TH MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfield &X.CO. EAST HURON ST. 4o BEST STOCK OF C IGAWS IN THE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes t ) sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALARFI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the bestmsakes snolfully guiti M ICl7 N PINS ANt) FOBS 25c up to $.00 FINE WATCHI REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the An Arbor Railrod J. L. CHAPMAN 20 S. MAIN ST. Branch. 301 S. Stote St. 20% ff Meerschaum and Amber bits only R. E. JOLLY AlitS. STA)E ST, V. of M. BsARBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSI. Prop. BATH O OS-liilClit, S IN ii l,: Ladies' aoct lci, lda5 ir cuinge 322 $. Stat St. An Ar Phone 359 Bell AnnAsebor, Mich., BANK TlE FAIMERS AND MCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HUtON STRETS t"vital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,0( Ossral Basing Bosinos. 3 pe)-cC))i paid on Time and Saigs Deposits. Safety De- posit Bes to rot at $2.00 ad upwards lt. Kur, Prs. W. . SHovos. Vice'-ies It . B MSons. Casi. . A. WLLSAss Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank apital stok, 5,40. - Srpius, $200t000 Resorces, $2,00,000 A General Banking Business Trnsaced Orisnis: Chas. E. Hiscoc, Fes.; W. 1). arriman, Vic Prs.;3M. J. Frit, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wmn. Aroold Dr. V. C. Vaghan las. H. Wade K. F. Miils JohnsHBasror Joe. Koch Prot. H. 5. Carhart ' Henry W. Douas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimcmeersas FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. E. D KINNE, iHARRION Y\SOtLi. Pros. Vice-pres. SW. CLARKCSON, Cae. Cap it 1, $100,000. Surpius and profis, ยง150,000 Germ n American Savings Bank oins~mrcla.l Savinags C'IVIL.. [\NIcNiRS' CAMP I 'Theciv it engcinees co arcec geiiigic taetecourse illstrveyitng in caieep thise summtterr will Ievec AtitiArlborbe- forte Mondittay, Jutdte22. feet ttttickvillC. ich. Prof . 11. 13.SletrickleaestocI-' morn, ciceuecic g leer tiecmip to tmtake ;)repaeeratetns fee th1c e cicitng seaston. (ily citviltnieersarCepriv ilegedlto 'atke thisi coe-whiticti iill coCCI 0 -toodo egte ccks, the saeittascethe ,uic7 -c-s~ieee cursesc ci the ctmpus.e 11cc. ce~le isiuateed ittIletlanaw It feetise;a0 toleablygood' eld1 for preactice ie streamttguatgitng, t o~c~trin, ec. he ffciiceot: in the- amp t\ iictluede ma-.pping, plattitng. til ot he ftiieldc sutee; ysee .Prtt of. t-e rtric iir tcc let ert. ec c.inuecI.andlsetvek - e e- -e s illtbeicha t-rge o eelworktiit. 'T~is wll poba lee'e teelatearyo '1t eetsaltue ttitcmp saidtProtf. Stirc yeseray 'Te regenttshave c-i ct-dec t tmoeeiy tee tpurtcse niew "rond, iutteehatvte- eotiber-tei-f ;Wik dciecetcitdte p IPo. Oistis o i0 1i;.: tier ceomte tpriotoseditgrountdct. V- o l s tene-i cae tioetciseeselected s-cishalitt c ll -cutrccacparaetutsoct ii e -t toeholdeturceetcvsctiterctamttp tie ii - lhc cilor ocity ectanintitlittioni cccl btciccet e ;e (c, XiiMay 2. lTce ll' it wc e r e-iniitiatc-tte-d-tit-ite IKe;- cc Ieci ieeTeot ccc cc- IfBall, fHencrieto I.A kCitec i e rit \tiei, Kciccle Baketicy, et inietite C arr.e ~ie tiici ietoc ties- illc allt haet,c-, at VlnSt 7uco i Spring Clothihxj. JlfP 'teSt)N I XNMei t-tF(f11 OP~F'tftf$S A At' I, \cfT Mf'fT'Nli O)ficc-cs if tie J c-ft-e cinsocie-Ic-flic tte fal et rme ofi 19c8-qc Dave- i cctt elecct Precictt--O.(I . IIt(reite. \e i cc sicl t -T 1. Care r c. Secrtetcy-J.I. inugham.t 1treicitect . it- te-tc (Citic-RIf . homsoI tarshtlct I '. J.ti t raub.iii~ ic J. X- i-c \cctccc-weietaaedt, byl J. 1W. Woodtutu o I.t tthe .ollowitgsenici ift. fa ,Xitfulseries of thee vearsi. :c tts - t tgc NwegDakL-ats .E WinerG . biitllet , J.tit . Santoit ct~lt:\1.5 N'it IllS 'tI1 Nt)V iti Pcrof. V. N. Ficeotti e-do thie -ht:-i orCic depar;tmect, ill tiiilkiioniithe "Studl iieTh iceorc of lie Nicel" et for-eetc clascecs ofl liiiprcessrcc in Geri a [itce-ct-c-re, tti (cc ecateccicinct eel 4 'clckif 'Thei'eieWoman'sIcogite ccitt ticdetstii lTum tiid w pty for theistlltiotnc- ftet Stiiitoic eicrisi. t 7 Linioencae- Alier te intcectetticii c let i c some of gii l e-N