s H N LZI C HI t A N DA ILY1 f -._- v n. :.- .-. .- .. G. H., Wild Comupany Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Coupany 311 South State Street THERES STILL TIME TO GET YOUR Engraved Cards And not hae a hurry- tip job done Our work i tie fiie-t tanle obtained allywihere is goaranteed satisfacior and tie pries arcrod rate. Sheehan & Co.'s Student Bookstores Official National League Ball is till standad of ittie wor ll In tie great woldschmionslhO~li gas sbeteen11th Chicago Naatiasnd ietroitAneias tie Sialdinge Leagse all was usd.iTie Spaldig 0111lot Natiolnal League hatl is is used by Yale, II avard tPriceto and all pouluent college ears. Tle soldiers ald sailors il te Unitedl Staes Am~y and11Noy use it ex- clusively. I acfuel illsin11univesal use whtere- ee Base Ball is Played. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yak, Chicago, St. Loais, San Franiso, Minneapais, Dener, Buff al, Syracuse, Pits- burg, Philadelphia, Boston, Cincinnati, Balti- mume, Washington, Kansas City, Cleeand, New Orlean, et roi, Montral, Canada. THE MICIGKAN DAILY. Mning Editor-ARciHER F. RCHIEz Business Manager-C. E. WNSTAl. EDITOS Nesws.- -. .. - Doiol H. Houes, Athtetics.-.-..-..........Lee A Whie Atlteics, AssI-......C. E. Edridge Exchonge-......Robert Montsier Msic--------------...Roy D. Welch traila..........Raymond Vissher Wlslllca Fditor.. Louise Van Voorhis EITORIAL STAF RusllCit eFarlnd Chunlcey Bucheier NICT EDITORS, tDonaldt f,. Kinsey Robert Moreland MihtletB. Metughi Fred tE. (Gooding ILeonar d C. Reid REPORTRS ILoll J. Crt J. H. Presot Walier K. tlowers Louis Kaf1 Pait Grer Sanuel H. Morris Ot111 Fget I,. G. C. Williams W. NI.Abbot H.I. IArmstrong 1). A. tHinlcle I. . Joes Paul1 Leiy BUINES STAF John F Wurz Carl H. Adam H-arold P. Gould Address: MCHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.. Maynard Stret. -_ Managr'u Hours: 1-2 p. m., 7-8 p. o. daily, except Sunday. Both phones \VIINESDAV', \AY 27. 1108. able ma111nner 1atlte155aksii of tleouii toi tasiiielman11y11esain iltie s1111 ivein: forthi5s lilt brissdilisetic di- hone and lu faie anld elotmols githti underCCit whos spell Iwe hae s5cns1t entlyan1111rpidiily sswsxelgrosssiiiiiil- erert.I clls ittsiswake frm~l The nieedI of tlic graiiiate shool itt greter ibra hry n id lbortolry facilities and11 morue facly 1m1tn 1f reutatliontlanit power. the nisrer loot be left io legislative wisdomlli. Tie loter, iprtl so-sieell. cnlit-emade ii "lossom, llethillose" illa51winikliig by io- ciii for thit-fcly of ech sdepartmneit for terymvr)yi d-itritelyasithIis efi- cenecy, is tiioughit1t e te srtegic in- novtionl. I sill lriigit full iprofes- -orsts sill vascncesc, beasie fr Ie 1111111d will be oeisito th tip: it will ffert iduclemlIets to le aeilwhosiwe trai, 1utslteir piieodoi f situire isnows-lesge aoil prdivleiity siid then suffer toi ieiir witherthirt ombition- n1o1 1o sy heir self-respect-invites. I, will give ats a strong coris of iieii who hare lflnishledltheyr ap~prtnticesip. whovii hove itiross away formulaeiisd midels, aiii sire relady 10 proisdtie'wosrks of ten- dulring valtie. ,It isill esake its