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May 29, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-29

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TheMichigan Dily
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, M AY 29, 1908, No. 178.



YAL~fi in MISFOR UN~Ei of vsPenn hs is aah who hhas ttwice bhbeen
the itntecollegtate chatmpion Second itt
FAVOR MICHGAN h hunded tieive to Stevens, of EXPLAINS FIGURES
Ye hr oGmlo Princeton, atd
fotrth to Shemnat, of Dartmouth. All
Stevens, Eli's Sprinter, Out of ececp t h last natted are to second Author Answers Prof. Kraus'
tentianie ss a tark of :"0 -.
intecolegite- ichganMenCriticism of Statements Abot
Wneroleite thecianMe do stpester eaves ott. Wlttlnst,i
Ready for Olympic Trials. at Penns, swho sas placed secondto s Graduate School.
--'-Crtmtell iste eastern last year, atis
Philacdelphia, May 28.-The eam tad v ol ti s oss-eutnitng itsthe best of form, Taktng isse wtthsProf. TEdart K.
agood workouts totay. Cot is not titt isstnepttined. Likewise, Cary, of Yale, Katt, seretary of ie grdsate scool,
tare best of condsitiosn. His totslts aetought to be cotsitered. Ssme sof these wttsclaimedits to ts-vefoundfslaloss its
roublittg itm slightly,ist-lite sti1ie I tenitt t tilsse otl ith Ie preliminaries Prof. C. H.SatsTne's article ith ie
is shape for te tteet. Fr iay, td tie sieulations of fats are Jne ttstmtier of te A.\ltis- tie lt
Hulttbert cottitttes tss-shimssprove- apits to e seriossl isttred. teeudefettslshIis ptsition itt te follos-
menttiits formoser tie highistitcks ndItnistie 220.te dopster places Ser- itg iosiie commttt aion
tunles-s itheaws-suilucily t intee- msanit- of iarssotst, setoins, Sirvesc Edtitsr Dily:
lititittries, uill 1ecin Surssdy's.ittut. titd, ansditWhitantsfturth. H ere, tlot, Itsreisly tt Professr Ksus' atita
Stevettsof Yle hto t srinedi ttestsot '\ iithit 2es.asecontcl sat, ass is Crt- ttionthie eriy sf tiefigres usesinit
andt till le ule ts cotsipes tti.ae tte , sougt to receive eter treatmnett. teinittrodutctsry pargatioisltfsy r-
ittet re titt-nhieartedi at tesatiett'ist loss-otf Sectns, accorcing ttthis tide up tsosssret-fstrensrthgsins
Titey hadligtuteslhitmtsasste nlus oet, sit-i sub ttrcts it-cpitisfroft,,Yle'ssgrdtlsate scitots-, Isisisflst-sto cash
who,, touldlargue te sprinsl w it CarI t= asoe togeseosscoesre. Iis ttntionsstie fatestiatustie fgrs
niell sf Penns, assdsas certainssof FitseorT heis-qarer of coutrse goes to Ty- i uslst- eecpuliisitheis, its iiisgat
six point-.sii ints1e5two eents VsWhee fott, of iPennwithilsCrieter adtslilci- rliussiit its Jnutartr so, ass wvhic
these pississwtill gso. not stiltseetms-, t cia.kstiof ttornell, anditi\lsr, ofbriic-t' imes-iniite es'nsortsatyoelse is'cases
hisno-w.tton ipatsitgiis t-esissesnamie. Hitch- t'them i qus-is.titsgthsisyiathe it
Cotrsel ass 50oseteeds5itheistoctk:iis stt cnssieet by miost sops- smtesigniantce teit-iisitsis'aid,
sprints. (Cooklais ast,lists Stoakits ssss, ,a t tsayie,os a tle, ibeigIis siltsstmsteecentssasic-quistedi tiemts
statetd yesertayylits estsoul sas st I imbttertriinarily. Te figures ssren cmitlei ly Proftessora
for etrtof wteakesniighinss tr tiht stolt thurtles te ttontriutor gies tTo'mbosstttof Cssluit ut'versiy- a ,510
jusssps aintiptlt' valt. Sos Corn sel ill 'Sitawsstf Dartost. \Withs Husbbari tisticinos e scomtsia1tlonitis f igsee'
nost lroit by YSatslet ss. It is itroitbtilesasdi 'arrs-s gnseIhe say gel te essrelaie' tosatts-ndantc its varissss i-s
tisat Cary sf taieancorralsstt prt of posass , butsitis l tile toubtfl. Ile did riti sessh ais-lonsg ee-stgistn-stesit
