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May 28, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-28

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The Michigan Daily


No 177.

- ----

Syracuse Comes Prepared to Turn
Tables on Varsity--Runners
Arrive at Philadelphia.
"'he Micthian-Syae ga1.0 wn nhiolh
woill be palled oflt on the vast 11011) II
thinsb111) 101 aferoo 1roise toethe harld
est fought gam~le on the oc schedule.
S1110 lIoys front Nen Ylk~0 have beehn
plaonning reven ge ev'er 011, S1111y's
gron. his is t1 hei chnc t1hey have11
outeast, SyI uc ha 1111 imprl~oed i n
e11ry agle of1 toe gal e 'Vow01 in s11 a
sessin1g. aI 11htig10t1nied s
seas1n hese 1110 01' llegiansto tool the11
ofmiosi o0111 t11 e cas,1ad1i1111 rt
areitru, tiol yer' 0 uc 1 s10 fu1l( y as
been11 plain'll tit) 1 t11 o il" 1110111 111
100s creditoi 0111 sai toI be at 1isbes
01111 now L.inthc11 w111 tor ~oalyl op
e The 1110 1111ll star poptl y t
ill0d 1111ve 1011 1tow11 lt th is 11011 erl
1n1on0 ati1 t ret1 re1 11011 iolt, 1101 oo'tonil1
0110 hoel 111110 [011100, an11 11,10' .1
110e 1111101 s winp/ll plg n l1'0o '. the sam
Eveill d in in10011 'odsae0 n pi
to 111rankl i feldoin the 111011010 aon
giethm110 Pintiro Swo 11101 R
5101.Thelmle Iron o 1rcee th001e 00l 00 thle
nritoteo ofd it 100s1 10011110 that oe w1il(1
lo. J. thelf~ l R~owe ll havf 1 t11 oo'I 01
lile-L'iiiero of 111111-lt 0.0 1
wh0 10rant Petftnit bette fr ant 100100
suse itting1(1 irto e it o ns11011 t th(f e11
subtete 10 a1 speoalt ecur 10010 111010di
iE.J.sher, prtofessor 001 phystiolog ao>oet.
11111o 111 Shfe ti e t o 11 ic 1100 . 1101
ai s 111.11 n hs ta in t hisn,1 Il 1101110 11
ohswe ekh for Cheitao wh) r Iheol will101
readl~ 110 1111111110 ibe o atiica

"Actual metasueets s1how thot
more a1ir oters 'ait lave, t' 1111105
in 11his wily t1ha11 itt ordiiina't' 1)nonia
respirtioin. 'The opeerator 1101 amlelil
111110 1o rest betweein eoich preessure and
cant keep utp the process fot' -a1 veny long
time, in ease he hasno1 assistan~e.
"By the old miethlods of resuscoitation

