T h e Nlich ig ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, IAY 30, 108 VOL. XVIII. No. 1 79. MICHIGAN LOSES CHANCE FOR FIRST Coe in Poor Condition- -Bohnsack Boxed by Cornell and Pennsy Runners. lASlEBALL GAME T()DAY MtICtHIGAN %s. SYACUSE. Gaine calledl at :30. UNION EL ECTION AND iIEETlING COME TODAY Thie sanutlomeeting of the Union will be hld this morning at i i(iclock, i 1-oolni CUniviersotyHfll. The election of oficers iiiimedliately preceites tie meet og. The polls for the eiec t inwill tic opeii in Room C, li- VcrisiSty ll11 fmu jtoiH a. im. The election biegiiis eailyeog frths iitiiiexpetistoiiispenidltheidayout ot tiiiiiitosSitetbstoic eisnig. Setpairate tablstiaiiiisepara te tballots arei toibeiiseitfur tiesdiffereint idepart- i Membtertc ship50 ticktis iiiistlie trsttao itrtomignnSl-FranklsinsFelitIPhitadephtia, iaty 2gi fatorits exptined. Nosiosie iwho -Issnsit registered his -lis'iihgssiis oiut tic uiiiiiig soiar icke ttlseallowed tie vose. Accoirdl is irst in tie iiiterceoltegiaite is con0- g o til'iiby-tiesiiii iegistration iadec cene.Tie f'iitire if Wsoetin, esiitt ateMy2,ta sinsoneteeksefore an }o iia ctoqulifyts iintheir cseen i tie etectiin.siilit bte icrepited for the teissafernioot asin i t roseus 'to ts iti e f otng- will ciiisiider tims-ti firtunt oda iti tic bar it feetft8ices."Pinky" tis-eiiie iii iipois fiiiiii tie c' er-amsbtle. cstar sumping st aboit thti manrk. Tlhe dlpses in tie tress stansuet - Ii ti iitl; ciiiiiieiic Saturdlay fter- tssF -iikin iel ae opdle e iiiii5 i ii it iganiii nottie a t siclokise rn t is mie or aboutm fromiiirsiiitrnto tsiioisth, ascnt pltiiie11111'cloc s 5time t sisrecklednim ien siltisciio iiibte isiuulugwi or-e rboties tesuiteait iits ivti meiot hese onfts- andtsiYale tird.ii"thes " io\ts2ots'Mich' its- entrl riiiimr i- slit, it his laitiedsthits ilthic fas tiiit d y i ghstti--t-.lesus ealf-ie- pti e iisayis noitt il goodin 'f'ilt Iollow itg rtic i 'iii qti lii ngii co tio. Ie i s ic -itess ii sis thian i ii ah v!t'in h eis ordsser 50amed: oti t lisis sitpposled lithat hesitei tirdc it si to ici CiS iIcun t: Ssh Urmany tiiors fomKenicaditliI arniutsliLcwodHavadstie lsieesiellti beth eit s l ii iey liiin :1t t es tth~tiiiiiiit : iiih m, 3 P ee- tieFrait ,iftic i nce tnic uti thil l attersis I i r u thtie at : m sit iii Kien tn itare, ian ot issi disqus iiediiI, - i ll ie :tosIe - '5. ti les IiiConesimP irne rsisd ias --Fi t het:clii ,K, ii ontag sue a tpigtentsiledsfomi li ngsii iii svhe soest Isisiss ,Its t oss 5le' -tisue, 2 -5.-S ec Iet of ssstc thed. sbellos tiuded es at 5ssisiiiethsislPiinnliii Gamrleg swoil iies iiihiiigwa s 4 ditittn y s o; Priinesto-sn -; ctie-:t2 t-3. is i rdci hac t iueriiil-itirn eates l l h -. Ftueth hesss t: S he ma , sIat hiee r es, isish itl ing a asieii i cnd mit h; Blssst rK alct ti me, :21 2 2'1h-sI toliown' , of YaleK.ii Tes c is 'agh cOn hi ii anis twss tsils adslc htt iues 3a otisily K inrithelesmgite tafiticl Is is 11"t;ttl, -. S cn ever5, heisitand li ttIle i-stiscsh w t slce.i'' lies tisCornell;suitmecei:ty 2-ar.lThid so ai slight fsvorinig tiresze srdes cist tie-it: soes Yale; Meit- t in iitie isiw thureses s - lsesc ad eIlayr ;tm,52 -. Se PROF. KRAIIS CITES FIGURES AND PAGES Explains Sources From Which lie Received Figures on Grad- uate School Enrollment. Fisitlies esplanationsiof histstttemsets i criticissmsuf tPsf.Vussiyleseertsicles nni te grdteilsuichosolsitaues osiaise ie Prosf. iKrausi i h low isniisg cmullniii- Rdiitors of iThe NichigasntDasiy: soruVan Tynsestoifyi-it-certaini figses eltiethe si eslisentsin orgad usse sethouol fr 19o7- wicthsI iresued'tes il the Wesday itisisssit ofTtietily, I wouldsays thait lsPriofessrVniiTyes is evidientty iiiiiIrsitosithetisfittit te- Cnisi-est sito Mchtign ubislises ani announcemien sllst iofits g"5dsite schoset ife t rfr t pauf gcei . 