THZ MICHIGAN DAILY MERRY WIDOW. SUNDAE 15C EAT THE HAT E. E. CALK1NS, Druggist. ,24 Soth Stte Street., AMUSEiMENTS THE WATER WAY BETWEEN DETROIT AND BUFFALO - 'Itt' tr.! ttono' kt'r a t ~p s .,,w-v - :^I arns ~ttatlro and lt gra Fll,, a s eoirer _ t<.IL TCKETS AVAILABLE ON STEAMERS _4tM o t. tp A~ttrhieIa~t Uat ra,, tI'Ptx,5 nd DETROIT & BUFFALO STEAMBOAT CO. To Care for Hardwood Floors Thea Simplest Way-the Easiest Way-the Best Way is to use Old Englih Floor Wax. It is economical, easily applied and F produces theariorh, sudued lustre which is s.. highly pried and which canot be taiebrod in sny other savo. it is beter waxs and it's this quality that's put into Old English Fler Just as goodr for furitue and you canaane it on your grand piano wttl the asurraceo tat t canaotin aebt it will obliterate the -' scratches aod tast beautifully polioh, "The wax with a fjarate" - Makes your woodwork-look like new and Otto whole room more sanitay.} You ca gt it here (tut p in t, 2, 4' and 8 11), catas). i. covers 300 square fot. Come to or store attatlet us tell yu how to use it to make hardwood floors beautiful. FOR SALE BY C. H. Major (ft Co. 203 E. Wasihtgton. We believe int he Students Their -credit is good wihits AN ABRGAR.AGE MAYNARD STREET AUTOMaOBILEIS, MOTOR BOATS, [NGINES, STORAGIE, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIE(S SALES AGENTS FOR ROYAL TOUVRIS;T THOMAS DETROIT TOUKIST, THOMAS afd MAXWELL I.x stock., UNIVERSITY NOTICES 'le Yar . '''''C'NA sil hldath ir tactl miteettgtay'l sat 4 p.tatm. his ,)Mtrte Sat ib tll seak onTti 'la Essecerof (C'htisiait. tir. Hed rert. Rich,rof IDetroi, asill ie aa vicoor a iarthe amedical adepateto Tuatrray. Duritgthemaonig tar sill give atstecial cliic tmericalctuetts. "Mr. Luarwsill lctaare ittStais, rat Peutndr h asices orf La Scidado hsoa tatheIrapanaoll lectreas tatrttt 'at triat 4 . All ittertdacte Wih"tb ritpacfr gctheII head af tare tabI l', sixty junaira'Tis an iratc t arlaIaaratte nincluhousrlas 'trien I'g. Secrytorast,. fr aIrry .'. Sar 'e~.wospake of'liar Satiftwitge 'larrn, atraotrClaratcer ldlrlirge''.. aticla Doprirrttrrs levrlyrtre'lsered'la rar"a 'arit'. it tlt r r af ta . Prtf Ca. I 'r '(rTyne, ifarecspondrintg. !o'tae entimen ''"aturachoatie is Brief yta.I Farllt'" alascusete cho atie ota ie trork. IPrfl. .C. a.'. ltrtr t helar'- th aclatyi.get atswett.rd t'h oatr. "Wi'se a thfl erraie. ID. A.. -hnratla.''Catl I. C.'Graw '.strujetlwasat 'l'sctt''ist'Stniras" FORIl (tN' 'A tdeirablae art'y tf atun rttrten ratat obtn tainatccommr. odataatte losat raonabalert atelr.sarge smokngit roarincotnneciton. Attly at 23i S. 1a.'.C se (cndIdora frottall us halbosat 'ahtr's lark trs. . ' I (tacF~ lc trtar tso. \'agttr.''& Co.'' Static S. 7-5 LOST--'-(aia'rof glasser'sitin bak 't.s Findaer ple.ase 'caliup aa i, Bell potat'' 715-1.. We cr' artr(tll liars'f axremec'ttteil arc taistt rtser at :llr'a'. 