th rto'bl' was110010fatiguled i10n vero
oloti111011 000tl1oo 11 .111101 GRADUATE SCHOOL
sh1r01110001 oil 1101111 nt o f11 t11 11111i11s 1
ing 1111111000
in hd f arngte ato~ atdttr BELIEVED S"TONG
''The essent1 iafetu11110n1reovi111100
drowneobrsonIishaste.1D0not sto
!u1 loocrtloothin001 0111g.o llar0014,0prof. Kraus Points Out Flaws in
orilawr lottt1h10n1g10110 areofgectii Unfavorable Presentation of
011010010importance .0111 01111allitings, Present System.
0:11o oll yenll11to soon.0 Peronsi have il' "l0.Illo' o' 1 1 1
with 1for01 vtlll1ho. t he11 lot i toittlo t 0tIattI 111 tk1010C it
ti ll 11011 1 o e in 1)to 1110a1111. O tlt 1110111heIthe10fittr ill11rega 1rd t1
01i1aim orta ill t o'stude''sin '111 J'0e0111'r Ioflt1e110111 111 le
'ror. oo' 001accide011111atote 11ng 11a1e- "0011000t 1i1u'eswhic'la'' erto irectl
in n otn o l e rnh ls o nt1101 t0 t111s 110up 1111111ch 1ro'
1 11 101101 that s 111111er itt hI d o
T i to 1110"his rt pap1etit o110 the00sli01ect 11011h ool, 11n 1110 ls 11t u h er1111 t11
he recived t leter11111Dr11al1111111mn s 1110 cs sat1stis1 reltin of 110 he11
formerl 100of 11h11110higan sta te aofa1 en(i'he ga ut shos o
h 11a001, 100001111tha 10wit th ex p io f oute'en101 11 0o'' of1 I X lte lei ngll'll'l,' it i c
S H A K E S P E A R E E N D S o f 1 g ~ tIII lol I o 0 1 1 1t oo 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
o n Ttoi iter ,imto o presen
w. aT few11 f1gur1s1 re11t0n11 t011t111001nc00tool
D AiTIiiuSEASON shwtaPrftVa nc ,aCel
existng today11-
\t the v001y b110nning0of1" of. 011Van
'4welfth Night" at Majestic Is 11110 1101001e 110he 1011011iont kx
tLast Play to be Given by Uni- .XXI))hs lnn.111 ov1er1 1100111110100
versity Talent This Year. aIny gr11 aduat111) tntllliotHa1110ard
which0"welfthNighits to he 1s tgorn(111e1llforniadl Nw 1Vrk 01e
facul 1111embers guaran0l~tes an11enter-t''a1)0'a1100toll 111t11''linis 101 aloo701 11101'
taiin lpoductl~ion.l :\s t 'e st Shaok- grau t udenl010 t slthan e,1)) 11' 11111 11 0
('011U i-i al,11 oudsem ta 111 110111 m1ore11.111 ' P tol. Vn'Il 100 11001d
oTelth i gh '110t" ould bol lse ving'''tl1 ot as 1 1thbai forothe1 above11011 m01111111
'L0t1t1night'sdress1reheasll) we1n1 11111 ate1 1s1hooscdt a c 11 111oolllompled110 Rog
wih at swig' an enthusiasm on~ thlll~ 01111 10 ettrar Rulfh oit i 011110J., llf Colollllt
il toooeo 011g0gedl'initheioducll~l~tin ilmeitt accllo'ordng to1which1the1 Uni.