121 - iofi it c-astie sill compleiei isaislet'on sitte tss- leitwsithse s I.s tatedsi s I-ittclsie - ofi tic epatetils 1 ofii ieg~ineinig, sit meiine enl d sur ry of set, d ii shray Ill-islme s oftieserollest stidens are tic fundsillst1 pi-ges 111 I cosniusit isih t te a alsiis wich-sit T sstlisttlsi to iithe iat teanicelat sonc ofts1eistiutionswhisiie gadtuacte enrollmentis lilie nesesitits-t f te C Unies isit o St\isliis iii inamely ciSisesiu- cii, Illsi tis ie stv 1n1a, cYaits, tand Cornellt, issouldt te sliieisitoiiifully ourieist atiotoa r Tefgcnhe sssiveifiedig s eri ntthlataoucet thessleists esite-ci-es sliestorianyiof tesmugig stile is s-pare t t ie-rofessrgtial Tyne. If therie is any, it is te woir ifthise liittor o tsii ist s ues is-us Itisisgenerallistnedd y hsiligi isera PoesrVa yesorgnltisleillite A-umsisdisct ihiis usgis we ic ar ibaedilmot i t li ir lyupot tiche ii apaeti irysis l si llmenisistiseit i sills grasiuats schooi . t ciS te s am cis snto ilbeiiicorecit ionotliii onl silnsls e s ranch, 1ii if snt st, i My posietionsiociernini g sillsgeauatsii sco l is ca ti-y illicates t heiisfist sointg il-iess, tiesdionsis 5 isiessay - tefutusiesdevelopmntii of ilt i ei (grasuateusichstolit) eshisusd he a simutte sit greast cocieentl , ll"Poes \'atiiTyieividenitsiit idshut see ci t sami.leon ixi.Ku sils, iSecreturys it teIGirsiuate Schooili. VAR\iSTY tANDI) i Ii C 1 OVsFlCF,StIOR Nitel YEA] Die Vcity bandisisatsiits mingis seis night atittheiso clusbhostses ect \Vffic s Ihesui gya.I.Welrw shsienisirisdsent;iV,. tresuer DconiI~ss sie ries iiimansage sissiK'EugeneFi schrleeradlb i.Iwsdeidsoisstesawardssl-ts in thsemb5iesifthisis is-arsrgais IT ih i sae) isiieii esen tciiat tiesSru cuss gaisse sody- iioshlp shslonssthe em tuinIt w iiniliasisplah t iiSeet Hlo ihll ithis eeninug t the CKatsNigh eerain DAILY BOARD ELECTION WILL BE IIRLD NEXT WEDNESDAY Three siudentememes-r of The Daily bosardi setcomntrolsill te elected mexi Wsednsesdaty, mm Rosoms C, University Het, rossi 4 to 6 o'clock. Thi.sorre is ecomosedl of Professors ILloyd, Scot, HoIIslbrooek mmmciWhitmneyamd the three stuents hilregular sudenems instie K-mes e sy arcemntitled tmm vote. tiemenmmcmnmameucelby mmxiyer's usua- -gil mud eitor ame buusiess smamiger arc: K. I,Winsteadi , I. Prescott, J. K Watk-misis 1iowatrdlBarkulluh, Sidl Smuall, Samuuel Cesi, Chasres 11.hBroduy, amid I' heyshJiese. I'a-ciiiter ssouml vote for three mem. ROBitE SENIORS WILL L cEi)D l'KNIiT'"S MARCH Clitn robsessofseIarmnimg,ties semmoes siill he-dtuhtie iprcessionm which movses tee Sleepy IHoelow this eemnimg 'The grauauutimg case will mmmcc at tie engi- neerinig arch at 7 us'clocksithithiri capts uandshgows.s Prmpm~ty at 7 :30, beudedt by tie' Varsmtyblidusey wi~'sill sattiemsamchc lewemteeliagnmaliwak Tejunioscs ehou seil-assemblem atite' ge-mis-umlIlissaymislnlifolowe.'Thensie' sophmorues, omrmingibehumndlUivrsiy tiltd1,miiilswingmtommiiie.msThicrsi- semems formsisfmomt osetthhe w builimg andsi sil binmgLip tierccrmmTh'liehe nih irceseedhdowimtie wlk to Stac sreet, upta 