If E MICIGAN DAILY G. H. Wgild Comfpally Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic WOO LENS Is nows ready. It includes all. the latest Novetlties Shade and Up toDate Ptterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, L eather Shade Grays and [ancy Blues Your patronage respectfully sol ictted. G. . Wild Compally 311 South State Street THERES STILL TIME TO GET YOUR Enj rawed Cards And not htave a hut ry- n1p job (dove. (Our worte is thintt 11wI t tonh obtinetd anywherettis ns erate. Sheehan &Co.'s Student Bookstores Official National League Ball Cho (1 lionalt-lltDtroit 1Americans11 the Spalding logocli all wo'a oo. fieSplig OliotolNaionl L' ligk,' Dall1ististus110by Pala.1Harty.a1d 1 Prince t an all prtt o i t' 111 1111011 Staters Am~y and1Nvy u0e0itI 1x- 1tlivtOly. I ti i i t t Il use oathe1 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Now Yor, Ohiago, St. Lous, Sue Francisco, inneaoapolis, [eavr Buffalo, Syracuse, Flts bsrg, Piadelpia, Bottlon, Cicnnati, Balti- more, Wasilnton, Kassit iy, Cleeland, New Oreans, Detroi, Montral, Canad. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1'TURSD)AY NMAY o8, oo8. ANtlOPP1O1UNIY. Nigt-' tlisfeveinilg aothtttloItccsittn (Ito la oiteonidetiton 111ofteth110( i puchs pr11(10ioljet. We\ou11l espe- cial to lggeoi1tha1tttoe(11111are10f11) tuu1(11 'ltlnouglh t lieetI'a1 tthe 1101 thoroughyig. It wiil 111e111m11c101f111 111 IUniteirot int 0011rylie. Fttre110 Alih 11011 "lIenret, the (11111l11 1. oot Ito tcl, 01n1 the Ilscitlr Vrcin,- Itth t ist0 of attratios wich ouiilt 1e (1010110111t1000e i niitediot. ohehstationoidea;110(thdo'vaueo of 011e11er1 of(10ill- on withl' tit odvantage ofmoe ndchap rodctions~t, buti1i .it 1111de11advatages1( as (1owathinig aid ofiths prloduci'lltionsl1, twhihlthtiosses-0( 'lnty. hAtl0w11001e1111o1w is loaleade. \'I can oot such ooganoiztoiostosith startedit 10 lloatsume1the111pro11ort11ons( oft ladsille,1to11theit latgllttl(fIl A eetnw tmfom 011te Noth wcttooot'tDaiytell110itsthat a1 seris (of '1itu nand(' 1 concerts11001a(10 beingttioy11e11 11 te amusfitimi woek to weeckl. Sodl pa i iti101 lici110 wh n ( o 11(111 hoped11fo weeokl ocerlts bou lr 1band. S011111a 1w1 lo illedo ltigati.(t is (t o1100,tmighlt owell tiak lie a ittsor woothling if they wottitoily1111)eize0 0111111110dd Iote0(1n11hantm1111,11110 beau01 tilot 1111tat ottli lihethope 10100 1and1(gave1(1(ts0 hpes, so11110tioe cottif ii~thei11000ce10w1re0wel t rendeda1handtandtil od hotiilt witi 0b prsoceeds 0a11111oncer o ts oltibecomtt ai(e(k1l11j(1101We oean, much to our dsponmnthat they' hav ought1 010} wa( iitch10bs ootthesleant ht cat a(lsollrtoallIhotoo yarrsoa go0( (11, 111111buton(1s0adin ilthe gen1e1ral1 ',tridetodyotlto hltiif111lor. IBtiin spte fall theock'iig.000 taviocneveo had al ('1111oncrt,((11(1aetetic enjoty- men'(ts IlatMichtigantar00ostilllitmitei 1o (0(01rtgalery,. Goinge's, adthe11Ii- i heo' ltil liltIgile u(tas(1teoOof thei mo'usoic, I the tndhoght q~uickly toi buitibihulio subicriptioun, 1(10 000beo iivteitteest 00011s0(1wouoille