TIEMICHIG8AN DAILY ' G. H. Wild Comfpany Our Spring 98 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready. it includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Gate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectully solicited. G. H. Wild Comipally 311 SuthbSae Street THERES STILL TIME TO GET YOUR E ngraved Cards And n iot have a hurry - upI' jotb done. Otr work is the finest tha-t can e obtinied.an ywihere is gua rsnteedl satisfactory adtheices00 a -re mod- Sheehan & Co.'s Student Bookstores Official Nlatioal League Ball lal' Caponhp gmets etlll's Ithe ()h ica,. Ntoneas .1rind'eiAmerias the Spaling lIto:u 13Lollas0 used. The Salding O111.1111Ntioal 1-I,agse lll tis teued ty Yale,illarvt'r.0lin ieceloeaell all prmnolen alilege 10051. 'rIe s~lirs andllsailor in the Uneitedl S1111s Arey ad Nvy nuse e- culillyyein act i iis ri voeral ueelwher- ler nac aIo 11 is yd. I A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. 'Loui, Snirniso, iiuaeaiatlisiener. liufalo, yrause, Ptits- burg, 1 ilelpt, ioston Cnenusti. Bati- more, swahingtllx, IKasas City, Ceeland, New Orleans, Detero it, Montrel, Canada. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mianaging -idior-ARCnr.. F. RTCHI. Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. EDITRoSs NItews.e ,......Dnl i.lHaiie Ahlietics...........Lee A White bt1letic, As-.... . C. . Elridge Ex~chan~ge ...... RobertMbonnsier l 11510........Roy D. Welch I roa.i.lto...Rayitond Visseer Women's Editor... Loanser Van Voorhis EDITORIAL. STAFF 1R0u111ellcarlaned Caiiey Bocher NIGHTr EDITORS Lonld LIi. Kinniey Robert Morelad Michatel 1. McHugh rel E. God0ig Leon~ard C. 'eil aREORERS Lowl5ll J. Crr J. H. Prescot Walter K. Towers Louis KraftI Paeul Greer Samulel H. Morris OlitoEgel E. G. C. Williams XW. N1. Ablot I. I. Armstrong 1) A. Hinckley D. E. Jones Pol Leidy BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. Managers Hours: 1-2 p. i., 7-8 p. m daily, except Sunday. Both phones SUNDAY, MoX\ 31, 11)8. WXithlthisissue 1Th'110Dily 010s0s is fil:; for 11he present11yer.The it- in~g 111101the lleg01111year. XAt 111at 11111 ir XX lire toill lasume10t1110duie of 11.111 so manatgr.succeed1'i Iil. \ inX ed 111 rirestefo11 ur011 ye1a111 ' s~'l1 -11111ic.171111h111stff T11e lrospecslor f be ltr ilpaper 111' brightt.l Oslite facilit Itie'sihlvle-b111 n01111 '11pe 11is stlllaipog sibetili I. itll 111 11.1011 111111 oft esafo. ei~"M 1111 III Xlicliilit fihe. l o ',:elte1a 11 Togtre isonHahnoirdoserstate- Si.bl Openfetend wateer ay ifv Wooster. Oi,tii 0-0sle sec'0t1 I to en11g a1 itt" horsso tis sring. After dfeting tieitase- ball1 1t0111il 1110inglorious111 '-1110 111 111ke1esttook1111hittnitoamt It thXtenisoourswell byasclof1ttll0 ore oftott 1 t terin pt oel sslt i tute10' in1" 3.6. roe ihia a'svrl 111110 mtt aptaintotultottlto a 11001 hettthamionshlit ipt Ohio, anddeeated Jim 6-2, 4t-6,or6-'1. Fultol wasilnever before dea1 tttedlon