til 0 111111110 The olld iltl140 gsof1 rgulaly 101) o otllol in it,1 1100 10101
11000hakespea 11an 1'ltys lthith wll he0 01 t1001111101111igto 1 po10int '((ou'o'at 010is
01111ved p0t 10s11ev 1ni ngowllniton otel 11' nIt llm1111ent as1ot1 ui ng 00)11 0 p11 st i e
prv etrtii I.Eal itl en,i as-tyeartoblen 1001101000':is 1that goillbIllRe
Th hathv od 0earnestly 1o 19034d ItO 104-, todn1; 1)01n-6, t35;
make0 1 "TwlfthoNoght- atoittig close 190(17/ 149: 190.8, 1811
bo theo 0010c000111l0se1011001f Itrattatic TheIto 111 0I nt helt graduate111101sol~o
.i 111he Universty tttoi oar t is10o001 for tho)oear 1908of11011 ttntttlnttoe1100
1011101-Holistetot 0111111gradut t udioo01101 n0t11 111 deplat-
In Ivoio-P 110im ai.Isr41101fa , nd ol pharmacy.10
1S110100bydBetch-otyot.iHise, 1in ord0er101to o oltotttlgtro 0 which
iXnoreow01Agochoek-101Townnd 10llhoe41tll 0101m1)r1a1)0e0wittos1100po-
OnFe to--Killooto.' liohodl lot ott ttti'ersitieooespecillt
1111a111 Dais.1 C orttll, i sco0nin 'oto lIlinoo, 10 is
A011101111111111Soea Captait-ontroe. tico onaoy oto ooitoto toeorollmet ofo
Vale111111', 11111 Pris--.Stevno n.olit to' ga te' scht' otool, te 'jutri'sditionof01
Curia, otoolFits tffic-Poalmter. wnhichioes110(0t1111 presentll 0010101 boyood
11io ItoMrs. iltliam I toftitoitt, te 1101epartet o f otliteraturett', 0010'llc, 010
Olivito- irs. 10arl Wise te 'art It's, )the lad o' O t ets o'l f tto
011aia oir 011111in.othero e prt me01 tsl. I tih on1111, 000
---- - o t i to folowoing:0
1)1'STiRS ItiNi' XIRRII,V , loiottolooi,,,,,,,,tf
A1 UNION C C1IOUS1(f aishol........ .....8
ohityIt11101erI11of 'lhe Dilby eioepar 1tmetoftt edci)1 n d stt 111 e
t th .AX lihga iL111 on Wdiedaoy een- DpIet 1of111w11.111..ot.lots'... ... L,
inPide nittAnige'lantilPofessors Sco110ol ollarac..b o b...... 1
Cnrollbeintilho'guetns of the eening
Peidnt :Ange01ll01 atud Prof, Scot gale Tt nolen11 ti 1111111)f oon10079'... , ni
000101l.int111eoestig 1110cdotes fomn their Wuiteove1110'facto to Itthe 111110
i011lalitloO expeieces oand severallur O1studeontsotloilg'titly grutduat
tetuthoes of teito'00ffospoke lbriely outloork iite (tUnio'rsit' ofMichigant
1t1e work of to' ost yar.oduirng i1907-8 beortei,l'to now't it -
A,.1R',Ritchtieon110behalf of the e- pnoethe sameuo oit blohenregitrationofo~
linte saiff, trsentedl PattiScott Mowre, te ititutiltnameduoo'i by iPof.,Vat.
foontto'r titagigd'itor oflThe Daily,Tlyne 'ITe fgure'o gveto ieloIw ao

