fftifM alk At V G. H. Wild Company The Largsst Stock in the City Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear N'sees; hint, reuired for Suits, O v ots, tFancy \ estigs and Trusorings ad ot hih clat iarcs' andf spicialt styls.e Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Companiy 3ff South State Street A Fine Line of GymfiSulpplies Of the famous Spalding make comprising Shirts, pants and shoes inseverai varities. Our stock of football goods, jerseys and sweater vests is the most complete in town and you'll find the prices right AT Sheehian & Co. Student Bookstores PA'SPALING( & BROS. ' The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Bal, Foot Ball, Gjolf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OiciiaIfipemets oe Trak cnd Fied Sports Unifsose for aft Sports Sadi'r5Hadoelsy Iutrsatedt Catfocieeoffllsportsconstais, n- meossu~ggetions. Sedor it. t's fre, A. . SPALDINGS A tBPOS. Nwror c5'acigii'isSI.i.iLoissrssFraiciso, 'ii sss'sssoii. iDeni 's'.Btials. Srasicuse 't s bugPhildelp iB stiioi.Cininnti a tisi more'iVsiinstossN. Is sCity Clevelands, Ne sOrleanus. Ieicidit.Matres, Caada. THlE MICHHlAN DAILY. Mt('FIG\ SCORES _____ fF'l'N ON FAxsERS iMnaging Jdsa-F s , Stoc's' Most ci. Busiess anager .. E W~STEil (otinued res Page Oe. tt'OiiioS husrsin, fus e llcionitieseitfay Newiis............ AF. Ritcthismadssupstchstsdscstisansce andsf suied fiteecn Athletcs..... .uWiliam F. Gradolphfsisosec arunsdsensditCsy psswscdtisrsugh Stioctiig.... tlaence .Eflisge tefmr scii fr fftesen sisse. fcia rxsctstsgc...... ..Johsn u Wambotld fssffubeIadrestt sssssi cicesig.saidsthifs Music aduanicaiss..RoyPD. Wect Womsescs's Esfifor. ouise VV\socris ight eisis ii fcaled spoitoii fiis. t iEITRIAsL, TAReT was a issitifisbt ssifsr ;o0yrds, and J. W. McCandlsffs Elmer C. Adams Vaus ms sswa isssicwntd in Isistsiacks. 2f. sifhssF. XWr Robert It ClancA. \.C. is issy it iry prccdedfcsfumblsie ttirasisS. Gusy George f. Soatiac ssasgiscgisiseccd, Ntsgiffis in"sfu ('taunscey Boncer B. G. R. Witiamus 55ver if ice.I Cat.fis. ftisffss deiait' s stctsctusrr'uns Riiiti'iOt55 fhact fur30 rd s ss n s theiickict-sff fix L. C. Reid Lee A "sWhite Vausghns. Atlerdfscsiic isisownfr us Raymond Visscter M. B. McHugh fss issif \tirtsfun siste. Sef smaie A. t .I afiie Robert Mosisssier seiht yars outcssiecf tCase, Ut .\irts I~tcl i. tire fDosnaldt t. Ktsnc5 i "'ii tsf's's iif's f issif ufclld nd he es ci f.ll resotstihisfiis s i i sgt . o b t isiun . A forart BUINSS STAFF Psiss findisitto ififer, sete I; iars t is tir fialffcsmerb ssctsoi us scs JothssF Wis r lFis1f..Ada imlt .\nit Micigasssor iega s Address: MICIGAN-' DAIsY, Press Bdg,f tis arms.s ifggy isentiioser for sins Maynard Street ohsrisfis dw Masager's Hours: -2 pi., 7-8 pii fin. A.C firs f hechefasces toi screc safy.excepft Sunsda. Both phos'e sicesonsaftsiteufickstsoff issausfilss- 505 Iilc in ii i theNichiiif sisa akis s rhts ,ict --- - - ie m defis visyars insi ticow fn rssnd the bifseachsrs " P oskthaiftii ick!