THE~ MICH!IGAN I3AMIf E (PLOI ENN DAlL SOLD) AT GAtttls Q A R S .L. A. TO EM LO Ilefter, the Pennsylvanian, the lDermal cream Soap NEW SEATING PLAN ' alsity of Pensonnslvania, nwill be old aa at game ___ Conklin's Self -Filling and__ official program., QUARRY'S All Night Vigils of Former Years The aollege e ILLI1NOIS HAS SPANISHT SOCIETY. Standgrd Fountan to be Eliminated - Barrett's Students at Ilse University of Illinois Diermal Cream Date Changed. whso speak Spanish have organized a ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON Spanishs elub called the "Centro Liter- Make a combination unequal A ness Inethod~ of resesrsing seaIts will ario Espanol." Ito memlsbers are from TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS when using hard or soft be emsployed by the iStudents Lecture Spain and thse tatin-Anserican state-s water. assoiations at tihe reserved seat sale thsis of Central ansI Soash Amecrica. Sold in Ann Arbor by yeakr Ile nsecessity (If rising at ooe or - GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES Q~w o 1 'c lock ml thle morning, iln ocder to Portrait frames at Foster's. tf QU RR 'S gt a place in line, bas bseens obviatedl __________________ ...AND... Cuoer I tt mot. n N1.1 Unv t vel anI d a mulch mol(re conlvenient plani adopt- Celebrated Martin guitars and mando- SHEEHAN $ COMPANY ed. lTle new 1mIethlod is as follos: lins at Schaeberle & Son, tio S. Main. Number-s for places in the reserved tn-tb-sat ___________________________________ sea ct sale tilne wllii be givein ont bleween ___ j thle sours of four alnl sitx p. us., Friday, PlRtNTING-~TYPFEWRtTING. M oney Loaned Oct. 1M at the lblx olffice ill tnilersity Ha11 Election cards an~d all kinds of print- on Watchies, iamonds.l Lkase Huooks, EachI Illlmber will en~title tile bearer ing at lowest prices. Speciat price given Sr othier plesonl prolpety. tlereof toI a co~rresplonding pla1c in thse for ticket orders. Michigan aod frater- Waeh a h Jewelry rupiamrud. reserve seat sate lille Satllrday sorlsig Iity stationery aspecialty.Hadar Bargains in atche imns 'twii ae10 oetsl i ikt ters for typewriting. Jotfe&dKite- Ann Amu. t lay be resersetd by each personi. The miller, ovrC-p. cod - 'FA4 RED 9ABL Oafie at restdence 331 E. {Lberty S ~t ostwill tte oplenled (I ABLlEoclc Hous: 8t limt3 a. in., I tu S:3S and 7 Ia Satulrday ImoIrnling. Celebrateld Mactill mlandlin~s and~ ALL EP C. WATS N lilning 111 inl till ctrrisdors or aboull gulitars are best tsr 11u1si clubs. Ill- h~EHC AT ie dstotf University Ball before vesliglste at Scebcerle & Sotu, ItoS- S ,n.Fia wl ealwd Mi tet o i p.Fla dew t he Malsstet.hts stne whlich alwasy hass isrecesded thse re- Good senor soloist stunted for church servedi seat sale.. Miembers have been swork. Apply at 111cC at 312 S. Divisioss (iltlt~ltttstal~l 55 llle rtss lodniist tree. cd i8 ~ The news fallitine of college goods is now complete with the inss lse thse slett sltrnling inl orde-r - ___ BaVlr aid ilo s Io , t firtsrstthice ttf seats. By this Two dollars insutres you against all choicest attd miost varied nsev things ever shown. Rgun~,Crzi Ba er ad111111 ewpna till srsasagellIelI sdres away toss by fire. Geo. J. Haller & Co.. & FIii I dritsy sir particnlar attention to thseir superh display t,6th tis disagreeale feature assd sfers Real Estate ansi Isurance, 2T'6 South of nets desisits11 Manhattan Shirts. :: su tstitute tat ssill in 151 waly inIcon- Msalls street. if Ai ItislIe a155 membert~l sssd at Ihe sillse - -Men's New F all Gloves of all leading makes tARllN & ~5 tilIlMA1ilLlLEe. ieleABtsOelesUftrsasetXee Men's Ne-w Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear DARLNG &MALLAIJX tore ttf John T'. Barrett announcsledl for boss, etc. Bell those. I,. I). Bates, 224-228 S. State Si. sov 15 hs teens chassged to an earlier Manager. 