Whdo oletlio'e Univeersity last Feheuary, heentakeniounllossoheroowliseiicaooted;
with11 oa handsotme watchn-foh its token of from tile latost annhi ounceoents, sotute
teir approeciatiiotn of his services, of wicih hove 111n o riee off tile peel,

s I
2 'I

muoe tan 'aweek 'llThoe uarket wito
an1 atserisb re titoose giren by Tlombo,
ohic areit inte cateso' heour'they ae
0100 olccorato'euought Ilae aodel
Pi ntettlotonlndJohotn I Hopihuut uiie-
C tolubia,715"0 1arvard, 17; ChIi
cao 00 10 ; Wistni n, 31111 71) (titodeall
stud1eln t ossessng' a1bochelors degreoe
an 1110n1rolled in-ohe 111mmer sess1ion 1in
boo dboeprtmentuof letters oattolscinco'
3S1 bor cento01fte entre enolmettaroe
reitrdin Ithesummitne seson on oly
Conitinueud onPg Foiu)
Seniors Clay Wear Cap and Gown
at Annual Open Air Cere-
monies and Jollificatlon.
Timeto'Satur'daoy ight.
Part'iiats--A claoosss
Place-o-Sleep'ty IHoloow.'
Stouter.-ois Ay10lo're, Po. 1R. .
'\Xooloo, lJames 0Mco0oadli00,lProf. i.
M. Pt hmpson.
XIlo '''Tourst no ftlad boo(Glee o
ItOSoturdnol igt leepy0)0I olow
wiletoe lrgest crodofot Mihigano
m 11)11nd 1)he010eatest bonfuie0 i bhistoony,
1whe1ntoe>eenuts ott (ap Nght wili taboo
blace. All1prepartion011110for thele obrato
loio ooo've otoen adinc110luinug anoet
brigof caps booth1110eitmon.tit ll 0
thanis ndb ow11)0i a proinotios
oo''ate 1110111
'Tho' Vars'ity t btoanodiwi lllaotcla ooses
;o thte IHolow.oo It wllstoilrtoolthebtt
eninein~g tbuiingtpttrottt liv at 7 :30
'onod owill to'head 11 1111niortwt tg te'dia-
goonoal owalktoo Slobe ntret0 Th1 1 ito so
of otli oo'partmenolts wiliolowthe blnd,
itno to theoherclassarepssood teoy
willi falliin litno' I'roomoSlob' strt te'
boa'noo oil loadthe toin1110a)t1ottHuro
too SleptIHolowo.
'Theofrstttenttwsll111001 in1ftonut of
teo'a booutilinthe tosoopooreons bck
:f ('sivot'sit luNllte IjuniIos a t te
generl lirary 1aldt' sitos tint'
'bng0110'rutng oarchn 00eterto ho'snuos
toetooaoppoar in capand1 gowt o r 10111not
too 1)1not tootonodocioeoo
Pr01111nent snillorsofothetvaoousodt -
'1'atents were otetroiewoeolyestonrday
otn regardto too etocommnictl~atiotnul-
tothe ointo ystrda~y mtornings Daily,
,suggesting tat 0(1111110 oerutheir caps
110) go 'ts',uaod 11nOeveey deprtmtettthe
111410111t1witht henrty stppot.,
PtrosidettiH-oat of the seioro lit
cls osaiod:l '''The iea is10a0goodone010
tonl 1I41m1heartily ito favoon of it. TIhee
cooldotlo be01hoa leter year Ilan tils to
inauogurtne osuchn a customtillsince tis is
11tofrt time ill te deartmuents have
tae pota1rlt ill teoswingoouttfor soe
0ers Toheloplan oserves everyonies
Pidnot Frost of te senior engi-
neer saidotob: "A0 bettr outomnocouldotoo
te starteo. Soticha'p1n woold 001e1
orit telerty apprloval of eveeyoneu,
and11I amtosuretho onginertngodepar-
mentutwooulol bc suchn a pitowit all
issotot is 10jlsta ueout'sionutof
sombne o'stoutttnugit 1)110e Stoct a us-
loim was010starteod iwotul onitine
Pre'siode'nt DoWiltof thu 00nioe law
class wos hoearily ii lavor of the ieo.
"I 0111 i fao'or of anythtiing l thatwill oddu
digonity andutraiultionu to iis occasio,
andolhtoe is somth ~ing 11041 cort itnly will,
booan .aketis oCap1Nighintoila
tooss night 1swll,oaindlteey muake it
moreuirssive I is oa l'e idea, adu
ai ll he 4lasseslhooululit 0111 itan
rnakehoit a ucess"
Seel imeiimbers of the eior tmeic
140 01spo-i favoroofIthe iplail. "Ifa

coouple of tile hig departntints wooulod set
it goinug, everyloneI old' fall in," owas
~t sway umost of the01'utisnd11it up.