-''was5 St N fi in''. tcrtofftR 3, sissy. erspondedfto iiitis fst hsifbattsc im-s - --- - Sel, fr ioia lea p ss hf i ckesds' itis II; 5, 5'5'rsiiii N ,i fi ss ut infstiit(,lintis fchianitttheh l. W s- Somesi of' itsi i aveisis en firs'is ing.si rou'dirough t isfthe ifis risss tsoiiteirr fset tios letiniincudd an fjeion-issgeater'sipart5of tire tssosppo csingemfo' able. nitis o is y s is if'crfsisisfif, feaus.is 0 ya s fi ifhall, s i ieis'cetere 't i c m l it hisis'xis sifd 'srositismess f the heldifi heis tisis rt fos 5 hss fis t i fs' ut ime oiladhsis .fsssys ha'd grounsis call.i S~t 'isc: ihigtani28; S. oni vsi h tofssf e fs u h.A.Co verit pid o d tevted o e~lo is" been5ss iii iss t sissfisldtifis y'ar ift rih 5 Sp's "irsi'I fous .f icigns's nis ~s maidei earslys it he cis s'isisshalf, istiss ''''ifser ad fss':re'msedylytna'ayiforasticditss in ft ssissittins tfssstssesvliton f thlti c s Is s r pusstisg (tiss] 'its citin ms issris 5 't'ss'll-en oleit thsiss i i sit illswhisfsh ishIssllst hs'bets's' fiiissalready exceedisfosrteenihundredsOit t tsll itksaiaysi '.sssif tirad sld l, I i a ss'ltoa ger tiss iss 5555 uvan tag s h ills i acti'l e itis val it30 one hlf o thi mnn er a,. burtc by 5ards inioe put. tM :\.C.switste' an-i nfl ut nssss fsan tist.offered's' pet -1fi ll iss s ift ftsts 'ss t s'e'ritory, tsf'i'st tes' cn l ii mt.'is Iii f 5theis'un5 will come mis (t 'sin s' sf 5sisdity. Au ier sot ins s intan Dte n) i can csy ''dspts' hadsfbei's'madsss itsisss tss 's's'isf ssfss iniidualss isti sst its'. mam"'s f ersiy si s si i issi siuifsuppsrfeis btests'dsisier t th ig t dretisiss'smae s' erai s' titu' M~is'ser tsswithdisn advances'tt it tss'ge sisisiss'' mlinut i ste alsts uhf .ffndthefs aptus ifs . gis'sss Cii susssiuste ,rts'' s' ii sti's' sicusnt . sissrs cevd a 's's'sssssssu ssmps' sf ws'at s ffssf iito cs places's st a st fb c, ,sss'ftgoig ifs, ca do in tire imw'y f fastt oo's" - i at st tsl'.'tse i Caifsrnian ssgae ittt~ ncbe aroig xeitesgin s'anew5and'vsuited''i'exh c.ibitsfisn sin it o sspl ssging usithis' t ersss sisies'sfisst s' lat i5 toiusudown iof tse gmits. ff'issscss i 1 sisisfits'ysgssst tsstif teurig - w s xhn isg'putsi sts \'Va sgtsn iir ofi tes' I[ ilit'acs'' had last beslscieid tss tcwishsn 'thegsita ale . thaiteisq 'r5maltisfckt," tsseis Thetss up iol1b o lc f fulotisrs. 5 uficigusi (4 s). 21. . C' o). -- -' ftitfser- inhitmire's. L-.Ef...... Steddi ir s'si i msinatsisio of frstsh en s C sy .. .... . ' ' ......Altless heing heltd dsasiy ii te 'gyssm sasissisi frsoms tL itis.. . . . ,. G C......Cmsss~esct z iso.5 a'ss7st o r9s 5i. ftesne Fiss Sihutsiit ... .... C. AfcXit'ms-sLmsoss Crissstacke... IR. T'.......Parkr! Htamnssssd....... R.tE. .........Frazer ini'uss'-Ssllivans. . ....Smalltt (Capt.) .\tsgs'ffss(Capt.) Msite......... L. H.t...... Vaughns Attcrdicr-Russssney R. ft. .....,VcKesssa f,oelt-Rhteinssctiitd F. If. .... ...Coririgft Tosuchdsonss-Magoftfin (5), f R seiss- chitd (2), Loett. Goas frosms tosct- dtswsn-Gtrahiassi(I6ostf of I). Referee- fttdies' 1ficigas). C'Uspi re--G"idi- dings f 2sfichigan) . feastisesmia- f,csssteissk S(Michigan)f. 'Tie f hlvsai FIRTtff'M2ASS _SffIfrTfN'G WInLI, OfCCt'R ON FfRIDAY s'NfGt ft' Is resfponise o te sstsentemsadutfisr masus ssetings.te ficsficersf te Mintcht- igan i Lsissshiisecappointes a'commusitcr f thrccsenesshetuswis'slfthiaie cfaruegcou tsheu'ellig sessions. 'ffhe'firsi fthesces msssmsseetingssiffltsrefheld insUniiivesity halnsts Friday igh. This seections cousiuussf'Roliss f. FBistiu, Jamsc' WatuukinsssandufStepen'sRowsney. 