THPH,,MICHIGAN DAILY F$amBurdifield's Fhe-Tailoring Trade Can deliver The Goods Sam Burchifield &X Co. EAST HURON ST. BEST STOCK O CIGARS IN THEL CITY AT BRWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes 6o sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALAR1"1 CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the best mae and fll- gariia rd 4 MICIIIC AN PINS AND) FOB11 25c sup to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. watch inspetor fo' the An Arbor Rairad J.L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Brach:' 304 S. State S. PIPE 20% 0ff Meerschaum and Amber bits only i. E. JOLLY 38 S. si ALE ;si. V. 4f _M. BARBER SHiOP ,.R. TROJANOWSKI Prop. BATH ROOMS--i')2T LEiA IN TUB; _ 14TTANT) COL121 liOWilli iA'i'ii, Ladies' id ('lldensa r utlt ViSSASSAII"AE IALTYt'a. ;CE NTi 0 322S: state St. AnAbrllc Phoe 3591ellAn ro, ih BANKS THEFl~ARM[RS AND MCHANIC BAN MAIN AND HIURON STREETS 6aital, $50,000,Srplus and Profits, 65,00 General Banking Business. 3 per cent pal on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety Te posit Boes to reni at $2.00 and upwards ' ".--heMas;.Prs. W. O TEOvVEss.Viceire F. H. RI L.ssn.Cash. fB A. WssLASsAss The Ann Arbor Savings Ban tapitai stock, $5,00. Surplus, $200,00 Resorces, 02,00,00 A General Baklng Bsines Trasaced Oceseans: Chas. E.. Bscock, Pres.; W. U Harriman, Vice Prs. A. J. Frito.,tashicl STATE SAVINGS BANK W.J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehas Win. Arnoidsi Dr. V. C. Vaughan Ian. B. Wade Et. F. Milis John"Basrer Jno. Koch Prof. B. S. Carhart Henry W. iDaugla 'x Christian Martin Dan P' imnernnans FIRSTNATIONAL BANK OF Ass ARBORa, MICnt. &.D. KINNE', HARIiSON SOI)1M. Pres. Vce-Pyrs. a P. W. CLARKSON, Caslhe Capital, $100,000. Surplu ant rodfats, §i10,000 German American Savings Ban& 40ommaer.cle1. end SsavlIgs Cor. VdthIftia and Li1berty Streets JUNIOR _1,11' E NTERS PLEA iD-O CAPS ANi) GOWNS Tiliia an gwn hats titdergoiie a raitherctrrin wetek..sind lilly toikiy there iii cc stoic onithe camipus witha the cap misthe go«-n. We a re invo king iew custanms at Michigantic r}c 'eadr, antisante gaood airs. tail. Catniglt is one iif the mosti impresisiveoftemt all and is looked tt=)n stt a great ccciii, lth pleasant atnd Now iilii(,itice for the clas, of 1908 oi introcealao-i ni-eIlmictintot is' eautiful clbration,. I all sciniors heccc nicsitt Sleepy Iotllitwt. I lmv \tuci itrwill tooll see ccthle liong u-a-siou i ~of c ilive touandiu d ittents headediihlit7010 seiosini theiliir lacheluir Loe. lvImprssivuceiicit willlicelwhent singti {St'lithe seniitr.that lhe's gane \551 t iiiii Iruitice ltis customtisd cari oil hefti cairryit on fortiyealrs to Coatic. Witn util i iit oftt iipaNwecar mllicas ad ititaoil tap Night!l h I,)Ill-S A5Nil LENl'iEI EN.:If 11111 liiyour shoei ra lliredl promtly, ne plac, tear the 'Impus, whitre yo cancigietiiitltione right it whilc voniwitii. 'fhecSlModern Shoe rit' 1 1 iclItr'raoiceiri-sttire. ti Have you111sein ithese'Ailler Colle- :iii clotsic at llc's ? 70 coil StONGt. 11 -"I'm l 'iyig lie eaites, ' IliciV N ii Comiie IDs-t," illitrateil the Thc- at-illtodaki. 75-6 i~pring Clothing SENIOR LAWS PLAN ANNEAL TRIP TO PORT I ('RON 'Te senir laws ini class mnetig yes- triay aftrnoon voetd to take ti' notal annutal trip to PrtitHuron'ii agin, this year. 'Te clastwill lae Detrititfor the trip oiiotee iii tie\Whie Star seaeliters Slturdaly imoriniig dear',JJuie 13 . Amtong ioteccbusineissirite class ioed mionicy to te Iaseall telmiat land ad the following resoluttionti W'sillilamitGilleteGliasiei,.of iOxfor. MichtiganO.enteredl the Unive-rsiy iof Mlichiganin iithc fall of t1(35. 