~E ILICHIf~AN I~AILY Your vacation will not be complete without it. $1.00 up. Ask us. We do finishing for amateurs. E. E. CAL K INS, Druggist. 324 South State Street.' AN USEMENTS N wW h itn e y T h e trew BELML PHONE& 480 HOME PHONE 480 . TUESDAY. JUNE 2 CRtllI 8P. M. CART'I 'ER ]Presentis Her Great- e sutscess Dxz Barr N yDIAVID) B LAS '0 With Het r Orizad Prodtectior% di c aletS Open Satutrday, Ma 30, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 HIINRY B. HARRIS Presents FAM-Ot'S Pt N THE LIO0N THE M'OUSE WVith Original Chicago and Boston Cast and Production. Prices35-50-T5$l.0-$l.5O Seats go on Sale Moimde..y Jun~e I UNIVERSITY NOTICES Senior lit fmietig.7o'cloc< t ight, Roomu C,Univeity 'ttHal Band meeting at Miciocn i on at /o'clock tonight. Nc on 'The 8Woman's Le(aguttcwill g t- lemotn party at 901 tcit ittate, cott 3Tnltitay, Jntt, t 7:30o'clock Juito r I ettlcitriVeeiinteeting for all stectiontt, R omttC, Uniterityot H al. yittclock titoa.Veryimprtilantt blot-i Tryotto fr gilfIatb-hil Sattrtarntttit oo id" Golf cuil ik iweistifFrtied T'XCN'iiShN.-Suntttly. -Nity 3ttvit MicliiganitCntrtal t litirit tittri- r ur iou s mct lay. rtttitl i Do cocareatl ita trtsitst. i Cnecherinftitaitoui- merchtanise are ofthe iNghCARtsaWdarcallwspca teittuitet storupibitireglevigfrate ro. lircro. thi25 tutu. Joiifto&lsi Ipri- ticN.ykCo-Nriuthirst l'ie carcycfslll i ofetremill cuttail - a oast oses. a Me'. 70-Cit Seercourt.omeeline astof Mchinp. palingafos and ommne.I-ale' carvry tefstene16o5andstreet.Ann Iror Priies in.alt upite liff &haiti-ittt citler, atAen's-o. t tl L'gtfihtls luhrad tiretigutig it lits leititaigettigi- cnt s Hytt&g o.iiii UntivutsityAe co iTheu.nw stin tiin allitesctir Se icur ttop-llt line- clturMttchighn pnstifobs, Indtsouvnirso.uaHctlieit's Jeerytre,i-i ttu . ainjsgreet.Net toiisi-y i itilgthe.l tilltuth gils till olorsiiatirllenC. 7P.01 CraTil aifTilo:itlWha u Iitaryoo-ig Seedoar lcomp lelineofC ganf pirsnotbestndpsorunirisfoHailer' youngnan Cot, Pitotogapiters-antusm- s-eong Nw and inaigeforantroya pefcaly.aape thifrmcoturetof il- arito, potuer-yoritgelyndone'fupto, pinetaticpltesvealtyearscco terc, eals,nta. 306adjSning Sae sreet Phocne tow. Cmaywl iewr ltolthseinsinecit.iralyn etfl pareclspo.elC. Pieler rprst a t2hi n.,cr5 k.usowsealmtindrofti BILLIARpSB OWLING. LUiNCHEBS, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. -515 S. State 311 IMaynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North Untverotty Ave O. A.MOE. CAPS The nattiest and most approved fash- ionl, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. St ein-Blo ckClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THE ACME of STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDIENSCIIITT, APFEL & CO. HOAG'S We are offering~ a good line of medium priced BASE BALL GOODS and FISING0TACKLE H 1S Cotr. MaIn and Wmashnton fl--leolas Tie- tattens are l el alalpgree -ra ti, ewexliiiv-vai- is te I~3 icn. M lli ty enogt to stisy oarsof en now thiby P o -- evryboy. Allttmetl pat te an i th em The werteae oftheavy nick-plated bass. ithrthey cos t onl qatr f ytur deal er can't tupply yii, a a pir. Iteneotltr it. pae wtll be et pn rceCipt of price. PINER S tPENtt Ct lit18MREaTSt_ PKAOA,, NO ETRAtCARGE OR HANOIMEHOLIAY BOXES MaERS Of PONEERSUSPENDtRS Twelve Good Breakfasts IOne Package ofDDWHA If you buy two packages of SHREDDED WHEAT Biscuit for a cduarter(he regular price) you have a delicious, muscle-nmaking, strength-giving breakfast for 5 cents- ntorc retl nuktrimient than is to e found in any other food. in the world fr the samte mootey. It contains ALL the body-hbuilditng elemtetts in the whole wheat, made digesti- ble by steam-cooking, shredding and bakitng. If you serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT proaperly yout will like it better than any other cereal food. IT SHlOULDA ALWAYS BE HEATED IN THE OVEN just ettough toi restore crispness and flavor. lFor breakfast, pour hot milk over it, then add a little cram and a cash of sat. It is also delicious in conbnatn ci rts, If you like the Biscuit for oyere o LAN breakfast, you will like 'fRIS- oytertalor CUT-the Shredded Wheat vegtra-c X9.VWfer-as a 'lToast wih but- HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every color of the season. caps CAPS DF tr y ) l ..)LIN D ' ri s -F " C!~yf 2-- -iliti BTEONDASRIDETROITFAL C- .A ii I L I ,,DtoT weekdasa C00.m dLsa 41 TOURI T-THOMASi i ya ;ti.i.(asetn)rand WE L Inw t',k - -- S New F'lmsi Tues., Thxzt-. anid Sat' TlE-C AS4- INO MIAIN 8T~.5ET" Pianist, MISS MAUD~E STANITON ILLUSTRATED SONG SOLOIST MISS OLIVE STANTOl f