bulh gener00a andolethusoiatic. Lt iis hae at o t teast1a oupl 101fcncerts iefore the clos0 ofth le year, 1toiweetntip uhe littt~of oexam111 oeek (1111 te cloig ias f sholo. t i a t f z c I t i F T c c a f I . U'NION t(01(CI ON" AROUSES DISPUrr (cootnuedlom PFger OJa. tooldowithletowatad befiore 1I1had( colnsid11re1 the mattter. Onthinotkig it o1001'.ftdecidetotoptiwiorkolitgtor itt.l.l R~a'intg een nominotatedl fo' tteice-io presiencty, I feth that I sholdtake tote1 proefsietncy." tot 1rega(1dt(ian ortgnizdcS'tern.0111of meietings iniconoiductiie111 c0011mpagn, J. I,. Ogle saidolalot ight : 0001 to tonso. Mt-ritt. Kelly atndlI nutttitott agoeed tot ahstaini 101111all 0(rt of toiti- cal eothlodiland t filitionsot con'fining topesoal olicita'tion. Unfrtuntel feetiniterpreta1(tion upo t~tih e tm tper- ,onal 11onlicitaliono I 000(1t0tlolt(0 Moda that1bo I chanced g to' larn oothatg Mrittow0a1(11oi g reoolr' me1i(g andoo hadho perfec((tanorgan0 0 izaio lo inform ttion cmego ooIn as a1010stinct suh liorganiati onoowas ufomdT o expti loa yoitio atoo o a ig h will ptehapbo golorn future eloctioots, I 'til consti ned(11 1too state my(0'iterlaic~ Lion 1110f 'tbersoalolctaio. "I'1wlotha ot if tomin1at0ionO foot pr 1'cu o lte.Ui onititomesIto anil loot' ad al (Ito' otlios'h 01, o outt o c, a mani'oot'1' (Isa iain "I hlicvetinot i a ctmpaig of eua to:tretoo l Iheoif nece's'sity11man0 Union 'member iowho ave(notolhad1te 'po rottiitly to kniowofooi 1(ll, o tt('tof ll respetive cand~ttoiates.7'ho ciclte of oinee wh ool~ h'o hsbena tidentilinte t'oicoily or fo ro v ers1(00 t sh0(010oould he ototlcio.tll'noltl tendedadto repre loo~'s tha t Iit n' 1'ionoo oo-tohor wolo 'are to now toreof hm tnool ioio'oumighlti easily h given teopr (11n1t11too learit "'rie eottm of'I'i Daily will tll honlinuirygooireteott ooe'.hoiknaol a pooitic~inoo'ooldot tolatre call itSuh -htbe onfi'neodoto or ot itlsowito fred hmI chanced o m111tciitheIt clasroomor1o ltcaitiuso. Sitohoa 'iend I haoe reomindedofool oino1ina' lion, askhis onsoidoiera'tiono,amit if it oilcedtt lie hasofelt1froc too tll 111 I sol d to h vhi'isl vot0 , 1 fe1l0011r100-too ask tat 111 11a110'anidl qualiicatinsl miighittoeresentedofaviorably osuch friendsof ihi0s woomioghttno tknowoo'mit (0e(011enougl tofor(000 an (oilion idoe- iendenotly.o Regltarlumeetingsofcoltenl pledgi.edlto ototand wrt 1(10(10ndi tte, (le apportiontltlli of lt name,0 of the Uniolmembers, and1(1he tre arranilgedl effort of a terfectedor tgnia- ionto liteiewt i ver0y iundrgaduate i i i f f I thinlgmortOChatnpersonls oliciaton. Thle tedtencye of ths osorof mieltho is too bldfoup11a'clie'ntage''11 It sowhiete io imiial hocomisit 1 aii're 10o1 fo- 11m11al tlytoii ottan(10spacific future re00 lt-ti. it is taitliiigrainotedjitst a siently expete'd.i "Thais staitmetlit mod100 t i thitia ('1000ofiia(cultitg Mrrhoft un0 itfair prc- tices, lot'dotiIretard( is lba(cto (10 otheroo than01a0d11s1egatd inir tlioflisli agreemntli'lw ttit utme. iIt hschne lhat le 1(a1s gonteofurteithlat I fet-l 10((0eotoo: iito hat tiloc