dc ii luls illeth i hu iiithe u iredri Nosi Suuuuu flug t :3, Pri. diii 11111sil speak in heBpts chiurc'hit li rstbefrePotius Pi lt, l s h ii oihtin i i o (,a hhLIF 'N 1dbSOIC IFI'llS PLANN ],fhR SL OF1:5 ) PB1A Nl'iS A lii's 51ful'Iuluus liii s 'iiitheAiNphi Xii uand AdlphIiuwuill probabillyhe a 'Iifea- mtie f teliItor'ui socistwiourk fr thus cmii lip' n'utr Alhoiugh Iou einurlitu' liii i fil 1 sill yet been mCd, thus uuuscuuburs sof bohidie uu PreIident ill-u ]or nilf thucdelhii uiiadrsedIthis'Alpuhau Nut meei ng0tillthe ubjecl tiiuuu usiiie iue'n'ed f somea sillh fiendl uhy s'ontests. Peru'uhs the umoisintereiIstingiumbieiiir oni therogah ulorii te evenuing ws a brisk parlullseiltary hirill iisItci bout Iemer ad isihtor aticiated. Con-i ducitedhhy fGeornae'1,' s it proelIa liv'el(' and11entertaininig tel iute etI'i . Ihrrforn 6is11wil he ,i regular feature lt thueSaturd'aly even'iniug meuetigs The iniutiationtiOf nuosw uumemb etsschicli ws to havbtas keIurls hllpulsce, wasspostpnedh unitil est Saturdayu. irN i'1'uucs'n iii 11;K1 sirCOtR'is. NI 'tlullsihg f lse faculty f thes flitntll'sota kiss clihsgr Saturdally, it wsls uecislrultoiirecomimendutoi Iithu rdiuusomf Rdepentu 11hati 115t h ili' ct~ si lbe'letgh- ento fiiis'elers. It islprpousedrht rellqure'candiaes fr admuiissionto iithir liar to itakC' Iliiiyars' sswork ii lhercl- legte of science, litrature, ull arts. Thle facultytfdecidedl noltt lulw' thus rgistna ts a f siallIstden~its. Thur Colrgerf lar City f New York has itrosducrd thur slctivr systematthis fall with grrat siccss. Dtirinag the ummiiter vactiniexensetsr irmproveentts have baen madehu at Prince- completionu of McCash I tall at a toutal cost of $40o,000. HOSPITAL CANNOT- HANDLE SICK HOST University Infirmary, NowLs- gest in State, Crowded Wih Patients. Ani excess of patients adilalck of rooumt--this is than siuaiot which con- fronrts Istse in charge of Utnirrsiy his- pital. Thin return of theinciical r' fessors fromti IEurope aiduheili'sthitale resorts 1mm take cblrgs' mf thie' wourkhs'u occasiotedrteliarrivlalt AnniuArbour lag grat nttum ersuo atliients fr'cntial11psut' if iki' country. hut spite of all effrs to provide beh ,h fmo' ihoise' who ishouldh rmain und tue' contalntlcreir of Ithis'variouis hospita 1,'uis, manity tihst hbeu'content, it',rivi thiri'trealtmtit.t a ugout-tiutiu', ristn osesvhcre. 'lhis rush. riacliu' its cli malux duiritig thi s thwenk, ad altwouugl . luotl 300fcipiatientus hily hum' hmusl it thie walrds, it is es'simttiuh'-t hat iaiu amre' (hattthis numbr r is a rea uninp abuttheliityi. 'T'e inrollnent of i- laticuls ualoutnfor 1007 will far epeedl 3X0a0 AMainy f this'cases wihichli retarrvtg conustitte thur so-callted "energt'ury womrk," hall oftenidemuadimmedutusiae opeuration-ithin result tuing that tbeus ir- tessurs aniilsniour' teulicll sudents shirts hut littli, Frorfiffotr Igi teil;miuhr opleraitins tay 'oct i - attiv'u yfoirr hoisurs in thin several surgical roomins. in seneral iustaceb iiagtie clitics Ihave bee iaae inittossibijn iv thin arge, nuri- list f casesreequirihg attenutioniht oncie; air is there a a:prolbiity ot i susatious if this rush" for many ;weeks.:, T1he University hoyspial is 1tiliglut's lrgist infirmarluy. IHarpesr :idlsirt tui f IDetumit hld hu lis mdistirnctionuntuuuil last yeair, wihien thur lcal instiluuhiuruOenetd thue Isiyehtopathic ward. Nr'itli Itobuw- tug iapeniOf tPalner ward t h ehtldrer, ludtist add imitionitiof a netia tuirtity buuilihng, AnnrtArbors Itsttantow le- comies mune f thin rmcs cpleih~te of its hindmliniIke coutntry. Them'caust' f toe.gratgrowth.lItlflyb insatittiais apparerit-thue teacrg hita a rvdasces f heusre eople come o Ants "Arbour as a last resort, simt raseitg liy tuV lot- sandus of nmiles (mr the adice andu trea- menitschichi they' knowuill ue free and11 fIhei'bhustthatuhitie metdical scince canl offe r.Asuairesult sBorerosithIe rr- est f udiseases conic toii iithe sim0tui if thi s' piutahl crpihs NIichiigan's chrps hat surgcons, eadtd iy D~r. e Nantcrede, Amnericts greatest diaignomistic surgeon, has gainedi cotsiu- iruible proin~tiience of ate yars, nhulolumuy ini the chief medsical periodcahls f Itue coutry, hut ini thur meitropoulituantpress.i It is a flit that Drs. Petersoin. Dalrlig, Caunil, Loree aid Parker, havitg as Itey do the most tdifficult oerationsrto i performth ae sobtaineud wontdrful re- stilts. Tlue nesspapers gave muc stae toi ant accounuut of thinrmarkable' oera tion performednc last stttummr y hr. Chn- fielid, sthoirernovetd a "fedduy bear fromta cild's thriat swen fheioe lirators uf thec counttrys chief ifrmauries hatd falied. A plate of false trth adula largn emi f sausage lre amonug theĀ° other iburiosiies dislodged bly iDr. Ca- heldi frcmnthethratbuis of unforhtaaes Marty trw operatiots are bent devisedl y thse men had reoruds.stablisud mmi mlder (ns. DEPNY PiNSilIIAVF riPENrtXrjliSi''pu. Rduinors to the effect (at work oth thin new Whitney teater as benr stotped biecaurse of lack of furnds is nmpatically detiedlby Kocb Bros., Ie contracors anh Bd W. Thomas, rmanager of tn Whlitntey opera htouse at Ypsilanti. 'Ikhe latbing is "nosw btcing pit on andl tbe theater, tke contfractors say; swill. open abut the first of January.