ihe toi t otedfour Stev ests notsido smuch last yeas. Hissatik,lik' ly acaesii -ic eneseyhee. Isi -
lsssiliss',sf Sal, whi-i sIplaceesee- ssrigiai ansip.'sittf misic slielsI sc
it5t't t 55.STOPS t d I ~rICS adithlis- hig,.is :55 -5. Rands, oftfetres-tiits as foolttesto thstse ss-uctso
Chicago,. Stay 8.-"-'ihe Olstttit iastii-tesadi.,-si Its-, sofSatico-mptilee tistatisis. hilt sit-es-aturs- 5f1pit
fotr te mtiidde w'est seltois1 oc.ctutt'te , 15fieldths ,-ven-t. lire teie rseig tsits.-asa se-taccts~idntly ii5 sts
taiswters'e isp istn sit onaccount5 of lisavs butssTlcottsi, of C'oas-itc, a as5 35 Amtitig litswevser as IIankliay sit
san, ansit still isbeisIdssstomorrow. - salls. If :15 45 laes.IHullet, f tiatu I i sosstihase-eiie it-e figre-
I'l'l(,ttwork ti Johsistis rrtel- is ex- SMich-iiganshouasli aue 5a iipo . i stsassr our s'wn its stiton-itugsI on(
peted to faIs rethe1met.' Besidies 'hiss-22t sticks githts-sats, ts Saw'statsforthesitell utiesitis ai sit
rsssstisg tile'hurdesand,-sts ersssing lt-he Gstsrdns', os aras~r, Rnd, ansd Mterit, timse otf writingthesitsile, smiae thre-
shosts andiss usites. itwill iata hes' lan-sit tf \Stiieigass. Sawis tnot fast itt this siothis agas-rs'i1Iask 'lil. Kauss,o
.ti' realistsofijaselins hurlters. rnisaisle tught nititoIt le placelfirst,sisy stilt'else its atoitwiir-lei I esout(
"IHosrsePowes-sr" Ramsey, ftrmser capl -I Ktlitlis castssit 25 secossd',2-5 faster ihaetfunthssiue ssigg sdessssthicIti
tittof Miciigant's traeckit iisats, wl isin sth stiltsne, tasitu-1faseth iansind tc.s-laits-,we stes.
tue 400oiseteragaisst Ishisiensivl "erStillsit ight tsplaceseterscihanisourfithi O(its'10(78I caendssaresttilits 13
I,ightbodiy, f Chicaoi. i ty rnntthtsowhaste sthey slsosius. asithoisite igres' swosilastsrel' raise i
''Pinik"t'bts'estisit'here lastsn''gausd1 isa- 88o0''tils "ges t Cie,Witicer, itIllscsetle tabu-ve Nebratsa andtIn h
wor s atntuuwil robalyii) W~ itse ighlsot sal rvaitrd, 1 reh, salCrnsel, tatu ei,-ss',. Stviwerest-es'-littams{thssi ie. iS
stistt- le is als,, enitered i i tli ta-.1iuJonessi o etf tIPenn tccrintoli thts dtitlist'.sdssets nstatpublishedli' Onel(sthstlt
ingf broadttjump. F sitsh rulst ihiis bseth aI 2:01r5. Al oitshaoust Mr.K rais' iurst, andtheit
thsrte hrei lohsssaseistitIsiissh t iseus srifly tist''al (nst'
r[tes'ss -,s marl: hifsle' t-si2:ts'0sthuehPenns re- tus. it is utterliy ipssble'ee
Coisscisenstils it liom e , tilt lays"itsaslensghy sagsis aticle toicaits
usual rainstolsrtmsilets'sater 'srry'Filds-hi he isssute iseihisRoswe, Spizer, tesstionisoIthle tpes uiejggiing safsh
yesterdiay afernoon, andelIsfo itr lssarhSost f ift fTlHltsaoiandshJonses, 11 Coelt-l. figures of thi sevetrliv ssersiies a
stie Mishigats stasscomeiieledi tstsas 'lit Cosle, ofsale i, andsiss llser, of ts-y appease iiSr. Kauss' atilise. Fe
poneasoue gamse. Sr'acseswsatosldiIlast-nsr, -ri- letters'thiant te lastwo i ssorisesiis'shishass stidifigirse
it wass 110use andss thatl theysmightl ass nameids . All tise mtent castsdlitbetirfr li'sme, 5555' iismeslieisiclsude
isel ikesiaforn sitg. ''iee thispy o 11thn4:3.t.stunner ' 5sholaigaiualsiases;nst'sslt'
the Aggies tsoy,reelsrtninsg 1stre- Sailor 'lit-lsttiie till gho Dlladssinitssotme his'incle stehisicas sesas
sisy Ion he Decoraustion laygameini' saowes's, SMich igant, atdtu nIitiger asd gadutehs;,'itsusitesle' does ot.I
sOW-Afdternuon, if te ostoned g asets' 'els, f Cornetll. Dull is gien st liesiw ill preare as stiteetilwherIeinisI
is to le plalyediit still haste- ilto belpulledsiltss'istoellins te sile. [Ihsnger's sill isclisse ithstsatisis'sof tlt
tff Satrday missnitg use inias doiule Itbest muaklais 19:57 .-5- Yosng is ie gradae shols allithis-odds adtisd
