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May 27, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-27

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The MichiganDily


No 176.

Varsity Loses First Home Game
by Score of 4 to 3-Many Root-
ers Cheer Departing Runners.
Placisdly allowing Micltigant to set the
pace-nlot a very terrifie one at that-
for six inttintgs, Wooster sutddetnly blos-
sottted ittto a live one itt the sevsenth
innitg of ati otlterwtise tpeaceatble niati-
tee, and clutsterintg teve hintgles in thtat
sante sessiont, broke tttt a good ganme of
ball. An ittcidental feature of tthe atlais-
teas tihat Nlielsigass lost, the count stiow-
intg 4 to 3 ait tte ce of nine trs h
Appiaretttly saptttedl of civerr vestige
of aggression and hustle hi' the recent
eastertt tritt, slielhggan desereyed to hose.
Althtought outttitting the visitors, Wsoos-
ter was fightting fur thte game front tie
tap of the gottg, intl byt otielisg tits
hotne gutardl, wott their foutrth conseu
tiv e victory, at the sante tinme aitimts-
teristg the first honme drubbinig oif tin.
season to M\c'\llisteis 'one-timie pets.
Barr wtas less effeetive than uul
displaying little of Ihis assortmnt itt
cutrve halls ands fast otiss. \t lihts, he
got assis inicely instil the eighth ronit
svlthle visitotrs Cossiiredl againust himi
te restilt bieinsg foist biuncthesl hits n
three rusti. jsst etisgh to lust thte Cost
test jttst oiste ntch testis iiiSIetigai''
flitile rasllie's ils tie eiglith andis ninhsi
sessionis, wh~esn wth dasnger iites iiti
the steals eamse thissosgh ithl 'Ii ibrand
of bassebsall sesitls ofi lhir class.
'Troublle starederloy, stse Btuckeyes
scorng oise inth le oin~sitg r'oundt, ands
jiumtpintg intoiss leail. 'IT' adilag

Nhiclsigat. Aon
Suillivasn, c f.... 4
Gidldisngs, 3b....-....
Wshseeler, rf.......... 4
*NMellon, I..... 4
Kelley, .. ......3
Dhunnei, iii..... 4
P-atersoni, ss... 4
'laft, C. . ..... 3
Barr, P ...i.... 4


II Pi s 5
t otI0
I3 22
3 8 o
I 5) I 5I5
o 91 (sIsO

35 3 tO 27 1341
'Olsont rats fur ?slellon.
'To-bs'i'its-Dsstsse 2. Sscric
hits-Frye, Kelley, Taft. Stolens bases
-Sullivasn 2, .\lellitt, ele. Dlel
ply-arr, Giddings assil Dutntntt
Struckts out-BIy Barr 8, by tosstz 7.
WValked---By StitI . list by pitched
tall-Jaicibs. \Wildl listchItSliosit
trse all-Ist's. T isme-2 sousts
'TEN asii iLEAVE's sit RI'ttit..IigtP't.
As thundried routers cheered the track
ceastsoitsits nay lto Philasdelphtia lasi
tight. lIuIsstti and silTossarsvere taken
tig isitihties'qstad, the formser tis
is'petisithis Merritt intsh~e huirdlles,
lidetebiatesrisithi Coe, Rowe assilMay
in the otile.
Its viess of te extraordintary qoarter-
imill's iwhoi sill he esntered this yeasr,
lie isles of runinssg ''Spides'' itstis
Isist his bitngisventsp. Itistead lie
il ru isi sthethIsaltsaindte msile. Rowse,
Ioean iltli'save i giod chanscse t
in its e tilutsts andsei scossnds its the lotsg
risun i s t swolidsieassssixteenipoins'
foNi chiiian.Cite cats he igttees t
ptull liepoin ts 5frimi shtefield of" talf'
miles. itshIHIeillhsitnd Wolist cosm-
isetting agi"ns st 'sss'vikl< ielid. ex~ceptingt,
Cookof.Conel, mreioits sitght tol
sitIlltsin.s't'henite rItilinsack its
Ise IatNIfiysasiTowIsiar its the siils',
ktilbtiss asilnd ut itt intshis' rle, n
.h latters'sithe 22i0 alsos. Msichiganthss