some- th ing isore ihou a high schiool-aiidIre- Move55iisItoia proiper bheight aoivethoisise institutlions, idistiiigiiishieid fursterility siiii for the high percentage of fatalities incidlenll 10 their opieration. We do n101 comiporethueUivsersity 10oia high school. It is belier thanlo that. We coiitrast it iih whsat it omay lie, if. a1 a tiiimewvhens a inis dispensaioni is increasing the fiuniislavlailble for salaries, seemveue the foiolishli siabilities which sdiscoulrage pirospectives-additioni- 1o suitiesichiiig WXhatittracits is m oistforcibly as a1 speclalltin is tilt-probabilility lthtIhe ills oif a lanlgid graduateis schoosl caliilisot lie coinlled. 1It1sioilid le 51 swirthiy fuinctilonltoconcilltthe liestund~er- cessfull wsork in Ihis tid requlires ai high leavenllof iiitii h1-1111 ttilracteid 1o1 a par~titular csllege lby-tilt foiiiiof-is falculyrelitiss-toitiist ofifsaciilie-s in othei scosallegeT he. 'i ste men1 i iltu iseigiit if lie lmasgetismiiof certasinl prt- tes.sos .aniiithse iii oki. Other (01111 iieii wi-homllwi-cImighi te drawn l lisie lie ivertedttoiilotsller schoolls fist a li is-ge is uncotroillhly anxio111s lto foster, halve difted. 1111 hsbsitil is1111 ds oifil lnertliiia fAmericsa iieiiisirsicy. Per- has-.if niinilgllmore lwereivi oll.d graduatsle schiiol isilibiei, grife-uosit-capa5- lie requlireds- i iisl i n ithipoo frs-i MIuskc ana "mrama SlTDENT RECITLI.CIFSiTHURllSDlAY. Tile followsinsg interesting iprogram~ u-ill hi gis-enlini the Schisol of Music by Mliss Vivianl Elsie 1Ly-0n, of Hills- dale.,ionlteoccasion of iier gralduationl recita~l. Thuirsdasy evening a1 7 o'clock. M iss [,yisi, who isis bieii a pupil of Prof. Lociskwsoodliflitlt h ail several ys-art, is Ia pianlist of more th ianl ordiinary illyinitdi-tou listeis to the follosiing ity-two-l Vasriatioiis-....Bethioisein Preliiie 111111 Plgut, Cii.- 9-till..ell Rhaisoldie, OP. 79, Nii.t .-.... lillli Baollade ill.A 1f11atiiiEtue,Oil- 211. No. 7------------------- , .Chinl Suite- - - --..........Ole Olsein Fanitull mazurka1;serenade; l cap- rice N iitltgi5elinl. Coiietrto, 1)p. 6fo.... ... .. . I.. liller A\llegro ua llisi fantaisilaiadante es- pressivoii5allegroi coulfciio. ot+ FGA PM OPEN METNGasesi.. ilis first sills-il tinhg if hOmesgal Phi, Satluirday aftrnoiion, sels soi siicessfiil 11hat it will problyl)pros-C si permanenltl fetslurtesittile soieteysswuns. TheCpro- gr~lagiCven ill Sarah111Caswell iigell sll openediith11a1 1111icaliselectionll 11 Rut1 hiiioore.SAlis Oia-Muirittis hell BenitC (f Clergy.~ \Mis s Lisie Vani "The iSotir yhi" whit icproviedtiho en1ce. biss I,rtace-Jeffries 'asve 1 sety pleasing vli setion.l 1'ennlysion s iDresamloif Flitr\Wosieiun,sicihi sas Golug to Graduate? YOU WILL NEED VISITING' CARDS, To enclose with your invitattons leave) our orders early Eugraved plate with 100 cards $1e25 WAHR'Ss University Bookstore; Fresh Photo Supplies All the latest In Kodaks and Cameras mian lasisssiithstudent~ls whoibdcll llpire - dratsil ied by- Ilelell Wooduwiaird, Ninas cisate siiiip11101t 1b- higher edtilcationl. IlsHendrsoii,()raice Jeffries. RIth1111 tl- Xliii if siwe