headuer' itslt' atlenoon.ss-Ons te sat)'otly5man stsunameds t-isoiisblie1rlanss ittlie listsgasherisntosio asss, I it
liute Syracise playsteis'nivisesisysof 1:01) isate s'sit. alemspsowieth(uts is figues dsits
Roceser Muotday ailsrnn.Ts h ie NwThsie sotlgoguts'ouaKrueger, of Swrhs msaeilly tter ts' lc aud in iite so
York dcluletraited thi Sra'se est n 111ssure, Sisttiep ssanstdBags,sof lar sater lf nstessrusss w -asss'eeasonst
lasstnightwithitdinnier ua lst uthe Union snu, tshCiy, ofal Yse, or Kisars, of le aametd'.
cubhslouse andssilaer willst suitin en. 'lhisstdoe ision atali ecrdus. Fialy, osithliss sujctIit'sitotscs'
thu Ntiw'York hiouse. Thehasteiuisi igt usgett 14Hsr,5o1 attesstionsto the Islt luau1 Sir. Kats
Syacuse, Folt't'l, f Pensi, Coey, of issisg figuressalotsavailaleis'ushetsm
Stidiital y5lllDoP OOD. Ysie, 'sitd I Hookler, uf Consell. article sas pinisse. Istas prepar
BdestessolteYleis giodi nesesfosr Thcuesrad umsp still uproabl fal tt for st5thApil n umbsier f te lStusnusi
Michigan. 'h'ie losstif Sl iteuv s alttCo, Crnesel, Icusath ssndWolin, lichi- tutu sas "Se ill,' utsstass cwd ted o'
tically- sestroys Sale's dcsascets flairtsgi'tus.aniusiShurmnsi,iDartmothl. This tatu hed usi My.ifs]h hi t'ladssieit
andsulatithtse tuie desoes ntsltsrositen st, hsowever, is Ott ssncetaiinose. isisil scaI yar,le' mightIhalistss ho
asy poinsltossCoresll o05P1n. A a Ofit-e igh jumplles,1 ocan, 'Wil still greaser tdisepancuiie. His figre
con~squecse te numbitler of pois t~ie- ittmsalmessr, Dru thsssi, Ppe, flar- insoe asessre seohdsemes-ssste ft
ce5sato w sssilthie msee is lessentes. ir'situdKRssmsans, Consel, has-cthe ues', while-smiue easis'her 'lut. ''on
Ussless eauseesscleges spring smehetIresrds. Patatersoin, if sut barredl ii's-arc ll fist smsese.
suprises andssbrealsint10icissgn'shbythe fcltsiy, cusldstrilnisiy of these As isearly as-.fIcansusatiteusfrosis Il
poinss-as thing sehichiseesimpusuossu ite'mensof their 1poit. Kast'revsisesfigtires, st-c sre onlyitse
--the seitass will push Cornesl lfo st. Dray, of Yale, sas the pole vatusesthsorneighisslitsnkamon auusg testiln
Penn anstd Cornuel are tituse asit ho hisntcssd, sihs Cok, Cornell, andsulGilert sersitiessihs shmsussteslike' 10 cor
insjuredl ly sew anud smsalapistissues ,assNlus,1o1fStale,foloswing. sre oursess; asudisihthiatlisssiti
thsansis Mhichigan. '- hesetelmss cnetssB ut thattis sn
Onte dopeserihansesint l et ai0ly Manty newtVcourses sre lanntuelfor ithie natte of brue tuttbers. C
Iis estimate of the situatlin, paeing te eottin tg yeare its teliterary udepar- te mustcs sties siificanut shosiwisg

te winsne-Yalie or MStichigat-wthi 24 sseus. Thsese will lie annuounscediu i t'etste numtber of stiuents attract(
poinsis. Thsis is too lose, alhousghs le deptatenttbhulletini wiih is nsos e insg Insisttther uiersities 'lsir. Krasus sa;
figures Sievenss, the crack spinster, sow prepiaredl.'Te ipretswork is beinig udone nethinisg. Onsthse subhject 'if uiisecsi
0ost. His slope, hsowever, is intierestinsg, intsiiroit, thsduelaying use work. It graussause piulicationts lie it silenst. Ttel
corresponsdinsg its a large degree Stosisal is bleievedl, hoswever, sisalttse annsuounuce- is also another siuject cossuselteu wit
of Bushnsell, the emsinenat spsortinsg critic. senslwsihli e ready for distribuution te' relative stressgths of grasiusule schoo
Wiiths scarcely ansy other alernsative hesecarly itt examusinatiosn week. upous shicht I smainstainedl sileusce in t


irde because my attempt o invesl
uste is revealed at an early sage suuj
amenctsablse weakness that I desisted.