President Angell Requests Soph
Society to Discontinue Meet-
ings-Suspend Two Students.
Pressident isigill hissrestiesteid the
Pite and Bowlsut socitety' ofithe sophomitsore
cass io disb. t T 1h cissss''ttprac'tically
as a rstilt ositheltimeetinsg of the k'ni-
veii'.ty "Senitei Mondtuay' sighs. 'lhcy
Ilo susiedths' two itstiudenits Whos
Ni ire itrresitdIlst Sat titiay tight fist
the thft iot asilanger'latirni.
stidif iittietfclty itslsregardto hie~
ita tterPtresidisnt'Angell ssidl ''S"'s
coulsite aygoosdulthst sail comie
fri11 itshie sst'sii iessiissandttlsc secidesd
tht it wsetsasiitisase. T'elc tiosi of
the facsulty, howevei'sr, wa.s not idirestly
duie to aisio'esit if sthe orgasizations.''
N~embisits 'osf thes stP'itu ndIlso-si
ciety emphilatically deniy all the umisssi
that st'eyss'sre t O in y conte
nubh she twio stesslessis arrested.It'l'lii
electioss of siess frosithe icfrshnscl'sis
had not yet occurse, dnoi frthsoef
iscre esvei alluswe d to attendilany o f the
isiss'tings. Itslvi thi sli t itis 5 isi s s
abtsutoitinhk ithatsts'et(studst
were be' ininsistiatitl tis th'essocisty.
'The Plipe atudhko'wI met at thseiir tiom
sis Situits'sIeis nini g, but lift iiig ibe'
fors'the studienits tiers' arriesi.
Clbis's'req's'tdcst'olsoign a ppr h
saittiss if iswhichi is nuit knoiwin, but
it is thoiuigihttut iskees t l sfissis
Joinsisig ositabstlishtiig asmlrogn
izatioisi l th' futurte.
CILL'.l it 5555(iiiT'CICI'SItt'

wats shssit-lied, huiss'er'. is lictiigat'
camte bascks fe'rociousssly intshle test isist
insg, apaetiscsly' s'insg awthsi ae'ii it'.
Miellonsssisiglesd is lefta tut o'ile secondis.
scoirisngwsentsI tue poltedi aicleatwo-Ci'
biagger' to thes'extremeic t'egiossof lift
fielsd. Pateirsons ttumped l t liss'..whoi
thsress' badtly sto irsit, sind sDunnes'cousisesd.
Pattersonitootisi secsissi. Patsersonsi secii
tothirdiosiTsatft'ssscrifice' sssid sies1
wenesHBsersonstdroppitedl Itrr eaisy ly.
Thesnets'xsixinsnitsgs pssesereely
sassdlthe assembstledl musltitudsec was enjosy-
lng a uss ntisistisried slumbetir wisesthil
the ushseritng its of the eighth innsinig a
s.tormss broke. Frye stmashsed si isrdsinhe
drise sw'hichs Kelley' reachedlust sdrotitesd.
'late attesspted to sacrifice, but thte
ilichigan istifelsd played the ball badly
asnd iothtrissnsers ssere safe. F'oss siti'
glesd. fillisng thse sacks . Atkisnsonsesnts
Fdrye andi Tfate acroiss te leattte isith si
clesn isnssgle t righst cesnter, sissd after
Bsarr andsiCDsutse ssasireiriedi Jaseesbs,
Comiptontscsoredi Fiss ssith a hiti.
Michigant tried Iard is inte sist Ctwo
tinses at bass to ussdo te damuage, reach'
insg third botiCses: Itsecdsinsstnce,
hoswever, Shostzo shast downt just before
te cotuntinsg statiosn was ressched, sand
te visittors esirriesd off the lasurels-if
lautrels thsere are, econnsectesd ssi~ltt on f'
fsair like yesterdsay's. Intshue stint withu
two gosne, Susllis'satntiassssfe wshetiRics'
ardsont booteCd his.grundstesr. liestole
secondsi andlthirsd, hbut was5left sshent
Shonite.tighitestesisis uttuand tiffedl Giii
'The fessture of-use gamtte ntisiDusnnte's
clouting" as thee lugĀ° felluowslssndedufor
two tsgo'hbaggers anti asisisngle oustt ii
fousr tripts to the plte. flue slasusghter
is Isbest toldl by uheseciCre:
VWooster.' slltRIt us 'usA.s
Jacobs, rf ...........h'3 _o0 0 o0 is o
Comsptosn, cf.......... 4',, 1 2z2z0 o
Foss,3A............. 4,0 00 52
Richtardssss, ss........4'0 0' i 0
Shonstz, P........ 4 0 t 1 h o
'Emnerson, 'gib .... . 451 1 5 1
Frye,e............. ..351 1 .1o
Tate, 1b......:,.. 4 1 5 t1 0 0
Steele,f.........3 . 1 t30 0
i ~33 4 72'7 13,2