'tesicteeHurostsret, amdi tast o use ronumumtotlepy Holism' Reel ile wilst ilumuiuate usey to the nmuie- ra apithtertius, where a lug- fire wil te kindulse ihiagons las of dry- goos boi tsxs, stre omes, amd eery- tinumg combseustiblei. Money is beig semi- Ssrieedufr somdstheemsemubhes of the ariosus e lse ommccite exipenses set the oc- A peogradil of guidsespieakes, sithm 1tie Unimermsity- baudlandu the glee clubh tito fursshmlithe muuusic, ihas mccii arraniged. Ties sudeir of speeches folows: t.mUive'siy iBand. I Loils Ayres. K. lie Cl. 4. Jamesi iMCandlsis. Pr.f.utR M Wcmly. 7.IPrest.i. N 'rishmpsose. i. Uniesity iBand. Thise si memers set the clssi sft1907 mwii teeent cinmma tiniy toeacs huecee- uouieoCupNight. All udeaurtmensmc fale uso josini mliiifirst ressinmiositthus ccss cevrl of lat year's gaduaes Afomsses tro sit,Juckson, ranudlRaitids - mustChimc'g, sesell as other neigho- mum-- iium-mishas-cignifiedi their itenio eelof returninmg foe tonight's festivities ,t l miesluresetftie class will smeet a theK Uimsnct 7:3, ansI march to Seey si-eu I ~NEERf INJURED IN ''LTIORE & KHIOIKWRVECKi Leihi If Snford, amsemnbecr of this if 'o engneerig class, sas repre amusemsg thee isofsesriously ijuried is mm iwec lu te' Baliimore & Ohio rail summoad yescerday The oservationm ca eelo the trainsweit oer a fiecifon emitemntcmmmn uearConneillsille,TPi, aide (1 miuel twentuy pasegrs, mncsy 55 rthiemisserioueusly a- Nr aford, who livedl at m i 8 Sueti s Ussivesty uaenuse, recetly passed tm mciilseviscmeesexaminamtiosdiamus noi mehedt e mprt caiBatimurer, May 35 a-Ies soIstrtteilo a cuise Jnme r. ~y liii Woman's Leagiue mill giec t lanssarsty at 907 Lincoslns avenume, Mlons sins t 7:30 o'clock. CANDIDATES MUST SEEK ORGANIZATION Thus Winstead Interprets Agree- ment Entered Into by Union Presidential Candidates. Inm thee folosig comumiuicationm, Cishares iC XWinstead hexpliseweshat he andi thi suppote ire setfcWallehMerritt cosdrti e teesieorrlect itepreta- tionmumof ties agrecmesnt etercd iesohy shies Unin ipresidenetial candidiates. Ile euays thaut tie conduitionus reiuiec u sys- temamute solcitautonsu eshuh reuires su- ganizuattcon, amdshtuchemteorganizions elses ntumout unst itoepromisess', tcit os othewise. IHit sdes'el-situollos: iii.Edtr Im viesewsit tiesfat tht-siallse' Kiss rittis istshlltieUKimesiyitrIksetasmm -t this'ceasillrn iciat anis histb5 unaeis toie nsesrm-s-uOcie 'tsiterciiita- ti et of poitic mustdtpoliial methds I fessl chemstrained, usa citsup- cii porer, s i s-s sdea -tie"erusonael sicisus c iiion"Nl (3-lesic'y5ste adi dautes tir thee Usneusissisency agrued tee cosuierulegitmeaste iithiessetion. 'lie entir e disusse io s Iunderts'alnd it, hinigees o h emi rbiit u sclehsy ofutedmii asysteimaiie perumsoa ss ltaon Pmesnally, 1 cannot. sute ilsfusces se times argu~um t fthisopsit use i -nete aruse en iishiudredsi m~emserssifthi--i Unionm. TI laesa I ciii scsiitii's toss it is55 ncssaryifortiesei-isc toiisi-smsoi luvau-uchie. To hisse a sme.sschoices it is hicce seytsatsihi-us~cnhoul eem snaly knowstse lessemi-csuetdeulifica- itioses setthsI canidalutems. NowiitmsSis perfeectly egitiuli le forus'mis' pesencet thus qualificatioses aicasndidtetc usiy frente-sshiseththe-qu'ti-smutiuensy thice smsemesidtehistoihisli es, ha i t is thle obeionsiuuito ouShlingSaiK meeit- ing andtiers'edecidinmg wichtiesi es i mak e tseaen taisngu of''s upiport, Anynews-io hi-s tie sli-stcknswit (edegc sit ses ity