15-22 - Idatt s11 ssst it still not1 ettssliict swiths thse - -A ftill variety of nesw styles of these world-famons hats to ____________________________ 1111bansqluet wich take'- pltce otisat FOR RENT-Two large Ihouises suit- selert frisiss: Stetson. Carlton, liowards. dateable for cluibhouses. George J. Hailer college -N -______ & oCreal estate and insitrance, 2t16 Met's Fall Caps, prices from joc up. S. Main. if ss1tt-I'_ 1511 Ca ve TT 0IICIIS. St in tIflls'owi i 'ti l IA/ wa slisgd at__________ Sty I fs sisit~lct sl lce l All late books tor reit at Foster.. If K e e e C onzlin Q~ F'iege1. Vsce-pretidsss D, . Stsoepel. East Wvashingtoii. tf ______________________________________________ r Seeretary-Hi. E. Gallsup. WEHAVE FOR SALE llHsrr-.itlC'r -and hsammered jewelry at Fosters. IOR' NO [KW ootball nssalsager- F.E. Reinsgtons, -____________M C ' E MOOR'S ON SEAABL 'Irielesssasssger-l~ee B i.Clllmlil KOLLAUF, THE TAILOR.M C K s T EK O M FOUNTAIN P[NS Blaseball mtosiger I N. Birady tn H. Hsuroii St. tf-32 Jt hieli ars tle ossly Astttl Itea Ba11 h/setall mianiager-H iTI. Bcllaisy. " 1 ~ c.s~ l'oiiaii 'tit iiil C CI sril ii Not muichs issterest ws tasssifestesl t Ks e,'s hoe-ad candies. 615 isnty yoldtayI N itt inyupoktPrnyurnvt .~ Iee tail wriste only1 too tte wiere potlled. Epast William street. 1-t8 Served e. Ia Cafrte lustat lty. siletd011( momen iasly withi--_ ustiunsrei ng istishis t tii ldies - peni maide. 1111CC andl C5amin theior at B I 1,Ri~t . C5I'.I IN tITER MIiCiIIGAsN. PtANOS TO RENT at Schaeberle cannt tcome tt ite stsre t I 1. nvss cpain of thse "eencril & Soss. All munsical supplies. New lo- East University Phsarmoacy ,(illt-slee," a diredige wicds rtuss 115 1,a1k1 cation, ito S. Main street, if prices Most Reasorilable. MACK & CO. hmit M il eil 51ichigan ill i te i r te' itoversity is, _ -_____ _____________ Febrrty . lie will pusu acourse 11n PIANOS FOR RrNT-A number of V. of M. marlinlaw s. chimeeitw piaos at Root's Muict -.t -ho -- H- -loiset oii easy terms. Free tunsing tf OD Wa1 Vtthes, Diamons di. el andiy1 all BalU n ahRos \eoeaehg lsseupete- .___O_____ \ ilit~hlass Chattel and tollale al-st is ciistey.Ps~l~r t'ONtt L AN iii. truns ltiiii cndets E-rarytl~tm~l Fi.-st-eia. elsveyPpua prices Gahs an111 If you want the best fountain peis in 101itl Il nut uptvn co t tiui-s O..SIors Y3tl:pto, 1 i Largest Sluop ti the City catriages, baggage tsltfer. W~attles' the city, go to Cusbing's, 336 South -I ~ "fI <1 r city1 A1C A. W. J. LOVRIM J. R. TROJ5ANOWSKI, 'Prop. livery. h1. N. Stall' St. 15-17 State strtet. tf This cuat in the centre represents the The cots of derbies shown in this .,high teleicope ioft hat so much worn $ adv. represents two of the leading fal ~ at preient. We are showing'it in four styles. They are trim and dressy wellcorsGeastvleyuvrsw.uidtogddesr.xt See show window for price. Tepm a$.0 OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS W NE &COSlate Street ! WA(GNER CO tate Street WA N R &C.Signalf the big whits Shoe r &CO Sign of the big white shot1 __________________________A___________________ The Ann Arbor Bible_ Chairs Rowe's Laundry 444 South State Street THOMAS ROWE, Prop. G as Stxsdv Lar xvtps SEILANUCMNOTBR1197326 N. Filth Ave. a7 SEALANUCMNOTBR ,197 New Phone t57 Bell, Phone da-L Iisvtre a steady, soft glow. Introduction to the Study of New Testament By G. P. COLER SCOTT'S DANClING ACADEMYS Open under new management This course will he given nat 12 o'clock, noon, eaceh Sunday, beginning CassoeStudyiO.m.Easy on the eyes. OCT0131R 6ClseopnStra,1a.m odrtinrc. The subjects for tht first four Sundays will' be as follows: Assemblies, Wednesdays odrtinpce land Saturdays, 9 to 12 Cheaper than oil or electricity. 1. From the Old Testament to the New Oct. '6 - -- 2. Preparation of the World for Christianity ,Oct. 13 WAi KING 100 a. Messianic Expectations Oct. 20 4. The World as Jesus Found It Oct. 27 Chinese Chop' Suev Restaurant Get the beat from the lan.~eat aaeortmnoat. STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED. Chinese asey Dishes, American Lunches ef ' al l s Ees ydiand g rstema ta gentlemen. asfr O eA nn A rbor Gas Co. Other subjects will be announced later. O~pportunity for questions and Chinese and Japanese Bric-a-brac. conference will be given. .. tlains, nne disr S. Hunaton Bras., 3145S Stale St. Will Soon Open, . MICHIGAN UNION, CAFEWac n.I