Candidates Disclaim Having
Made Any Promises for Sup-
port-Olds Explains Position.
Charooges attnd ' c tto'o'oot' agos of oil
fortth of storoies ofiletmaeanpit
metodoos, dolitbot'o'oos of oinioloot nmooet
gaonoltoo te interpreb'0tatihon olcmp0 g
agr'e'oolto,-"" titoso'thugs hIto 0dnh
obrooti foothi t he onoobtst oo th1e0 ltMit
iganl uionofofioes. It ovos0c.1111ed1 tatb
Floydtoldlos, o'atdiotoeforicepes.
but. hd tooo ltmtedootoo so'ur'oote Ito
001 oat toh netotui ton toaot
duto ocnooto tofting ooto low
111s namelo'otooo'etp'osentedtoroth ttres111-
denco y y optition.b, Mer'ri'tto womoot
-ods is sooid t o ave stott hs1110ropbo-b
sitioltn, ltosool toItooo'e 01anythintto to o
wthlltit Lateron lsblo s oo' os1)10 Itoo
toe wooo'kinog'lot' IOge, a'otoole too to oon
ow'as ttOglehad boot epo'e'o'Olb'(b pl114
were'b'nteotod-oetod t on madeoor even hoot
A X 0110 011ha. alo .aisnl i
rogoaor tod lobo hb t weproot olcitation11
inclue 110e boobdboin ofl Imee ting oh or
candotiodatoegt tog'o'tto'v'anodIorga'nize''a
sysotem obof ainingo'o his 0 mtod
of till a1greemen't , tint sp i tla
Iutoregard.ooltoo lisn 1par toint o ntol1,
wettooMeXritocollSuntooto 01001701)11
tl hi th t I ioooll o'o'boso'o too allowoo
myotnameotot Ileoutoo' fr1)h1 presdenc
of bth' Uionotbyoto loo o IoaddedothaI
I c'oon ioder'edb tot I wo'os th'eb'o v inhoog
Ilm a p litial igh and 00-hf oblo
lie too ha'oo'' liooo soth otm ' hon ooitno foot
Unoioto boooueot. I oo'oskeodoooif 1de
11101dtto 'make an a t'ortoonto I to)ta
0.000 ttond I repiethb' aot Idinobu
ow'he'reo'I stoooo. 'Io''hot soidtha t 1n1d111
lis agr'eemenlo'tioothtOIgo' ottoBelly.he
saI didohtot tol atpomihse. Af0 tr
thtIditohno 101111 orOgtlo toot nevor
otm soggotoodotootiutt -o1Ibobdnsug
gust too Oborrtot tootnorhv.on ge otood I
-11ny oag'e'oetor ll t 1111pt o mises,11 Ot o) r 10
bloce0w0 0001 hod
"I realizu htIi ye lf14 1111 1)open 1001t1
MOeeitt. Subseqnoot vntos have stoon'
tat a.wonoog oinferneo'ou'oollooeodrown
frtomumatio'on.ot 'sy reasots oonso
doionogototo that I flithere oee a
nn Ooome111011,bone0 010woel otualiblood
as anothenr oo- t oo'ke t'oUnderognoduoooe
sptchetat teboo'qho-tt.oto e[rsonaol fol-
11ng-toutlobnemoos00iOninf~utehmoncethie s-
lecotoof a spoahor. Act111)0hostiy ott
thois belieoIItol eittl of tiy p1si-
tiotn. I emtphaizethebo'fot tboot I woutldo
have to ageemeob.I
Ito rogoototoote ohaboeosotteha
romtisedOb(lob tieutoeorgnouaIoto'toast
onrtton footbon h ois 1I Otowork n tte hcmpignt,
J. I.hOglo' sys:' 's boltnothtrth ofo
te bovo accustontottoo sohicho I havo'
boen'tsuboteteo, l IoydOldIos' oeniala
stpoeaks loon mlsol. tOlsncaue too mm
odaooyfolloitonguthelio'ulition0il of to'
Uniion ot minatouoioon otdolunootar.uoit' of
ferot hlinosuppooot. ItoodbhituI cotulo
notupejudoic'e tmy owonmoc''didaclooy illth
law do'eopirtmontoIby oferuig ve'n lou
onivooeoimumt un Ilis boo'neiter
skedmIfor otrnut0010gne. Tohe' unde-
grauaoto'oast neve'r was a toplic of
convuer satonbehtowee11nosandoldsb bas
sookenoit oneof 1hisnfindoos boomooy
WXinteadooolSmuday,101ay17. 1 do n ot

accuise Mherritt of hois suptrtersof ioa-
licioutsly busing thuis stotry ougooust 11e."
FloydOldlo furither saoidh: "'ble talk
(Contiunued on Page Two.)


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