THE MICH!ISAN DAILY _._:. G. I Wild Comlpally Our Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic I WWOOLENS I Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited~. G. ff. Wild Comfpally 3t1t South State Street Ifyou Need v%. THE MICIGAN DAILY. Managing ndilor--ARCHER F. RTCcuIE. Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. EDITORS News..........Donal H-. Haines A\thletics ..........Lee A White athletics, Ass't..... . C. EtRdridge ,xchauge .........Robert Mountsier 1Iusic ..........Roy D. Welch D r.ama ............ Raymond Visscher oVins Editor.... Louise Van Voorhtis EDITORIAL, STAFF kussell Mscl'arlandul Chauoncey IBoucher NIGHT EDITORS Donsald L. Kinney Robert Moreland .\lii bael 3B. -llogh Fred K Gtoodintg Leonard C. Reid EPORTERS Lowell J.(Carr J. Pt. Prescott Walter K. 'lowers Louis Kraft Patul Greer Samtuel H. Morris O tto t oget I?. G. C. Williatms NI.M,.-Abbott 11. L Arnmstrontg Ii. . i jorey 1). Flotte. PattIlLeidy Tennis Racket A set of Golf Sticks or Athletic Goods ctf atty kintd, yout'ltlbe sattsfii.d thtat yotn have thte best, ifthey olies'CtCftrotht Sheehan & Co.'s Official National League Ball is te stant-d o f tiestoeld. ntnhe great worl's hantionbip ame beteente Chicago Naitinats andtteteotAmericoos the SpatdinLeague toll was used. The spalding Ottteiat National teonse' Boalt is is wsed by Yate, tarsvawltPrintceton and ott euominent eottege teams. tihe soldiereyant sailors in the Porised States Ainy ad Nosy use if rx- etusively. 1n tsetiti incierstisettsee- evrBase tait is tPiayed. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yoek, Chicago, St. touts, San Ftransco, Mitnncapotts, Denve~r, Buffasto, Syeacuse, Pitts- borg, Phttladetphia, Bostoo, Cnctnnati, Balti- mare, Washintone, Kansas city, Ctevetand, New Orleans, Detroit, Motntreal, Canada. BUStINEdSS STAFF Jolhn F. Wurz Carl H. Adan. Harold P. Gotuld Address: MICIGAN DAILY. Press Bldg. Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : 1-2 p. in., 7-8 p. M. daily, except Sunday. Both phones '1'LSISAV, MA1'26, sQog. fifth EPOi;tfOt t' LtEtR. \\TIfenftoss ittering the iinstinenfc tC life electfiontfforIMicttigats Unioin tffic'ers wet feel coffstrlaitfedltelrefpelt fure oft tied if wisn~llg iagainst all ftts tillff1 isvtiethy' ifn college tpatitics, anttotutrgt 'I stfe iterest astd ethufssiasmtttttit III( Iionmmbers entittedl tsvote itt fhe tst ywtr hist onsly secnthet. Ut tairlysutonits legs. Thsert-arceImasgy lofg tes yet fttltetaketn teftare tse moveentssanlie conssidered its first' classeunninig triter. 'IThe persistenst apthfi~y a'tidletett cynicissms which is tmin-l tained tin stay cortiers of thse ciapus ltward 1the Uin uts i diemsonsstrattesf t'e faet thait mans y idbstacles are to bse over- etisiteif the oirglanizaltionf woutldIte trusely repfresenttivetof camslltsslife 5a t slaiwhle. We tbeliee tht thle noin satinig com- mttfee ihls chosetn wisely attd withoust Jsreindiie. Nowset1stshe lmembters coln- sidser their choice of the catndidates ill ast serionsl a twaisfor ais onsittsoffice is fars frotl bleissg It'sinecure tic eltys honortl. Tse sest men 1lthat cansi le ickest wsill findtihIleir capabslilities taxsed tothtel uteros, and it is ostr dusty' as mtemt- fest see ltt nitte bust thse test come lede suchirestponssibilities. Andtinotwt5a5wont of cauttiots sitsthat Oild tbogie-site pleidging. Youissoen, who asi istmetsbers still lie askesd for sop- for, sie it toi thse tUnions and to yoiur salelf e ft otake so sdecisiotn hastily, to take in pleidges rashly. We heartily concut inI the setimsents of thse recent commfniclationls fy "oth,' swhenlhe says. "'The result of the electiontshlolt le- ttetdsotlelyottpersonllm eit.