il le noticedl that I have cosidere
i gradusate stuents as of he sa4
tratte. If he nusmer of studenii
nsuter's sdegrees seho are sudyiug I'r
is' edocrseduegru'u'hail ectscouspar d
sotshler reasous for writing y arti e
susisi hase ects uecessary. I it s
leires, I cuss Iurnisshishose figures.
Is as tord, Mur. hKraus has seizeu upt n
it' leatst imtportantl par of usy irehius- a
ary explansationusof te reasonstfor writ -
tg m55)'rsidle, andsl by udiscrediing sia,1
seesstoii beieve tha ihe hd ise screited
si. IGtiy sisy friend of te Usiverity
housl ate offeuse iecaise of sy4 1
'sut t cash attentionsto seak poinst
wuels see1i50)'strensgthensif see buts
acegnize te existence of thiose weak'
eses, I cannostsu see. Persosaly, I ad
anioiu us ts-chav sie kUivertiy 1of Mieiis
gaus se-talsInusttueitesinte erformane:
ofail as'sducationsasiluctionuswhich it
cast peformsu, andtoiduo stalwe iase
stlyt Itbie open-mtindted, ambtiious anusd
es's-n sisthus'auer o msed. Tsere is
ait acaeic dtemlcoracywsetes'noue its
tradue,lists Ithisink see irefe hbeigupsi
iaong te leadsers sherse there is aiway'
strife foerishe hedshipii.
'.C. H. VAx TEt.
Thce questionaof wsetshie or ot o
siarthe'callsandslgossnsCap Night sil
bec setle~d by hiSeseniorclassessof te
var uiout sduepartments s tdeisT) helit'laws
livaiseadiittty muadue' u tacr it'nids, adu
hasice; tosapper its cps uitsgwuswit
lie poastdits thus'lasw builing tion
'h ichts arc hisus-sie thus-mattitesash
at dclass mueeing this esenig al 7 o'clck,
us hRoomut C, Uiesity IHlll.
Th1us etics swil probabluy iholduias class
uueetiuug SIhis smornsing Isasettle-te tites-
Preesidenst Frost of the seior egi-
nees statiedlteir 1positionusthus a "We'
sill tesiStushd see whsatlte litudeciee
ast thircieectisng Friuday ights Iftes'
tint going to weaur this'cp ads gown,
wech plsh anouneentuess Sturday
morsnsinsg anduu rustsas nsoice iThile Daily."
luci estusiasm sfr the cap auth
glass-stasi-sng ishbeing showus by te
usmembes f te Cousucil escsmmitee ia-
isle the affaieitcharge. They reqests
tha-ti sll etiorts aippear us teir class
Tie se-sierits as hetisumseting o
nightl siill also decide as thteir class
souvesnisr -heheit sal has'ofuleathae
bauned iitllte Michigant seal, or the
ususalh wooesh iieldlset sith brass as
'ilhecengineesaue aredy coseun
thteir class aipe ands stein, and will
probhably stit selet any sitler class
A series of thirty lectures on topics '
iol geseral iterest will le givensdurig
tile summuse session. These tals are
arransged for te purpose of giving get-
crash instsctionusto those atending the
summuner school. A pamphlet annunuuc-
ing theis, giving subjects, roomas auss
tosss, is being prepared asd will hr
-readuy lute sisributions ext week. 'hesee
generl culitue lectures will be oues is
'11i No regishratiout is requred ausntu
cedcuit is giscu. Isa orsetatu all may
attends they sill be delivered in te
'hie officials of te suasumer scool
expect ass excelcunt esrollmtent, its view
cal thse nussmbesofleiters which rn
being received. A large amount of ad-

V, ertisisug has beenu donue its standuarud
rsmagazintues, aund this is saving effect.
