THE ~MICHIGAN DAILY G. I. Wild Comipanly Our Spring 19o8 line of fne Imported and Domestic IWOOLENS]I Is now ready It 11n(11u(1salt the latest Novelies Shade and UptoDa te Patterns ii Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, L eather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues Tour patronage respectfully solicitedi G. H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street THERES STILL TIME TO GET YOUR Engraved Cards Attdt tot hve a htitrry- ip job itonte Our work is thte finest ttat cati hi obtaittid attywhettr, is guartatteet satisfactory andte tiprices are inoi- rate. Sheehan & Co.'s Student Bookstores Official National League Ball is h tand, iiarofthe orld. linthe etole Cleag Ncainals cnd ilcitei ricsthet Spaldingeg c''tali too- to. The Splintg tOftieial Natioal l Iia' 'Pall tistustdby Pale ararI. 'ic','tee aodalt pit oiegi'oats. Te ollicsa daloles itheto tnitedtstatab'-Artoo'anidtNay ae itex ecci'Bat, alis laiyed. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yrk ,Chicago, St Tos, Sao Francisco, Mtoneapolts, Deover. Bff ao, Syrcse, Pitt- br, Philtadephta, Btoto, Cioctoos~i, Bat- mire, Wastington, tKasas City, Ceveand, New Orens, Detroit, Motrea, Canada. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. tRttDAY, MAY 29, 1908. T11TIF ItN AND ca~x ititlacs. ii cciii ieetomen i t te cotet' for the officet fte Uio shw tto a o trts esiii tt i eitstirred p somwhte. 'The wttole titg seems to bec le reulti of a geerlt ititder- 'itainigi. t isistafe t ty tto ifar asiiie fcatiho te cmpaiognc cosbeeo atimiifo t cetincanditfree frmidirtiy coictilc. \ttltandcites iinteidedt yi thecagretto ickeette coim- ic0 si. Nerw eticiat ite troteK Mie evciieryting it sidcctit tirne tci ioe tti, tciatoecndcictate' cnitrst ccgcctic'ctiit egitica' teacdthote thaitituthimetithd i escitiit te'tersc ofl ti' agremient. Inth licec ec'of te exctwoncrts of this acgrcimeet it iiis piccticcctly ttitisi- bl o jutdg' faitty. tIf crgniziationcc tens t'tciipoiise, iisitbcaittif it does notclit i ,atllow'atbte trona'lctslici- AS we titnterittanid teetfrmteithice no, manc i is expetedt toipegehirtitictef oneicwayc or tter.Ic tf iticcisito.ico one---andithitin cteste tim ieiibe'sof aly orti ciy itet ciy tic cote fr Out' partclarcandiicidateti. tat ticvoteris fite ctil to the im hute' depoitt il lt h, ite iiix, tctcliii'it te pleases.e Theiltetctiont iiimporanit aculticoylt allow 'ciy moctie or cffiitionittit, c Ftt cr iiirutter tilctililregite atnt ote''anidtdoiihiltplrt ii puttig ictoi AC't liii' S L'tHt,t~ItiAT't "iialscietyc f the I 'iieritlc, ietd its auciicl banqt lasiti ccinight cat ithe Unionclu o. tEter C. Aatmu, tilt re tiriig arcch-acclvttie,cwalitoacsiiaste, andi cllect ior rspctonefro te folt Cles M. 'ccfetrrtteat et ut ioF;, Smchit. At a 'cenii tt'eeig the offices etect for next y1 ear een'ascfoltlowst: C. cM. 'itry, achcoly cte; F. U. Stnie, eoc- 1Ks: . 