70atrat Watgnaer & Ca., ttfatberrdatalres. Sarir. S. Operaeeanitg. I Poanaa ntaratiats (ait allshp. a Allen's.7-o '''W'etara tatveraltstudents wo at ve tr hadarIxpe rieceeltintt"gaoodst"ntarhla oar. Can 'atatfferacl' earbtrness ror' posi-~tat tarnto thrit''git arary r.Geart& (ail fr. Cta.1arnn"it h" 24 lcar thIn'latesti sngrts(andarlse at ,o shwat ltar.'TIcato trtumr. t Firsttshowainrg o~fmareas's tara'at" 'aaager & Co., Siate S. 7-35 Shirts! Sirt! Sits!l Evaerting tar shiti'.at Alern's70eod L'ongmtantCo., Potogapher. ropt. avicas, lanterna slides, atd postcards. D- veloping atd priatitg for amateurs a specialty. This 1irm consists of Wilt amsa, foramery with Lyndon. Thomtpon, who hat had several years' expericce, and Lotngman. 36 Suth State street. Phone to. tf e Thee is a differener ia biliard thbles. W'henrtyouarty on a Brarasts c 1-Baltr youra nowates a istthe est. We ratv' to other BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. 1'IZS. Stater - 311 Mawpr MOE'S BARB~ER SHOP 703 NorthUivelrsity Ave. O. A. MOE. H1ATS HIATS HATS' Every fashionable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS The nattiest and most approved fash- ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. Stein-BlockClothin~g Every Garment a fashion plate THlE ACME OF STYLE STYLES H-ERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCIIMIIT, APFEL & CO HOAG'S We are offering a good lie of rriedi'rxi priced BEA;SE BALL GOODS arid FISHING TACKLE H OAG'S. Cor. MssiA a end WaishInjto.n oft'lrclrat[> ,are a deaarof ass catty. Ii's \ J apuresi:rll l d. fiat the nlyThea'trtter's Are 1"tc1yflt(1ttra tr t ew xcisve vri 11 s h Bigto. 111 ra'ey enouagha as satisfy aaas of mrelrnowrthis--tily P", .t everytroady. Altlametalparts thea ndarttataeatn. T'li reAare cthavy iel-lat brharst. is thre,uand thy'crsitaonlyyaqu ar or deatercan'tsaupply you, a a patir. Rtiarrat patrwil bh seat apon receipataof price, PiltIEE PNER tneCtOlD718MAKETST..PHIAA. AI XTRACHARtE FOR IHANSOME HOLIDAY BOXES MAKEaSor PItunONAIUSEDRS Twelve Good Breakrasts In One 3 UFUU Package ofS IIKU)V B)WhEATI if-you lruya two packages of SHREDDED WHEAT Biscuit for a q.uarter~the regular price) you have a delicious, ntuscle-ttaking, strength-gTiving breakfast for C cents-- more realntri~trment titan is to be found in any other food in the wo~rld for the same money. It contains ALL the body-building elements in the whole wheat, mlade digesti- ble lay steam-cooking, shredding attd baking. If yoau serve SHREDDEDT" WHEAT BISCUIT properly you will like it better than any other cereal food. IT SHOULD) ALWAYS BE HEATED IN THE OVENT just enough to restore crispness and flavor. For breakfast, pour hot tmilk over it, then add a little cream and a dash of salt, It is also delicious in combination wretrid, If you like the Biscuit for ror breakfast, you will like TRIS- oyster rC U I"I-he Shredded Wheat vegetables. W for-au a Tasat s-with hutr- 3 Now IFilms Tues.. Thx~s. andlc Sat. TH1E CASINO MAIM STUR MT Pianist, MISS MAUDE STANTON ILLUJSTAED1SONG SOLOIST MISS OLIVE STANTONI