______________ _______________ 1,~ MI Kxc~$ DAIfA? Sam Burchfield 's SICKESZ- WILL OPEN FineTailring MUSICAL CONCERTS Trade Dutch Pianist Will Make Debut ____________________ to American Audiences in First of Choral Union Series. Can Long hair alnd a first appeatranlc in Deliver ti outyaretwo featuresof heIirst Thraheio cncrti llisear's mae isabt t nmricanauine Goods cunry Ii nnArort.' 14S . Fr abod reposof Sickso illy ig, ndofhos hair haeCe )(1ening Sam Brchfid fortltc ~t~tyear. Thtey indicteod ta S amtolleveryiu oay adeciedisensti--oln hid aperd hte Ivirtuoso otlrli. i-fe &j co 1 06 fonimmedlIlla ~iate favor wItitht Germnt Vr. a EST URON ST. and I- retich critic., wrich is 0more sini fieant mulsicalr tihanltill additonal1fart hat he found favor w iththCie 1 lroiealt tlldltit eaccti of Tie platiC-ng andt Theltesani-Iciety tells 11uc11 of istraXt ordi11a11 FOUNTAIN PEN4 Somle IllySickesz resembhiOlesltli- ill the City- cIt ad t hti11ers thatl ie eotttitttt-tweii %vttile Amlerican fooltiball center. Just FOR. ONE DOLLAR wh ictho iste case 1111Ann :Alr1or11 tdi at T C- ile raneth cis atethrlSilesz illstclevermag etm tetyth11eeCa Brow~n S DIrug Store Uionil lfor Iitiid; conid-erlyltil1Il is 120 E. Liberty Si. rciputationllto dIll. Ill nI itslo the tite - j' t lal~teret f 11 al lr. Ill till (1111 ALAlowsCLOCKSszrN(.)\-,t I h ~I ilN, $1.00 $ 1.50 $1.75 Srng quartetie appiersitthtir All it 1theC t aksanIt ft -aa nto cocr. CoIlncenin~g th ittl 11 gnIl MICHIGAN PINS ANI) FOBS \-cilritoiteI t ro-st f"iee 25c up to $5.00 \ crc- e"(t tslugj:1aho FINE W9ATCHt REPAIRfINGi ter lal y i dem~ostrates the meatln A SPECIALTY. I-f four soulllsttttn1111zon 111e thu-t 11o11 l Iadsan Coe trke. Watch Inspeector for the Ann Ar-bor Railroad (tei- .Clrkt .J. L. CHAP1VAN IfouritheIconcert. :1r. C1.1kti 111 ite firt . 206 S. MAIN ST. ,otttricatt to silly before La Stocie tIde Brtanch: 304 S. State St. CtttelttlCll tl1111C it t 1 er of thit coarsec I 1orissthe. May WHAT'S THAI? testiv al, lXla) 13, 14, 1;16 IPE THE PIPES C tyctirattee tf -ichitntllttllli11k IIit Ilililla it..Ill i tule-. ( rpo tn t 1 1111e.D ce lse -.t l ili -It JOLI.. 'S jlai tti and' tttit." \t preent tl i III -1111 i Otlt -tnet ii te111orltlt ion.itti i.tEarCe Klletetn MRS. J. R. TROJANOIVSKI tbttaCCin1 111ittletocondt te et il. lT e tve ccri ttttnd tile Nhit1 it. FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER oval tttake tile Choral L tto t e Cfort Hair 'oeods, IHairdressing, Shampoing ttttea-r(lOle-ticket i-sufficienl ttor al Manicuring, Facte tMassageoaSpecialty. t-etntlels inludiliit i lt th e fstvlt fn 222 S. State St. liii sltais)Bell Phone 359 1111s tickedtif itottghtnot cltsItC nol Itmore fttr tll concerts thait i tttbtyitt 1ust 11tvioust t he fetitt-v - tsvau _IANY STUDENTS JOIN ATII-ILETI C ASSOCI ATIN The IC tetttier-iiaof tileAthtletit IllS ter oe r lt C t ya' itt4. Itinlcludes- mtembters. numblleredi it ft-Il ovt-r I -CII. It Is. expiectedlthaittisItye-ars membtier- ship w1111 I ~- inicreatse-t it) nearly Io Itter. Thtis mittttistat-etord fortte.l Athlettic atoceiationi. FIRESTfRS :INSIST-TIAT TIIthY (IUVI; PRACTICAl, \Vfli I I 51is11to1coreedtCCIvertl errors twhicht appt~earttedinit tte trticle I.rges ittk- Sttnfor College )Mentt illte iFriday Ittstill ott- htil-eigtttte-oiittt t heII hi- tttttctie t m etto asIl talit- dtheretttt ri abouteC nity,1111laret numbier cti111telld- ingell yt fot stt ryitc-folll fthttt li tre- v.tl Inratster tote t utt ti n. t I t h