4. Godcfre, cp~yit; . B. Irii, teecci J. F. Geclcttierrc , refe- e iitR IK StF,ii'S LADsERS AT WHITMORE LAKE tict actie cd faculty mtembers of lieCcrccle,'cicicctiqe Fracienj ctoed ac haidce ti tic Whitmorie iae Tees dayi ening. Sutppieots serect at te ' oe. The folowiig offeetsewere .eectedcote teyeare1901819:cPreideit, Henrcy . Amttrontg; vice-preident, teeic Brtlety; trecstrer, Rotert Vlocciiitier asecreiciry,tEdit BI. Hre; .drctr . 'eit ie Brdet;c' ra tlno 'f citecmbertihi ccoitttee,Li.L. Joe. I'l,'AU 13ETA P1 1 LU;CI'S PROMINhNT ALUMNI lihe 3ichign EGtimtitchatrofiTa'ui''c 'Beto Pi havec'elected tiele loitiwig promintalu mnatoiciiiocf ie etgieeiig department to imiiimbesip:ta lotoo'P. Dock, U. S. refer eei'iankraupc, Detroit; Water S. tRusel, '5, presi iett Russett e't ~tet cd Fuidty C- iee, tere Marquieette R., tDetoit: Ctharles Y. Dixoni, '87, Uti.8'sstitatt enginuieer, Detroit; Witlard t Pote, '81, vie-ipresideint LCnaianti Bt'rige Ci., XWcukeevlc't, ODiii William cut Livinlg- sttonie, '99, mncticioure rDtit;ci.iE- Wuorkstac, cy it; obetieRiI amtiot, '9rt, heratrcicidenht AimeiccacitSteel Fouiiidtie't.vatonc .111.:i t tc/ce Dcr- 'ot,','ral'n'getTl''' iceoic & IniatiniciRv- 'iT'edo; H. George IFi'idt '13 tseceitay tudckMotCco .cFlit T'he'odtore IL in itceiccic i'9, Smthtu Iiccchmai &GfyllttaciectsDitot: Hcarry R. iRig,g, o cief engicier "Htawtthornie" workstt ofitle Geieral EKletric Co.,IHinsdalect, Il.; Gtege A.' Damoincci. '9. iimainaging eillgiter ie' X- itldCoct .X, C'icaccgo ;i'eogetI;. Wittcx Sagluinw, ih. 'T'heiiiatiinid utuanqutiet iccei hoioticciccceis Scturdauc c ticig, flcay'30. 'iTi't'e arecii'thetfir t umi tobeelect1 icd toimemibiesthip the i'loclchitiaptte, whiiccchsinscccc-talled i i, and iiti shot'lg ie thit'respitive iil ie, Since havie'ie''iieeigibetoti mcettm1beestip in i thei socli cit t achae'ric'i' iistcalciedt herein cctheir cii cicgeccctce' dtay. cTiut 'ieta i inwthe larg cecsti of anyiof'ihe iitc'c'c'iii ihonorisocietie ini ciein choolsii limciting i-itlic i ing sctl the ii'cuntr Iy. It cccii pie; ithe ame'posititonui tilt' iltdet' andiiSigc,, iXinL,'cccci'adttc go tcholarcip incg eitetiatcci icc llici TItE AKLtUMiNU'SGI; tS FREFt Sd' tSCRIPlt~IONS 'TO GRADUiA' T'ES 'flu Alutnus imanacgeieit sgcnt-l iii 'ciii y''cr'asutciptcioncfree-i-tui-ct-c grcaduact. 'the'objc in ilviiw' it tini- tilt' i'l'icicultion.c, itsstemicci c-tilt'sis nowtutndiierci'wicy cd te lan ic-I ageitiiwiexpectsletiocexceed lcticitis liutres, cihicit neacrly'50ter cent iof te teiiors sssctiedifocci the publicaition. 't'hiesubcrt'ipionipriceii'is 'ce doleitrt, whiih ii iitli include icthe annua iual iiiidue. 'To clt personsitote tacciorsu~aic te uty' nuiimtecwiiile gientfieee ciiithe conititoic a yecr'tsciubsciptoniis Itakn. Iae tori seenicieiornewt cri-coordl sthirts, at Alenocs? 6-ol GENTLEMEKN :tic' titer and tsee our latet stasinit inligtl silk ile luae forc oxords. Annti (ermanicit t, the kit(] that lt. We ae' tle crrec' shtadelr cctant oxords, itoctns, tncvy halii, gcys, andu the e geentithade. At Puriietd's Shoe Shre, tuj S. Maicl St. f i 8 l 1 fi I P l 'Rii. WINKKI,1?R'T'ALKS ON GiKRNIAN DRAMA'T'IT't'l 'Gerrtlialcuitcteoccis regcrdedlcias tiii greatest Grmancicdtrcamctist ltic-lg todcay,' saidltro..Niax Winlker i isil addrest lttttnighte at ele fnotmeeting of the iPhiloogicat oity. le cn- tribuutect largely to the Germanationlou awtakeing. le emeargedt direty frm theitourman utd titres mioet aftcter the F ratncco- Pussant war. Mdiernismn was thurwacheiwordectof the ew- ischol, catnd te faithfuluuti'iroeiettiitu ca acucl ty life iby' tit groupuwasohus tiopptaset tic thocacer Germanict lcsscim. 