Ass ap~parenstly inucreasinag interest is bse-
tng shsownoits the gradhuate work. The
>cogthesisg of the session 1o eight weeks
S ass met with general approsal.

Doubt as to Campaign Rules
Brings Out Crop of Communi-
Whtlitste diffe reuses'bletweenc te
adsiing-ofsupporsstisu alaorgaiedacast-
pignifingf? T'isitis te tquestionttaskedh
is the folloinesg commicatttion whiiu ichtusi
coitus to 'The lDaiy thiss ahitisisy Ogle,
prsidhentiali candsidates, qetsiosethe
muethodsbinuigsealbyhueIis aopponaet.
Etitor ails':
We we-re u t ld 'iTe Da-iy sof Mass
to thatt "thue Slr's'ecandsidaa's'forthie
presidentcy osale S its-k' av ute agedl ha
refrauinafronsusledig votates, either saf-
ferinsgoraccetpinhg Satte-.salf suppot,
ort promusising sasy iissdl of r'ewadlitt
reun fort aat.' 'llssi'ass's'thus
thinigslbrandedssiass aulshictsasmetsiods.
(nt e lit'heri andtus, swet- sre thldshSial
"legititue advietisinag ass the sway of
perssnalsolifcitation osasnte part 'f
either cndidate himsslf use Iis freinds
is nut barred."
Whiat the strier soulds like to knuo,
is tile diffeetce betweenss sformig sit
orgnizations hassetuses'vsasesfuse a ca-
didlate aaildts'esso-asll as h odsiof
pledgigit vosutes.. Whait is tesdifernsce
beten havsssincug res hm anslisiing vtes
fuse tll thus'osficsopeni ''soua-i') deat-
ment ofshea is uirsity,. andalthe taig
of sauort 'al orain t asof tiketss
whih istso vigoutvssly condemnedtih '
Whalt:t is thuea sille sree iuromises saf
rseadcanit u'sia e t he la it swh elo
sit te it-s stato-It itselcuisg thisuli-
cessfl csadidatess'? Ifsryosuts'knose
ltStSissy' sre thes'maeitwlhos sill seusre
thes-covcutedicmmttee apintmsses
which sre is inte powuernsof it.e offiers
sal te uiont.
'fhe sriter hdses snot say'hatt ll thhes
practics hbeing usetd aenecessarilylad,
lasts he'slaes saySthat if te psledging of
sases, te formsationusofatietus, andut hut
tromuising f reardssasns-rely ad
practie, hest ts'eIsormatiofisAassor
gaitionss ts elect state,-pariunlasrie-
sson s hattass wil, becaussiinivsolves
te uscsof these tse cnemnlesed prac-
seces. 'liie tauly' eifferecses-is its the
opheniess siths thichs tese thinugs an'
doneus. Sly experiencessiths stte lutit-
s-s sutsingthis' usstesk re respnusile
for these remiaikbs. . '. I.
'The sehole qestioni sens to have
orisets frost a diffeensce of opinona as
ts hos telit etmsathIe agenec ut be-
sweetS t'ecandidsshusshousld he user
As o shat thSie snoiaig commsitee
istendedl by' is ecomeo ndss'saions, ams'
W. McCandliess says a
"hut regrd t hie atitusesof te
s~iauisstisg commituitee towasrdIte right
sort of pesliics which muigihut'seploed
int te present Unions elecionu, I believe
that sas flsly cveredl by our repot
at th ik e h e sienomuiatiosswes r sasis'
Ste ihopedi o frossnutautseerl tisg
vecy sdefiniey:a (r) te ornautionu sau
stastes; () promittsal ofsutualuosupiort
andultrading of vuses; (3) asy pesging
of volesswhick leas h ie ususpctingts
negect thoughtfuli conusiration of as-
didates' ueruts I dho tsliee' tny'
o sa itusghstit possiblec sun desirabhle
t eiminsate campsuaigig, i. t', persntal
solictaton, oc o preent te organia-s
tinost aamuspaign, povided it slush not
leashto hasie wronug oetods outlinedl
abosve. Suck comsspaignisg reslts its a
healthflul publciy."

Sesveral dhay's ago tke report becaume
currnecs t Ste campus titScertaisncutm-
suns of tse nsoinating coummnittee hash
opsenly ideustifiedi themsselves willsoune of
the catndidates ausdlSialtitheir work swas
ass indlication Shot they disopproved of
ssonae of their own ntomtinees. When
- ('Continued on Page Thre)

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