ellii. AllIt i tle -ccr f h Ic itetti ITi ft lIII i ciii i c tie - ccc- ige itneral cti c ce ra t ih c , o 'jc Ito citeop e iilditii e-cceri-cec it-ici, eaiie eic ifcitn el iiivitationeIc tic - ifcentsicgraee sal'ecrceo cu eits. letn &icCoNi., LN vesI vk od I,.AItIifS itND t:ciNT lii \ti N :If itt wan icoIt t c horsdieiirciipromttpty, icme iberthee- ne pil'atcetinearite ec cam titlhe- -ct icanigt itdoetig tic and;wile (c ccc I X Te _tccii 'ci hte Alliiten'c. kg c e CLOTHES MADE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Will not fit you snd better or please yotu more-if as well-as College or Society Brand Clothes-which we consider-as do m~any thou- sands of well-dress men throughout the cotuntry -tile highest class clothes mtade ready-to-wear. Staebler & Wuerth Co. 211 Sn Main St. Az~r% Arbor Walk - Dyers' For Srig Oxford time is here and so are the variotus styles iof Walk- Over Oxfords, Pumps and ties in black, tau and patent. Tau leather will predominate suit we have takell all pan possible in selecting the newest shades ace well as exctlusive designs for Walk-Over Patrons. See windows for unlimited supply of Ptimps, Street Ties with good street soles suede lined heels to prevent all slip. ping on heels; in button and lace for Meii anidlWomen.f Walk-.Oyer Shoe Co., R. J. HiOFFSTETTER Mgr. a, WSolhaffndTailrd A rtWoolHarfer & all rxd SPRING CLOTHING A..hClOWl Rleady when~ yoxx are. THE GREAT COUEiR D' ALENE INDIAN- REiSEiRVATION In Idaho, will soonl be opened for homesteadinlg. Contalis half a million acres of rich farming lailds and imumense forest, of the finest pine. Bordered by the famuous Palouse grOlainlant fruit country, also the great lumber and rilhiiing distrcts of the Couer d' Alenes. Fine opportunities for professional useii. Immense crops raised withsout irrigation. Nearly every claf tli represenlts a fortune. Finest climate found anywhclere. New townl sites being platted. Full information together withl a meap of this reservation will be mailed to you postpaid on receipt of $Iz oo. Lucky indeed will be the persons drawing these prizes. Address The Homestead Infromatioll Bureau Lock Box 591 Couer d'Alene, Idaho Speed yourrvacation, on t1e Creel bakerssandtrel1via the large. sate ansomfalortablet ars oftthe Dt&C ine. Yoiue locol ticket agetceilsel you throu~gh tickets via the Di & C Linse to all Great babe Resoets. A nmammnoth ne Itealtlerostin~g $1,250,000 hoc ieen bailt foertislun mrsservice btcenraDtrloit and Cleveland. Leeve Deroiet dailye - - 10.t0F. M. A~rrie Cleisceladiy - .- i5.30A. 1M. Lcee Cleeland daiy - 10i5 . M. Arrie Deroitieaicy - - - 6.0iAc M Dayiightrlipsbecen Detroit iced Ciece- land every TuesidaylThursidayoacd Stul- dayeduringcJly andAuusttgi. I..Toledo Mondcaiet&0*ecteurdaysl9cccA. 1M. *Tueea &Tihersdayst4.00e e. M. Lvbeocit Miocieys &eSaterdey, 5iii . 1M. *Wednes~days A Friiays 9ciiA. M. Four Triper eek ccommecicec Jeunotiic Exprc)s SteerCityeofit5. Igncace operaecs three trips perowektweenici Dtrit anod Mackinaec frt o t ue 2ttIcSeptemiberltl ancd lich)smintisith heticregularD. & C. Steamers a dat ilysrie tolMckeinac. Detrcit to Bee City.,stopeincg at Flort Huron Lexioine, Pectcaccuac. Forester, Foresviiie endiPortHpeencroute. Daieydeylight trips betweenicCieveland, Pt-i-seeyacd Toledo fot Jace lit to Sep- tember,10te. Send two-cent stm oiltllsrted pamphlet. Address .CG. Lews, G. P. A. Detrit, Mich. Detroit &Cleveland Hav. Co. '~C/ever Cl'o:Ies nW SollrtSTRAUSSaaCNNOae Wadhams & Co., 121-123 S. Main St. FUERLVAI KING Loo KEEP YOVR DATES V.MM rtn DIRECTOR. Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Rowe'.s Laundry By carrying ascopy oif the TICiIIOAN Chinese Fancy Dishes, Aomecan Lunches ofHADOKiyorpce.Saefrm- lakidi.Eeytandg itieca or HMSRWPo. oranda, calendar, apeeil.ecents, University Oesiece Ae. Phone314 lChines and -Aetrle-a-n. 326 N. Filth Ave. Caiendar is this It0 page bock. Olven away Resienc 30 S.5th ve.Phoe 34 Chnes an Jaades studntsn.1 the University Y. M. C. A. Mc. AMBULANCE ON CALL tp Stairs, tne disc S. Hustos Bross~ 314 S. State St. New Phone 451 Beli Phone 457-b Millan Hall. ,._- - iSTUDIO - ... 319g East Huron Street