'Llantantoiu u rioaly wactleruticca itd f tiii tocia tconduiitins iniiGee- manycand otnti lcoaet ti tttlathri i th't sociiis, andtci amicice aniixp tiic ofci "Hsit fliterheriy strengthci, i thei crefut delineact ii iifchcracte-ri luaiedelocciiurtely scieitiic obhservactionu an nlsi. T'flit'tncilei s fct-iwit chi reit-dlitticla1ciitt tie processesof nactue,atdin natc uure' he iic o ufor- tute asi tocsit clte ti t git cciid cp "I the style occi 's dramccclii Hanimm s yp thly inatualistic. ''etic iccuucaetaoo.Th hr waycuing cllquialeisms ndtit al-iitec liemke ucteitcharacers exuretatheir tic -.iiuic throuiicclghi uci ra 'iuuu ciii (liiesandthelike.ila "Ihuthlilt ic al siii ii 'ii' I see his e'ttt ionuiticic. I ciiiiuaccccttc ciio ie' a prue'ciitte of tilt yscl n muralceleentsocta ' enirnmnt Pr. OWinkle regred ici tleVe ttuica . t' dthcici' a -u tc'chcciic tice' f workliias KN'l' te cusgeattesttidram-cu. auit. 710ch. AnniiSt. - A climited cc'erof ooc, srn pacin bxs. C . Ii. Batc'hel, 320 5' Sitate- St. Phoneiii71c.f Panamtastatd srhecohatt itt all shaaes, at Alen's. 7-od Reicic-sili wshictiis t ct pit ric Hiery& C. oll 1)cie yotiseenu thureeAler Cole- gianucdoilies at Ale's? 7-od Cmue 'tndl he- cmifuriablue cuthle' 'fheataciutuc GENTLEMEN:; If youthae e hcumi disgustudcwith oxaordt that dit ccitl arecondci ttheake or ii thurtel, lity -. Purfi'"-tat's were te ty fii. Wil. L. Purlirid, rt t S. Miin St. Te lomte of 'Rodk Oak" oes. f Uion uittisiaandctwoei-iec grmen-t ccc csiIt- enry'& Li., N.dUnierity Are. cutd XWagner & Co., Htaherdashies, Stter Si. Optentevetnings f Aliways thIebetat cthe uetoiicuu. Going to Graduate? YOU %AILL NEED VISITING To enciose with your isvitations Leave } our orders early Eugraved' plate with 100 ca rd4 $1.25' WAHR 'S University Bookstore Fresh Photo Supplies All the latest in Kodaks and Cameras rRent a Kodak lOc per day LYNDON E PAILEY & EDMUNDS pordtlO 3ooe 121 EAS C LIBERTY STREEtT Senior Notice Stuidetuts desiringu official 1908 STLim wilt tle aeders at Arnold's Jewelry Store. Prie$2.50 .rawvsd Visitixng Cards Fitnest enigraved cards at louwest drtect. late sod i00 cards $1.25. WM. ARN OLD, Jeweler 220 S. MAIN ST. .r--- DOWN!i DOWN! DOWNI! Prices on Shirts Still G oing EXCURSION TO CHICAGO 'rickets on sale May 28, to June 2nd, inclusive; good returning until June 12. For Particulars Consult Agents Michigan Cetfiti r ( B'URG LARIY I NSUPANCE As necessary as youir su~mm ler vacation. Pays for the loss of all a erticles taker from your residence. For particulars enquire of WOODEACH CASUALTYB INSU RANCE General Agents Empire State Surety Co. 50 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICHi. Phone Main 6505 AT THE CoMvOp Store IIIi 12 Wsintn .The Randall Studio, Randall &Pak Props. phbone 598