THE MICHIGAN DAILY Take 04& Your vacation will not be complete without it. $1.00 up. Ask us. We do finishing for amateurs. Ei. E.CALKI NS, Drug gist,. 324 Sou~th State Street. AMU5FiMENT S New Whitney Theatre BE&LLI PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 480 TUESDAY. JUNE 2 cuwrTAIN 8 P. M. MRS# LESLIE- CARoTER ) Prese"ts Her CGreat"' e~tstStZscess Dii Barry By 1DAVID) I LASCO With Her orIitieia' Pvods~scti*onr AdIv itie Sate Open S iturd iy, May .pie, WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 3 HIENRY B. HARRIS Presents CHARLES KLEIN'S T HE LIO0-N THE MOUSE \V tt Original Chicago and Boston Cast and Production. Prices35-50-ZS-$1.OO-$l.50 Seats go on Sale Monday, Jtune I UNIVERSITY NOTICES TImu Hpai ll. ltlecii it 1of - SE.NIORS' HOLD) NION Mill I'Ni JUNI'7. Inodrto set fotht the soia, pli tica an religiotus lie1(1 of atovitie thtarc' open to colltege graillotc, te Y. \l. C. A.anee the seio cas11 o- ilei-,i wiilllaecoinedtiiio btring to Aits:Artbor,RIt A.W. ishr, of tralldRatis. 1Tiee 111(' 1, will to conductoted tas a 1110ll11 lie tnill tni vriyI all Sndoa, Juneitat 7:30 Rev. Mr. Wshrth; irptato tar lilng a strog 11 ke ad1,)i n ' i oeic ms NI bl . no ALCUMNCS 1WANT0 S S IC E IN'S FiOlRiSCIMERI WORIK 'Te Miihigtnft iiiiiiitsis plninug ai subsicriplltn campaigin amlo lt ii 0 of the C'niverity ori iite sumimer Valca' till))ont)tile smlisas ursue durin tie recil ~tlentspin vcaion))canvas1. The lit, it almnll iltor lilttwn lO city ill lie Cniled State, a1111 tils0 a1literll commssio forsubsripton. Tire 1)111110 111o11t0 iloi, ll he11 111') 'll al le IA mon ofice eer}i d ) i 11 weekit l :3 to:3130 iip1. im Shirts!Shirts!SltrtI Eeriytintg in shirts t .At lln's. 700 iii ILCST-Friay iienoon, a0purse cotan Ni bo t ,.Clts, 0.1211 _ ring. 71) (Ci liieiiiiAnd (laW ha1010il all sae at Alle'. 711 c11d D11 o ull ealiz'1'htll) 1111shcirt;,'-. (t. .-ekwea-,intfat all r mrhnie 'h ie itoh sii-to piefrilev1ing or1 prc.Sleiiry & C'.,-,Norih C' nkit c Reeeocitle wsh te at cot p1ic.- len00 & aie you1see11 tle ntill) er Cole J1111clothes t tlle's? 7o i-od , iat Allen'si tii el Oi'hoi iinI)Nes. C. P10Bathel, .211S. Slate- St. llPhote 7ii. if lVe'caryttll lue o(Iet remeit li1- or' lviltctrous1ers, . Allen's. 70 ('lil tGEN'I, OMEN : It you]laie elcote isgitted wii't oxfod daltoo tnil it .tol~ii the antkle or in the tol, b tituriietd'c'"ilhat's wolere te it. Wti, it "RoecklOaCkt" oe. It Iosiery int all te ctetcshadesoatd eolor, at Allen's. 70-odl ELOS'l .'eKappa lKappa Gammaile lageFider tle-ise-return1to office Uiersity seretary caiiileaie namie. or caltt joIBel. Reward 7-80 "Cotiuiious" alleys are ibuilt right ii the boling room; are solii aanetlaot- ing, adtevel as a billiard tal.We hateeoii"see- otial' ales. 7-i BILLIARD)S, BOWLING. LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. AM1 S. State 311 Maynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. HATS HATS HATS Lvery fashionable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS The niattiest and most approved fash= ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. St cin-Blo ckClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THlE ACME OF STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCIHMITT, APFEL & CO. HAG'S loc bu.ys a complete set of Diabolo that looks and acts like the 25c kind HOA G 'S j 5 and lac Stores IHome Supply Store - BR IGHTON Flat Clasp Garters Y~yp for solid comfort. The newest shades ' and designs of one piece,pueil FLAT web. All metal parts heavy nickel CLASP SILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c a pair, CLASPall dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Mk at ioee Pa,3uspinuiiei- Twelve GoodBreakfasats PIncOne SHREDDED 'WHEAT If you buy two packages of SHREDDED WHEAT Biscuit for a quarter(the regular price) you have a delicious, musisle-ruakirig, strengtlh-giving breakfast for 5 cens- mnore real nutrirment thtan is to be found in any other food. in the world fr the same money. It contains ALL, the body-building elements in the whole wheat, made digesti- ble 1iv steam-ooking, shredding aid baking. If yout serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly youi will like it better than any other cereal food. ITSHIOULD-I ALWAYS BE HEATED IN THE OVEN just etnough to restore crispness and flavor. For breakkat, pour hotrnilk over it, then add a little cream and a dash of salt. It is also delicious in combination with fruits, If you like the Biscuit for oreatrter breakfast, you will like TRIS- oystcro or. CUFFT-the Shredded Wheat vegetcbl~a.Wafer-as a Toast with but- "P ' ter or cheese, for luncheon or anfy meal, a a sub- flour bread. TboetlralfoodCI. a Niagara Falls, N.Y. / D D B- ETREE DTT ITA& BUFFALOSTABTC ANNf". ARB Ti©Seuch , )tOR GedasAt50p.m,8RnAGEat4:1 AUO OIEM TOR BaTSD, EN.t o oS STO erlyEornPintrSains 'Iest q TOU i, ofTHOMAS: ( ra~'iian CenMaXWELLh IdGrn.sru k. -- ---; i New Film Tri.$s.. Tlxxis-. and Sat. THE C ASINO Pianist, MISS MAIJDE TANflTONf ILUSTRATED "~FN140SOLOIST MISS OLIVE STNTON-