-. It is sty to each membder toinqustfire ast the qttalificationss of the tortsnstme, adto i decide for hismsel issfto who is the mats test stitedl for te tposition." If every titter wousl bittafike his ssfrage a little sore serioussly itndt stiffen sup a trile sn his ota self-respect, there woul btlle few' eletionstsmiscieid, sitce all the siles oftiflbe cleverest politiciati couflasvail oshing aganst the sell- conasainedfmansho iwaesnts it le shwnt" is goodii rsason for vetifi s iise is skel \We sunderstandthatblifhe princial cats sislites Itlis 1mututlly greedl tsattthere shatll le ntinsg lut stra~gt electitn eerinsgstnl it is outr siterest hpthaItf notl esess ihemostsettusiasfic Iescs mianlt sill allowassusgt bust straigft merit It itsselIfto have hotlys5coffested ee tin.It is well thatths iee cmpillis- flicad psiiliies f ecahs ttsst shule weighedl ithe lan llices of blidethofirousghtly aqintitlstedlwstillsthe fatr-cosrdls f eery cnideliIi. list ssoswetmassjudfige. wisel, isisting tat ft-e ittal coice sshl l'se5atman tto ctilf- isis.ourfaihsstsdlrspetea s swell s friships or ladmlirati.Atsd Iif.sthei askiedlforetosr sptIlt, se lmalke stt lil anllser is "Isill fhink abloitit.1 havsen'tf lmlade iupi mfy mind ylet--u llst11 le gladto iicnlsiter yore friedi. tfe feehl ofitfe mfsttIdtesigfingfwill le sttnlandf'ccsill le fferel fo' titl Theiisitiiitin demans ens tfhuisisfic flite 'roilt' seiouls cnidrailltion. Tlk lie moeriitwsithi y~fourfriefds, 51nd1its. fitsnhain'tg noineit lth t~e lbesf ttaf trepr esnf tisiithIe Unin toe- j ut ()iCanti Drama Muss hi 55 5 tGtVES 0C11AL. Nltss Jstlis Klatherine Klager's grasdui- ftin recital lstsight was mossst itterest- ing. .liss KMagers playitg is at l timscmustsicianlty. Sh5 st-f Sacusirei a techiqutie swhichenledlthIer to give fman~y difficult wosrks wit ease an godl effect. The HBeethovietsontat, Ot. 26, otpeed the programlt. It wassplabyetitf it careftl iandtsafisfactory mnnster. Te Basch C mtinor prelude atirtfugse, adi the Schumatnntt"Romtace' were alst well layed. Miss Kliger's cipale tech- niqutlan luencisely were also eiett ill ftfe WVeber Cntfertstuck. Ast agreeblle sfage presence aiil eisy adi grcefsl mlannler ssist lisKlager's fmusicisl ac- coitifshttent ttn smaksng her playig effective. Commltfenceeni-t sle-iverything re- dstediltftcorst rie. Hesry & Co., N. Uliiiversity. 756 Siior swaist trosers, all colors, all sizes, all prices, at Allen's. 9eds Seisonable shirts-$...too asd p. Wag ter & Co., State St. 70-5 1 COS.LOPOLITAN CLUB WILL ENTERTAIN CONVENTIO7N Eight univtersitiesssest rersetaties ft lice.smeetinsg f the Associations of Cosmopolitats Clubs heli last Decenter at Madisoi, N'is, Michigan wsa repre sentedl by A. S. Kurkiain anti A. C. Schmoidtl. Thfe et meetitg of the sso-i citions will le heldl leneiuritg the Christisas vacation of this yeir. Is is extiecteid that te tmeeting will hisve rep resentafive s front iotare ctalleges thst anymeisn lg to ate. fhie (Cosmopitolitn lianual for