2sfass mee't'ings uwil tic hstlt cver'Fisasnigfht precedinits ugssme. shetheit' is t us' plays'ed sns thurshsmsuisr'fore'igsteri- Y'ctsssastr Coii a'nnunsuceut5sfeser dfay 's garne cthat suff studentshaiisgupnew yls1', sue sugshoulsen d suthemusuthi CfaresBtidirad pusuafe diecuhour of 51he Antfetic aisoialso. CHtRIS'fTIN ASSOCIT'fI''f'N COUCRSfS OPEN 'f'IDAX' Bibss lesuy csurss opfes this umsorninig unsure tsi' diesstionssf thus'Christian a s- tDr. fKarspiuski's cass uwil sut}' lsi' lhisrcalshsases of "'fleAcsin d Hsstfpis- dfes"numeting fronts 9:30 tfs10:20 a~s. I., its Mff'2tiffn alltssf. ''Manithefi'Lightf of Esvlutists andstChrisiauniy'' sifhis siscussedst at 1u n. "'lThe Scia 'cach- ugs f Jesus asdsiust s Afpostfes"5'uwif bs studufiftue Carlf It. Smsih's casus.'atuf1 ins in cuss ins "tPr'sent fDay Pfoess in tet Homes'Fieud'' uifhe sdiscusseit51 tse Pues teriaus church. ''Niss'Valussc in Old stamssfusentf fierature" is thes'u- jeta hsu't'ficer ,Xemsoriu hahlf. int thus Conug'egationaultcturunch. tProf. uua- sens sit (liveri wilsps'uk sns "Thhe igin ansufDIvelopmsfntusosf this' Roosks iff tc R IR OA 'uftt.n JACK" TA'LfKS TO S'fTUDEtNTS "RairoadsuutJack,'' thec s'uande'ngcurb- stosnec sueissueis t i stsnnArbors. "fRsil roadustjack" sets tif) Iisfplutffiorutshrevser he hapsuh toss ubhe sntdiscosurses uonu siny' suet ihi auicuce tissu proposei' Fuse curb'tstonuu ef rec"Jcu"clasfuimsu ts us' issompufaruable Iliehsiswiandefredf sif ovce the tU'iited Ssaesandsi sthat of i tudig inn au Iammosucks susfeted uner- neatfh a lbotx car is famsous. InhIis'stvsefipe' hatusanustfrockctuus ''RaitroadiiJack"'' fresensssa5 un~iqe.igssi' andthisisasnsit'sesistihbhe' usisof s'xtract'- fusg nickels fromss a crowdse. LOSTf'Fifty-fool selctapufe. No. ASS cer eState'and Arhor str'e's. Fine fufeasu'refpses to IDsuO. 17-U BOOK CASES Thousands of valuable libra- ries are started every year by students, thte foundation being a few books aud two or three Globe - Wernicke "ulastic"r BookcasesXXWestl thfimake for a reason.XXWe can obfan no bettr Pr iis peritusuf ifo duup / Wahr's Book Stores SleAerns fr tite-Wrriekrsy- tem oiiftnlstii Bkasesrtand iling cabinets. LYNDON 79 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Kodekks Cameras anid Photo Supplies AMEfTf I-R EVEOPI N foN BAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 EAS r LIBERUTY STREET Arnold'siJewelry Store Alarm Clocks, $1.00 MICHIGAN PINS . 25 Up MICHIGAN FOBS. - 25 Up Mmiii pastrts uoseumfroms tetn lmimiill ia i sil f ulm lx .itxetlt Tualsts Irf~F~ \1 ~ ~ ~ ~ NE 11 LS HOPI Y U MOO1L~DII II i w - LE VTE OO PA O ~MOUL =L L S UVIOFTUS. iI. CHORAL UNION IICK[IS Now on Sale $ 3.00 EACH Oct. 18-Slekesz Nov. 11-Gadski Dec. 12-Flonzaley Qt. Jan. 28-Charles Clark March 2-Adamowski Trio FIFTEENTH FESTIVAL M ay 13.16 RESERVED SEAT SALE Che Ztuaents' lecture EAssociation Sakttarday, October 19. 9 A. M. R1OOnn1 C. Vashv'ralty Hall1 Numbers for places in Reserved Seat Sale line will be given out consecutively between 4 and 6 P. M. Friday, October t8, at Box Office, University Hall. Each number will entitle the bearer thereof to a ccerrespond- lug place in Reserve Seat Sale line Saturday roroetitg, at which sale not mor than six tickets may be resrted by eauchtperson. No linitng.up in corridors or about the doors of University Hall, beforei P. M. Friday. Tickets for Entire Course $2.00 Seats reserved for Entire Course .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasurer's Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Ii 121 Washington L 121 WashAngo THE PhoneGRA598 Phone 598