re io s-itthis complaint1-. siiosseRhodaStarr151-h ndiliAn111.1 Vuiss- if oiurteauchuers,-, iii art51 aftr-ear,. net, lwa )s it thcleve l dote. A tsill labr wththeinommnsuabe tletstoOmsegsi Phi, by Oliueethick-.. fiorned if freshmheni.soums selective saganic),Ib-esa fitinguglseltuius grogiram.ul 7-uillithue failthexcelleiint sh t___we____now______ hiaie, is sdieyeed)stli. Studets- andhuhfalcul-yIllt Oberliuu gave A. stronig 11011)of instucorts, iithi alj< iig celebrtinuoliiil Ii \lliasuuusthlls sill striong foiloingicof abhu t hudents,.We5lCnerif lie NorthesrnlOrutrica~tlLeaigue submuit, goes full-thisconlstiiute afirsticonitst. clssui est.Noto u ol o ur if laskedtoi 1attendlectshures i Te edits ifthue Cornes-l"Wiudow" - a IDulciioisusnuarnitriuu SleepyIHollowut.I were etertasihl-nerecetilyIby-thiltPr'nce- if everthliug elsetwteCC righit. T'flito1n11"Tiger"1 boardi . Alumu i arthl sicle-.wiht wsi.regard a s - - -________ ep-ma~l okiung in itsfeirlesis dislsuesT he'it suuceusath \illiaslscolli-ge re- aiud iit rank crihitismin illhitfsce ofit Cehuli)sta~gedi "Doctor l"Ooslhs.- stun sge-lonuginvsiuncible self-coustenu--t______________ ills-ll. poinitto a temsedy). Itisuthul to 1-eair this'lalest stong hit suuiudsee sa thlt- ateltauud thesregentus. gsu lis l hs leuitue. I Derbys5and soft hasst11cosh. Iisnsy itOOLsSCK iuuilis usITIu~AuTION. &Cii., N. Uuniersity Ave. 75-li "Wooulsack,"ltheajnion lawo- csse elubi I -- -________________ hueldl itsinititionuulal steeiing. lDinuner(GEN'ILFRui EN : lif you1hasuss becomeiit was servesd tolteunew minits ahu deown d tisgtusttduisthloxfordthat11 do1 ofihu towni tote. The clib has bhis-l iopoerai- sirouuudtile ouankl eriniliithichel, llu- liu fitor a)estauuad is sa muemibersipu 'tuhlls"-thutsssilire thl it-)u. Wiii. ot sixtenu. Meetinsiare held wtekly. P. Peiielti, 119 S. :.liiiuSu. Thue iomue The mienusielectedi fromsi the 190go as'of "Rotk Osuk'soles. if art: Ayres, D~avs, Goddtard, Kuiellet, 1 -___________ McRobserts, Mooun, McCsandlless, Pattons,'u Hosiery ini all the alest shades and 'Tsllmsudge, andtDavisiioti. ciohors, ah Allei's. 7o-eod Before you settle tdswnu to "boise" to- Coutmteuncement sale-everytinig re- iigli,-a little recreatioti at the Thea- diucedto co dst price. Htiury & Co.. N. torium-5 cenii. tf Cunisitii 75-6 Rent a Kodak 14c per day" I LYNDONJ IPATLEY & ErMUN'sDS1 121 EAS C LIBERTY STREET Sellior Notice' Students desieing oficieal 1908 STEIN will lease ordlers at Arnlds Jewelry Store. Feb. $2.50 ". rsv~.rd visitinvg Cards Finest engraved cardi atlowst ies. Pinte anud t00 cards $1.25. WM. ARN OLD, Jeweler 220 S. MAIN ST. P~j 9 DOWN! DOWN! DOWN! Prices on Shirts Still Going i { 1 University School of Music B U RGLAR Y I NSURANCI3 As necessary as your su~mmer vacation. Pays for the loss of all amrtices taken from you-r residence. For particulars enquire of WO O DEAECH CASUALTY 10NSBANE General Agents Empire State Surety Co. 50 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICHI. Phone Main 6505 p, AT THE Co-sOp Store 1k.IR olii 121 Washington L The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack,~ Pros. ?houe 598