ooo 1soiLlo till this qcooeto. U. hD ehitito)ys "A word Iof explaationitiseemsn10too ho-ill odrin ritgalld1 to the(i1agreemen01 t- te1red1intto aog t'thelcanidiats forlt'e pres'iencyt0oif the hiiciganiton u,(10st till liasaonotg 0w(uic o'0the ampagt isitto heco dt ed, It1( ems lo tt he10- 0(0 tito' 1- prtomistig of omititohi -o tad10(( tg of iflun1- -ill ite oursel of0'toil ie Ienisbe 1 t thio io the 01111y la ftnilt'estinhichthe00 persional mits olti'the candidOftes can'gttihe br-0ogih wom 1100ltthyaet' acqua((intedl h-o. .As a ucorollaryO)tootis, it seems hat 1one (10 of \%ht heio-oilit othis (agreoltioholdiit metet intgsaongth lis ftitn-in 01otdertoo sysemaiicth capain. heortleoi faith. Intdefensouoof te formro 0ptoitinl, it se'e',lo 11((0 thlatlsoiloog tasipeonal ,ooicitaioion uiosoprmoisoile, 'tot ogou- iz 1perotn0((1(1 olicitatiois 010'rmoioilol ait-i Itetood0esiablei o rder'o itit t'atuthiet teitso~u ofit(woaniate, teThor llooughly10oat' ito' t at'dl that l heto elctionit( ieul to lofhchoiceloftu theb' beslt'mn nttoorthree11ars wotill eterm-in the futroof h ot' Tebetml obtatii'0 iit i lal lenedd otits head.1 (t a tot rt u iversouoitylot' ie th0isthetoli watyl lnowhich 'he tudenlt bodutanieo pace inpstolonoirkan fottotlt' 000'huh oftht'asesothe'oiffere't deparofet. Politittlmetigis ( o'tisort aeo \h'.hp'rmisible, a'cordingoil.tigeiter(mhu stdn odvtuas a' wolh-ote001", tt or sf oos:ol 111 W.01(W.11 MOhioittb'(111'hit togt, hoit; U. P1?.tiOgl, Jr.t b7,11CitASibloa 00111 hsoie &do Laheview;oo Sair St.r OpfticonttroD ysay tre Going to Graduate? YOU MILL NEED VISITING CARDS, To enclose with your invitations leave) our orders early Eugraved plate with 100 cards $1.25 WAHR' S University Bookstore C. [. BARTN[[[ Law aild Medical Books ForiSat oo tExi oonationso Ldy's Medical Stae Bards, Quesioens and Answers - $3.50.. Ldy's Denial Stale Bards, Questiens and Answers - $2.50 Owen's Law Qezer, Questiens and Answers - $4.00 ilaigh's, Qesions and Answers -- ------$3.50 Blckensderfer's Elements f Blacktone, - - - - $4.00 Olser's Modern Medicine 7 vols., - - $42.00 CASH PAID FOR YOUR LAW, MEDICAL DENTAL BOOKS C. [.oIBAR1t[[ LAW AND MDICAL BOOKSLLI B Tel 761. 326 S. Stae S. Sellior Notice Sotdenosdesirofll 01 906 STEIN4 willti leveorerat Arnolds JewlryStore. Pr ice $2.80 e.rav~erd Visitinig Cards Finect ongraved aros so lowsttries. P11te and hIS cards $1.25. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220 S. MAIN ST. DOWN! DOWN! DOWN!i Prices on Shirts Still Go ing AT THE Co-Op Store i EXCURSION TO CHICAGO Tickets on sale May 28, to June 2nd, inclusive; good returning until June 12. For I'artlcnlars Consnlt Agents Michian CGentill .. B URG LARY V I NSURANCE As necessary as youar summer vacation.' Pays for the loss of e~l articles takers from your residence.*'b For particulars enquire of -W 4OODEACH CASUALTYB 1NSU RANCE General Agents Empire Stat. Surety Co. 50 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICHI. Phone Main 6505 121 WashIngton '. The Randall Studio, IR an dali & Pack, Props. Phone 598