scomditionsmsrusic. -granuitiehattheses mnoimanuseruesesout s s iofpsirhap~s Pmesidient Anugelmuse eis wscll koinsialmuideuestitsentsofth sUniversty.Hisseugsimsgsutsgon sver ,chmeetliseheanmdiapsexcept Iby ytemtims -and organizmedimovuecmets s t eels the nieters it this iesdeparmentus? We V beiee, as i-s-icOle said that "this is ta cassimgnesiteduation."s Issurersst y eucatills vutre stote misse ctive cusdidheaes wemetes nessels tueglvee eery- vuter is tie tKiissmauschanc'tee consider tir himusecf, so ithutitiecoc musy' ot tee blindlty maec The inuferences miscwriter W.s'T'FD e secks tee drasse sre higly absuerite d eanynue whoehisueany acquauintanmcseihat- S ee mthUnli-muesitsy mue 'Leeotfolow i- netlime reasonings-'timat a meuetng set rtrienshsor ithee purpuseoeronal s h licitaionsmust elciessarily reult sum a dtacit prorniuses semithi e pstof se iscadi eldate tee remwsem these fusies mf his m succssfu, is tee say tia e I-cllge h snil ike tie "wmeshhusses" mus "floaeters" of our cities ee des ay i- thinig except feelapriced I ieave mltlee s y renders tto udge.tsIt thisse inie ences are treeorganizsecdwork is wisong It thus'alidrcge cllege heln 55sueot a mu a "witha pise,sorgnizaionsis5pmadtieal t- benefit in a cmpaig of euciston CHRUsm souseI STmxe'o-sm t 1 fortiuna is ts emsn 1 iulet.s Drwit ng;sei'tie esmechleaem smeths iii sof I )irlumsisiesel asndhIImte suits set Pemite hue wis5holdtinmg Iis ownetill mihs mimet icswee passec.HeIIckickedi isse' sler, losinmg Iis striiestud wssleft intheireisr. 'hss'oissuerksutfettiehetroaditumers is inexphi liii l im Te entire meumr q~ulifyig jumpued leete' 1fet4- incheccsmnt 21 list It1-2 unelessitie lat- he-c binirt5inthems'1liuminares. 11,I- os sim equal'lys tuiniiniwn i reaseons lieath tplaccd fourthls musand s uitslinlesso is-melesn jtniig t est Ku inciiis cosiestenmty t Pcrry ise uleld, mminitphluse. Theeaeerlis conduitionsiwesee favoraisisfuse sitthe weork, hst he a'binels hmut -ateelise-ess.s Yalesmuade a reusearkable essriete polcesisult. Of thefe ue smelli hfesmeg freefisimcc ruims YalheCooul:,setKornel, incing this fifthstohueaumlify ryNl command lbseer t, f she, -mushok es isee a2 feot, teskling time records of time cashesrisistrlgaets .- Cammbslsh cu Yasle, lid 1Itfeted9 inchue.A treumens- dlocis sriggle iscecrtains tee occuruintimhe fnals. Were "Pishy" iPattersonsin te.me set Ms-ichigansuldhu wmsitt handh sssemiSonis- ers, ometaHusrcu, moms lie pelimminarsies Konl siisi. tnis2j -3.Tirm esat: .t-; shiouthIestilt Sued Datmouth limer-m sile ruse-Filet eat: tlehhs, Priceon Carp-um emstee, Cournecll; 'M-drem- i-set i T'aylor, Pienn;Deedig udlr suet lHcntie, Swath tumre;limits:50 ii saf-it sesmsmc l is ecet:-Freside, Cornell; t ses, enn',us Krjassouff, Yshe; tie,:0. ecndhueamu:(heelsPsmut 1satz Prh~inc eseton;m Cue N~imctmguemu; timeso, 20 015;. 'Tshirdhetee:ml Wite, 'Am- hesi; l ii555tis'Colmia; Bo esPensn; tuel mum 0054-3. fRleilsussmsi jostleds in i s it et tper t hedel ohue als isty. eel S jump-~uCoosuk, Cornsel,21feest mu -- minemis; -Connommrs, Pursicetonia fee 1 Inchs;hTlcot, 1Pmnceton, ar test stines;Simsemasn, hDsstmutth, at feet 4 1-2inmchsecs. ll q~uaiify. himgisujum-Somes, I tarsarel litr- Ioo itemsamviid; Pope', hiumemaesh; New- lerPe n ;5 hl Palmer, Dacrtmmouth.u Heighti;lftest 8tinceus. A11 ualify. Cntused onPage Four.) 1. 1)i i I UNION ANNUAL ELECTION UNION'- ANNUAL MEETING RCOOM C, UNIVERSITY HALL ROOM C, VNIVERSITY HALL TODAY 7 to 11 A. M. TODAY 11 A. M. i . I