1tic regis tercid with lhe' lass-clas of tia. Dutr ing the se.condiisemeteraci'he wiia'o plled'ito giv'etillhis wortilelcats' of iiess swhichlinaitls lly.aed hisideath. his' iiormerii'friensiio.wii'hiie'r o isl'deith ati Oxfiirid, \Micigni, \Marcht li, tausS. at le iagc f 24Iactar. adfotcrmrcllisaniiti . \\illiaimi illtic Glapt' ie, eit Reasol, hatitheiiclss ofii 101)5of thela dpatmntoi te Uniiecisitioi 'cistitlaitil tet, signia1clssmateai, and1a1mt aluedl lullriptedlii tet- Ir ci' ouritbtd',trill , ttuha ie bhen sparedl ini healt anditiarngtiwtitli hat-c beei'a .1leaderi hehoorbl trolesiiuithItshadscusen;tandtlulbei'it Resolvetha lil t-'. leimietatbers itf his la.caetid iso his besreacdlprells a sincrl nderfelt smptathiy anttie i further Resolvedl.that tes ueaolttion;tabh coedi o11il ti' ricordla oiTtl '~aathat i'iengr'oss'edtlciyibeisei'tto i's liarns and cicyifthe liisa'mtllbei' putilhed i The liMichigailliDkily. Josephli P. Baswlir George A culit. Jr. Clarec W'iv ier FO('Ni)-Oliuct clleigIpi. Oneir liai)'havesasmtts'biy-casllig at IDail Souft callarsirljtsast oat. Hesniyt& C'a. 756 Alarnm clocks warrantied for one year, $i.oo. I-aler's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Ilain street. fnd CAil,lNtT CARDS-We call special a'tentliintolitrs rw aisinig cengravedl callig ecardsa firs'iommencicemient. 'i'e carry the finest lue toT cards ii Ali Arbaar. Prices, $t.5 tp. Jliffe & ite' miller, abuiove Coop. cad Th.le new sttisies ii all sisases, at Allen's. 70etai See our complete line of Miciga pins, fos and souveiirs. HuIller's Jewelry Store, 26 S. Main street. od See our complete line of Michigan pins, fos and souvenirs. Haler's Jeswelry Store, 26 S. Main street. od Sraiw hatis 511cot. I hurt-& (C.. .. Uiniversiy Ase. 756 Hleard aothll le ie filmis? See ate todtay hIttie liestrin111. iT Since i88 we have made lWoih R- pairing one of our strongest fatures. 1Haller's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Mlain sreet. eid It cst.Heny & (i. 756~ STUDENTS WANTED To represent the Michigan Alumnus In their home towns and ctites during the Summer Vacation. Hours daily, 4:30 to 5:30 P. M., Alumni Rooms, University Hall. CLOTHES MADE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Will not fit you and better or please soit more-if as well-as College or Society Brand Clothes-which we consiier-as do iaany thou- sands of well-dress men thiroughiout the country -thse highest class clothes taade reailytei wear. Staebler & Wuertli Co. 211 S. Main St. Arum Arbor :Walk - Dyers' For Spring Oxford time is here and so are the vacionts styles of Walk- Over Oxfords, Pumnps and ties in black, tats and paatett Tant leather will predominate and we have takeni all painis possible in selecting the newest designs for Walk-Over Patrons. shadles as werll as exclusive Sec witidows for unlimited supply of Pumtps, Street Ties woith good street soles suede litted heels to prevent all slip- piitg on heels; in button and lace for Men and Women. v Walk=Over Shoe. Co., R. J. HOFFSTE TTER Mgr. Hart, Schaffner & MarxP z j Al ol H n al rdSR N L T IGReady wh er you are. THE GREAT COUIER D' ALENE INDIAN RESERVATION In Idaho, will soon be-opened for honsesteadinig. Conitainis half a isillion acres of rich farming lands aind-imimense" forests of the finest pine. Bordered hy the famsous Palouse graintatind fruit country, also the great lumber aind rich nutting distrcts of the Couer d' Alenes. Fine opportunities for professional meni. Imumeise crops raised without irrigation. Nearly every claimi represeiits. a fortune. Finest climate found anywhere..- New towii sites being platted. Full informatioin together with a map of this reservation will be mailed to yoti postpaid ott receipt of $ t'oo. Lucky indeed will he the persons drawing these p~rizes. Address The Homestead Infromation Bureau Lock Box 591 Couer d' Alene, Idaho Wadhams & Co., 121-123 S. Main St. I 01M -artiu DIRECTOR. Office 205 . 4th Ave. Phone 158. Rtesidence 3012.5. 5th Ave. Phone 314 AMBULANCE ON CALL WSAl KING LOO Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant Rowe' Chinese incy Dishes, Americas Lunclies of HM ali kinds. Everything first-elass for TIM ladies and gesntlemen.32 Chinse and Japanese Bric-a-brac.3 Uip Stairs. one door S. Huston Beoss, 314 S. State St. New Phone 457 'sUL .a5 RoWe 6b N. Fifth KEEP YOUR DATES iundryyHAcarrying a copy of the idllC111iATN EPo. oranda, calendar, specil events, [Tislrsiey Ave. Calendar in this i50 page bok. (ivn away Bell Phone 457-L ts studonts at the University Y. M. C. A. Mc- Millan ihall. SIUP10O- A esdrrcLr 319 East Huron Street