tef oit.irtst. t 11. Ares t ap s iotlessfolegelo into ooTe. o low'reiloely co101110111 thtve w1. Fu('l0ton ebrotitteriowere Vantusheti n hetitteastl 1Michigan01 blot ru pe atO thetol oo m1111. l'e11west11 Oy pctils Fritdayo.1111 o- I't d pr 11ier hurdler,.Stettf'"' inthe1lltl11 1110 tertighrs,11.pllacnp firstiTti 4-11 ruIIadiion)to i~llsSh o is ointhet6-pound tsotiIt o Itotheaving ill ball NI) fee(t 73X-1nsirstnteN 1re tsiottyltdiorcus owi bt ul of t111 Iet' r tt1-t2 inh frnttt irto) it' ti e A y 1. ani unaitirf attr n.If tis seen 1tl, ' 'Xe olietsttttar lci ng111 X secod- TI illsr t in 1.th0ist01t01.11.'t I 1' eeoidt ttio 10111 1b ricthIoertstttl.cttui tormercataino'. septtiis't R i ey 111 tf i gthe t i. ove 11110 itoott w o ltgittetl thne wrl1d11.betoo 111.1te Foel t :Ates.prThe isottacett8which is all ovetrahafmlwsegtaeinI MUusic W T rama AX cast O) ity-o(111011011110 will slp- tort Srs. Leslie (Cooer ittor presena- it) ofl-Dvitl Bltsco's 'Ott Batry.'i is1th' identical cost wsitWihwiheirsitot coroed erloeath stcess.'STe000100 of thtl10 s loititt Frncee in tte time of Ltotis i 50, 'Srs. Carter erself pla0sterole 1of Jentte toVtttetie, wh11(i11.afterwars'trI 101115's 1LaGODtt Brt. She ioosaidto Ilbitevnittoier int its gacaterl01 -part'C1110 tancsle was to tiottre ttad Zatza. It-itostil plyn 1 n15 "Th1e1 1Heet)ftMarland"tl Il tha 11 Mr. Carter gined her1101 ttion ooof igonelgiof e otillful tinteo-t 11reters ofooharactlttte Attm100rican int 111l11 that itot allt for11sulItaine1 emtio n 111111, N t'i o. t tltih-rl t'll)p- t 11etwo-th.e 1i tti t ood ptiy, sJied tot urriin itgts tttnto f es~ene- 111.00Thlse1.-Ile oftif".T he Ltoot ittnd OMEGN ill I NITIoATES ttto .A0N11 itiation 1111an italltio o f ptIso ier - atota da.Tefloing Xi1111r1 inoitte: Sart tSm0ithitHelSiThSttp.son,5'Miiir Diagnfed cot.AdprfitaBleracto workeforpsev te rlcoenofgoodyaress seitroucinglourooeopleareies no slaebndalenhusefullhistruc- ion urnse.Wite o-dc afrpar. at En. SHEPPRD(,N61 ClIff Sit.,.Y Going to Graduate ? YOU WILL NEED VISITING CARDS To enclose with your invitations Leave y our orders early Eugraved plate with 100 cards 2WAHR'S University Bookstore Fresh Photo SAll the latest In Kodaks and Cameras Rent a Kodak 10c per day' B~ATLEY & EDMUNDS1 121 EASrf LIBERTY STREET Sellior Notice Students desir ing ttfficti 1908 S'TEIN will leavetorides at Arnald's Jewelry Stare. Price $2.50 .esicavsd Visiting Cards Finest engr-aved cards at loust price.late and i00 cardse$1.25. WM. ARNOLD, jeweler 220 S. MAIN ST.' il DOWN! DOWN! Prices on Shirts Still Going -AT THI CoOpStore EXCIJRSION TO CHICAGO0 Tickets on salE May 28, to June 2nd, inclusive; good returning until June 12. For Particulars Canult Agents Michigan Central WANTED FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT TWENTY GOOD WAITERS To Work at Summer Resort Hotel ENQUIRE AT 584 S. State Street r 121 Washngton E. The Randall Studio, Randall d&Pack, Pr A rone 598-