iwof ;nm ii ahistory'f te Miciganfis mptanlccli,, stillshei'lists f its for tier tfficers aitdlart accoinitf the ar- fiillie's fthle club. Theclish strtel iwitli ighit-iteinsebties, reresentitnlg nitise coutnries,isntiinowr sitsfifs5yinie msemtbees fruitsseenteens conteis, set' eral iof swhtiimtae fissorar tieisblers fothe fai'iity. Its Septeisbler,' sqo, A. S . Ktrkjiaisn t the Cosmstopolitist- defiite'titgs fr wh ieli te re stork ing.NThese lre(I) tsit te clisbs hosna bettrfinancisil s iis; (i21 o kecep initoutch sithsouris'alttiiinit t estlsh sii l thust iite d siesr ,'tco usl nts ito swhichithey' hav'e ri' ieeudy'foriginsstueitfs; anfd(4) ito idi ll ire cait to organize nstmattsaii' aii ssocition f Cosmoputolitn clbs, s tsasitohbe ater ableit crrey'oitheia wourk sit sel hbegnl." madeih'for thle annuailtbanisquteit ibeihel 'The followtiitg tfficers swer elcted: irecsiden'tt, ConsradlRafps. Gemanyti; vici- prsient, H. P. Piltdes, 'sTrkt'y; re- corduiig secretry, FreiderickiNla~yhodsl Canada;l coIrresponduing seretary Fl-i, Ilocso, PhlippineItslandts; tesr', ,Mihal T'ier, RisiauIassistnst tes- urer GuilermoiiElt''Is Fute presiden--W. W. Merritt, Vo, rIi; J. 1. Ogle. '7, '9. Reordinsg secretary-iH. L. Barkdutl, 'of; F. N.Stith, 'o8,'tomn; M. M. Kertla, 'o. Literary viceprsidett-H. A. Bund- sciss, 'o9; J. F. Wr, 'o9, J. K. Wat kitts, o9. Ettgineeritsg vie-president-S. J. Da- tisotn, '08;IH. A. Treat, 'V); M. . Qtiiitn, '0. Lass vice-president--Floyd Olds, .'ot; Data . icyfrot, 'o; X. A. H-e~rtck, Mesdic vie-preidett-G. H. Fox, 'o9; Stattley Ctu, 'so; A. H Gidditgs, 'o. Phsaritietl, atd hoitiop vice- irecsiideit--A. H. Sisith, 'ogt; 1. 1R. Nlellons, 'ghs .. oxutatis, '9(1. Sotf collar sirts lt cst. IHetsry'& Coi. 7i-i SiONs fIT1'"ist Tyig thur Lea~ves, sit They NNon't ComeacHiatwi," ilusstrated at tife'iheatoriutt today. 9s-6 'itefore yost settle dots-i to "bote" to- ight,-is little rereationi at the Thea- torium--5 cents. f Going to Graduate? YOU WILL NEED VISITING CARDS To enclose with your intatons leave lour orders early Eugraved plate with 100 cards $1.25 WAHR'S University Bookstore (C. [. BARINHfL Law and Medical Books For State' Hoad Exatintins Ldy's Medical Stale Boards, Questions and Answers - $3.50 Ldy's Dental State Boards, Questions and Answers - $2.50 Owen's Law Quizzer, Questions and Answers - $4.00 flalght's, Questions and Answers..............$3.50 Bickensderfer's Elements of Blackstone, - - - - $4.00 Olser's Modern Medicine 7' vols., - $42.09 CASH PAID FOR YOUR LAW. MEDICAL DENTAL BOOKS C. [. DARTN[M LAW AND MEDICAL BOKSLLIR Tel 761. 326 S. Stae S. Senior Noice Studeints des iig ofictieat 1908 STEINM wilt ease orders at Arnold's Jewelry Stre. Prins.$2.50 .ewd Visiting Cards Finest sgratede(edtds towest pices. - Pat andt 100 cards $.23. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220 S. MAIN ST Failcy -Postal Cards Four - 50, Four Get your pick AT THE U. of M. Co-Op Store University School of Music BURG LARY* INSURANCE As necessary as your summer vacation. Pays for the loss of all swrticles taken from your residence. For particulars enquire of CASUALTY INSU RANCE General Agents Empire State Surety Co. 50 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICHi. Phone Main' 6505 (: Ii I'll. a! 121 Washlngton E. The Randall Studio, Ran dalild& Pack, Props. .Phone 598