'usumightyr good hnciuse for secosndsstl"B Nf)'a"nSd I Y
'it seat utce'rtsinu thirds.I


l -sr.'usugi'sssc sfitsrte sannsual Cap
Night cel'br'ion'uu are's''noiw sns'arly' cost-
tletedl. '1he Cosssmsittee, conssistintg (if
',metrmanis, NMorgsans assdlVesdder, have
unusushush tllthisngsneucessar'y', isicluding
redi ite aspeesuuc hes.
'he clsss' wil tmeeC asususal itt
varnisut.surin s o sf the canmps;the
'esluseusisn.frnt of te lass'bhuildintg,
sopthomousres iss sack of Usivensity Hall,
unosiat this'genseral library, asnd the
seniorisn thie engineernsgarch.
Ptrossmitly sit 7 :30 the Varsity bansd
a, ill leavs eteinseering biilding, head'
tug snhwst.salonsg the sdiagonsal walk.
'They wsill lie feolowesd by she sesiors
i f sll shepusr tiesnts. As she uther see-
linsarupssed,stsey will fsall its lisse.
'hue proccessionsswill thsens marchdowns
Stasutreinet his I Issn, assd hess east to
Sleepuy ihushisw. hlere a hnge bonfire
usill bse prepsared, ss that wenesshue
clsasses fille throusghth e pass at te wesC
endu, tutu cinch' aonsid tesnatural ami-
phithaste'r, te crowdsss ontthue batik'. will
hue shinehis see everysbinig. The whole
sisy suit is his he siarked withs redi fire,
situ these will asoissbhe lightedi all arosund:
Sleepy' I.Iollow..
Stephlens Downsey lissbeets seleeted
as geneacrsiralns of thin evessisig, asid
will initrouce the sisesaks'rs stid lead the
chueerinug. 'fhes'commsssittee has ilanniesd
uo lust's'fousr saddsrnsses, tisos by faculty
memberus n'. ttwso by sstude's'. Te
suitsamsilsalso hue isstersipersed with
msusic fromsu thi n d anis ssd glee clubi, asnd
isossiblhy' frossithe msandlinisclub asos.
'hue evestisigswill endl by the freshmess
fsslinig its lite asid cirelinig aruisd the
lire thistrosw intsheir caiss, whtile she
othler clsses rise ho sisig.
Ws. a. tttttt3ttUCt5 svteiInASo..
Ni. .- Iferuok it'.sswithdrawn frost
thse rtsce for latw vice-presidenst of the,
Michigan Ussion. This leases but two
candidates intshie field.

"'he recitasl if B his ouse'.sumusiu fuur
Busnshu's 'iiust5'. is o grat' ntees
to till husses if ctih'erust " ai
Prof. losret-, 'hutsdy.s " Thtiusmusic is
sit isu''sis intrt tunsof thes'thughst wh'ichu
G'osets usu sthe sha smbo idinisthsssitramastic
isses.. '1The sisamas ws ucosncesisvedlits
1775atutu si'.estseight ussr s of lie
authsor''.attesntion.s isAmosssg h.stehe's
friensussits Seimasru tudhis'.Kasrl ASugutt
its s w ell receivedu, luts Schiller sss
sispleasedl with it as ti prodhuctisonsfuse
this stage. fHis criticisms'.shadshosmeusef-
feet sit the gesseral pubhlic, suit its ifits
Beethioves, studsyisng hetheamsuis directly,
caught thintute spirit if it ansde sysms
bsolized is its susic. Goiethe was de-
lighthedsithsiithe us utsicaul adsiititus std
sinucs'thiestit his alwa'syasseen giestwith
te music and siu Gfet'hes'osriginally'
wr'ote it, dspssis ite h 's'itic'i'ss o f Schuil-
'T'es'eceitaul,uwhsichsis giris wthutt
admssissionssfee hsy Miss lavis andsi-Miss
Farliss, wilisake place this afternoon
uS 4:30, it in ieze Metsosriaslhal
AN srgeausdiesnce' sill ns ubsit ishi
t hseainJudsge F. Fiinley Joshsons, of
the susrsnetuu coistmiof te Philippsine
Islandsss, saddrlessthts'pun'sesties'his8ofte
TDaft Reisiblticanstclibhtoitglt h8 o'clocek
ini Scott'.suanciiig a'csush'emy sits Sits'
street. J udigs' Johnss's'high pousitiost
intshe PhilipsineI'Vsitsnis,Iis trsavels,
it JapanssatutuChinat, tutu Iis iintate
.connecetionssiswihS'cr'i'tary 'Taft istine
tut intstin adgesuss'..fromss im
'Te rest ofthue programuts sill b il ilesi
hsy IHlust. CC. I,. Narrnt, delegate' to thi'
r'epublsicansnatiol s cn1vsuts ions, NV. W\.
Wueuetteyer,tuund ssss'om e scelent t susisis.
ugs'Jhsonss halat isely'piresesnted,
te sun'librasry wills aifilsh etiSof hilip-
Iputs' reposrts, susssssg which ore stins of
Isis ownsdecisiosssstut lists's'atsraeds
,itern'aihittinl, ntice's. 3Jtugs' Johsosst'
sott ill eniir she Uivsersity this fsill.

Anouagangalan, the'' Filipino clb,_
ra'. oss at a banqet lass evesisg
iv esn itshosor of Jiuge R. Finley Joh-'
sit, fsrmser sereary of hic law facnlty
situ at presentjs ticel of'iSes'supresie
cturt fthiss Philipises, anth Get. A. .
Lawushe ss' u''istat ostmsssiaser geseral
tash formessiaussitior usf liiiPhiliippine
Islandss. 'fle formsser gtve a talk ott
sits'rictus tushPitihiliie Lawnyes ands
AmusericanssatutuPhiliinphe juges,"swhile
te siter'' ssubject wss" CuvllService
ints e hi ilippinlte."
NhIsues wh'osuresponsder)sltuoitoasts
usr sr'J. . W'olfsons, iois"sissssssgpssga
st"; H. N.'Coles, sit '"Edutcationin lthits
I'l titiiuue'.'': tushd Phii Knis'ker'n, sit
''Schoolu'ihussys its Msania
One os f Sissksptre' stost sdeightfuli
co'ieiis'siia ill affordl te fUniversity
bodsuy tushthis'elusse f Annss A r suit
'stestiuiusg esesisg tomour ruwinstgt
"'T'welfths Night"sis to lie sntsed as
te Matjesic stheter Sy irs. SWiliamt
Hofmannsssasnd a cash of Usies urity tu-
eits tash faculty
Iis p rout cion of''TwsefthiNights.'' A
sag uits ttus'' sf cstmess hue ests
madess'his iamel knowsnfitm-o sutumes'
its Detroit, esp5ecially-for te performs
sntomorsssroevesinsg. A scenicris'sit
is 5555we'ngag n ain uiitig sprcial
sdu'tii'y fusethis'erfumanc'
If ts'enr'heas's sscast he s'onssie'ed
:s itiuictti'.5'of the is'ailuproduc5hstintiof
'''inelfts Night"htomosrowsv eesing a
Isishunsh erfs issussce is asusurd. Foru
ts'e'lutst thins-c weeks'.te castshavebee'
reheuarssing iiisust sdaily-.
A specialsmussial programtas lstbees
pr saled. iAn oc'etrtaunhsisges.
fromsusthus'SciuholfofiMusic suns'to funtishi
te usssic. Dingi Ctue sdiffeessas u's.thus
followusing rugnutoif Shakspsiieare snsgs1
with he givess hit'Eare Rilleess adha
chorunss'osf y'ounsg swsossenusfronuthie Sethoosl
of Msilc:
''Mistress Muie," unsknswsn-Twvesth
"ComesUnds.sser 'ihese eloSn d tss,"
Hiesnry' Putrcel-Thse'Tesmpiest.
"Who'IssuI.Syi-a ?" raise Schubhet-
Two Gentlemseni (f Veronas.
"Bid Niec Disconrse," Sirn hsry Bish-
"NWhens That I Wsas a Littsle Tiny
Buy," Josephs Vernon.
Anotsher addition to the usual 'per
fosrmanusce sof "TwselfthiNight" sil e
aclassicdin ssceSy Mils asritrshorn, of
Bause rut gysstsasisss. This will be givess
a splce' apphroriaute for i,-te cusr
scense its"'Twelfths Night."
'he excellessce of the Majestic hea-
see fusorussimatic productsioss as given
hy Uiveirsity ast'. forte Usiversiy
ibodsy' andltewnspeope of Asis Arbor
s'prsnvel at the recent prouctio of
"L,'Avarse." After te performnsce spe-
cican'rswilbe rnisfrontte corser
If Masynasrdl aunsd Williamnsstreets.
'ickets fuse "Twelfth Night' ay ie
secu'red ailysuinat NWalr's front 8 a.its.
to is p. it. Gsood seas say nouw he
'obtinusedsilli all par'. of ue }ouse. Thus-
prices sre such that all may be accomss-
msissaes-So cesss, 75 cets, andul$.oo.
The interest heig naiet t inte
pres-'entaion ou f ''welfh sNights' tosnor
roswseveinig is showns by uelrg uitis
lie f women f the faciy atdlof
Anns Arbor whos are patronesses fuse
te plasy. 'hue folowisg are parotesses
Mesdlamtes eal, Babcock, Bennett,
freakey, Canipbell, DOoge, Doglas,
Draske, . C. IHedterson, VW . Iten-
sersont, IHinsdmale, iHoff;, insey, ilHow-

lautnd, Josrdlan, Kelsey, Kemupf, Lawence,
Li tu, C. Losckwouod, S. Lockwood, Loit-
buaud, 'Mauck, Milliss, Muruuss, Patteso,
>Vaughsan, Wait, Wemuley,, White, antd

Excellent Program for Day Com-
pleted- -President of New York
College Will Glive Address.
Ct.'itusiis'uti'u daisy' fuss'thes'casus'.of
toS sill b hi'ISusr sda.Juts' t8.'thle
e'xecss'wsilt hei-glt uos:,sus a.sit.ands
uill his hhuh itsUiveri. sitsIlsll. The
auddrhess f thus say nll b itvgnssby'
JohnsL Fsileyts, i phrs ident f thie
('CllegesofSthe itsity ofNnwVYork
IDeitan Coolem'osithits'e'ngineer'sing sic
Suinnet s.ha ss nchos'nsciei'f mashalssts
ofthisdaysissy the itnelstsfusmutrcisofthise
clasusecswill hibe sunrhis dietions. ITis
graisdutinug classs hiss'seeral Is-
partment's ilimsit at oi a.si., st places
Shsss M um it h deit's'is' swinssstheex
cr, ' its ''uuusu'hhsiis 's'ar reqeste to usstin oti
8, is tiiis'itu 1Htll, Sy 9:3t. 50
Poitsinthis proc'essionttath seats ii
this stll smith hi' nsa's isu furrthensilT'he
membssus'of thesf'utiesh and ttheuirfaust
lies 5'.hissdesire Mr' ,5555wsiasacusuhi
its RoomuuAS by us 'o a. I II,
Notic'e'is givenustosthe ublcs' th
set nthis'galler'ty sitS it s'e ''red
foste his-emsbehsrs of tiii-famitlies ofthis
graduaitinisg classes. Tlisi' wil lesve
roomussforunlysis ' ufesm'outsdes.nT'lere-
tutu's'nusts e'c'ept'ho tse' iswhom.ttikts
'itd.hue reisatives of thits'adateii'
andiussuluotuhh iss thus'ece seithes ickets.
will be ad uitsdstoSthelery aus'ti' 9:30i
v'antce.Tickt hldters sill metitunderiti
to this'gymsitatsiumtin atbody
At 3 p. Iu. thes'afistyh sf thes' issusususu
sihc eatenti mwill bsushin sforsmals
rcp isis'forut'he'r.studsts tithits lstmit
of Drn sdale
Clasusay exercise'.ssite literary,
lae, engineering, acsdshomosueopatic d-
pauunesuumw. xill Se held outl.Moday,
Tuesday, andhWednmesay of gaduaiout
Mhondsay, Jsueg, st 2 pinsithmie lws
sluaSrtinsgainUfivshenity Hal. Pee'-
sleuth f. A. hDeSiit ill address te
class. Williamss 1i. Reetons will folow
withs tie casus history, anss Alfred W
Brnwthsuuh A te poen. Harow A
Cl.h-rk silh readushsie psrophecy, ad Juliu
. Crahius I.clau' nsseao. IT. V. Birth
nuill disse the exercises is vslediitorian.
Oiu 'T'uesdauy, Jiue if, ai o a. n.,te
sesion its seel unduuer T1appiansOak fr
tereexercises. Gesige I. Hobart,
presidenut, delvers te addures; Miss
Maurtha Do~swney, te hisory; Miss
Edithi V. M~eads,the pouem, and Mist
Elsa 1,. IsHlle, te prpihec. Albert
ID. Peaurce is lass oratori.
'Tle iussunops sill observe their class
sayissy usa ttiqie suunnue. 'he class
nillitake te interturbanstrolley o thus
woodsstc-siif /nA rbtt-ot, sundiSliese
hol sacamupusire' 1banqm~uet, 'Tuisdahsy, at 4
i. . bThere Will bhis'dsuuseseb y fain
slty mesmbhes titu casussiresident R. CC
Case. -
This'egiueeniug departmenuitilho uli
is exercises in titsesungineering cusrt,
Wedntesdlay, Justne 79, ait o a. it. 'lie
first art f mshsnprograesuus t'.hitssiging
ef Michigansogsiugby tie class. IDean
Cususey' siti addurss this'cass,tash Ed-
wasrdi. M.. Ihonuey will deleivr suitessay.
FordT.B.ovd is 55historian. Harry. H.
J.irist,willehcuos' thus programsuswith the

Ireiii's addex.

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