THZ MICH!GAN DAILY-__ w I cf Special Offer UNIVERSITY NOTICES Ten full iZO In using' Sanitol Sph it footall prctic this imor- pacae ________________________ ing at 9 sarp South Ferry Fieldl Hill. I hI ifh o iiiiou ce m wit hdrawal as 1 coupns cu from flitafr the tprsaidc of the sen CO p:lS1 late cas, "R.-h:. Stiral. A11 womanii edi n iiiiig ito en ier le For Only $1.00 f M Haarbour iii Iii'.iearnms ister Thi b he ssotmet. magazines, knlyl theiirpat;anicsai hIae pysicleatin SadttaIToothF~owder . 25. in befoir e O t. 1t, liria Stuart. L tal Fee.Creea . 25 ieco aaol Tooth Past. 25c 9aitl oietPode 6 ask for delieig- liveringispti s5Scr our Cimpee ineI iiof Michigan Setol Batt Powero .2c Sautol Tooth Bruh 3e fpins, foir andil sueimmrrs. Haler's Satlae"it 2c trog utee r Star, aii SMaistreet. od Samitol Face Powder .35c "rug. S.- - Regular retail prie. .$2.70 6 rti-Im cs iijfia Ss- howpe y o ttfcall yoat or stoe today wee ill tell pt i' vite 1or lmc au 1fr lde noto aailyorselflof thclanitol comlpany'treatclar r -ebo dig fbe, or ais intoductrce s fte n tatondoad tolt peoceatote nfi maid2i8\\mllarils reci. 518i foeethe usualPiesotfour. E. E. CALKTIN S, Drulggist. mme[II, ~idgImininie neflashlighti- f c ffresh- 324 Soth St Stret. colii rushi.for 75c. lyiiiiiii. 14, 6. 7 Phyical e xaminiiiaiioiiiof fresimimenm is highedd ilie gymnsimcmmmfrm z to 5 iad 7 ia i p. r1. Kee i z- filircilk Diirecimrf Thei bet simuen lamp for the leat moneiiyc in tiis miatrkei. Nickel plated Pefciniaismdeimt lamps, wiate shade, ' S.75 each; do Berinm, $.g. Fal line f laimips, cimney s, shades, wicks and off cans; iest qaliyaniid losest price. Dean & Cota I i24 Soilh Main __________________________________________________ ree. 2-8. A M TS Ml N T Prgraphmy ods atfote'. f "Soft iwish a spincialty at te Siiients' Iaundry on S hiiiieJoscitsiy ler iof Church, f M ajL~t7., 0if if liii,, Alarm Clks, So.tun.L205 The FMajesticshTheatre _ LATES'T OPERA SUCSSES- -vhe Me rr eaFiso,' f-the Girl Qes- Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, lio," Flwer of tieRach," "irl is fast nearing completion and when completed will be I cindmiiliiheConter" "itss Hotak of one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The IHolland I" ~fhe'fal f New York" management will present to the patrons of the theatre 1_1,.1 ra tat .i °GC ]c andciliie, ltasif ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE lri-t wudsupiI and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. lminile- Piceraic. Laotk The booking contract for the year has been given to f Hlus ittftanr.. Ott - Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the 312 . State St. general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify[ the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre.- + 119 E. LIBERTY ST. ; m AnnArbor's Pioneer Moving The tifrL 1 11Picture Theatre. NW SEA 5IIELL FRONT ContinuousPefrac,2t~0p . JOE GILLARD, Prop. MICHIGAN DAILY LINERS BRING Wake Frecshman! h~ue bootSeth. EUT TE ZSTU1DENTS' LAUNDRYMANl Our Best Friends Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly what ts %s~ Stein-BlJochIiTailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCIIMITT, APFEL & CO. The Great Neckwear House. LIKE CUT, FOR 75Cj Good enough for anybody. Over five thousand useful articles at cut prices. Why pay inure lhau things are worth? Corner Main and HO [~ c and 10c Store. Washington" . / X&7IHome Supply Store. Webb's. For High Grade Candies ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. .Favors for ait Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. Webb's Cbocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. a The olesss ia. ndenaslrag openes .t G RAN GER't"S Join any Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.00 O'clock. Office, Ret. idence and Academy on Maynard Street. I -The WMe. BOLLES "STANDARD " Sell-Filling Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No Ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Absoaiutly aaf f tlicitaffoui ho ytear s ilpist dfllcts. U. of M. Co-op. D)AWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE * ~ehe 'Agent WITTEJLS' LAVNDRLY Saginaw, Mich. OFFIC "bt1Eat William Street. Homtte Phone. 72 BlackAg . The grsp ' ' Bictout of te elop ' -maarnimadie of 36t% year DOtiana4s* 360t year is esy. Ito uesl rb ,E d ls1 .fastheoly abso Tile iit rot cit AssesArbor Legl MisCellaniy Ann sArbor isfely fIsht eo. siter-> ety'i ani t eistscmi itemsof me klowtti iis-by 4 ' evrymody.1Allrit tal tars theimi atd ier Iem. The wror are of hcicay niciki-'slemid bat. CA L GH NCaCO. * / is tier, sd they coo oly a miurer If yoir iealer Cel'ri l~iY 7y,-ua CAHICGHA MOE'S BARBER SHOP a pair. Remembe it. pair imlte ietaiii reeilii if price. Amms Arleor Braas. State Stst. Opposite Law Bldg.715NrhnleelAe. aesS.PecsoeattcctNEtSPNCS . A. MOL I ALWAYS, A"EAD IN STYLES MT-IL WARDTE TAI LOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING